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File: 782 KB, 1996x1422, JB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17071206 No.17071206 [Reply] [Original]

How to avoid aging like this in your mid 20s?

>> No.17071221

Daily sunscreen and/or avoiding being in intense direct sunlight, skin care routine, get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise, keep your stress levels down, be happy and enjoy life
The rest is genetics

>> No.17071243

if he got a bit of a tan like on the left and shaved that shit off his face he would look the same

>> No.17071257
File: 435 KB, 735x789, JBHair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. His hairline is gone and his youthful facial fat.

>> No.17071266

Hair is a genetic thing. Either youre destined to lose it or you aren't. I'm not sure what you're talking about when you say youthful facial fat. He doesn't have any sagging yet that's only after you're in your late 30s or 40s

>> No.17071276

Upper eyelid fat gone, under eyes more sunken, skin quality overall worse. Could be aging or drug use.

>> No.17071283

He's wearing heavy makeup on the left picture. What you call sunken is probably how his eyes always looked. He has, at least, foundation and concealer (and I see a hint of mascara). His upper eyelid is considerably raised on the second picture you can't compare them.

>> No.17071304

Avoid sun, never tan, shower everyday, never swim outdoor, use umbrella during bright sun but only if the society where you live won't make fun of you.

>> No.17071350

Is that pic meant to be an example of aging like shit? He is obviously wearing a ton of makeup and has perfectly groomed hair in the left pic.

>> No.17071362

oldcel cope

>> No.17071367
File: 118 KB, 828x132, 0217F361-01AD-4F37-9647-4DAE59D37500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its literally the same

>> No.17071375
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1280, 010322_JBHair_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously receded and thinning

>> No.17071390
File: 1.59 MB, 640x900, 1567367676307.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is LITERALLY what happens when you research how to stop hairloss, find out about the only drug that stops it that has been available for decades and works very well for the vast majority of people, and then Google finasteride and read all of the reddit and forum posts from literal who's who are all totally real people who aren't trolling and have scientific evidence that fin LITERALLY killed their sex drive and yours will totally die too and finasteride is literally the worst thing on earth, literally worse than balding, signed, totally not a bald guy who lost his hair before fin and is mad it's available and wants others to suffer with him, and totally not a balding guy who was also scared off of fin and wants others to be scared too so he feels better about pussying out and not going on fin.

I know this because I went through that exact same process years ago and lost 2 years worth of hair before I finally alpha'd up, got a fin prescription, then took another 2 weeks to work up the nerve to take it, started taking it, and... literally had zero changes to my body except no further hairline recession 4 years later. I felt nothing, my cum didn't change, my sex drive didn't change, and all I have to do is take this magic pill once a day.

If you're like my dad and the 10% of baldies that actually look great bald, don't bother with fin, embrace the bald, whatever, save that $10/month. But if you're not, and you're starting to lose hair, go to a derm. Right fucking now. Your hairloss will not stop. And you can never get it back, short of a $50K transplant procedure (which will require getting on fin to keep anyway lol)

get on fin, you're welcome

>> No.17071398

you can get a top of the line one in turkey for 5k better than a lot of american ones

>> No.17071400

he hopped on fin and got sides

>> No.17071403

Doubt it, probably just saying that to save face for being too scared to take it. Or it was the placebo effect: he was expecting sides, so he thought he got some. Same thing with Joe Rogan. The fearmongering around fin is mind boggling, especially given the study results (one percentage point higher sides vs placebo, slightly less even I think ) almost seems like a coordinated campaign against Merck from a butthurt competitor, maybe Pfizer idk, or hair transplant doctors

>> No.17071433

You should avoid fruits for the most part as modern ones are mainly fructose aka sugar. What you actually want is to eat as much bonebrooth (collagen) and organ meat (liver) as you can for nutrients. Most moern vegetables are similarly useless. The ones high in vitamins ar things like kale but than only if you eat them raw or very shortly steamed.

>> No.17071434

sounds disgusting

>> No.17071437

>mentioning well known side effects is a coordinated campaign
Do they list schizophrenia as a side effect?

>> No.17071439

Bonebrooth is delicious. After 24 you better supplement collagen if you don't want to end up a sunken mess.

>> No.17071459

don't do drugs

>> No.17071530

his hairline is exactly the same. are you high?

>> No.17071750

why do I relate so much to this webm? She's like a female version of me (gay btw)

>> No.17071751

Don't do meth.

>> No.17071753

Turkey is the capital of botched hair transplants.

>> No.17071817

Bone broth is very good if you don't overdo it but you should definitely eat fruit and vegetables as well, everything in moderation.

>> No.17071820

That's the face of someone mercilessly sexuality abused as a child

>> No.17071821

If you expect to look the same 10 years later I have news for you and it’s not good

>> No.17071829

when you have to write wall of texts just to justify why you are taking tranny drugs

>> No.17071835

he definitely has a slight receded hairline its pretty obvious and its starting to look a bit thinner but it might just be a "mature hairline" situation that he can hold onto for a while

>> No.17072179

Finnestride does cause testorone and seven quality problem, if you want to save your hair just chop your balls off

>> No.17072190

He’s really unhealthy and seems to catch a lot of these “mysterious diseases”
Best I can say is lay off the hard drugs he’s clearly been touching in the past

>> No.17072201

Don't do drugs

>> No.17072205

>Turkey is the capital of botched hair transplants.

it is also the capital of the best hair transplants too, you just have to go to a good clinic and doctor

>> No.17072232

No, it's not. Do more research if you think so.

>> No.17072268

everyone loses their babyfat

>> No.17072269

genetics which you cant change (currently)

and the big 3
proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise

>> No.17072284

It probably is just his genetics, but him bleaching his hair all the time, getting it braided and into dreads often probably didn’t help either.

>> No.17072287

In order from most effective to elast
>stay out of the sun
>when you do go out, wear sunscreen

>> No.17072294

>$50k transplant
bro just go to turkey
unless you mean a massive hair transplant, not just one to patch up a slightly receded hairline
if your hair goes to absolute shit, just get a good wig
but yeah i am pro-fin

>> No.17072588

He is wearing makeup in the 1st pic though it's incredibly obvious I came here to say the same thing. 2nd pic looks like he doesn't give a shit about looking perfect which I can sort of respect.

>> No.17072828

Step 1: Don't be a man.

>> No.17072839

twinks can't survive with mature hairlines

>> No.17073195

He looks like Woody from Toy Story

>> No.17073197

Don't drink
Don't smoke
Don't do drugs
Don't get sunburned
Don't do non-omnivore diets

>> No.17073216

does weed count?

>> No.17073221

kek he does

>> No.17073222

What is this weird WEBM

>> No.17073236

Lmao, whatever you do OP, dont take advice from a guy who got his diet off a right wing facebook page.

>> No.17073239

so tom hanks in philadelphia

>> No.17073240
File: 349 KB, 1936x1936, ujKxJnB2vdICqaoKof8ZbqNnId0RwwaIWt-8Acc1Yy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completelly unironically start applying topical estrogen cream on your face. Does miracles.

>> No.17073248

don't do this, i misjudged my dosage by 100x for a few years and now i'm literally forced to be a woman. not worth it guys

>> No.17073275

i don't know why people are talking about staying out of the sun, he has no sun damage, so don't listen to these chucklefucks.

there are multiple issues with him:
1. boy face he didn't outgrow. it was cute when he was young, now he's grown up and still looks like a boy.
2. weak facial hair. just shave it off if you can't grow a proper beard.
3. necklet should have lifted
4. don't fucking damage your hair with dyes like he did. that shit looks dry as fuck.
5. obviously bad angles and situation.

overall, it's his boy face and the messy appearance which make him look fucked up right now.

>> No.17073310
File: 1.04 MB, 1997x2015, 116840031_1184320721943624_4063850166339321740_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a woman which "got her diet" from studies available for those with basic reading comprehension.
But feel free to tell my how fructose is good and collagen bad for skin youthfullness.


>> No.17073332


>> No.17073352


>avoid drugs

>> No.17073464

Dont get so much pussy that you start having retarded hair because you dont know up from down anymore

>> No.17073482

Just get facial paralysis like Justin Beiber and have a stroke like his wife from the experimental "vaccine" bro

>> No.17073489

Sobriety, sun screen, good hygiene, organic diet, exercise, meditation, stay hydrated.

>> No.17073523

All he needs to do is shave that stupid mustache and let his hair return to a natural color. That's halfway to him looking better.

>> No.17073679

You dumb whore
I didn't bother reading that retarded thing, I just searched for fructose to see what you had written. There's only one reference to it in an article (not even peer reviewed, just a magazine article), and even then it says the problem with fructose aren't fruits, but refined sugars. Nobody is saying refined sugars are good for you, even a kid knows they aren't. It's just a matter of whether you have the discipline to avoid eating them that's the issue. But even that article doesn't say anything about fruits. I can only see it being an issue if you're having a fruits based diet.

>> No.17073701
File: 608 KB, 2224x1601, too retarded to google.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he googled fructose studies
lmao you retarded nigger. Fructose is simply sugar, are you telling me you didn't know sugar is one of the main culprits in skin aging? fuck off already.

>> No.17073705

So I take it you live on keto? Because glucose is the only fuel your body can use other than ketones.
Nobody is saying high fructose corn syrup isnt aging your skin. But fruits aren't as long as you eat a normal amount of them

>> No.17073782

You can literally see the thick makeup layer on the left pic lol

>> No.17073870

Mostly, yes, but not strictly. If you would have studied the pastebin full of studies I shared above you wouldn't have asked.

>But fruits aren't as long as you eat a normal amount of them
A big apple has arond 20g of sugar, meanwhile 25g are the daily maximum amount of sugar people should consume (from the EU recommendations, so with carb heavy diets in mind). And don't get me even started on ribe Bananas, grapes or watermelon. It's pretty easy to overconsume on fruits sugar and it's especially avoidable when one keeps in mind that modern fruits have barely any vitamins to start with (unlike vegetables) and have been breed for millenia for sweetnes alone.

So yes, eating 5 servings of fruit a day will absolutely wrack your skin. Sugar is sugar, no matter if you eat a snickers or grapes.

>> No.17074517

You can't absorb collagen you retard.

>> No.17074540
File: 87 KB, 837x720, 1646028248965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what foods should I eat then just viggies keto?

>> No.17074593

lol tan? thats makeup u tard

>> No.17074632

>Sugar is sugar, no matter if you eat a snickers or grapes.
No, not really. A fibrous fruit is digested differently than a fruit juice or sugar drink. The liver sees a higher concentration in the later case.

>> No.17074898
File: 91 KB, 660x516, c6b8ed3f0669254a0206389d35de512c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don' speak about fiber and bood glucose but sugar intake per se. There is no difference in glycation no matter how fibrous the sugar is.

Read the pastebin on how your physical body has been feed for millenia when it evolved nearly all of its modern characteristics. Basically 70% of yor calories should come from animal sources (meat, dairy, eggs) the remainer from local vegetabes, mainly leafy greens (so no fucking avocados). Average carb intake was something around 15%. Paleolithic evoirements also didn't had really sweet fruits, so stick to berris in season (no strawberries in winter as nutriet and even toxicity levels vary depending on it). Kale is nironically the best leafy green nutrient wise, but also the most disgusting imho. Look into fermentatio for gut health (Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kefir).

Et voila you will look better than all your peers while also avoidg most civilizational deseases. Might as well start running and getting fit.

>> No.17074948

age like this? He's half numb in the face

>> No.17075501

People who live like this always look like cave creatures.
All in the name of looking good right?

>> No.17075504

manhattan apartments are a lot like caves
because orcs

>> No.17075899

Reduce inflammation. Remove stress, estrogen, etc. Get daily sunlight. REDUCE BLUE LIGHT. Eat seafood and organ meats once a week. Dose magnesium and black seed oil.

>> No.17075904

grow up

>> No.17076769

Tretinoin, exercise, water, sunscreen, anti androgens, finasteride, high protein low carb diet.

>> No.17076770

>black seed oil.
you mean nigella seeds or what

>> No.17076913

fuck man stress is killing me and I know it, but I can't get rid of it


>> No.17076923

Cool. I mean my dick doesn't work now and I'm probably going to get prostate cancer, but yeah, taking finesteride is much better than shaving your head and working on your physique.

>> No.17077148

I dont know if I'm crazy here but hes still hot as fuck. Like I dont get how you could be mad to "age" like that (he barely looks like hes aged anyways)

>> No.17077157

>hot as fuck
Go to bed, Justin. Stayníng up and shitposting aint hlping your ageing.

>> No.17077160

kek, but for real like he looks fine

>> No.17077174

I hope you’re trolling
In my day I’ve gone to so many festivals I still look young

>> No.17077179

nothing else?

>> No.17077181

you must be 15 years old

>> No.17077260

cringe webm but mogging here is brutal

>> No.17077627
File: 119 KB, 634x1127, 634093C0-A047-4891-BCDB-801B36A75977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take the vaxx
Also eat healthy and exercise

>> No.17077673


>> No.17077693

jewish hands typed this post. they want you to chemically castrate yourself with testosterone blockers

>> No.17077700

nigger cum up your boipussy twice a day

>> No.17077803

He's wearing makeup on the left.

>> No.17077942

Look at this, He is a pfizer boy , sad.

>> No.17077957

i wonder what they're paying him to stop posting

>> No.17077960

I thought Bieber was not vaxxed?

>> No.17078023

Don't be a faggot that relies on drug abuse to make it through each day

>> No.17078053

He really was born to be successful, when you realize that the only time he could capitalize on his looks was as a teenager who had late puberty. He still have nice facial features, but nothing outstanding.

>> No.17078156

Finasteride actually raises testosterone slightly. Fin prevents testosterone from converting to DHT, so there is more testosterone available. Unfortunately, that extra testosterone can convert to estrogen. DHT helps keep estrogen in check, so all of this can cause problems for some people

>> No.17078186

Unironically the exact opposite of this

>> No.17079179

No, I will not be replacing my morning orange with cow liver

>> No.17079193

he looks hot af desu. bleach is in this summer if u didnt know retard lmao

>> No.17079768

>never swim outdoor
salt water is great for your skin, go swim in your chlorine pools retarded ape

>> No.17079771

cope, that's just the lighting

>> No.17079818

I'd hang out with right over left, left is just a faggy pretty boy
zoomie scum

>> No.17079848

He has a woman's face. That is literally it. He literally looks like young Hannah gadsby

>> No.17079960


>> No.17079982

...or maybe instead of eating several pounds of organs and bones a day like a goddamn psychopath you could just take a fucking multivitamin

>> No.17080022

I eat like 300g meat daily with 30g of gelatine. Hardly that much, when we're talking big steak and glas of brooth portion sizes.
Mltivitamins are worthless. Their vitamins are competing in your body preventing bioavailability of each other, the maufacures either use molecules which have a bad bioavailability to begin with, in far too small portions due to having to fit in a pill or actively harmfull cheap analoga which actively prevents the absorption of the actual vitamin (folic acid/ folat). Last but not least several vitamins ar ideally absorbed on ither empty stomach or with food, others in smaller portions having to be taken multiple times a day (magnesium). There exists no multivitamin on this plant which helps anybody but the pharmaceutical producer. If you want to use synthetics, you have to buy them sepratly and be autistic enought to make a shedule. I rather chunk down some meat for dinner and drink some soup and additionally benefit my gut biom. You know, like youre made to consume them, fucking flesh golem.

>> No.17080347

He's turning back into the ontario white trash that he is

>> No.17080838

this bro, this guy is straight white trash out of London, Ontario. Never forget his roots.

>> No.17080989

Just don't bleach your hair and have more lucky pictures

>> No.17081321

Nobodies hairline looks the same when you buzz it. You no longer have long hair filling it in so the front always looks thinner.

>> No.17081630

you need: nanomachines, plasma of fetal alcohol syndrome infants, deez, xylitol, yoga and the friendship of your fellow man. Do NOT let anyone get to you. You are in charge.

>> No.17081648


>> No.17081866

Don't do the hard drugs beiber did

>> No.17081981

don't consume drugs
eat healthy

Beyond that you're at the mercy of genetics and other environmental factors (if you work in a toxic manufacturing plant you will likely look like trash by age 35)

>> No.17082707
File: 231 KB, 700x692, 1653557158381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't disregard skincaremaxxing

>> No.17082709

How to sleepmax?

>> No.17082712
File: 3.84 MB, 2142x1324, baldingbiebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you stupid? Here it was buzzed 6 years ago vs now.

>> No.17082720

norwooding out big time

>> No.17082733

>left: not as short a buzz, visible longer hairs covering up temples
>right: shorter buzz, no longer hairs covering up temples, head angle to camera means hair at left temple is sticking towards camera and therefore appears thinner

>> No.17082739
File: 2.79 MB, 1940x1072, bald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop the cope, baldcel

>> No.17082741
File: 2.67 MB, 1224x1836, Henry-Cavill-Men-s-Health-Photoshoot-2019-henry-cavill-43106093-1224-1836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be Med

>> No.17082753

I’m so turned on when hairy muscular men use chopsticks to eat “Chinese” food to prove they aren’t racist

>> No.17082766
File: 67 KB, 800x535, chris-pine-eyes-hair-color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you're a trans or a fag/ twink you should care to look young, rather to focus on facial beauty like in a feminine way, you should focus on to look more professional.
Women peak in they youth, men in they late years.

>> No.17082768
File: 1.33 MB, 1440x863, Henry-Cavill-Men-s-Health-Photoshoot-2019-henry-cavill-43106100-1440-863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emergency liposuction
Bum lift
Tit lift
Lose a rib

>> No.17082786

would look 10 times better if he kept his hairline on the left

>> No.17082793

two beers on the nightstand? he's literally just like me! UwU

>> No.17082890

Bro you cant look like a 17 year old forever

thats normal wear and tear. hes living it up. probs getting high every week and drinking. Accept that you wont be in your prime forever and go live your life. Real talk

>> No.17082941

his hairline's the same, he just had longer hair on the left and styled it forward

>> No.17083014

he has enough money to fly a private jet to turkey each month for a new hair transplant if he so chooses

>> No.17083060

Hair transplants will never look like your native hairline and you only have so many goes at it before your receipt site is bare. Also Bieber isn't a poorfag so he wouldn't go to Turkey.

>> No.17083752

That looks like a 1-3 month post-FUE hairline.

>> No.17084357

>be as lean and possible
>calorie restriction
>high protein diet
>workout/cardio everyday
>gallon of water
>tretinoin every night
>sunscreen during day
>chemical free facewash


>> No.17084386

Prove it

>> No.17084418

>muh sunscreen
>muh chemicl free
Sun screen isn't made out of the love of God protecting you from Sols wrath.

>> No.17084431

thank you schizo bro

>> No.17085715

There is no other way to protect from sun damage other than NEETing.

>> No.17085728

you can eat tomatoes and peppers (members of solanacea family)
they contain flavanoids that help you protect yourself from too much sun

>> No.17085765

Trent gives me insanely dry nose bleeds when I use it every night. Anyone else get this?

>> No.17085777

yes, it dries up the oil production

try vaseline on a q-tip in your nose
stay hydrated
try a humidifier next to your bed if the air is dry

>> No.17085980

Based, I just picked up some Vaseline this morning. Thanks

>> No.17085991

Left pic he is wearing makeup...

>> No.17086223

>Don't drink
>Don't smoke

must be something inside

>> No.17086678

I think the right pic looks unironically better
as long as his hairloss doesnt progress dramatically further this is totally fine

>> No.17086683

don't have a dirtbag skeezer father. Seriously, this kid was always destined to become white trash.

>> No.17087598

holy cope

>> No.17087601

well, he impregnated JB's mom when she was like 15

>> No.17088029

what if i'm lactose intolerant

>> No.17088122

He's just wearing makeup to absorb light in the left pic, and none in the right pic. Also lighting. Left is soft and dynamic lighting, and a picture with a nice sharp but fast lens.

>> No.17088145

Cheese and kefir are lactosefree.

>> No.17088152

His foot looks tiny

>> No.17088154

>late teens as a male and it's his prime

How the fuck us that his prime? In what?
He'll attract quality women far later with a career, experience & money.
If you wanna look young to attract other males, then year it's his prime.

>> No.17088391

no they aren't

>> No.17088466

Lactose geets used up by fermentation and cheese making. Thats why non-lactose tolerant poplations still consume those.

>> No.17088488

i literally got ED from taking fin. granted i wasn't taking it to stop head hair loss i was taking it to lessen secondary hair. It didn't work, and I also can't keep a boner

>> No.17089146

>zoomers unirnoically think a slightly more latinx zoomer looking hairline makes you 10 times more attractive

>> No.17089156

To be honest he looked like a female to male tranny in his youth. Understandable why he looks like wasted male prostitute in his 30s.

>> No.17089176

Airports are the plane crash capital

>> No.17089183

i thought this too lol

>> No.17089656

Giga cope. Chris Pine isn't even that old. He's only 41 and I don't know how long ago your photo was taken. Hairline is shit, hair is grey, face is sagging, looks less vibrant, dead inside and lost that youthful Greek god glow. He's one of the most attractive guys in the world and even he didn't age that great.
>in they, in they
Shut up nigger. Opinion discarded. If it was once it'd be a typo. Stop speaking ebonics.

>> No.17089682

dont get lyme disease

>> No.17089920
File: 114 KB, 1800x2211, justin bieber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when has Justin Bieber looked great in a buzzcut?
He has a rectangular shaped head. He looks best when he does what every other zoomer is doing now, a zoomer haircut.

>> No.17089923
File: 79 KB, 742x1024, chris-pine-mit-vollbart-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>straight men can be compared like women in they youthful appearence
>because women go for youthful feminine features

Opinion discarded, that's not how things work. Girls peak with they youth, because they feminine looks are important, men peak with years, because status, money, security is important for women.
But we all know you're a faggot, by that rule you must cope like a women who soon hit the wall.

>> No.17090063

Holy fucking shit, this delusional retardation actually is on every board on this website.

>> No.17090069

We use chopsticks because we want to, it has nothing to do with not being racist, you fucking faggot.