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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 575 KB, 768x1024, 1612113826117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15956078 No.15956078 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>15953067

BBC perfume documentary (part 1 of 3):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=annRzLYrRwM [Embed]
4160 Tuesdays' Sarah McCartney talk:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOIjVZO8azQ [Embed]
w2c bottles

Use Google to obtain the maximum discount code at fragrancenet (37%).

http://www.notino.com (see directory at bottom for your country)
general info
various fragrance communities/review sites/blogs
w2c samples
on DIY fragrances
affordable snice scents
For /ourguy/ Luca Turin's books look up Library Genesis

>> No.15956079
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The new Fragrance Groups 101 chart

>> No.15956083
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The fragrance flowchart for beginners.

>> No.15956091
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looking for a spring/summer frag, been using pic related for a couple of years and really love it. any recs?

>> No.15956108
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which fragrance fits this interior?

>> No.15956173

What the fuck is this thread? Fuck off weirdo.

>> No.15956176
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Why do people love this?

>> No.15956194
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what fragrance would fit a metalhead/punk?

>> No.15956219

Norne drew inspiration from Bergtatt.

>> No.15956223


it's a womens fragrance from 1920's anon

lol, just noticing it casually sitting in the group charts beside 99% mens fragrances. huge frgranace but damn some people need to check the release dates of frags/charts should include them.

>> No.15956272

built for BBC

>> No.15956290

umm what about the album?

>> No.15956319

Something with tobacco probably

>> No.15956327

imagine how fragrant her fat Joocy poosy is
do you think she hasn’t washed in a couple of days? Would be even better

>> No.15956332

Looks like a tranny to me.

>> No.15956345

That ass is reserved for BBC only.

>> No.15956402

why did you make this thread you stupid cunt

>> No.15956419

The story behind it, I guess. Woman lost in a mountainous forest.

>> No.15956434

even better !!!

>> No.15956463

What is it with clone houses and cult-like behavior? People can wear what they want, but god damn some people's obsessions with companies like Dua and Alexandria are ridiculous. I've mainly seen it in buy/sell Facebook groups, but any complaints about them are met with fanboys repeating the same bullshit to justify paying $2/ml for cheap oils they bought wholesale and marked up ("they're 99% similar", "they're stronger and better than the real thing you just have to let them mature bro", etc)

>> No.15956476

stop making new threads before timeyou fucking idiot


>> No.15956551

she is built 4 bbc

>> No.15956585

What does everyone think about YSL La Nuit de l'Homme. I enjoy it but the sillage is a bit weak imo. Maybe it's a good intimate fragrance?

>> No.15956604

Akro Smoke

>> No.15956630
File: 173 KB, 413x602, Eren_meets_Yeagerists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would he wear?

>> No.15956637

some stupid-ass niche perfume only incel weeaboos would know about

>> No.15956684

Perfectly good thread still active and nowhere near limit. What cunt keeps doing this.

>> No.15956704


Joy amin pays respect

>> No.15956720

Body odor and the stench of socks worn for 5 days straight.

>> No.15956725

so basically a /pol/ user, kek.

>> No.15956738


>> No.15956743

Parfums de Marley

>> No.15956746

Horrible thread. I’m very disappointed. You should all be ashamed.

>> No.15956749
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>> No.15956751


>> No.15956789

Something sweet and woody with grass and a little dirt

>> No.15956801

Can you fuck off already

>> No.15956816
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just tell me which one is the best

>> No.15956820

Justin Bieber - Girlfriend

>> No.15956847


>> No.15956957

No. Stop making shit threads while the proper thread is still active, faggo.

>> No.15957036

It wasn't me

>> No.15957118

>falling for an obvious attentionwhoring tranny thread
For those missing context. The picture from OP was posted some time ago in the frag general. No, it’s not a women. It’s a transsexual men trying to get your validation and attention by using his photo as the op picture. The other thread is not even at 200 posts and there was absolutely no reason to create a new thread. Abandon it and don’t give him your attention. Once the previous thread stops bumping we’ll create a proper new one.

>> No.15957128

that's a girl. Just because you have tranny fantasies doesn't mean every ass is a mans

>> No.15957164
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I heard you can use benzoyl peroxide on your armpits, idk why but even after light exersise I smell like shit even though I shower, wash my clothes, use deoderant etc, so I was thinking about trying it, is it safe? has anyone here done it?

>> No.15957216

If you can put it on your face you can put it on your arm pit

>> No.15957643
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The state of this cursed thread. Mods plz delete.

>> No.15957842

Is Polo Green good for the winter?

>> No.15957933

It’s not bad.

>> No.15957973

Gucci Guilty smells awesome bros

>> No.15957999

Question for you guys who wear fragrances, is there anything they have done for you specifically? I don't mean a general answer like, "they got me laid", but did you ever have a stranger or a girl you just met go out of their way to compliment you on your scent?

>> No.15958027


>> No.15958034


>> No.15958037

No, I just wear them to smell nice.

>> No.15958315

I've got D&G The One, Eros Flame and TM Angel
What fresh summer scent do you guys recommend, I'm a uni student so obvs can't afford super expansive stuff

>> No.15958321
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do you listen to music? perfume is like music for your nose

>> No.15958410
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>> No.15958424

What's the point of smelling nice if it does nothing for you?

>> No.15958448
File: 139 KB, 1200x900, EuM8pePXcAQdCgx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have these fake fragrances in dollar stores in the US? Here in Canada I went to a new dollar store and bought a ripoff of YSL LNDLH and Kouros. $4.99 each.

LNDLH smells EXACTLY like the original, just weaker.

>> No.15958449
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>> No.15958477

Yeah we have them. They’re shitty as fuck.

>> No.15958496

It's really good!

>> No.15958514

In the UK, counterfeit goods are banned.

You can only find fakes/replicas on facebook and ebay.

>> No.15958532
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Can a woman wear this please advise

>> No.15958712

of course

>> No.15959046
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Is kouros overrated and a meme or still worth it?

>> No.15959159
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I'm waiting on a sample of this, I need 1 more fragrance to have my solidified group of 10 perfect scents. The remaining one I need is another summer scent and I have been through a bunch of samples to no avail, I hope banderas comes through on some spy kids vibes

>> No.15959166

Old but still good. Like a greek jockstrap.

>> No.15959177
File: 345 KB, 712x873, 1613393845595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone send me link to the video where he plays with a water melon?

>> No.15959180

Have it. Love it. Cheap. Great value. Goodnnot crazy sillage. Very likeable.

>> No.15959191
File: 1.53 MB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.15959193


>> No.15959207

It’s on his insta. He might have deleted. Gonna fap to it?

>> No.15959213
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>> No.15959244

No, I just wanted to see him lose his mind

>> No.15959256

Looks like a cokehead

>> No.15959278

I hope it's a show stopper, the bar is at light blue intense right now. Out of all the samples it's the one I will default to if I can't find something better instead. The notes look interesting for blue seduction. Not a lot of good summer scents honestly, there is blue shit, fresh nothingness, and then virgin island/ saint barts, and creed clones for hot weather. You exhaust the genre pretty fast

saint barts

those are the other 3 hot weathers I got that made it into the rotation

>> No.15959286
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSA: this is a e-celeb shitposter's thread. If you want to have any discussion or to have your questions answered come to the actual Fragrance General here.

>> No.15959299

it makes me happy

>> No.15959309
File: 340 KB, 824x904, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe. Fuck off you autist.

>> No.15959381
File: 382 KB, 1668x885, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a male version of this guys? i always thought it was a mans scent but it says ladies here? Can’t get a straight answer on the “rival” thread due to the mental illness and paranoia over “raids” and “jeremyposting”.

>> No.15959395

Watching you is like watching a clown in a circus.

>> No.15959425

Fuck off and die

>> No.15959429

Here's the coomer. Did you get any compliment for wearing Light Blue from your mom when you left your basement tonight?

>> No.15959440

I am wearing Versace ERRROS man so fucking SICK man SEX SEX SEX my COCK is so HARD all the time now SEX SEX

>> No.15959446
File: 109 KB, 744x744, versace-eros-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greeting from Bangladesh Jeremy.

>> No.15959451


>> No.15959466
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>> No.15959471

Thank you jeremy, thanks to you we're all ready now to get some of these sweet white vageenas and boobs. Greetings from Dhakka brother

>> No.15959488
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Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.15959491
File: 2.90 MB, 1152x648, OUCH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15959498

that guy is a fucking asshole man

>> No.15959533
File: 309 KB, 725x574, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s fucking adorable.

>> No.15959808

Which is the legit #520 frag thread. The other one is pure schizo shit?

>> No.15959885
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It’s a goldmine. What the fuck is wrong with these freaks lol. Someone posted a few random jeremy pics and there’s a guy writing essays attacking random anons who he thinks are raiding the thread. Has it always been like this?

>> No.15961244

You bought a sample? Isn't a huge bottle like 15 bucks? I have it too. It's a really good cheap blue freshie. Basically like any blue frag but with a nice melon note. Very poor longevity