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15958861 No.15958861 [Reply] [Original]

I'm poor, mediocre looking, unemployed and attending a third rate university. Can I still wear suits all the time without being ridiculed?

>> No.15958901

Do whatever you want

>> No.15958904

Is that Saber?

>> No.15958906

Do whatever you won’t

>> No.15959183
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Depends. Is there a high chance of you getting robbed in or around the place? Or did "third rate" judt mean not prestigious?

With that out of the way, learn all the basics of how a suit should fit. Google it, go on art of manliness, buy "dressing the man" by flusser. Whatever you prefer.
Then find a tailor that can do the small alterations you need for cheap or learn to do it yourself. (you can make a side hustle out of sewing)

If you dress correctly you will look great. But if you think you just have to buy any suit from walmart thats roughly your size... better stop now.

>> No.15959230

I shouldn't have said poor, I meant I'm middleclass but I hastily hit post before I edited it. Third rate as in the in the 400-800 world rank range—so yes, very lacking in prestige.
>Is there a high chance of you getting robbed
Not a concern. I just want to avoid coming off as a pretentious wannabe like most middleclass guys who get into formal wear without the looks to back it up.

>> No.15959800

That is the Springfield 1903 from girls frontline I believe.

>> No.15959812

watching old foreign movies, seemed like everyone was wearing suits all the time unless you were blue collar. schlubs from the lower middle class and even some working classs were walking around in suits

>> No.15960660
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Only attractive people can wear suits, and those suits must be avantgarde/vintage, i.e. a clear fashion statement. If you're not fat, go thrifting and get lucky, then yes, you can do it. You might have to get it tailored though.

>> No.15960696

Imagine a fedora but for the entire body. That's what you'll look like.

>> No.15961089
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attractive people can wear whatever they want

>> No.15961516
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Coming from a guy that wore shirts and ties to uni everday for 2 years, I would suggest ditching the suit. I usually wore a shirt and sweater like pic related and in a university similar to yours I got wierd looks all the time and people have told me they thought I looked autistic.

Now that doesn't mean you have to start going to lectures in a tech fleece and Jordans. On a normal day consider wearing a casual shirt a simple jeans and on "smart" days a formal shirt and sweater. Save the 2 piece for interviews and important meetings (which you'll be attending if you want to make the most of a shit university)

>> No.15961542
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>seemed like everyone was wearing suits all the time unless you were blue collar. schlubs from the lower middle class and even some working classs were walking around in suits

Pretty much everyone wore them, even working class people, It's a modern view that you can only wear suits for special occasions, back then it was just ordinary clobber, clothing became far more casual in the 50's and 1960s.

>> No.15961556

yeah wool suits were normal for the european working class
wool is still an awesome material

>> No.15961566

I agree, i have a 3 piece pinstripe one what must be 50 years old which is cut very much like the ones above, cost me pittance too,.

>> No.15961594


ivyprep and suitfags and what not are extensively tryhards in almost any common scenario and only apply to their internet clique and should be reserved for the occasion; hell even people who have actual company jobs are not that tryhard on a day to day basis

>> No.15962917

>Faces of Ireland

>> No.15963799
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I just started going for the Patrick Bateman/1980s Wall Street yuppie look complete with suits, suspenders, a wool overcoat, etc. The key is not to care what people think. If people give you a hard time for it, fuck 'em. If anyone asks just tell them you "dress for success". It's all about the attitude.

>> No.15963802

>dress for success
checked and based

>> No.15964481

no because you will always look low-tier poor tier, a suit can ONLY look good if it complements a good job/good body

>> No.15964487

i hate avantgarde suits, they look out of place literally everywhere

>> No.15964789

They are from the Newcastle area

>> No.15964926

OP do yourself a favor and don't bother, because all cheap (<$1000) suits will look like absolute shit
I bought three suits back in the day, they are all fused, slightly too boxy of a fit, even with tailoring to be slim, they are still fused (glued) together.
Fused suits / coats will wear like shit and if you try wearing them daily or semi frequently, they will wear out fast, meaning that it will look wrinkled because it has shitty cheap material, and there are also likely bubbles if you have it pressed to get the wrinkles out (because the suit is fused (glued) together.

If you are actually still thinking about wearing suits or sport coats / blazers, you need to buy canvassed (stitched) clothes to avoid all of the issues that I have mentioned.

>> No.15965225
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>extensively tryhards

>> No.15965239

wow inspo from decades ago sure showed me