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File: 81 KB, 750x744, E930A024-C8D8-4A36-B441-9BF97B70673F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17052820 No.17052820 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you incels use a safety razor?
Is it true you need two bowls: one for rinsing the blade through the shave and one for lathering?

>> No.17052824

Just use normal soap on your skin till it foams safe with water in your shink and move it through thatwater every other stroke to clean off hair. No need to get autistic.

>> No.17052833
File: 441 KB, 750x824, 81BC279D-3203-4418-BA67-04F53158681A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about ordinary shaving cream?

>> No.17052839

Just perfect. SOmedays I don't even use any at all or shampoo, works just as well. You only ned your hair to get soft (after showering or during is great) and something to glide better over the skin, which most cleaning products will do.

>> No.17052848
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I do because I have a very thick beard and don´t want to shave everyday. If your beard growth isn´t spaniard level like mine, just use any shaving soap or cream, doesn´t make a difference. I personally use pic rel, works great

>> No.17052862

Safety razors are just normal cheap razors with one blade. Do whatever you want.

>> No.17052926

I use a safety razor on my neck, works very well now that I've become used to it. They don't give me any irritation unlike cartridge razors and they're very cheap. If neither skin irritation or price is an issue for you then do whatever you want.
As for wet shaving, some people get away with only using water or regular soap/shampoo. Personally my beard growth is too thick and my skin too sensitive for that so I do use actual shaving cream. A good shaving cream only costs like $3~5 a tube and the lather can be made in under a minute straight on your face with a $10 synthetic brush. Depending on how often and how big of an area you shave a single tube of cream can last you anywhere from 1 to more than 6 months. So really no excuse not to use shaving cream if you have sensitive skin.
Also you don't need any bowls, just a source of running water.

>> No.17052929

Thats what I use

>> No.17052939

>Is it true you need two bowls: one for rinsing the blade through the shave and one for lathering?
Hell no. That's gay reddit shit you'd read in "fatherless masculinity magazine"
Don't spend $80 on a safety razor, get a $10 one on amazon or at walmart. Get 2x 10 blade sample pack on tryablade.com , use shaving cream from a can, rinse your razor under running water like normal.

>> No.17052941

>another reddit shaving thread

>> No.17052948

I use it and I don't use bowls. I put it under the tap

>> No.17053042
File: 457 KB, 1170x1326, 8F218922-2B14-45B4-91A5-8540BCBDB665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually plan on using it a long time, shell out the extra cash for an all aluminum (or steel if yer feeling super fancy) and take care of it, dry it off when you’re done. The chrome ones chip near the shaving lip and become unusable.
Regular shaving cream is fine unless you really like the whole lather process and have enough time for it in the morning. Get this stuff if you want a nicer shave with low effort.

>> No.17053345


>> No.17053355

fellow spaniard here i use the same soap wtf

>> No.17053361

I got sick of the green one
red is where its at

>> No.17053363

I use a safety for shaving my head and a straight razor to line up my beard
over a year and a half after I switched from cartridges and im not even halfway trough the 10 dollar pack of razors

>> No.17053364

Another Spaniard here. Don't use this but is it that good? I need to shave everyday and could actually go for a second shave in the evening. It'd be kinda cheaper than what I use now. How's the smell?

>> No.17053449
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Just dont buy any gillette products

>> No.17053486

Depends on your skin bro. Mine is sensitive af so I get razor burn and worse, acne. The way I can get around this is by using proraso and aftershave.

>> No.17053496
File: 10 KB, 248x523, nosehairtrimmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I get rid of nose hairs? The nose hair trimer that is pic related does not work for some reason.

>> No.17053508

why, i only use one bowl for lathering, i rinse my razor under tap water

>> No.17053518

you have to trim them first and then do a last pass with this thing. which defeats the whole purpose kek

>> No.17053625

How to trim?

>> No.17053683

lol no

i have an old bakelite gillete. i use fucking palmolive shaving soap, apply it to my wet face and then just lather it up with a brush on my face. if the razor clogs then i just unscrew or partially unscrew the top and rinse it under the tap. i don't understand this autism shit, it's cleaning your face not high mass. fast and easy and exactly the same results.

>> No.17053687

>Hell no. That's gay reddit shit you'd read in "fatherless masculinity magazine"
fuck dude my sides. so true. so sad but true.

>> No.17053689

I can't grow enough facial hair to form anything meaningful

>> No.17053779


>> No.17053840
File: 8 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to use a gllette ball end tech (pic rel) with wilkinson sword blades. i like it because the gilette tech is very mild, so i dont get many cuts compared to other more aggressive razors (like merkurs), and the wilkinson sword blade is sharp and durable enough that i can have a perfect shave with only two passes and get at least 2 weeks worth of shaves out of one blade.

now however i use a gilette skinguard with gilette shaving foam. the shave isnt as smooth as a safety razor, but its good enough and i never cut myself ever.

>> No.17054172

he's on the fucking money isn't he though.

>> No.17054904

>use an electric for a week
>it shaves better than a safety razor

>> No.17055169


>> No.17055190


I use one but skip the lathering and just use soap. I don't need a bunch of extra steps while shaving lol

>> No.17055225

This, it depends on the face and hair

>> No.17055764
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Ever since I started shaving I've noticed more and more bumps on my face. Like not razor burns or ingrown hairs, so what the fuck am I doing wrong? I lather and use sharp but not aggressive blades and im super careful. Feels band man. I think Im going to ditch this shit in favour of an electric trimmer idgaf if its not clean shaven

>> No.17055771

explain in detail how you shave and what products you use from start to finish.

>> No.17055777

I used a Safety Razor, but I do not use that horse shit lathering shaving cream. Just use regular shaving cream. I think my razor cost me $25, and it works perfectly. Astra razors are owned by Gillette so don’t get tricked like I was. I’ve heard the feathers are the way to go, but they are much more expensive and much sharper. The advice in this thread is solid, I’d def make the jump. It’s saved me money and gives me a better shave.

>> No.17055833

>safety razor
>synthetic brush
>shave after shower
>never against the grain, adjust angle just enough for razor to cut the hair
>after shave

>> No.17055849

which safety razor?
which aftershave?
prorasso soap or foam?
do you rinse your face with cold water after shaving?
how long have you been shaving with a safety razor for?
what is your shaving technique like?
do you pull the skin tight with your free hand when you shave?

>> No.17055869

>which safety razor?
unbranded stainless steel
>which aftershave?
>prorasso soap or foam?
cream sensitive
>do you rinse your face with cold water after shaving?
>how long have you been shaving with a safety razor for?
six months
>what is your shaving technique like?
I let the razor do the work, the shave itself is really smooth. the blades just glides on my skin and I only do 2 passes tops (for said reasons)
>do you pull the skin tight with your free hand when you shave?
I don't

>> No.17055900

pull the skin tight then. make sure you dont shave too much in the same area, dont try to do 3 passes worth of shaving in the first pass. just do a quick shave for the first pass, be very gentle, and clean up on the next pass. start going against the grain too, get used to that. also, experiment with different products. some products wont agree with you so keep trying different things until you find something that gives you a comfortable shave. but first isolate the products to find out whats causing the problem, start by not using aftershave and see if it improves, and if not, then change to a soap. it could also be the razor thats shit, so try a different razor if the problem persists.