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File: 46 KB, 660x660, handsome man2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17082607 No.17082607 [Reply] [Original]

How do i become a handsome man? I know it's a bit of a broad question. But i keep myself clean shaven, my hair is a generic sides short top long. I lift in the gym.

>> No.17082611

You dont get to become one until you're at least 30. If you dont figure it out by then though... Brother...

>> No.17082621

I have read that women my age don't date men my age but rather usually go for men at like 30 or so because of that and because financial stability. How do i not feel jealous?

>> No.17082639

By valuing yourself for who you are instead of comparing yourself to others. And i dont mean valuing yourself in the "body positivity for absolute landwhales heck yeah" way, but understanding you have value, you do things others can't/won't, you behave in certain ways that make you you etc. Work on these things, and improve yourself. The rest comes with that, and even if it doesn't, you can at least look back and know you had a good life. But know there is no "end-goal". Self improvement is life long, do not stop after you get a gf/marry. Keep going

>> No.17082656
File: 313 KB, 549x677, EB4FBC04-4965-4D33-873A-BF479BEB4E4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he beliefs the “self” exists and can be “improved”

>> No.17082665

If you want to have a conversation about this so that I can learn what you mean, please go ahead. Im open to it

>> No.17082674

A lion does not learn how to hunt.

>> No.17082693

Pretty sure their parents teach them how bro. I think that’s true of most cats.

>> No.17082698

hey guys I just realized/accepted I(male) cant become a model..this makes me suicidal but im still to pussy to start risking my life
>give me meanspo so I can start being reckless

>> No.17082710

We aren't your parents bro.

>> No.17082724

>this makes me suicidal
Q. Why does every zoomer want to be a model?
A. Because the media sells modeling/prostituting yourself as a viable career.

>> No.17082743

not that anon but I used this article is readable and explains the idea well https://www.livescience.com/55999-is-your-self-just-an-illusion.html

>> No.17082747
File: 73 KB, 500x500, attention-whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17082751
File: 2.37 MB, 1597x1451, Big_Floppa_and_Justin_2_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how does the big floppa know how to hunt? He was adopted.

>> No.17082755

Good. It’s a sluts job.

>> No.17082763

Smell the hunt

>> No.17082874

OK..Im going to KMS within 2 years anyway so I might as well sort this out and try to survive a few decades
>whats the real,bare truth about modelling?
I can bear starvation and crazy excercise routines or long working hours....but what if being a male model isnt being surrounded by rich girls 24/7?
pull no punches,and be honest

>> No.17083023

Hey, at least he has the right attitude

>> No.17083296


>> No.17083302

what do you mean? anyone can become a model given that you stand out in a way
focus on standing out....
for example, even esports ugly dudes model products because they are good at video games
what are you good at?
get good at something...
get a personality.
showcase it
that's what being a model is
being able to show something special to people

>> No.17083726

based self-denier

>> No.17083795
File: 125 KB, 1440x1669, EaEiFjVXkAAlB0z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you home-schooled?
The secret to being seen as handsome is to be high test and put yourself out there in situations that betas avoid.
People respect that.
Men want to be like that.
Women want a man like that.

>> No.17083810
File: 73 KB, 500x667, ee3f598f900513ee8f498ae5d8049591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Develop personal style OP. "Chad" kind of handsome is a thing you are either born with or not. Grow facial hair, switch up hair style, dress in a way that is less trying to look good, and more expressing oneself through clothing. Doing this will both increase number of people to whom you look like a freak, and who think you look cool. Keep lifting, that one is always good.

>> No.17083929

You already got the hygiene, grooming, and exercise parts down. Thats about all you can do outside of straight up plastic surgery.

>> No.17084848

does face yoga/self acupressure do anything,over time?
or am I getting tricked by koreans on youtube?

>> No.17084849

god all this pickup artist crap is insufferable. i dont want to go to your seminar

>> No.17084863

I still want to CTB over being a failure of a mediterranean(ie;not male-modelling material)
but Im too coward to slit my throat/vein and poison or overdosing can leave me crippled and alive.

>> No.17086037

based floppa anon

>> No.17086291

>clean shaven
first mistake