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/fa/ - Fashion

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17111544 No.17111544 [Reply] [Original]

alright fags, instead of being racist for once, help a brother out: what should a black person actually wear?

>> No.17111552 [DELETED] 


>> No.17111567
File: 211 KB, 828x809, 0105FD25-0AD0-4E88-B914-79FC7EE8244A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black peoples look great in these

>> No.17111572

Umm nothing specific but I think the color yellow works way better on y'all.

>> No.17111573

Chains or some tribal garb.

>> No.17111583

A prison uniform

>> No.17111604

Upload face or body

>> No.17111606


>> No.17111609
File: 49 KB, 564x564, 349d02568cd3a77603d03f9e987e9ec0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need clothes for work and i dont want to look like a thug + no athletic wear. everything i look up online for black people is either gangster shit or athletic shit

>> No.17111617

That's not you
Stop larping

>> No.17111621

its not me. you're right. thank you for pointing that out.

>> No.17111665

Have you started the job and seen what your coworkers are wearing? If so, it's easiest to copy them. You haven't told us anything about the job to give recommendations for

>> No.17111670

>what should a black person actually wear
Hear me out... Clothing

Skin color doesn't really make an impact on what you're wearing (wearing stuff like a full white or black suit might, even though it doesn't matter) but try to avoid clothing associated with negative stereotypes towards your race and ethnicity.

Literally don't dress like a hoodrat. Don't wear durags and wife beaters with a chain unless your name is Tyrone and you frequent a local convenience store everyday for malt liquor

>> No.17111702

This honestly. Going to work isn't a fashion thing. Just set some comfortable clothes aside that are well suited for what you are doing and wear those. I wfh in IT so my uniform is shorts and a t-shirt but when I had to go out I would wear a casual suit.

>> No.17111970

yeah true, but i feel like there are whole worlds of fashion cut off to black people because you'll get made fun of by other black people and white people will look at you weird because you aren't dressed to match their expectations.

>> No.17111992

>you'll get made fun of by other black people and white people will look at you weird because you aren't dressed to match their expectations.
Fuck those people. Your goal shouldn't be to match their expectations but your own instead.

To tone it down a bit, those black people are the same who wear $30 underwear with shitty branding, saggy pants that don't go up to their ass cheeks, some gay ass graphic shirt (or some retardedly expensive brand shirt), and walk around with gucci flip flops or $400 sneakers that look god awful. On the other hand, the white people who would complain about that stuff wear sweatpants and tie dye vomit shirts with a famous 90s band they don't even listen to. Both have room temperature IQ and retarded mindsets

>> No.17112093

true. i just came out of a mega depression anyways and need to get my confidence back up again. thanks for the help bruhs

>> No.17112105
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whatever you want brother

>> No.17112109

A suit with a white button up shirt

>> No.17112155

blaks cant be depressed ur too stupid to have a concept of normal human emotions

>> No.17112183

tell that to my therapist

>> No.17112190
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>> No.17112192
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>> No.17112205
File: 121 KB, 656x917, 1E82EEDB-EA35-4CDB-BDF7-F31ED9C1095C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear something like this

>> No.17112207

thats some fag shit

>> No.17113137
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>> No.17113180
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But really though, you need clothes for work, then just wear normal ass formal clothes that every corporate wage cuck wears, instead of looking up "black people clothes".

>> No.17113183


>> No.17114125

fuck you bro its cute

>> No.17114151
File: 77 KB, 482x857, 673647F0-266E-4BF5-BC29-C83576ED5B7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id on jacket?

>> No.17114167

I work at RL (their cafe) I fucking love polo bear so much he is so cute. I have a tumbler mug thing with him on it. Not sure why but rl polo bear stuff is always way more expensive than their other items

>> No.17114183

i dont look up "black people clothes". i look up people with my skin tone and try to see what looks good on them so maybe itll look good on me.

it is cute but i cant wear it :/

>> No.17114241
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>> No.17114376
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>> No.17114379 [DELETED] 

These nigs pay US for the chains we put the. In now hahahahaaba

>> No.17114382

>I need clothes for work


You just want to dress like you have a job so you can steal

>> No.17114386

i make more money in a day than you will ever make in your entire life neet faggot.

>> No.17114426
File: 298 KB, 1200x1081, johnjames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you dress to impress.

>> No.17114478


>> No.17115988
File: 74 KB, 640x480, CA1F1CB0-900E-4679-997B-5C28ACA6EB0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now try comin to da hood n say dat shit bitch azz cracka. Ho azz trick bitch. U get ya shit pushed in nigga real talk.

>> No.17116010
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*to impress white folk

>> No.17116022

if you don't know what clothes you like, look at clothes on other people until you figure it out

>> No.17116027
File: 62 KB, 564x975, 62985f9ad02f912d7df545dd82795bdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ight blood ong in the whip now to come beat yo nigga ass up no cap frfr gay azz nigga

>> No.17116045
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>> No.17116167

You people can get away with some really zany colored suits.

>> No.17116175
File: 135 KB, 663x440, les sapeurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is correct

>> No.17116249
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Blacks can get away with wearing more vibrant colors, but for goodness sake make sure it is structured.

See Chalky White from Boardwalk Empire for reference.

>> No.17117420

You could wear anything that white people wear and you would look better in it. If that's you in the pic, you look good enough in order to be able to pull off wearing some crazy shit even and people won't think you're a weirdo (they'll think you're a model. I'm saying this based off of personal experience)

>> No.17117433

I'm >>17117420

I get this. Actually I get attacked by people on the streets at least once a day for my outfits. Because for me I'd rather die than not be avant garde, I learned kick boxing, so people usually quit after I slap back verbally, but I've won most physical fights... And have gotten most of my clothes fucked up.. and now I'm broke and can't afford new clothes, so I barely go outside. I'll get money again soon so I'm not worried. Kind of went on a ramble

>> No.17117454

I admire your resilience in the face of adversity.

>> No.17117493

as usual, fpbp

>> No.17117518


>> No.17117603


>> No.17117650
File: 53 KB, 659x632, 1598575432089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fatso, still fucking the land whale?

>> No.17117670

Like a white person. Light Beige looks pretty good on dark skin.

>> No.17117672
File: 889 KB, 328x270, why it gotta be black.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wear whatever you want.
Race is so last century.

>> No.17117699
File: 15 KB, 300x250, images - 2022-07-07T213035.667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Brazil black people look beautiful wearing rifles.

>> No.17117706


>> No.17117710
File: 59 KB, 350x350, knee grow uniform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17117787

You wanna bet? I earn $12k in passive income off my 3d printing farm alone...and I still work a 9-5 about to branch into my own machine shop

Looking at paying cash for a Haas vf-7

>> No.17117855


>> No.17118016

>in braz-
opinion immediately discarded

>> No.17118715

*blushes and looks to the left*

>> No.17118758

probably should wear a velvet jacket and gucci loafers or louboutin oxfords, also short dreads and get teeth whitening

>> No.17118926 [DELETED] 
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lmao, i was gonna say a rope on their necks but that's good too

>> No.17119333


>> No.17119457
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>> No.17119471


>> No.17119484

An orange jumpsuit?

>> No.17119494
File: 25 KB, 640x360, 306992-1582552530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel would also be cool for a negro brother.

>> No.17119677

honest advice, try to avoid streetwear as much as you can to separate yourself from any negative stereotypes. dress smart causal

>> No.17119788

hell no don't be a designer fag

>> No.17119810 [DELETED] 

How about a noose. Fuck off nigger

>> No.17119959
File: 129 KB, 381x353, 64342AEE-5432-4B15-8557-A49EB92460F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know why i expected this thread to actually contain /fa/ content instead of 2010 esque /b/ shitposting

>> No.17121408

where do u live so i can knock u out for wearing gaylord clothes (kickboxing champion here)

>> No.17121414
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>> No.17121428

That's not you, he probably sucks mad dick and who told you there is race specific clothing,go fuck yourself and delete this puke thread you baiting cunt

>> No.17122010
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