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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 791 KB, 1808x2284, ChurchillGeorge0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17097363 No.17097363 [Reply] [Original]

This is peak fashion.

>> No.17097377

peak manliness

>> No.17097596

and this are real men wearing them

nowadays more than half of all men can't even grow chest hair

>> No.17098864

i cant grow chest hair and i guarantee im more of a man than anybody you ever knew.

>> No.17098923

that post was referring to european men specifically.

>> No.17099504

Real Men...
These are vain FOPs. Winnie was the biggest FOP in the 20th century

>> No.17099531

Dandyism was more subtle back then, and they weren't working class but even working class men had that one suit for more formal occasions.

>> No.17099533
File: 184 KB, 683x1024, Vin+Diesel+is+seen+at+Kimmel+Iv0NruPCWWkx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Have sex, incel.

>> No.17100569

>Americans aren't European
Yep, I knew it.

>> No.17100571

I wouldn't know that, because I don't keep track of men's body hair

>> No.17100646

OP pic of Lloyd George, and Winston Churchill hardly look foppish given the conventional sober dark gray pinstripe slacks, vest and frockcoat. No sign of dandyism here.

>> No.17102492

ah yes i love spending half my day preparing my appearance and outfit. caring this much about my own vanity and expressing status symbols in the form of expensive items is really manly and fashionable.

these guys are just hypebeasts before fast fashion came around

>> No.17102496

Men can't even stop watching porn now. What happens?

>> No.17102512

>This is peak fashion
No it isn't. If I saw anybody walking around like this I would point and laugh.

>> No.17102514

Most children would

>> No.17102523
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>> No.17102529

If you went around that time dressed like today people would think you are crazy, not a child and neither they would laugh at you only think you are mad.

>> No.17102578

Have sex

>> No.17102580

>have sex
yes and?

>> No.17102584

'I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America'.
- 'De La Démocratie en Amérique (1840)'

>> No.17102602

>waaah, everybody is equal! you can't be better than others and show it!

>> No.17102619

upholding social standards is for faggots who have nothing going for them except for the social status they inherited.
focusing on expressing your material wealth and social status over anything else is shallow and screams of insecurity.
real fashion is charismatic and interesting and real men focus on practicality in their fashion choices.
at that time in history, there was nothing interesting or practical about their choices, so it fails on all fronts.

>> No.17102628

>my opinion is fact

>> No.17102629

You are so right, modern men are the most successful men in history in cuckholdry and other effeminate matters such as androgeny, it is indeed terrific how the modern man is so practical.

>> No.17102641
File: 221 KB, 1200x801, 189247127894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


never said modernity was a template, i simply reject the generic and impractical full suit + top hat as peak fashion and masculinity. there are far more interesting, charismatic and practical outfits, ones that are made with real men in mind, not the useless bourgeois who sat on their arse collecting coin. a suit outside formal occasions is just gluttonous overcompensation. have some taste and character for once, i dare you

>> No.17102646

>be average /fa/ poster
>see thread about fashion
>feel irresistible urge to post some irrelevant gay shit in there

>> No.17102651

>somehow pic rel doesn't wear a coat in winter
>fag this, fag that
American detected

>> No.17102701


>> No.17102705

go back plebbitor
barely wrote 4 sentences and your onions brain cant cope

>> No.17102713
File: 11 KB, 300x100, Old4chanBanner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr is old, old 4chan, mate.
But you seem to be familiar with how plebbit works. Care to explain?

>> No.17102748

can i haz cheezburger is old 4chan too
youre still a retard if you continue to talk like that today
i dont give a shit if its part of your faggy internet clubs "lore" or not
read more books and less plebbit greentexts

>> No.17102774

the full suit larpers are my favorite /fa/ posters

>> No.17102828 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 1135x1258, 1651240642068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read more books
'What the English call “comfortable” is something endless and inexhaustible. Every condition of comfort reveals in turn its discomfort, and these discoveries go on for ever. Hence the new want is not so much a want of those who have it directly, but is created by those who hope to make profit from it.'.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 'Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (1821)'

Think about that the next time you keep prettling on about old fashion is 'uncomfortable' and new fashion is and, ergo, 'better'.

>> No.17102835
File: 219 KB, 1135x1258, 1651240642068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read more books
'What the English call “comfortable” is something endless and inexhaustible. Every condition of comfort reveals in turn its discomfort, and these discoveries go on for ever. Hence the new want is not so much a want of those who have it directly, but is created by those who hope to make profit from it'.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 'Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (1821)'

Think about that the next time you keep prattling on about how old fashion is 'uncomfortable' and new fashion is more comfortable and, ergo, '''better'''.

>> No.17103624

you realise this quote is agreeing with me
western fashion in 1821 was exhausting, shallow and born of capital greed
learn basic reading comprehension before you start spouting your reading list back at me

>> No.17104617

>you realise this quote is agreeing with me
I think you need to read it again.

>> No.17105052

moar good period pics and argumentation

>> No.17105361

you will NEVER understand Hegel if you genuinely believe this quote has any connection to the subject matter at hand

don't bother replying with empty incredulity go on and explain how Hegel was totally talking about manufacturing the desire to not wear a suit all the time.

you are highly autistic

>> No.17105367

dude just googles random quotes to look smarter on 4chins kek
not the only thread in /fa/ that he does this

>> No.17105675

These hobo kids dress beter than most of today's middle class

>> No.17105683

Peak autism

>> No.17105704

Suits/overcoats/streetwear peaked in the 50's in both aesthetics and utility, but got killed by the simplistic shirt/jeans of the greaser due to it's similar comfort and accessibility to the everyman compared to a well tailored suit
as media seeped further into our lives so did the perspective that the look of the average joe was more attractive than someone who could wear tailored clothing recreationally
manlet over-compensation lol!

>> No.17105725
File: 208 KB, 750x1036, 04FBD642-C223-42DA-98E5-8DB9B327A09D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upholding social standards is for faggots who have nothing going for them except for the social status they inherited.
t. spiteful peasant

>> No.17106059
File: 206 KB, 1200x800, ironcurtain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive explained to you how you've used that quote incorrectly but all you can muster is this weak response? why cant you explain what i got wrong? why cant you do anything but quote people smarter than yourself if you cant at least talk about it after? because you dont actually understand shit. im reminded of this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIdsjNGCGz4
dont let your education do all of your thinking

picrel is for you anon, hope soviet union isnt too modern for you ;-)

create your own value, you bourgeois leech

>> No.17106064

>oh god that's such a real man, I love real men so much, they're so masculine and manly
>I'm straight by the way

>> No.17106151

Brotherhood has nothing to do with taking dick in the ass faggot, stop projecting. It's normal to want a society with strong friends to brotherly bond with.

>> No.17106157

>oooh yea my brotherly bond is so tight right now oooooooh yea it feels so good

>> No.17106351

>go on and explain how Hegel was totally talking about manufacturing the desire to not wear a suit all the time.
'Although we affirm the technical achievements of our age, we see behind them an intellectual strength that grows from the roots of our people. Machines are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. As much as we appreciate the achievements of modern civilization and use them to improve life, we know that they are not the sole meaning of life. There are national values that are the result of centuries of history and tradition. They cannot be purchased, only built by the labor of generations'.
- Another German

>> No.17106354
File: 175 KB, 1800x1135, 1653764969321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ive explained to you how you've used that quote incorrectly
No, you haven't. You just said I did, and that was it; there was no explanation.

>> No.17106356

>you will NEVER understand Hegel
'Not curiosity, not vanity, not the consideration of expediency, not duty and conscientiousness, but an unquenchable, unhappy thirst that brooks no compromise leads us to truth'.

'Philosophy is by its nature something esoteric, neither made for the mob nor capable of being prepared for the mob'.

'The fate of the Jewish people is the fate of Macbeth who stepped out of nature itself, clung to alien beings, and so in their service had to trample and slay everything holy in human nature'.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

>> No.17106438

>just quoting random shit again with not even a hint of original thought, analysis or argument
good point retard im sure you convinced him

>western fashion in 1821 was exhausting, shallow and born of capital greed
how is that not an explanation of the quote you spat out
now explain where im wrong in that interpretation, and explain how it supports your "argument"

going back i notice that in your haste to quote people you dont comprehend you also missed the point of my initial argument where i rejected modernity as a template, so your whole position that i believe new > old is bunk anyway. forget hegel, you barely understand me

>> No.17106568

This has got to be the most fagotty thing I've read this week on this board, and that's telling a lot.

>> No.17106607
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x800, Dieter_Hellstrom_with_the_King_Kong_cardI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original thought
'Young people get the foolish idea that what is new for them must be new for everybody else too. No matter how unconventional they get, they're just repeating what others before them have done'.
- 三島由紀夫, '宴のあと (1960)'

>>western fashion in 1821 was exhausting, shallow and born of capital greed
>how is that not an explanation of the quote you spat out
What the fuck are you even on about?
It's very fucking simple: 'comfort' is 'inexhaustable'.
The argument that fashion should be comfortable is very much a profitable meme because comfortable clothing is cheaper to make than fashionable clothing. So the cultural gene that 'comfort' takes precedence over anything else, in fashion, is social engineering by clothing companies.

>you barely understand me
You're right, I don't really give a fuck about you at all, let alone to read what you say.

>> No.17106663

>more quotes off goodreads
heres a quote for you: a man who does not think for himself does not think at all

>What the fuck are you even on about?
so you admit you dont understand what you were quoting then LOL

>fashion should be comfortable
now show me where i have ever said fashion should be comfortable. did you think thats what i meant when i said clothes should be practical? holy kek you are fucking dumb

>I don't really give a fuck about you at all, let alone to read what you say.
LOL stop replying then pussy, concede and fuck off.

>> No.17106676

>so you admit you dont understand what you were quoting then
You don't and I question your English speaking abilities.
I don't have time to be talking to retards like you.

>> No.17106677

sounds like a concession to me, now you can be a good little boy and fuck off.

>> No.17106687

Make me.

>> No.17106698

you either concede your retarded argument, or you concede that you dont care
because right now youre conceding both

>> No.17106708

You're not the boss of me.

>> No.17106711
File: 53 KB, 828x641, 41294124124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i accept your concession on all fronts.
have fun seething into the void LOL

>> No.17106731

Make me.

>> No.17107753
File: 87 KB, 735x925, 7d1a3cc955e930ee8625dc07e4bac97b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know

>> No.17107784

Nah this is just proto-globo-homo shit, now every politician on earth wears the exact same boring fucking black/navy suit. Peak fashion was 16-17th centuries before the advent of those horrendous powdered wings and everything that followed.

>> No.17108931 [DELETED] 

zoomers seething about suits ITT

>> No.17109102

zoomies are making fun of suits and dressing mature this thread:


>> No.17109113
File: 303 KB, 500x562, Preston.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welcome back to the gentleman's gazette, today we're going to be discussing how to get a canthal tilt like a gentleman

>> No.17109115
File: 62 KB, 810x540, Lewis-Howes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17109187


>> No.17109304
File: 70 KB, 713x563, spare some change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17109339

Why aren’t you dressed like that then?

>> No.17109348

Lmao, this nigga wearing lifts

>> No.17109371

>not dressing like a fag is literally communism

it doesnt make you any better, its unnecessary, and if you're confident that you're supposedly better than everybody else, why would you need to show it off so much? its a cope, simply

>> No.17109397

They don't sell those clothes in my country!
It's a small country.

>> No.17109568

why is his hair like that

>> No.17109605

My only guess is he couldn't afford to wash it regularily enough so just cut most of it off.

>> No.17109613

back then the only way to get rid of lice was to shave all your hair

>> No.17109656

But he didn't shave all of it, that's the thing.

>> No.17110656
File: 207 KB, 1200x782, cGc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
