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File: 98 KB, 731x578, fin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15968697 No.15968697 [Reply] [Original]

>With hair loss on the rise, Asia's men grapple with what it means to be bald

>A Korean study in the International Journal of Dermatology found that balding men were considered older and less attractive by 90% of non-bald respondents.

>In 2018, National Human Rights Commission of Korea had to urge employers not to discriminate against hairless men, after a building management company was accused of asking a job applicant to wear a wig during his interview and rejecting him on account of his bald head, according to the Yonhap News Agency.

>"People will tell you straight out," he said in a phone interview from Taipei, recounting instances when his loss of hair was casually pointed out to him. "Normally when they're saying it they're not trying to be mean, they're just commenting, so I can't be mad. But you remember.

>"I tried to shave my head, but I didn't think it was suitable for my head and body shape," he added, naming Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and actor Jason Statham as non-Asians who can pull off the look. "I think Asian people, including myself, tend to be a little slimmer, so if I had to choose between bald and slim versus bald and athletic, or even muscular, then I think it looks better with the more size you have."



You are on finasteride, right?

I mean, how exactly do you plan on being /fa/ without your hair?

>> No.15968706
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I love hairy men

>> No.15968738
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>balding men were considered older and less attractive by 90% of non-bald respondents.
This can't be true, I was told to all I had to do was just own it like the Rock! Fin is a tranny drug... right?

>> No.15968739


Knock it off, wise guy.

>> No.15968766
File: 20 KB, 232x350, baldlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>own it

That's correct. You just have to own it. Put some swagger in that step of yours as you walk up to that group of women in the club to pick out the one you fancy most. As you're talking to her, pop your collar, maintain eye contact with her at all times, and maybe even put in a little eyebrow action. I'm sure she won't even notice that horseshoe around your scalp.

>> No.15968771

Why are you so sexist?

>> No.15968772

im not on it i cuz nw0 need more retin a tho

>> No.15968797

Yes. Shave it all off, sides too, half-assing your haircut is an even bigger cope

>> No.15968807

You could get a transplant for the price of fin with no side effects.

>> No.15968904
File: 59 KB, 627x482, pricecheck2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>$53.21 for a three month supply of 5mg pills.
>Recommended dose is 1mg daily.
>Cut the pills into fourths.
>Your 3 month supply becomes a 12 month supply.
>$53.21 for a 360 day supply.
>360 days in a year
>A year of fin = $53.21
>Suppose you're 30 and want to jump on fin.
>You're 30 suppose you live to 80.
>You'll probably stop caring about your hair by the time you're 65.
>From 30 to 65 is 35 years.
>$53.21 x 35 years = $1,862.35
>$2K for a lifetime supply of fin.

Hair transplants are charge by the graft and wildly vary in price depending on how many grafts you need.

Where are you going to get a $2,000 transplant that will give you a beautiful looking full head of hair?

>> No.15968910

>links to a non-scientific article

>> No.15969054
File: 136 KB, 727x584, cIBRZnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't have your cake and eat it retard. The reason why people say shave it off is so you don't end up like pic related. Becoming too obsessed with trying to molds one's physical appearance into what society wants is not good. When I was losing my hair, I took it as a choice, to keep coping by taking drugs in order to maintain my hair, or just shave it off and take the hit in look and get on with my life.

>> No.15969215

>30 year old chronic masturbator
>never exercise
>never go outside
>hardcore alcoholic
>diet is 100% kebab and burgers
>awful sleep
>norwood 0.25 at worst
hairloss medication is cope. you're balding because you're genetic garbage, just face it.

>> No.15969310


>> No.15970064

Damn, that guy looks so good
Women are stupid

>> No.15970079

Because there are lawsuits against it for destroying your balls.

>> No.15970389

Yeah I'm on it, but I've noticed if I stop taking it or start taking it I get a headache for about a day. When I'm taking it daily, no headache.

>> No.15970394

You're both forgetting you need to take fin after getting a transplant or it will just fall out, plus transplants are fucking gross

>> No.15971038

you just described me except im heavily balding and just buzz it off now

>> No.15971050

its almost as if none of these things are related to hair loss..?!
male pattern baldness is 100% caused by DHT and guess what fin does?

>> No.15971069

>genetic ubermensch
>never exercises
>never goes outside
>hardcore alcoholic
>diet is 100% kebab and burgers
>awful sleep

>> No.15971077

well i'm not balding and i dont think i should spend money on a hypothetical precentive measure

>> No.15971119

OP is a tranny

>> No.15971138
File: 64 KB, 728x512, forehead-chin-jaw-ear-finger-ear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guess what fin does?
it castrates you.
i don't need to guess because i read the scientific literature.

stop shaming men for being bald.
baldness originally helped norsemen get vitamin d in the winter

>> No.15971175

>you need to take fin after getting a transplant or it will just fall out
This literally means that DHT is not everything to hairloss, theoretically the follicles on the back and sides of your hair should be immune to DHT, so why when we transplant them on the top of your head they literally just fall like normal hair?

This literally proves the blood flow / scalp tension theory

>> No.15971182

>male pattern baldness is 100% caused by DHT

See this

>> No.15971186

dht is what reduces blood flow through the scalp tissue by thickening the scalp tissue

>> No.15971196

uneducated anon lol

>> No.15971208

You need to keep taking medications to stop hairloss, you are transplating only a certain amount of follicles that are DHT immune.

Let's say your hairline receded a bit too much and you get a transplant to bring it back to what it once was. The hair immediately after the transplanted follicles are still susceptible to DHT and thus could fall, leaving you with an unnatural gap between the transplanted hair and the rest of them, so you keep taking the meds to stabilise your AGA.

>> No.15971216

Started fin last week. Been on nanox and using a dermapen since November. It is a weird mix between distressing and relieving to no longer feel that gross scalp slickness but still be able to see it because the returning hair is thinner and lighter.

>> No.15971220

>it castrates you.
>i don't need to guess because i read the scientific literature.
can you link any source on that claim ? not a doctor but ive never heard of that
>so why when we transplant them on the top of your head they literally just fall like normal hair?
the transplanted hair doesnt fall out

>> No.15971221

It's fine if you don't care about your hair but this lie is dangerous and causes people to act far too late.

>> No.15971239

Finasteride blocks the action of an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase.

>> No.15971244

Anon, I am not a native speaker
Also phone posting
Great point, but I have seen people who lost their transplanted hair, main one being Joe Rogan.

>> No.15971250

why is this dude getting bullied?

>> No.15971253

Overall I think the scalp tension and blood flow do in fact play role.
Minoxidil literally works by increasing blood flow.
DHT might be just a small piece in the puzzle.
The issue is clearly in the scalp, it's dumb to nuke DHT levels in your entire body to stop hair loss.

>> No.15971263

it’s just a post of the tranny’s confidence, why aren’t you supporting him?

>> No.15971267

This guy's managing to get attention from broads while not fitting into what anyone here considers /fa/
Winners attract haters

>> No.15971275

>yeah bro, just take pills that can make ur offspring retarded if it comes into contact with it.
Men are the new women

>> No.15971276

He is very hot why are you bully him??

>> No.15971279

very beautiful hair and skin color!

>> No.15971281

sexy man!

>> No.15971283

This is the guy telling you to "man" up and take pills for life

>> No.15971285

like an angle in the skies!

>> No.15971289

I love your hair bro! Masculine!

>> No.15971290

yes i know that already, you literally claimed it castrates you

>> No.15971291

I am in love with you

>> No.15971295

>this is the "guy" telling you to keep ur hair


>> No.15971296

Buddy looks fine, he's got a sorta Jude Law look. Probably another Elliott Rodger, too autistic to figure out his personality is shit so he blames his looks even though he looks fine.

In any case, I'm 23 and I can tell my hair is receding a tad and a little bit thinner than it has been. Should I be worried? My dad has that stereotypical receded hairline without a bald spot or anything like that, but IIRC it didn't kick in for him til he was in his late 40s, and I've always expected that to happen to me.

>> No.15971301

Don’t listen to the haters. Curly hair is the best hair! Beautiful, bouncy, healthy!

>> No.15971306

I would pay to fuck you

>> No.15971308

Whoa it's Shamir

>> No.15971315

handsomer than broad pit

>> No.15971317

hell no, I won't take finasteride or use minoxidil
plus I already reached the point it's already pretty gone, finasteride is only good if you use it early

I'm just going to wear a hair system

>> No.15971319


>> No.15971330

how is wearing a full head of hair coping VS taking roids to compensate for your bald head

>> No.15971333
File: 89 KB, 739x739, FB493794-666F-44C5-86E9-8B36752D794F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full head of hair

>> No.15971341

>wearing a full head of hair


>> No.15971343

>wear a wig
>look chad
>no infertility from finasteride
>no increase heartrate from minoxidil
seems to me like taking these drugs is the real coop when you're willing to do all that for some hair
+ minoxidil stops working after a few years

>> No.15971348

>+ minoxidil stops working after a few years
theres not enough studies to support this claim
two reddit posts are not proof btw

>> No.15971351
File: 483 KB, 1435x1692, system chad vs drug addict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your hair game up bro you'll just look less bald

>> No.15971352

all minox did for me is make my eyebrows and nose hairs grow super long

>> No.15971353

yes i'm on fin but i'm still waiting for it to start working

>suspected hair loss started sometime in 2018 (23yo)
>started becoming suspicious in october 2018, started shedding ever since
>went to a derm in early 2019, he gave me topical fin but i didnt use it (mistake) because i was in denial
>started oral fin november last year (shouldn't have waited so long)
>now approaching nw2, can see stray hairs where my hairline used to be
>starting to shed more clumps of hairs, rather than just all over
>still don't look like i'm balding yet but time is running out

>> No.15971356

that's weird, last thing I need is to get any more hair in my ears. I just started getting some the past 2 years

>> No.15971363

>rocking the bald exposed head in the winter

>> No.15971364

yeah hair system looks better there, but if youre not as far gone as the second guy then its an option
you dont need to have everything black and white

>> No.15971372

True it is an option, I always avoided minoxidil even earlier on since I read that you have to stay on it otherwise hair loss will be even worse, plus the smell and the fact you have to leave it on for extend times.

I didn't know about finasteride until I was already pretty thin though.

I just enjoyed my hair in my 20's and hitting my 30s I don't care too much about getting more bald, I haven't gotten a hair system yet though but I'm making a template soon.

It is pretty weird to actually shave the top when the time comes but it'll be an improvement, it'll cost me about 2K a year for a good system + to match my long hair, a shorter hair system can be cheaper around 200-400 though VS 700 I'll be spending.

I just googled finasteride and it says it's about 70 USD per month so one option is half the cost.

>> No.15971381
File: 197 KB, 1280x720, jewish hasbara recruits at work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go shill your shitty pharms somewhere else, Israel

>> No.15971384

kek I was just comparing the two, I don't touch that shit (finasteride) because I don't want ED

For french lace hair systems it's expected to wear at least 3 a year, maybe 2 if you're conservative so if it's a short hair system that's 6 inches long at perhaps 400 USD per piece that's 1200USD a year for hair systems VS 800 a year for ED drugs

>> No.15971387

70 usd a month seems a bit much, i pay 70$ a year for my supply, directly from a pharmacy through a doctors perscription

>> No.15971394

Nice, well it's definitely cheap for you. As long as it's working for you and you don't wake up unable to bang a girl it's not too bad

>> No.15971396

that can happen, in like 0.2% of all cases
i took the risk and its okay for me
if you dont want to gamble, yeah a hair system is probably better

>> No.15971600

>70 USD per month
Bit much there. I pay like $8 for mine with Rx card

>> No.15971614


He looks like a subhuman in the before and after tbqh, look at those fucking jowls.

>> No.15971615

don’t bully the nigge he’s hot

>> No.15971632

idk i’m not getting any pussy with it without hair so I stopped worrying about it. If i start balding im just going to buzz it, I stopped dressing for women a long time ago

>> No.15971731
File: 73 KB, 720x870, F3F78E1A-97CB-4BDF-BE2B-4246DC5A47AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I stopped dressing for women a long time ago
Guaranteed you look like a rob zombie reject

>> No.15972194


Sometimes hair tranplants go south. There's people whom lose hair even in what is usually considered the safe zone (the horseshoe pattern around your head)

Usually a surgeon asseses how good your donor area is and decides based upon that how many donor hair you have available.

Ultimately, genetic rules over all and something like hairloss is hardly predictable. I've seen people with bald fathers keep their hair, people whom had fathers with full head of hairs lose theirs. It can be from anywhere in your family, even generations back. Sometimes it can even start late. Think Mel Gibson or Antonio Banderas, pretty much a full head of hair up until they hit their 40s point at which they rapidly lost a lot of them.

While transplants help, they're not a triumph card against hairloss, as you need to keep taking meds throughout your life to maintain. Right now a lot of the studies are trying to find a way to clone DHT immune hair so one individual can have a pretty much endless supply of donor hair which can be used to "top up" a transplant.

>> No.15972339

Just wear a hat. That’s what men used to do.

>> No.15972341

Also rape women. That’s what men used to do.

>> No.15972345

can mods delete fin threads already

i miss igor posting

>> No.15972760
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 5aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you buy fin without prescription where you live?
On my shithole country I need medical appointments to start AND to keep using it over the months, which costs a fucking fortune (the fin itself is cheap).
I wish so much I could've started already. With each passing day I'm losing more and more hair, and the dread of losing everything is killing me...