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File: 55 KB, 500x749, gsdfsgdwsfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15953837 No.15953837 [Reply] [Original]

Supreme, is it more than a symbol of status?

>> No.15953857

It's a symbol of being supremely tacky.

>> No.15953873

The only people who wear that shit brand are white, clean-cut, limp-wristed, upper-middle class suburban teenagers who listen to Travis Scott and Sheck Wes almost non-stop.

Either that, or balding millenial faggots who try way too fucking hard to look hip and cool.

>> No.15953995
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supreme is kino

>> No.15953997
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supreme roma

>> No.15954008
File: 476 KB, 450x282, BBC7F20D-CBC1-4035-A8CA-52EA6885A9AE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's expensive therefore it's good

>> No.15954018

>>expensive garbage that had collaborations with titan companies like Louis vuitton

>> No.15954023

And anyone can tell you that the Supreme LV collab is shit quality and a huge downgrade compared to LV's usual quality (which these days is shit too).

>> No.15954144

>Collabing with LV
>A benchmark anymore

LOL Oh god oh fuck that's rich

>> No.15954160
File: 202 KB, 1200x720, palace-feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, hell even fucking Palace of all brands collab'd with LV in the past lmfao

>> No.15954183

This is Based.

>> No.15954193
File: 565 KB, 600x610, 6a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh it's "based" alright

based-boy shit lol

>> No.15954266

commit suicide

>> No.15954273

>what is in a name?
Supreme just IS Supreme. Simple as.

>> No.15954317
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>> No.15954318

why does he look like he just finished tossing some salad?

>> No.15954351

He looks like he cries while getting a blowjob.

>> No.15954352

Improper use of based. Retard.

>> No.15954476
File: 371 KB, 699x592, 1533509177717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a clothing brand you fucking underageb& twat
do you skateboard and like the clothes? cool
do you not skateboard and just like the clothes? also fine
Do you praise each BOGO as a piece of art and buy the skate decks to hang on your wall?
You might be a corporate drone or someone with 0 personality who thinks owning 'Preme can fill that void

>> No.15954702

Supreme hasn't been seen as a "skateboarding brand" since the early-2010's, you retard. Ever since it got extremely popular all across the world, most people treat it as just another designer brand to flex wealth that one barely even has in the first place.

Hell, even most skaters themselves nowadays consider their clothes to be tacky and ostentatious as all hell. Anyone who wears that shit in most skater's circles is either viewed as a total ass, or a poser who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

>> No.15954729

>flex wealth
>shirts retail for $38
I'm tired of this "Supreme is a luxury brand" shit you faggots love to spout

>> No.15954735

as long as they sell skateboarding parts and identify themselves as a skateshop with videos that advertise their products on skateboarders, i'm pretty sure they're a "skateboard brand"
no one gives a fuck what inner circles of skateboarders think

>> No.15954762

they have a skate video so they are a skate brand regardless if people like you think otherwise.

>> No.15955181

The only people that buy this shit are people that have no personality or sense of identity of their own, so they have to plug that hole with heavily marketed, flashy crap like this.
They become the clothing they wear and the music they listen to because they have nothing inside them that would make them an individual.

>> No.15955250

could not have said it better

>> No.15955429

What in the ever-loving fuck are you talking about, retard? In Supreme's online shop, and any other retailer that doesn't sell knockoff shit, lists prices for their t-shirts about $120+ on average.

>> No.15955793

sounds like the case of the “sour-grape effect”, peasantry behavior in other words

>> No.15955872 [DELETED] 

Do you know what retail means dipshit? It means I could take the train right now to Williamsburg and pay 40 dollars for a t-shirt and walk out of the store.
Having to settle for secondhand market prices does not make a brand luxury, it means you're getting goated by retards who managed to get their before you.

>> No.15955880

>In Supreme's online shop... lists prices for their t-shirts about $120+ on average.

guy i don't even wear supreme anymore and i can tell you have 0 clue what you're talking about
supreme sells t-shirts on their own storefront ranging from like 40-60 dollars + shipping and tax depending on if it's a collab or its cut and sewn, you sound like some boomer who just discovered hypebeast clothing with how out of touch your post sounds

>> No.15955898
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>actually wearing Supreme
Might as well burn your money

>> No.15955911


>> No.15955934

why do people still talk about this brand as if it's still the early 2010s
the resell on everything they've made the past few years has tanked (and frankly looks like shit), the market is extremely over-saturated with their products online because of so many people heard that 1 asian kid who lived in NY got lucky and made 10 grand one summer reselling Supreme to rich retards back in like 2014

>> No.15956929

What does this mean?

>> No.15957048

not anymore; it’s mostly just chinese kids now

>> No.15957069

in programming a forward slash means the end of a function

>> No.15957082

"I spent $120 on a shirt, NO I didn't fall for a marketing scheme to part wiggers from their money!"

>> No.15957109

End thread. Discussion over. etc.

>> No.15957130

How much would you charge for a shirt that you made of that quality?

>> No.15957236
File: 605 KB, 936x2671, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not expensive
Their blanks used to be American Apparel before they switched to a different more boxier blank. Both really cheap
You both sound stupid

>> No.15957925

I only ever see skaters wearing supreme irl but i dont live in the states, every video they release gets huge amounts of traction and is mostly liked so i have no fucking clue what you are talking about

>> No.15958683

Where are you anon?

>> No.15959316
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>By Any Means Nessecary

>> No.15959327


>> No.15959332

supreme has some really cool stuff but they undeniably lean into the "we can just put our brand on anything and hype beasts buy it" meme. They want that image and they like that image. Being a status symbol is good for their brand. Don't think you're insulting them at all by saying that, they love that