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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.49 MB, 5499x4000, stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17069231 No.17069231 [Reply] [Original]

/edc/ general because i don't see any but I want to see insane crap like picrel because I think it's funny

>> No.17069353


>> No.17069404

what do you guys keep in your cars

>> No.17069538

Homura did everything wrong

>> No.17069559
File: 3.77 MB, 5630x3976, 1653589515029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least post the updated version

>> No.17069561

a half-crushed box of american spirits, 3 unpaid parking tickets, a long dead black ice air freshener and 2 boxes of magnum condoms

>> No.17069566

box of condoms, lube (for the car), car keys

>> No.17069571

sunscreen, flashlight and a handgun.

>> No.17069574

i understand the flashlight and handgun, but why the sunscreen, anon?

>> No.17069576

I have an old cop car with a partition I reinstalled. I have a laptop setup, along with my handgun, an american flag air freshener, and a flashlight. I also keep a shotgun in the trunk. I consistently park illegally and have never gotten a ticket.

>> No.17069577

there were fake cops in my area growing up who would extort people
as long as you aren't doing that i could care less, but yeah, that was kinda fucked up

>> No.17069589

I work as a part time lifeguard on beach.

>> No.17070544

something about a decent hand gun.

its that extra layer of comfy

you didn't know you


>> No.17070884

These have got to be the stupidest fucking threads on this board.

>> No.17070899

this is a tranny, right?

actual women wouldn't carry anything this nice unless their boyfriend bought it for them.

>> No.17070900
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>> No.17070904

Water, a small duffel bag with a change of clothes and a waterproof poncho, flashlight, a first aid kit, and boots.

>> No.17071232

This has to be up there for "most useless shit to carry"

>> No.17071335

>14 posters
>2 pictures
Not even gonna bother getting a picture of my shit then

>> No.17071340

>this is a tranny, right?
Not just a tranny, a tripfag tranny who posts as Elsa on /pol/.

>> No.17071746
File: 1.32 MB, 2497x3077, jnyf9fw4vz491[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not at least carrying a knife you're doing it wrong.

>> No.17071977
File: 451 KB, 839x1176, edc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bags and purses are for pussies

>> No.17071989

why would you keep a cigarette pack in your back pocket?

>> No.17071993

No room in the front. I only have it in the back when I'm walking somewhere. I take it out when I'm sitting, like on the bus. At home and at work it's on the counter

>> No.17071998

What could this person be doing that justifies taking all of this everyday?

>> No.17071999

And when it's not summer I have it in my coat

>> No.17072007

serial rapist

>> No.17072022

>RS4 key
>home key
>building key
>galaxy tag
>office key
>Fold 3 in green, no case
Bellroy Wallet
>credit card
>drivers license
>card tool
>atleast £36 (1 £20, 1 £10 and 1 £5, plus a £1 coin)
>uni card

Sometimes I'll carry a backpack/Messenger which has my laptop, charger, notebook, pens, powerbank, lunch + water bottle

When I'm in America the RS4 key replaced by a x5 fob and I carry a PKK because I'm British.

>> No.17072023

Forgot to mention I wear a Fossil Gen 5 something idk. Thinking of getting the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro. If I'm in a club I'll replace the smartwatch with either Rolex or a fake Patek.

>> No.17072043

EDC is always aspirational consumerism. The goal isn't to show what you carry, it's to find, purchase and photograph the perfect set of things that show exactly how you imagine others perceive you.

tl;dr - EDC is about buying things and taking pictures that you think cool

>> No.17072045

So is tobacco.

>> No.17072061

$20, condoms, tire pressure gauge. nothing exciting
holy fucking based

>> No.17072147
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>> No.17072178
File: 3.08 MB, 6000x4000, kaihndevm2591[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europoors getting triggered by knives AGAIN.


>> No.17072183

>posts as Elsa on /pol/
Jesus wept

>> No.17072187

I wanna see a pic. I will put up a pic with the contents of my car duffle bag, if anybody cares

>> No.17072577

only things i have on me these days is my phone, card holder, a key ring with keys/car key, an old benchmade knife in pocket, a s&w snub .22 in waistband

never understand people who carry shit like pens flashlights notebooks and bottle openers every day. Or more than 1 knife jesus christ

>> No.17072607

can someone explain the point of the wu-tang oreo to me?

>> No.17072820

whoever made the photo in the OP is living proof money cant buy taste
>putting threaded barrel in just for the photo
>OP34, a poorfag cope brand bootlicker item, and in the worst color
>non-vero beach Microtech
>TI with tiny buttons and awful screen visibility in sunlight
>non titanium flashlight
>carries 2 knives but neither of them have sturdy tip or edge geometry or are capable of prying
>carries 2 knives, a ruler and scissors but not a multitool or prybar
>doesnt fully commit to the old clunky tech by carrying a Toughbook, uses a faggy shitty surfacebook instead
>no mouse or external touchpad for the laptop
>$500 scratch magnet pencil extender with no retention mechanism instead of the superior taschenbleistifte
>non vintage ligne 2
>doesnt have the sterling silver pen to match the pencil
>eraser is spotless
>carries an eraser when there's an eraser already in the pencil end cap
>high precision ruler but no protective carrying case to prevent bending chipping or warping
>using mitutoyo and not incra in the first place
only things that are nice are the scissors, the pins the umbrella and the walkie talkie. just those 4 items alone are more /fa than this entire ensemble

>> No.17072825

Not that I disagree, but they literally have a $25,000 watch in this image >>17069559 so I don't know if the watch is proof of a "poorfag" cope.

>> No.17073358
File: 2.55 MB, 1238x1030, edc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello from /k/

>> No.17073548

Pretty good, other than that shitty M12.

>> No.17073553

I always wondered if they really walk around with all of this on them.

>> No.17073580

>4 locking picking kits
>4 writing devices
>2 knives
>2 notebooks
>a parade of usb keys and obsolete electronics
OP's pic is full of junk

>> No.17074003

hm that's pretty cool. do you have to pass a swim test every year?

>> No.17074140

These images always make me laugh uncontrollably. I can't even fathom how fucking autistic this person is.

>> No.17074145

>can't sit down without stabbing yourself with your keys, crushing your lighter and your cigarettes
How does it feel to be sub-80 IQ?

>> No.17074417

unless he's got a carabiner and puts the keys on a belt loop. I do that most of the time

>> No.17074726


>inb4 handgun larp
>inb4 meme knives (butterfly, fixed blade)
>inb4 a million fucking tiny things nobody would ever need
>inb4 ridge meme wallet
>inb4 canvas wallet
>inb4 black leather gloves, ski mask, rope, etc
>inb4 multiple phones
>inb4 chang-backdoored noname phone with 30 cameras
>inb4 cash like a retarded boomer
>inb4 makeup (L O N D O N)
>inb4 cigarettes get cancer fggt
>inb4 mouth fedoras (pipe or vape pen)
>inb4 busriders post their faggy card
>inb4 multitool faggotry muh pliers never know when you're gonna need to open a wine bottle or file something down eh
>inb4 weebshit candies or mints
>inb4 non-apple wireless earbuds
>inb4 a hundred fucking keys on a belt clip to larp as a janitor
>inb4 blocking key profile like it fucking matters
>inb4 some obscure shit nobody can identify so people can ask about it and OP can feel cool
>inb4 muh lucky coin/talisman/buttplug/etc
>inb4 a full size fucking laptop (especially a thinkpad)
>inb4 faggy flip phones because muh retro technology
>inb4 nokia phone from 2003
>inb4 nobullychan
>inb4 field notes like a boy scout nerd
>inb4 OC spray like a woman
>inb4 brass knuckles like an edgy teenager
>inb4 strobe flashlight
>inb4 zippo
>inb4 nato strap
>inb4 g-shock like a fucking middle schooler
>inb4 muh fountain pen
>inb4 le pocket amp for muh IEMs

>> No.17074808

Only uncivilized barbarian savages use the erasers on their pencils. Why the hypercritical sourfag cope, EDClet?

>> No.17075203

I don't get the fetishization of having 3 separate multi tools, 2 folding knives, markers, multiple tactical pens and a tournicate neatly packed away in a man purse. Not to mention fucking... coins... and fidget things? Wat.

>> No.17075353

Car: Skeletool on passenger side (it fits in a little pocket that hangs off my ac vent, but honestly, I hate it cuz it doesn't fit well in my hand), Wave+ in glove compartment, Free P2 in trunk
work backpack: two Waves and a Raptor
hiking backpack, which I generally keep in my car: Free P2
kitchen: Juice C2
Most of these were purchased at various pawn shops in my state; I've kinda made it a habit to check whenever I am traveling, because they're useful but also retain their value pretty well in case I ever wanna sell them all
as to why I have two in my work bag, I have needed two pairs of pliers to loosen something really tight. I've also had to lend a pair to someone from maintenance or from another department and don't wanna be without the other
I also carry a ratcheting stubby multi-bit screw driver for tightening/loosening hose clamps. I'm thinking of getting rid of it and getting some ratcheting wrenches, though, unless i can find a really small t-handle nut driver. need more torque

>> No.17075371
File: 807 KB, 1400x1842, tuggener-machine-tool-factory-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a dentist?

>> No.17075422

no I work as a nurse
I joke with new people that I'm an interior designer, a plumber, and a nurse, cuz you really have to do all 3 to do my job

>> No.17075430
File: 938 KB, 1280x800, Im-a-ficking-nurse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I work as a nurse

>> No.17075450

2 year degree, make 6 figures, can't complain

>> No.17075455
File: 1.69 MB, 476x266, post-its.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows you're a prostitute, ma'am

>> No.17075464

I'm a dude. Comes in handy when there's a belligerent patient. Also, Indo-Pak docs prefer talking to men, for some reason

>> No.17075472

because they know women are retarded

>> No.17075477

because they need some patient diapers changed stat

>> No.17075672
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x799, EDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess my profession :3

>> No.17075805


>> No.17075849

burger flipper

>> No.17075861

they're a teacher in the midwest. max larp

>> No.17075864

What is the point of carrying all this stuff? Genuine question. Is it the challenge of finding a way to carry all of it as efficiently as possible? To be like Batman? How do you guys not ruin the lines on your pants carrying so much, don't the pockets bulge out? I'm trying to find a way to carry even LESS shit, so if someone could recommend an extremely minimal wallet that isn't shit, that'd be great. I carry like 5 bills max and 4 cards, with 2 of them thinner than credit cards. I also carry 2 keys on a small ring, if anyone can come up with a minimization for that as well. I figure phone and wireless earbuds are a lost cause though, because I see no way to make them smaller.

>> No.17075868

flashlights and massive or multiple knives will always be a larp to me. I carry a small douk douk and even I still feel like a larper ocasionally

>> No.17075890


>> No.17075906
File: 466 KB, 495x495, 1651559268152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Discrete anime phone case arrived
>It is for iPhone 6-7, and my new phone is the same size as my old 7
>Turns out my old phone was actually the "7 Pro Deluxe Omicron Variant + Special Edition 4.0 + 3.0 You can (not) use a fucking ruler", a cm longer
>"No refunds, baka gaijin"
Well, shit. Are there any bands I can look into for a book case for iPhone13? I'm giving Amazon a look but it is mostly glitter shit or overcomplicated. My Old phone survived five years with no case and not a single scratch, so I on only getting a case for aesthetics and to have cute anime keychains.
I got the Product Red color because I like the color and "LMAO, AIDS" What color would look better?

>> No.17075907

theyre obese and disgustingly weak individuals who try to buy their masculinity via tools obtained in monthly man crates

>> No.17075950
File: 1.25 MB, 3024x4032, avxlkw2hpl591[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm white.

>> No.17075978

Got that shit wicked nice anon

>> No.17075993

A 10 feet rope and 2 dildos.

>> No.17075996

Does your wife like you to spend your time playing videotroniks?

>> No.17076205

i was thinking the same thing

>> No.17076213
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Just the essentials for me, I don't like to weigh myself down with all the bs these edc guys tote around thinking they'll use it

>> No.17076262

if I'm happy then my wife and her boyfriend are also happy

>> No.17076291
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I bet OP is unbearable to be around for any lenght of time.

>> No.17076292
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>> No.17076298
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hate it or not, you can't deny this person has taste

>> No.17076342

>children's toys mixed with adult weapons and anime bullshit


>> No.17076365

wear little dangly cross earrings dont make you interesting zoom zoom

>> No.17076387
File: 1.80 MB, 3269x2740, 9CD1934C-9AF2-4F8A-BBEB-423E61C6FBA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 n h8

>> No.17076429

professional faggot

>> No.17076445

>retarded bracelet
>faggot vape
>muh gameboy
i can just tell you're an absolutely insufferable person to be around

>> No.17076449

>that blown out underwear
anon, you're supposed to replace your underwear every 6 months

>> No.17076563

Any other brands with high quality 300pg notebooks?

>> No.17076621

Admin on a burmese rodent trap testing forum

>> No.17076626

you're close

>> No.17076685

the indian who owns the 711 at my corner always looks up at me and asks me if i'd like a receipt when my gf is the one paying

>> No.17077211
File: 2.93 MB, 3971x2715, 1752C201104C4F05A942B81BD80C1334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17077245

does a bear shit in the woods?
after 48 mountain dews and 96 energy bars he shits wherever he wants!

>> No.17077269

*mountains of dew

>> No.17077317

> 2 guns and a reload
I would sure feel safe with you at the 7-11, anon. Godblez.

>> No.17077324
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This, your keys, your wallet.
All you will ever need.

>> No.17077363
File: 146 KB, 1200x553, king of faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EDC is mostly to flaunt stuff and make fun of autists, picture related
that's even worse
what do "Europoors" have anything to do with knives? I mean I think it's retarded to carry one unless you're hiking, camping or scuba-diving but that's about it. Oh and they're also a shit option for defense, guns and pepper spray or gtfo
nice meme, now git out
I like the universal key
drop the knife and get a decent flashlight instead, otherwise ok
not enough butterfly knives
assuming you're lucky enough to never have an encounter with muggers or a bear

>> No.17077622
File: 197 KB, 600x900, New Project (22).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally nothing else

>> No.17077838

>Back pocket
So you never sit ?

>> No.17077892

Bussy wholesaler

>> No.17078015

back pocket isnt where my ass is on the chair, slightly above, also I have good posture so it doesnt jab into my ass or press buttons the key

>> No.17078031

It lacks some gummy bears, maybe one or two firecrackers, and some cute rocks, for maximum autismo points.

>> No.17078040

>Hey anon, nice pooch you're carying with you! What's in there?
>C-cute k-knives!
>Good for you anon! Now it's time to take your meds.

>> No.17078042

are you a fucking landl*rd?

>> No.17078048

you can't legally carry a knife in most of europe so some don't understand or are jealous of those that can carry one
>I think it's retarded to carry one unless
if you carried one you'd know how useful they can be. also some people have jobs where smaller blade simply won't cut it.
>shit option for defense

>> No.17078056
File: 1.14 MB, 3411x2362, 1655332806573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jewelry and the knife are sentimental, though the latter gets used regularly.
Wallet goes in my front right pocket, and the phone I took this with goes in my back left.
>Minish Cap
Ahhh.... A man of culture
Homosexual cock-sleeve
>Elsa on /pol/
I've always been a fan of his edc pics but this knowledge is making me reconsider.

>> No.17078178

same. what more would you need besides a knife maybe?

>> No.17078198


>> No.17078211

is that a fucking cane in the top right

>> No.17078274

I carry a knife when hiking/camping/innawoods/scuba diving, it's legal to do so. The only knife-like thing I need for my job is a letter opener, it's rather fancy and it makes me want to stab some clients in the eyeballs, would also work against skinwalkers if they're vulnerable to silver

>> No.17078403

white female dog walker

>> No.17078420
File: 2.84 MB, 3870x3022, IMG_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch changes, but its usually between another Omega and this one.

>> No.17078529

yep, I'm your landlord.

>> No.17079101
File: 3.01 MB, 2670x2022, IMG_6205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17079961


>> No.17080154

what pockets am I supposed to put all this shit in?

>> No.17080456
File: 184 KB, 1200x797, daniel-radcliffe-in-trainwreck-2-27615-1437258411-3_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one dog can hold each stupid thing
dog-walk to afford more stupid things

>> No.17080462

Everything since I live in mine. My clothes take up the most space, followed by cooking stuff.

>> No.17080465

>no fly rod

>> No.17080474

t-pain had a funny interview where he talked about how to live in your car

>> No.17080557

I was about to ask if you forgot to show the buttplug too but it’s probably in use, isn’t it?

>> No.17081483

How/Why would you carry so much excess shit around?

>phone #1 (actual phone stuff)
>phone #2 (music and passwords backup)
>wallet (regular leather bifold)
>pocket knife (kershaw folding cleaver)

Sometimes I'll bring a messenger bag with my laptop and some cables/boot disks but that's fucking it.

>> No.17081540

gee bill, two phones?

>> No.17081557

> Massive attack on a Walkman
My fucking guy.

>> No.17082095
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>> No.17082312

What is weird thing on right?

>> No.17082322

looks like a knife sheath

>> No.17082341


if its sunny I take my sunglasses

seeth on

>> No.17084189


> Massive of-a-fag

>> No.17084327


>> No.17085556
File: 245 KB, 1000x750, imageedit-2-5870426877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17085772

Why the book?

>> No.17086353

Chicagofag go home

>> No.17086355

Why are you afraid to carry a gun?

>> No.17087079
File: 1.19 MB, 2911x2048, 1590528676551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not pictured in the photo is a btr5 with a pair of blob bl03

>> No.17087233

>tfw EDC $7-8k worth of stuff in a town where muggings by immigrant street gangs are becoming more and more common

>> No.17087855
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>> No.17088214
File: 66 KB, 1080x1350, 1653746686186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID on the fixed blade

>> No.17088226

i carry my wallet, phone and keys like a normal person.

>> No.17088479

Sounds like you live a pretty tame life.

>> No.17088550

lighters i forgot to put back in my pocket
owner's manual
several pint bottles of kentucky gentleman stashed all over so i never have to lose my buzz on the road
expired condoms

>> No.17088608

It's for emergency use only :)

>> No.17089231


Nobully-chan is out there buying $45,000 watches with daddy's money >>17089162 meanwhile I work a minimum wage job.

When are we murdering the rich?

>> No.17089272

money cant buy taste, news at 11

>> No.17089684

Elsa of Arendelle (Tranny Flag) is the super consoomer EDC poster?? I guess I should've expected that

>> No.17089686

A pair of sunglasses
A copy of the same pair of sunglasses, but in near pristine condition
Two light jackets
A backpack
Nitrile gloves
Microfiber cloths
Interior detailer
A fire extinguisher
A drill
A hacksaw

>> No.17089710

Are you me

>> No.17089714

ID on gun pls?

>> No.17089829
File: 81 KB, 600x525, PVD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17090009

post-apocalyptic faggot sex-slave

>> No.17090222

>black candle
>smudge bundles
anon, that's not very christian

>> No.17090275

Wilson Combat SFX9 HC 3.25".

>> No.17090290
File: 46 KB, 752x1000, 289224924_728449301688987_3817529636565613324_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you honestly need anything else?
Phone is a one plus 9 pro (which I regret getting)

>> No.17090292
File: 1.37 MB, 2587x2829, jcs9jgri70791[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a gun to defend myself, as is my God given right.

>> No.17090299

Liking Cowboy Bebop or FLCL doesn't mean you have taste faggot

>> No.17090303

I like how you held your phone so you don't show your ugly face

>> No.17090359

Unironically do you expect me to post my face on 4chan?

>> No.17090362

Nice watch, what car do you drive, a Nissan rouge?

>> No.17090986
File: 76 KB, 700x562, terminator-thumbs-up-meme-arnold-schwarzenegger-i-ll-be-back-b5990cabddbc225a3cc40c638b175b3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bones Reds

>> No.17091615

Cool thanks

>> No.17091629

Do you drink all those Mountain Dews everyday?

>> No.17091635

Anytime Fitness, a fellow man of culture

>> No.17091716

Nah, a Nissan Maxima.

>> No.17091878

journals are essential. no fuck the notes app just writing shit down is good enough

>> No.17091881
File: 517 KB, 675x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmg. u need more?

>> No.17091889
File: 2.45 MB, 1128x1424, edc0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chase sapphire running like 80k bonus rn

>> No.17092140

Best EDC

>> No.17093241

Nice, I got a targeted offer when I got mine, keep holding off from applying until they asked me if I wanted one.

>> No.17093316

>6 figures
I guess you've been working a while or live somewhere expensive. I just started as an RN and I'm going to make half of that.

>> No.17093611

yeah its a disgusting offer, 17% back on first $4000 spent basically - ($800 bonus-$100 fee)/$4000 spend

>> No.17093615
File: 22 KB, 500x485, 1565032203122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carrying guns and knives when all you do is walk to your gentrified neighborhood to pick up your iced coffee
so is this a compensating thread or a white victim complex one?