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File: 8 KB, 203x249, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17109760 No.17109760 [Reply] [Original]

Almost everybody these days has ink on their bodies.

Will we ever get to a point where not having a tattoo is cool?

>> No.17109781

tattoos in general no
individual genres of tattoos yes
trends in tattoos don't come and go as quickly as clothing because it's harder to get rid of a tattoo than to stop wearing an item of clothing

>> No.17109832

pic related is an example of cringe tattoos.
trad tattoo will always be superior.

>> No.17109887

I've kind of wanted a tattoo. But it would have to be something nice and "meaningful".
Now, seeing everyone covered in trashy tattoos that looks like shit, I'm so off put by it I don't want any, probably ever.

>> No.17109912

good, actually meaningful and/or unique tattoos will always be cool in my opinion
stuff like old school sailor tattoos or yakuza tattoos (on actual sailors and yakuza members) are timeless
on the other hand, tattoos get cringe when someone gets some trendy ones just to have them, think of tribal or chinese characters tattoos nowadays
all the fucking clocks/lions/roses/snakes are already becoming cringe too

>> No.17110593
File: 63 KB, 564x705, tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tats look good if they are done well and good placement. tats will also always look worse with aging + sun damage. most tats you see on people are cheap tats and done with random placement.

>> No.17112176

>almost everyone

>> No.17112191

They always were cringe.

>> No.17112370
File: 374 KB, 640x714, 308B8739-FA35-4D3F-8992-D32CA8E8EDB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current state of them being high quality and looking like stickers is really sad to me. Clocks, lion, lots of diffuse shading, cursive, this is all normie-tier retarded spic shit you see at the mall 24/7. I miss early 2000’s prison/jail stuff, it had soul, and read; hello I’m fucking dangerous. Nobody thinks your dangerous with your silly rose tattoo because you aren’t faggot

>> No.17112674


>> No.17112685

>Will we ever get to a point where not having a tattoo is cool?

Anon we have been there since the beginning of forever

>> No.17112745
File: 163 KB, 1440x1800, 201312518_323287242574123_3689023658060419930_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice i just stumbled on another artist with that kind of style but heavier and darker

>> No.17112997
File: 366 KB, 1536x2048, IMG-20220702-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17113001

>le epic hindu or w/e symbol a 16 year old girl picks out of the tattoo place window for her first tat

>> No.17113003

>I miss early 2000’s prison/jail stuff

They are still done like this. No machine, just needle by hand. That's how I had my shamrock done in the pen.

>> No.17113004

Stick & poke is as Reddit tier as a Rick n Morty tattoo

>> No.17113009

>Will tattoos ever become cringe?
There are few things more cringe than tattoos. It's almost impossible to take anyone seriously that has them

>> No.17113011

>There are few things more cringe than tattoos.
Men who are into clothing being one of them

>> No.17113012

Can I have that in a way that makes fucking sense?

>> No.17113016

Tattoo'ing by using a handheld needle is called "stick & poke" and is incredibly cringy

>> No.17113024

I was in the pen, and it was an honor, refusing such a thing could get you bladed from ear to ear.

>> No.17113026

stick and poke is based unless you actually paid money for it

>> No.17113027

Still less cringe than tattoos. Tattoos are like clothes you can never take off, so after you realize you look retarded and childish with them, you're still stuck with them. You can change your wardrobe any time you want

>> No.17113404

The fact that my sleeve causes incels to seethe this hard just by existing feels great.

>> No.17113461

Tattoos are try hard trash, they're nearly all random and meaningless for people that 'want to be taken seriously' and 'mom it isn't a phase' types.

Only tribal, prison, military and cult tattoos are good.

>> No.17113477

“Ever become”? Cmon pal

>> No.17114703

Tattoos are pretty cool and you probably won't regret it as long as you do your research and choose a style that you actually like the looks of for more than a day. Really just comes down to if you are a retard. Faggots seething about how much they hate tattoos just know they are too retarded to pick something they wont regret in the future.

and you don't need some gay meaning just pick something you like that isn't a fleeting interest or hot topic meme.
pretty cool bruv

>> No.17114707

Looks great. The other tattoos will look like shit in 20 years but this one will look better with age.

>> No.17114999
File: 77 KB, 380x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's harder to get rid of a tattoo than to stop wearing an item of clothing
Says you.

>> No.17115000

Yeah bro, I 100% believe you're AB

>> No.17115004

It's actually pretty hard to remove tattoo that way. I did it when I was 15 I think. I got a cross poked on my finger inspired by the movie This is England. I got scared that my parents would flip their shit so I used a dremel to grind it (mostly) off. Had to go surprisingly deep. Also blood splattered everywhere.
Eventually I re-did the tattoo but the "removal" scar is still visible

>> No.17115005

They're cringe now. Everyone wants to be a tattoo artist, 99% suck, and scribble tats / prison tats are rampant because of it.

I'm sorry but there is nothing charming or quirky or cute about your star on your wrist, the butterly with the flightpath, or the disfigured visage of your mom that makes her look like Picasso's rendition of Amy Winehouse.

>> No.17115006

(unless you've done time, that is.)

>> No.17115007

>I'm sorry but there is nothing charming or quirky or cute
that's just like your opinion my dude

>> No.17115009
File: 107 KB, 576x768, frenpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much the Hokey-pokey, that is what it is all about, fren. </opinion>

>> No.17115170

if it wasn't being done 20-30 years ago, don't get it. All the new trendy tattoos are mega cringe. Simple as

>> No.17115178

Tattoos have been cringe to those of us who are ahead of the trend of tattoos becoming cringe. Get in early while you still can.

>> No.17115194

Always knew they were cringe. Tattoos are for identifying slaves and convicts.

>> No.17116079

tourist here. please reconsider your diet and lifestyle in order to adjust your hormonal imbalance. the chest hair you have looks like that of a 16 year olds.

>> No.17116129

today anon learns that all guys aren't hairy apemen

>> No.17116135

You're stupendously retarded and spend way, way too much time away from the real world. Learn some basic fucking biology and science before you spout stupid garbage.

>> No.17116152

Tats on women are always hideous, no matter what.

>> No.17116782
File: 1.35 MB, 915x897, yy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tats on women are always hideous, no matter what.
wrong. just the majority of people you see have bad/cheap tats + bad placement + too much +

>> No.17116913

Terrible. Just terrible.

>> No.17117475

>Will we ever get to a point where not having a tattoo is cool?
It's already starting. In 5-10 years tattoos will be far less popular and stay that way for about 20 years.

t. Knower

>> No.17117908

>posts a "bad/cheap tats + bad placement + too much +" to prove his point

>> No.17118404

Why would you want your leg to look like your grandmothers tablecloth?

>> No.17118454
File: 584 KB, 1209x1612, 20220707_161134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this done yesterday, super happy with it but holy fuck is this gonna be annoying to heal
Not my first tattoo, but so far it seems as annoying as my hand was, almost bonked it so much already...

>> No.17118559

Whoever drew it has a cool style, but idk about having a mushroom with three titties tattooed on you

>> No.17119446

tattoos should go through an approval process

>> No.17119462

>trad tattoo
define it

>> No.17119539

I am a huge fag for flower print and even I think this is dogshit. Jfc imagine this being on your body forever.

>> No.17119801

its cute and all but a bit much for something that will literally be on your leg forever.

>> No.17120242
File: 1.37 MB, 966x1127, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that will literally be on your leg forever
At least it's something cool, and not just another [current thing] tat...

>> No.17120255

well reds and yellow dyes metabolize pretty quickly in sunlight so most of it will be gone in a few years and just the green vines will remain and spread since the skin is 97% water and it will look like a net of fungus or something on her old wrinkled sun-damaged skin

>> No.17120260

Fades faster in sunlight =/= disappears completely in a few years lmao
If that were the case there wouldn't be a nudist on Earth with a Sun tattoo

>> No.17120576


>> No.17120760
File: 48 KB, 736x736, d9b5b829c0287b7ed89523e9a2a1a07d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this supposed to have meaning or is it one of those small tattoos women get just to add to the collection of small tattoos in random places?

>> No.17120762

It's kind of cool but I think it belongs on a woman

>> No.17120843

are tattoos supposed to have meaning?
none of my tattoos really have any meaning, they're just images about stuff that inspires me

>> No.17121079

I'm a guy buut I've been thinking of getting that exact thing, haha
Either as a tattoo or a bumper sticker for my van/home
I just think it looks neat; most tattoos don't mean anything at all

>> No.17121091

Yeah, sometimes they have meaning, especially when a lot of people get the same thing

>> No.17121878
File: 948 KB, 689x830, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my new tattoo. I just saw the symbol on a telegram meme and thought it looked cool but I'm getting really weird looks in the gym shower room.

>> No.17122157
File: 2.36 MB, 958x1906, tattoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related my tattoo inspo folder
I have noticed tribal style is coming back again and I like it, but it's different than the 90s tribals

>> No.17122244

Not everyone is a disgusting sasquach like you

>> No.17122362

im not exactly sure its cool bro

>> No.17122552

>just a bunch of lines everywhere
Awful taste. GL with it.

>> No.17122560

That's what literally everything is.

>> No.17122567

Ooof bro you got me. My entire conception of art: shattered. 10/10 tats fore sure. Make sure to get one on your dick.

>> No.17122569

this is the kind of stuff that looks cool in photos but awful in real life

>> No.17122954
File: 3.34 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220710-172450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay folder

>> No.17122982

>it's all halo crap
What the fuck

>> No.17123009

Watch your tone. That's master chief you're talking to.

>> No.17123023

Which one? I'd also figure he'd have uppercase letters for his title if he's such hot shit.

>> No.17123135
File: 1.09 MB, 3024x3024, reeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love gaylo, sue me. It's just what started the inspo folder.
The important part is that instead of abstract lines it's all trad or neo trad style stuff

>> No.17123139

Tattoos are, and always have been, disgusting.

>> No.17123155

Unironically kill yourself before you pass on your defective genes, low IQ criminal scum.

>> No.17123183

>I love product where characters are rewritten at the whim of both profit and extending because of vanity the story which should have ended long ago
Bet you like the new Halo TV series, too.

>> No.17123295

>At least
Only cope sentences begin like this. Think about that

>> No.17123394


>> No.17123488

The white boys in California got that style of tattooing from cholo Mexicans you fucking retard. Check out the shit the Whites were doing before Mexican population exploded. It's all sailor Jerry shit. Wignat white trash retard.

>> No.17123498

They always have been cringe.

>> No.17123542

please post what you think is better

>> No.17123720

They never do. They always have the best taste and everything they do and like is amazing, but never provide examples. They just talk shit and sit around smugly.

>> No.17123782
File: 540 KB, 960x1606, mlp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always have been cringe cope for boring people.

>> No.17123832

Struck a nerve?

>> No.17123865

>They always were cringe.

>> No.17123941

>Bet you like the new Halo TV series, too.
Don't insult me like that.
The stuff Bungie did was great and shaped my childhood pretty strongly, I spent so much time as a school age kid playing those games. I brought my halo 2 strategy guide to school so often and read it so much it fell apart.
343i is ruining the IP, and the non-cannon tv series is a dumpster fire. But that won't stop me from liking the series as a whole, still.

>> No.17123945

It was a huge part of my childhood too and I skipped school to play Halo 2.

Doesn't stop me from hating what it's become and refusing to advertise it, let alone ink it permanently onto my body.

>> No.17124043

>Always have been cringe cope for boring people.
the fuck are you even trying to say you mongo-bongo retard?
do you even know what cope means? i don't think you do

>> No.17124061

You guys are larping, right? Those are fucking awful.

>> No.17124066

let's see yours, anon

>> No.17124085

If you're not a sailor, marine, ex-con, or biker, tattoos are always cringe.

>> No.17124212

Explain why. Surely you aren't just parroting stuff you've heard others say without thinking about it yourself first.

>> No.17124381
File: 225 KB, 1080x1245, DZJO6D4UQAEK7wO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bold lines, simple colors, in that trad style

>> No.17124394

That one is bad but honestly I'd highly recommend picking a tattoo from the wall or flash as a first one, if you dont already have a tattoo any idea you have is shit and youll get a better idea of what you really want
And chances are it'll be something trad, that goes with anything, and never goes out of style

>> No.17124398

her face on the right looks awful.

>> No.17124614
File: 2.05 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220523-021120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fair, and where we're different I guess.
I won't be getting words saying halo on me but I'm definitely considering trad style halo stuff.
For now the only tattoo I've got is that service tag on my wrist, which imo is subtle and well done.
Currently absolutely in love with this artist's stuff.
Yeah it's busted lmao

>> No.17124622

Same guy for both here.

What halo thing you gonna get and which was your favorite game?

>> No.17124681
File: 1.66 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220512-061336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've talked to the artist for the last pic and this one (ellenmellon.tattoos) about doing a Cortana in her style, was thinking monotone blue or black with royal blue accenting like the red in this pic. Really not interested in sexing up the character, I dig the cute/beautiful feeling these drawings have.
My favorite game is probably 3, it's got the most plentiful and strongest memories for me.
Ranking would probably be
What about you, friend? What's your picking order?

>> No.17124687

I don't want to shit talk, but want to have genuine questions addressed. Don't you think that Cortana has been turned into a sex object too much by coomers and the writers who in halo 4 tried to make her some cringe love interest? Like where she became "solid" from the light bridge and touched MC and said "I waited a long time to do this." and touched his chest gently with both hands?

I feel like her character has been raped to hell and back. She's supposed to be the "emotional" person to MC's "straight man" routine which is the irony considering she's the AI and he's the biological human. But this? This is fan service to a cringe level imo. I feel like the later the games, the worse they got. 3 ended too abruptly for my taste, too, with the story feeling rushed. I wish there was more Covenant stuff, too. ODST was pretty fun. I'd say 1 is my favorite followed by 2, then ODST and Reach. I read the original books and thought they were pretty good.

>> No.17124741
File: 1.49 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220516-095602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's partially that she's been turned into a sex object too much, and partly that while I don't mind and would like beautiful depictions of women as tattoos (big fan of the 'woman head' trad trope) I don't want sexualized women on me. Example being so many trad pinups emphasizing nipples poking through clothes or supremely suggestive posing. And worse being the absolute fucking degens putting literal porn on themselves in visible locations.
I didn't hate her doing the hard light thing as an end to the story, at the time I thought it was an ok send off. But as it's progressed further I've started to hate that decision more and more.
I definitely wish there was more covenant stuff in H3, and the slow-walk gravemind/Cortana bs was and is awful.

>> No.17124775

I guess I just don't like getting "brand" on my body. I feel like halo isn't that good anymore as a story. It's FUN to play, and the old games hold up great (still play them today with my father in his 60s) but I don't think that the characters would be worth putting on my body. I'd suggest putting something very niche from the series on you incorporated into another tattoo, like some of the covenant symbols and textual letters or one of the "fully charged" icons from the old school plasma rifles. Nobody would know what it is unless they're a superfan like me when I was a kid/teen or if you told them.

>> No.17124776

tats are always cringe unless you're an aboriginal or you've been in prison

>> No.17124786
File: 43 KB, 340x437, delft_blue_temporary_tattoos_large_e2a71ac5-bd5f-47a2-b6df-660db55971f4_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally get that, and agree that niche stuff is distinctly cooler. Honestly after starting to eye mono blue tats I've considered a short haired girl in that style I've been posting and just considering it Cortana without giving her the skin design etc.
The service tag definitely falls into that category.

>> No.17124788

You can make it a sort of pseudo-Cortana, like one of the other AIs but not as cringe. Homage to the concept without the direct image on your skin forever from the brand (tm).

>> No.17124790


>> No.17124922

These are the only tattoos I have seen that look good

>> No.17125040

>Men who are into clothing being one of them
Do you know where you are?

>> No.17125066

that literally looks like eczema

>> No.17125292

Never seen eczema before, huh?

>> No.17125742

>new tattoo
>on my forearm
>a week old tomorrow
>wearing a t-shirt because comf
>go out for a smoke
>was mostly cloudy but the sun was out a bit
>remember the "no sun" thing
I fucked it up, didn't I? ~10 minutes of indirect sun, it's going to be ruined, I know it...

>> No.17126324

Not as bad as how your smoker skin's gonna look.

>> No.17126486

>hey smoker, did you know that smoking bad?
>nyeh heh heh, gottem :^)

>> No.17126751
File: 87 KB, 480x480, ab8bW67oiToxl2EQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them but never wanted to get one before. Now I'm thinking to getting work done and I'm not a fan of those random small single tattos so I'm thinking doing my whole leg traditional japanese style. If nothing else, at least it's a timeless style.

>> No.17126914

>timeless style
If you are a yakuza

>> No.17127045

Clearly struck a nerve.

>> No.17127051

is it full colour? they will fade in the sun no matter what. but anyway i spent a summer farming after getting my first tattoo (solid black) and nothing happened so dont worry

>> No.17127513

based irezumia chad
irezumia predates yakuza going back hundreds of years retard

>> No.17127587

schizos in the thread deluding themselves into thinking these don't look good

>> No.17127615

They don't. Take your meds.

>> No.17127640

Just move to a different country.

>> No.17127690


>> No.17127706
File: 419 KB, 960x540, Always-Has-Been.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17127713

Who is going to love you like that?

>> No.17127714

>define it
Thick needle and limited art skills.

>> No.17127716
File: 17 KB, 600x600, low quality bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies don't know what that means, and people that know what it mean are nazis so you'll be good either way.

>> No.17127752

nobody is entitled to love you incel weirdo

>> No.17127789

>right and middle, second from bottom
I've started seeing bitches with this style now that everyone's wearing summer dresses and it took me weeks to clock that they aren't scars or random marker pen squiggles but 'art' that these shitheads it's deliberately and permanently scarred themselves with.

>> No.17127794

He already did post what's better, doing literally nothing is objectively and subjectively better

>> No.17127796

Everyone knows hate symbols. The government and rights organizations keep track of them. Unless by "normies" you mean people who don't know how to read or write.

>> No.17128054

You fags think this mesh of random teenage sketchbook bullshit looks good. But this
Looks bad? How? Its got great placement & doesnt overload the eyes with 1000 different colors & designs

>> No.17128194

i like trad but it feels like the same designs are used over and over it needs more variety

>> No.17128426

leg tattoos on men look like shit most of the time though, when the hair grows over the tattoo

I think the fact that it resembles a scar/isn't immediately noticeable as a piece of art but rather blends into the body is kind of the point of the design though
but I agree the specific designs you mentioned look a bit feminine, very soft and delicate lines

>> No.17128444
File: 290 KB, 860x972, 1607395045379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leg tattoos on men look like shit most of the time though, when the hair grows over the tattoo
Good thing I shave mine then.
Also thinking black and gray so it ages better.

>> No.17128467
File: 166 KB, 1080x1080, novyypartak-20220104-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you people think about white inked tattoos?

>> No.17128482

One beach day and its yellow, sweet.

>> No.17128570
File: 114 KB, 1024x960, e9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting tattoos is peak consumerism

>> No.17128602

How, uh...how is it consumerism?
You're more than likely paying cash to a small/independent artist/business, getting something that doesn't break on you in a year (it's actually permanent), and it's literally a design of your own choosing. Customized, even!
Is anybody who ever buys anything ever a "consoomer"? If I buy locally-produced veg direct from the farmer, I'm still consooming?
What if I go out, buy a tattoo machine, and do it myself? I bet you'd still bitch about the fact that I had to "consoom" the machine in the first place, huh?
Point being, you're an idiot and an obvious tourist who has no idea what consumerism even is.

>> No.17128635

they're for black people, dumas

>> No.17129409

they do look pretty nice as scar covers

>> No.17130207
File: 196 KB, 1440x1614, 187773696_501456584631946_787618208984421857_n alex_tabuns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another from that artist

>> No.17130225


tattoos are great. they provide me with a ton of information. when I see someone with a tattoo, I know:

>very likely had some "trauma" in childhood
>have made some shit decisions in life, don't learn from them as fast as they should
>have shitty aesthetic taste (>99% of tats look bad)
>if on a woman, promiscuous. if on a man, probably a fag who paints his nails or something.

fuck tats. every single girl I've banged that has tats was trashy. of all the semi-decent quality girls I've banged, the nice ones, the smart ones, educated, none of them have tats. also the hottest girls don't have tats, it's always the mid-tier slightly chubby sluts with body image issues.
this bitch looks like a gray skinned vampire, truly disgusting

>> No.17130328

We're already there. It depends on the people you surround yourself with.

>> No.17130334

You're hanging around the wrong people. All my friends cringe at having tattoos.

>> No.17130355

It's shitty because you're right but I just want some cool art on me because I think it looks cool, it's not that deep, for me at least, yet I will get grouped with the people you're talking about.

>> No.17130410
File: 350 KB, 1080x2097, Screenshot_2022-03-13-00-04-13-008~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread
>"I would only get a tattoo that's meaningful"
>"Like an old sailor tattoo/runes/ a lion"

You motherfuckers are literally being the most generic normie retards ever. You may as well get the zoomer cut as well and call it a day

>> No.17130422

Tattoos are just one in a huge list of things they do to you to destroy your immune system.
And you pay them for it, just like you pay for "health care" and "processed food"

>> No.17130461

>destroy your immune system
Alright, I'll bite. Elaborate.

>> No.17130466

doesn't the dye contain metals that can be toxic?

>> No.17130491
File: 60 KB, 736x669, 1657625995221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't actually understand how tattoos (or the human body) work, do you?

>> No.17130596

yeah.. in prison. you really believe everything you read online. maybe step out into the real world instead of watching tv shows all day long

>> No.17130811
File: 11 KB, 301x264, 1657487142298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upper middle class kids with no tats or piercings being extra judgy about tats & piercings
Love these threads.

>> No.17130855

Sounds like someone listens to Mad at the Internet every Friday.

>> No.17130891

trad is overplayed

>> No.17130905

The artwork on some looks great, it still doesn't change the fact tattoos very unattractive on a woman.

You're a retard for getting in that car with Milky the monkey

>> No.17130967

depends what kind of 'clothing' said men are 'into'
all tattoos are discount rockstar/accountant biker tier to be honest

>> No.17130978

and mine

>> No.17130983

>Shaming people for being well-off because parents worked hard over generations.
>Equating them to Musk babies when they have better work ethic than you.
Remember your long sleeve shirt must cover the wrist and below the neck at your wagie job, tattoo Tommy.

>> No.17130986

At least you can still use your leg

>> No.17130996

>Explain why.
because you don't buy a personality

>> No.17131013

wow you're so unique!

>> No.17131018

Way to deconstruct the argument and contribute to the conversation, my man!
>brain so rotted by Twitter/Marvel he can only reply in quips

>> No.17131113

Not him but there's several cases of lymph nodes being affected by the process
Fucking retards like you irk me with your pseudo intelligence

>> No.17131117

>Bottom of the barrel scumbag triggered and proving the kind of people who get tattoos are scum
Oh and I grew up very poor from a South American country so kys retard

>> No.17131218

>i'm a le bad ass just like tv rapper boy
>s-stop judging me check your privileges

lmao, okay tough guy.

>> No.17131487

brown people shouldn't be allowed on the internet

>> No.17131492

>there's several cases of lymph nodes being affected by the process
you really believe everything you read online dont you. how pathetic

>> No.17131503

We've been in that point for the last 50 years. Being a degenerate self-painting mongoloid mouthbreather is not, and never has been cool - but it especially started to get uncool once we realized that disease is a thing, that most diseases can be transmitted in the blood and that they're actually a danger to themselves and others because they can't just sit down and not be special.

>Inb4 boomer
Afraid not, just tired of looking at people who treat their body as a fashion statement. Nobody cares about you or your self-esteem. Get a fucking job.

>> No.17131506

>Tats on women are always hideous
>Wrong, something something placement
>Posts picture of woman who looks like a florist vomitted work all over her thigh
You're not making a great argument here. This looks like hammered shit.

>> No.17131562

But your body is the biggest possible fashion statement you can make, fat boy

>> No.17131564
File: 147 KB, 599x700, nintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're already there. Anyone with a tattoo is either like this guy or a prostitute.

>> No.17131581

Its a fashion statement you make by taking better care of yourself, not by paining on your body like a stone-age smoothbrain.

>> No.17131595

At least we have fun

>> No.17131802

Yeah, I think I'll medical studies over some retard who got smacked so badly he resorts to this >>17131487 thinking it's going to bother me
LMFAO tattooed scumbag destined to be a peasant forever

>> No.17131804

They already are cringe. There's fat house wives with tattoos now.

>> No.17132240


>> No.17133337

Based if real

>> No.17133601
File: 292 KB, 2000x2000, 4cbe4c0c75084257e10dde749343203d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos used to mean something
These days the only ones with tattoos are leather handbag looking boomers, the worst types of liberal soibois, and morbidly obese feminists

>> No.17133977
File: 640 KB, 537x672, tat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a full "abstract" sleeve because I like the way it looks and it covers my godawful skin. It's like super pale and full of moles and scars.
Whenever I feel like being fashionable I wear long sleeved stuff anyways so that isn't an issue. And without clothes I at least have something beautiful to look at in the mirror. Also daddy issues.

>> No.17134001

We've transcended the era of society where things mean things at-large to most people. Welcome to the post-post-post-ironic metascape.

>> No.17134396

Nah, tattoos are cool. Always have been. That's why they're popular. You're just being a contrarian because you think it makes you special. It's all good little guy, when you grow up a bit you'll see how silly you used to be.
>Get a fucking job
Kek, how do you think I get the money for my tats? I'm at work right now, getting that sweet 300% overtime pay baby

>> No.17134425
File: 206 KB, 692x960, 1657755878132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get a painting anon, you don't have to mutilate yourself to apreciate art.

>> No.17134435

Imagine actually going to a protest and thinking that it does something besides get your ass kicked by the state lmao.

>> No.17134448

Paintings and tattoos are a different kinds of art

>> No.17134512


>> No.17134514

that looks fucking awful buddy...are you serious? LMAO, would she wear that on a shirt? probably not yet there she has it permanently on her body. What a fucking mistake.

>> No.17134518

so bad lol is it permanent?

>> No.17134520

I love when women have tattoos like this, I automatically know to avoid them.

>> No.17134556

This is true.

>> No.17134894

Like you would need to avoid women lol

>> No.17135287
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My skin, for one, will forever be unsullied, free of any ink.

>> No.17135318

good for you buddy

>> No.17135445

This is true. I used to feel like tattoos should be contextually appropriate e.g. don't get an 1800s sailor tattoo if you're not an 1800s sailor. But then I realised that our context is one of complete cultural deterritorialisation and getting whatever the fuck you want is the contextually appropriate thing to do. You can't escape your own time, try as you might, as shitty as it may be.

>> No.17135534
File: 1.33 MB, 714x892, Screenshot 2022-07-16 at 10-41-21 氣 流 기 류 ( kiryu_tattoo) • Instagram photos and videos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about getting this on my shoulder

>> No.17135549

Worse than that. I've seen people get outrageously offended by people just asking what their tats mean, no offense or fakeness even implied. As if just asking if there's a deeper meaning to the picture permanently etched into their skin is egregious.

>> No.17136685

Gonna look awful, go for it.

>> No.17136688

i would massively simplify that design, the lines are all going to blur together with time, especially if you arent willing to pay for a extremely skilled artist.

>> No.17136692

this is dope, something very similar has actually been my dream tat for a long time. same placement and everything, except a much larger asp (type of snake) all coiled round itself.

>> No.17136741

>posts a faggot ass tattoo