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/fa/ - Fashion

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15953542 No.15953542 [Reply] [Original]

It's so pathetic how retarded all of you anti-finasteride fags are
>80th most prescribed drug in the United States
>millions of users around the world that don't stare at message boards all day or suffer from side effects
> some people (((/fa/))) get all their info from fear-mongering basement dwellers who blame basically every fucking imaginable problem in their life on a tiny 1mg pill.

Kevin Mann may be an aspie retard, but god damn, he still has more to offer to the conversation than you retards.

>> No.15953553

Men should just keep their baldness. It helps me filter out the ones with shit genetics.

>> No.15953576
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, mann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based mann poster

>> No.15953582

Someday they’ll cure baldness for cheap with no side effects. Until that day comes, I’m not taking a hormone cocktail just to hold onto my youth. It’s pure cope, and no amount of rationalization will change that. If you can’t embrace the fact that aging and death is part of the human condition, then you’re delusional

>> No.15953584

taking a pill every day to keep my hair just seems morbid. like being a walking corpse or something.

>> No.15953585

how it takes 2 seconds and you dont even notice after a while, i take vitamins and minerals everyday so i was used to it

>> No.15953587

brushing my teeth every day to keep my teeth just seems morbid. like being a walking corpse or something.

>> No.15953591

nah man its just too fucked up and dishonest. plus i dont want to fuck with my hormones like that.

>> No.15953593

You realize that if finasteride wasn't fucking safe the FDA wouldn't have approved it right?

>in b4 people say the jews use this drug to "control their male hormones and turn them into a tranny"

>> No.15953596

Look at the actual fucking clinical studies instead of reading the same garbage dogma on message boards or forums from low iq retards like us and tell me your hormones are being destroyed.

>> No.15953613

>plus i dont want to fuck with my hormones like that.

but it doesent fuck with your hormones, thats literally fearmongering by guys who didnt go on it and went fully bald at 22

>> No.15953619

but that's literally what it does. it fucks up your hormones. you cant claim otherwise.
I don't want to do that especially when our hormones are already getting fucked with on the daily.
Im not gonna take a pill everyday either. That just sounds miserable

>> No.15953629

but it doesent and

>Im not gonna take a pill everyday either. That just sounds miserable

its like washing your face or brushing your teeth

>> No.15953633

>but it doesnt
it literally does. that's literally how you keep your hair. I have no clue what you could possibly think it does if you dont think it changes your hormones in some way
>its like brushing your teeth or washing your face
nah. thats some 1984 shit

>> No.15953637


>> No.15954342

The wisdom of me posting that is lost on you fags. Fin does cuck your dht and makes you a bitch, why should I decrease a natural hormone in order to prevent a natural phenomena from occurring?

Kevin, can have all the hair he wants, it does not change the fact he is a miserable ass hole autist and that's why he can't get laid.

>> No.15954347

you can't say shit so you use the word cope. Keep coping with your tranny pills in order to maintain your shit hair.

>> No.15954355

havent had any sides from fin at all, hair stopped shedding immediately. its fucking dope

>> No.15954357

just say you dont understand biology and stop coping

>> No.15954358

>shit hair.

i started as soon as I noticed slight recessions, I saved it breh

>> No.15954514

why DOES this guy not get any women. In real life you see all kinds of ugly mfers with girlfriends.

>> No.15954517

because autism and being a schizo will make the most attractive men loners

>> No.15954522

If it was truly safe it would be over-the-counter rather than Rx-only. For most drugs, not taking the drug is a preferable situation to taking it, if there is not a situation which sufficiently warrants using the drug.

>> No.15954645

But won't your children still be bald?

>> No.15954825

what happens if we take away your tranny pills?

>> No.15954912

Lately any board where anons try to self improve is spammed by these discord trannies shilling their tranny drugs. It's so fucking obvious and pathetic what you're trying to accomplish here preying on (mostly) gullible teenagers. The LAST thing any young guy needs is being lifelong dependent on some drug that lowers his masculinity.

>> No.15954929

kek what a genelet, imagine needing to start a gender reassignment because you can't keep your hair lmao

>> No.15954936

sir this is the fashion board

>> No.15954950

>this is the guy who tells people to take pills that can make your baby become retarded if it comes into contact with it.
Nah even if the "just shave it bros" are just as retarded, baldcafe is 10000 times more better then that retard

>> No.15954953

why do we have a thread about fin every date

>> No.15954984

cuz zoomers with no self esteem try to justify buying pills from (((them))) instead of doing what men have been doing for 1000 of years and just shaving it off.

>> No.15955153

bald guys are desperate to get more people to become bald

>> No.15955854


>> No.15955868

I tried the curly girl method and it FUCKED my hair, almost half of it fell out and hasn't grown back, especially bad at my hairline.
Likely had some kind of bad reaction to the heaps of conditioner I was using (and leaving in). I also didn't have a strong clarifying shampoo so all that conditioner built up over time.

Should I order finastride online?

>> No.15956698

Follow something called "Curly Girl Method", I think hair loss is a blessing for you.

>> No.15957434

What's the relevance of OP pic? Are you saying he's not getting chicks because of his hairline? Guy looks like a serial killer in his pic. Probably got the weird personality to match.