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17048389 No.17048389 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think actual army issued boots can be worn as part of an everyday fit? What would they go with? I'm not a boot, but a friend gift me his surplus boots. Picrel

>> No.17048401
File: 2.08 MB, 1170x1515, 18932DED-6F04-48BC-A52F-A820EB2A8611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can definitely look effay if your /fit/ and not a skinny dweeb

>> No.17048414


I'm still closer to dyel than to fit, but by the time winter rolls I'll definitely look big.

That's a nice fit, what pants would you say go well with green/earth boots? Jeans, black jeans, or olive chinos?

>> No.17048440

>What do you think of actual military boots

Go to Ukraine, middle east if you wanna pull it off, otherwise it's cringe.

>> No.17048449

Skinny legs dyel

>> No.17048997

kek I could fold this fool up and put him in my pocket

>> No.17049034

tfw slav in germany

>> No.17049703

this is why you never skip leg day

>> No.17049802

He gave you his surplus boots because they're uncomfortable and shitty. They're fucking awful. Get a pair of Tactical Research or something they're actually good boots and pretty cheap

>> No.17049950
File: 1.99 MB, 250x190, A8068783-3FA9-4935-8C2F-FBCB62B43CD9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are skinny jeans lol

>> No.17050607

>hUrR dUrR sKiNnY jEaNs
that's how we can all tell you skip leg day, faggot. your skinny jeans do nothing to hide how shit your legs look.

>> No.17050667

w2c those older style ITURRI desert boots?

>> No.17052088
File: 152 KB, 868x640, B65AAD05-3AEF-4E9E-B613-5A532AC7DE0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds pretty faggoty being obsessed with another mans legs kys ywnbaw

>> No.17052181

Is the pic supposed to be an example of a skinny dweeb or?

>> No.17052187

remove the dress and that man is actually kinda hot

>> No.17053264

>went from "I am jacked with good legs" to "noooooo stop making fun of meeeeeeeeee! you must be le gay"
Kek absolutely bitch made pussy with chicken legs

>> No.17053944

miring the vascularity

>> No.17055571

cheap working/hiking boots

w2c those?

>> No.17056633

they still make these
i have bellevilles from magnum boot shop

>> No.17056637

i meant not exactly iturris but similar looking ones

>> No.17056724

>I'm not a boot
You're a boot posing as a human and we can all tell

>> No.17057321


Pic related is absolutely gonna make you look like an absolutely massive goober unless its worn out camping or something like that. Even that is pushing it... They really don't look actually good with anything but a military uniform.

You can totally pull off classic black or brown leather military style boots in regular attire though.

>> No.17057377
File: 820 KB, 907x680, 9313694F-3F0C-4132-A337-8BE49AA12C6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more daily reminder to all doc martens are considered combat boots and normies love them you won’t look weird wearing Milsurp boots #stopbootshaming

>> No.17057583

Those look pretty good what are they?

>> No.17057682


did you not see the part at the bottom about regular black and brown leather being fine?

>> No.17058128

a great way to show everyone that you skip leg day

>> No.17058360

>le basic white bitch shoe
docs were popular from 2020-2021 they're uncool now

>> No.17058407
File: 275 KB, 1280x1600, sfb-field-2-8-leather-tactical-boots-HdQlt9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one in the military wears the standard "army issued" boots. They are heavy and will give you the largest blisters you have ever seen. Everyone replaces them with Garmonts, Danner or even nike boots.

Since you likely never use these boots out in the field get yourself a pair of Nike Men's SFB Field 2 8" Leather Tactical Boots. They are light and will be kind to your feet while still meeting the US military requirements.

>> No.17058950

It dont matter how many times you tell them. they dont listen- and think that comfortable Army boots are a LARP but it’s really the other way around. I always recommend Tactial Research, for whatever reason I stuck with those when I was in

>> No.17059031

again, I'm not a boot. I know that these are trash for walking real distances.

I'm wondering if they're fashion appropriate, since they seem very nice and I got them for free

>> No.17059471
File: 653 KB, 938x706, Spanish Army 2010s standard desert boots (ITURRI Botas Campañas Áridas).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use them where they belong

>> No.17059481


If you're not a boot, you ought to know that wearing these in public with regular civillian attire will make you look like an absolutely massive boot.

>> No.17059485

it's quintessential Shia LaBeouf-core you absolute nerd

>> No.17059589

The only way to pull it off without looking like a boot bitch is to go homeless vet core, but be warned you literally can't have any friends with you and you can't smile.

>> No.17059615

Those aren't docs you retard

>> No.17059709

Is it normal to buy at least five pairs of boots in less than four years in civilian professions? As far as I'm concerned these things are only good for tripping mines.

>> No.17059805


He looks like a fucking complete retard in it too and so will OP, who isn't a multi-millionaire hollywood personality

>> No.17059940

I've looked at pics of kanye and shia with those boots and I give the same autist who doesn't understand fashion vibe so maybe I can pull it off

>> No.17060065
File: 1.62 MB, 498x401, 1653321091294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from 2020
mfw i see zoomer foolishness

>> No.17060789

>No one in the military wears the standard "army issued" boots.
in my experience the people who went out of pocket to buy lightweight sneaker style boots worked deskjobs.

>> No.17060818

Only if they are black. You can literally pair that color with nothing but drab camo, but at that point you'll have zogbots reeeing about stolen valor or something

>> No.17061092

Austrian memes

>> No.17061758

how are these even remotely close to OP retard

>> No.17061891

>in my experience
You don’t even capitalize letters. You have no experience. Might be hard to believe but even grunts switched em out to Rocky’s or Danners like everyone else

>> No.17063219

I love mine. They're comfy as hell, I can generally wear them everywhere with anything, and they've lasted since 2019.

>> No.17063302

less gay than overly polished leather boots

>> No.17063432

i like these!

>> No.17063441

People who wear doc martens should be shot
the only acceptable boots are actual milsurp