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File: 59 KB, 605x596, DCD37CE2-9472-41F6-A88B-E2649558008B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15950114 No.15950114 [Reply] [Original]

Post tats and stories behind them

>> No.15950291
File: 2.34 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20210212_154804112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted a tattoo to remind me of OP.

>> No.15950582

Tattoos are an embarrassment.
Why would you let your body be a canvass for some crappy pop art ?
Even the most bland people now get tattoos, you are not edgy or original in any way , you are just complying with the latest fad

>> No.15950601

How can you care about what someone else does to their body this much lol

>> No.15950659

seethe more faggot

>> No.15950714

Because it looks a mess
I dislike graffiti also , even if its banksy

>> No.15950718

who fucking cares what you think you beta faggot lol

>> No.15951072

tattoos are repulsive unless you're part of an elite club like a SEAL or Olympian or Yakuza.

>> No.15951075

So the issue is you're a beta who feels like they deserve ownership over other people's bodies? Lmao enjoy virginity fren

>> No.15951097

Obviously you do!

>> No.15951175

>I only do things that are completely original and independent from other people's thoughts!
Yeah I'm sure buddy

>> No.15951309

I love that none of you anti tattoo soibois realise that girls specifically do this to filter retards like you. This is actually true. Tattoos are a great way to filter out incels, puritans, tradwife fetishists, flaming misogynists, etc. I'm only happy to deter men who I would not get along with anyway. 4chan residents who think women live for male validation won't believe me but it's true.
T. tatted grill

>> No.15951402

you and the anti tattoo nigger are both annoying faggots holy shit no one cares

>> No.15951424

>Why would you let your body be a canvass for some crappy pop art ?
Why wouldn't I? It looks cool and if I stop liking it, I can lazer it off. No big deal homie

>> No.15951649

Tattoos are totally over as /fa/.
They will just date you to a strange period in history when everyone and (literally) their grandma was getting shitty doodles permanently etched onto their bodies.

>> No.15951739

4real tho lmao buddy weird

>> No.15951814

Then like post your tats and the story behind them.

>> No.15951831

tits or gtfo

>> No.15952496
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>> No.15952569

t. Used up whore

>> No.15952920

i've just made an appointment for one next month, glad to anger bitter imageboard retards

it's a nice side effect

>> No.15953002
File: 663 KB, 1041x1667, BE8786F6-3388-493E-B0B0-540ADC5937FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos should always reflect your region and where you’ve traveled. Meaning, don’t get a full Japanese bodysuit if you’re not Japanese. There’s nothing inherently wrong with getting Japanese style tattoos if you’re not Japanese, but getting a full suit like pic related is full LARP. Getting a sleeve or something is no big deal, but you should take pride in where you come from. Get Americana if you’re American, english traditional if you’re English, etc. If you’re going to get tattoos, don’t have the “dip your toe in” mentality. It will end up looking out of place and like shit. Either be clean, or start collecting. If you get a bad tattoo, own it or get it blasted over. Removal is inherently vain and rooted in not wanting to learn from your mistakes. Lastly, don’t make tattoo threads on 4chan. You’ll never get actual discussion or decent photo dumps, just the same dozen “minimal” shitty applied blackwork and stick and pokes that permeate the Internet. These aren’t people actually interested in tattoos, they’re just attention seekers who want a look and don’t care about the subculture, lifestyle, or craft that goes into tattooing.

>> No.15953042

t. low impulse control trash with unprocessed trauma coping hard lmao

Its true that tattoos are a filter. You are advertizing your past trauma and your inabilty to be a stable person. Not to mention the massive attentionwhoring that a tatoo is a manifestation off. You are not filtering us we are filtering you.

>> No.15953091

>unironically fatposting

>> No.15953116 [DELETED] 


>> No.15953376

He isn't wrong and deep down >>15950714
you know it.

>> No.15953517

Okay now this is epic

>> No.15953760

>Removal is inherently vain and rooted in not wanting to learn from your mistakes.
The same is true for having and continuing to get tattoos.

>> No.15953785
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cant we just post tattoos...Ive been following alot of Taiwan artists

>> No.15953797
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>> No.15953817

>Tattoos should always reflect your region and where you’ve traveled.

Stupid rule for a stupid hobby
There is no cool way to have tattoos

>> No.15953957

kek yeah mate i don't sleep at night thinking about what a transexual on a chinese cave painting image board is thinking about me

>> No.15954380


>> No.15954395


He's got so much more confidence on the left.

>> No.15954427

It’s been the rule for thousands of years. Tattoos have always told people where you’re from

>> No.15954436
File: 910 KB, 3000x1999, AD signs the deal with LeBron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if its banksy
Whoa guys he just name dropped one of the most popular graffiti niggas, he must have pretty good standards.

>> No.15955462

People tell people where they’re from

>> No.15955667

>Tattoos should always reflect your region and where you’ve traveled

nah ill just tattoo what i fucking want faggot

>> No.15955705

>and stories behind them
>Tattoos should blah blah blah...
I turned 18 and thought tattoos look pretty cool.
I like bees.
I walked into a tattoo place and asked the guy if he could do a bee and maybe some decor with it.
He said, yeah and now I have a bee and a crown on my pec.
I think it looks nice.

>> No.15955738
File: 8 KB, 224x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. low impulse control trash with unprocessed trauma coping hard lmao

>> No.15955747

>one of the most popular graffiti niggas
Banksy is white and has become insanely wealthy
He might not be a real ghetto guy , but he is by far the most popular on the planet

>> No.15955753

Only four types of people wear tattoos: soldiers, sailors, whores and slaves.

>> No.15955760
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That is the most bland tattoo story I have ever heard
Do you work in a cubicle


>> No.15956060
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>He has tattoos with color in them

>> No.15956085

If you want a tattoo but don't get one because you feel like you're too much of a square, you are in fact a square.
Just fucking get the tattoo if you want, assuming you're an adult.

>> No.15956152

post the bee plz

>> No.15956177
File: 21 KB, 250x250, Cactuar_page_10_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every second woman I see has tattoos and think they are hardcore and edgy. It's incredibly cringe.

"Yeah my body is a canvas, it reflects the places I've been and my journey. Oh this one? It's a bee, I got it because I think bees are cool."

The worst are when people get a popculture reference. Oh so awesome to have a marvel superhero logo, wow!

You're on a fashion board retard, if you can't pass judgement on other people and tell what looks bad then seriously get out because you are only shitting the place up.

>> No.15956897
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the point in a big way there cowboy

>> No.15957883

He’s hot

>> No.15958548
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>> No.15958581
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Chrono Trigger is dope, my buddy is apprenticing as a tattoo artist, we both love it and have a strong attachment to it, so I got Frog.

>> No.15958585
File: 35 KB, 680x383, get a load of this faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>latest fad

>> No.15958587
File: 302 KB, 960x1280, IMG_4094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jorogumo is badass, I'm building something of a collection of cool yokai tattoos, my apprentice friend also has an affinity for japanese traditional, so spider lady it is. We're going to work on a sleeve next.

>> No.15958588

sequel never happening

>> No.15958591

>calls namefag a tripfag
go back to plebbit

>> No.15958620

If true, post tats. If false, post tits.

Get a load of this newfag

>> No.15958641

where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.15958709
File: 101 KB, 720x720, Paegan Terrorism Tactics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is full of massive faggots. Post ink or gtfo.

>> No.15958840


>> No.15958855

rent for free

>> No.15958882

I don't think you know what a simp is

>> No.15959249

sick ink

>> No.15959407
File: 9 KB, 170x220, Japanese_Tattoo_by_Kimbei_or_Stillfried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>latest fad

>> No.15959567

You are not a samurai, dumbass

>> No.15959611

One day you will be an old bastard with dumb fucking tattoos, before you do this shit give it a couple of years and see what you think.

>> No.15959639

The biggest incel I know has tattoos and he got them pretty much specifically because he thought it would make him cooler.

>> No.15959656

I've been thinking about getting a tattoo ever since I was a teen. Never really had any inspiration though for anything I would want on my body forever. Still not ruling it off completely though. But something that my grandfather said made me reconsider it. He is tatted up and a real old school biker and rebel. He got most of his tattoos before they became mainstream. I was talking to him and the subject of tattoos came up and he said like "So many people have tattoos now that it's mainstream and not as cool as it used to be." Ever since I heard him say that I have basically decided I don't want a tattoo. No hate towards people who like or have them though.

>> No.15959665

That’s actually really smart, I never thought about it that way. Of course shouldn’t be the only reason you get tattoos but it makes sense.

>> No.15959666

If you wanted tattoos because its cool or mainstream you don't deserve to have them anyways. This entire board is too fucking self-conscious of what other people think. Just do whatever you want to fucking do.

>> No.15959671

I understand what you're saying, but it sounds like you are implying that you don't do anything because of social norms or trends. Like you're completely above it all.

>> No.15959703

You can take it however you want, I'm not saying it to imply pretentiousness, I'm just offering advice. You don't have to take it.

Conforming to trends are for fags. Actively avoiding trends for the sake of it is also for fags too don't get me wrong. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't opened up to something because it got popular and came to my attention or whatever, but I would have gotten into those sort of things because I genuinely enjoyed them and not because its popularity specifically. The same is true for things that I have found which are obscure.

>> No.15959714


>> No.15959777
File: 24 KB, 650x432, Dry Mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.15959792


its not what it used to be, like it was before our time. now its a onions boy thing to do

>> No.15959831

Yeah I tend to agree. I'm just getting into fashion but I think this also applies to music. I don't make excuses for the songs that I like and I dabble in all genres, including popular and/or extreme underground.

>> No.15959918

I only got my second tattoo after my friend got into tattooing and needed a practice body. I already collected his printed/carved artwork, so this was the next logical step. Got way into the artform and picked up a tattoo from another up and coming master in the nyc area (Henbo). Wanna get a Kiku, Chris Garver, maybe go out west and pick up a Horifuji at some point... once you get into the artists and their bodies of work (literally), you don't really need to know what precisely you want. Just getting something from them is enough, and the inspiration will come. There's a lot of classic material to draw upon.

>> No.15960204

Based trips of truth

>> No.15960602



>> No.15961208


>> No.15961218


>> No.15961323
File: 160 KB, 693x296, 1586547044743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready to settle down?

>> No.15961354

having a pussy doesn't make you less of a poser tho

>> No.15961475

post body faggot