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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 122 KB, 1100x600, toronto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15948730 No.15948730 [Reply] [Original]

This may very well be the least effay city in the entire world.

>> No.15948735

Eh are you fucking retarded?

>> No.15948736

I agree. The majority of people who think they're making an effort to dress well, do it badly. The people who I've met who are actually doing something interesting are few and far between. Toronto is not a world class city no matter how much you push that it is. There is no real culture being cultivated bc much diversity. It's pretty much just a shittier version of Chicago.

t. torontofag

>> No.15948743

Post your shit fit retard.

>> No.15948746

Triggered kike?

>> No.15948753

Post fit retard so I know who to throw my literal shit at in public.

>> No.15948757

Nah bro Toronto had its own culture, but its being watered down endlessly by city slickers and every millionaire baby boomer who throw billions every year to the police and urbanization projects.

The old is not being preserved but being replaced with textbook white bread ass lame fucking urban safe community bullshit by dorky fucking losers with gay fucking office jobs and drive around in their gay fucking Lexus SUV/bloated fucking beer scented impotent pickup lease who want a nice safe little city to call home. These are the people you see walking around in "business casual" or whatever goofy ass shit old navy says is popular this year, along with their worn out slutty girlfriend who sucks bare dicks behind his back for fake designer shit like coach and Michael kors.

I forget what my point was or what it has to do with fashion but I fucking hate Toronto and just want to say so when I have the chance

>> No.15948758
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>Nah bro Toronto had its own culture, but its being watered down endlessly by city slickers and every millionaire baby boomer who throw billions every year to the police and urbanization projects.
>The old is not being preserved but being replaced with textbook white bread ass lame fucking urban safe community bullshit by dorky fucking losers with gay fucking office jobs and drive around in their gay fucking Lexus SUV/bloated fucking beer scented impotent pickup lease who want a nice safe little city to call home. These are the people you see walking around in "business casual" or whatever goofy ass shit old navy says is popular this year, along with their worn out slutty girlfriend who sucks bare dicks behind his back for fake designer shit like coach and Michael kors.
>I forget what my point was or what it has to do with fashion but I fucking hate Toronto and just want to say so when I have the chance

>> No.15948759
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your turn 905er

>> No.15948760
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>your turn 905er
you don't live in the city. no more you's for you degenerate nigger

>> No.15948764

meet me outside PG Clucks so i can kick your teeth in.

>> No.15948770


yo did you see they extended their hours?

>> No.15948773

which location

>> No.15948777

You wish you were white, faggot.
And this city did used to have actual culture before all you fucking leeches showed up.

>> No.15948780

>googles restaurants in toronto
6:00pm tomorrow. navy suit, brown oxfords. i'll be enjoying a big cluck while waiting for you to not show up.

>> No.15948782

the one on queen street btw. see you there nigger

>> No.15948788

No joke, I'll be there.
You have no chance dyel bitch

>> No.15948791

PG Clucks is not a restaurant lmao. it's basically a takeout counter. Stay in brampton nigga

>> No.15948794

nah fuck that. meet me at the one by the royal. lets grab a bottle from volo and chill at the park.

>> No.15948799

West enders are a bunch of soi guzzling posers. East end is comfy and almost fully white in some areas.

>> No.15948800

yo riverdale?

>> No.15948803

toronto has sucked cock for at least 50 years now really don't know what your point is

true yeah too bad all the artists/creatives are poor faggots who insist on only hanging out in the west end

>> No.15948804

artists who are actually successful and work in the industry are all in the east end.

>> No.15948805


>> No.15948807

ehhh yes and no

>> No.15948808

there's some parts of the Danforth that are hella janky though. riverdale is comfymaxx

>> No.15948810

It really is, sometimes I forget just how fucked up other parts of the city are.

>> No.15948813


Dudes talking about Riverdale on 4Chan - never thought I'd see it. Neighbourhood is amazing - too bad houses cost 1.5M now a days.

>> No.15948838

White as fuckin snow here panjeep

That was my point you fucking dick sucking loser.

>> No.15948898

Fuck me I've probably met some of you IRL

>> No.15949122

Is Montreal effay?

>> No.15949133

The past decade turned Torontonians into brainlet trend hoppers. It's not /fa/. But if you are /fa/ you will look like a God among men.

>> No.15949553
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>> No.15949684
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>> No.15949692

Pretty fucking based. All these white guys have come to the very reasonable conclusion that it's not worth dating white girls considering their typical political views and sexual history.

>> No.15949753

Kingsway represent! Come here, we look okay! Poor people not allowed!

>> No.15949884

Toronto is literally plebbit : the city. It's biggest source of pride is the fact it's full of foreigners and faggots. I am pretty sure they started soi culture, I remember taking a city bus through roncesvalles in like 2002 and I remember thinking to myself "Jesus what is with all these scruffy overweight pussies who look like they couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag" .

The only thing that was effay about Toronto was Matthew Lesko, alpha male extraordinaire and professional chaos punk and he moved to Hollywood in 03 or 04

>> No.15949922
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Toronto is cool, I lived there, anyone that hates it just copes because they can't fit into the cool crowd. It's an aesthetic, nice looking, and very fun city full of sex and drugs and asian ass.

>> No.15949943

ching chong

>> No.15949948

What cool crowd? Its all superficial.
In this city people consume products to ape a certain lifestyle without actually being a part of any kind of subculture that could be seen as truly edgy or out there.

>> No.15949950

Why do people from toronto sound like a mix of bugs bunny and the godfather.

>> No.15949957

Take a walk through the Annex. There is nothing cool about Toronto.

>> No.15949969

Cool reflection, faggot

>> No.15949975

you're allowed to go to other parts of the city than King Street West

There is a lot of us Europeans there

Thanks, enjoy the view

>> No.15949979

I live in the beaches retard
It's the same everywhere

>> No.15949980

lmao is this north york

>> No.15949983

Why would you compare one of the top 5 richest neighborhoods in Toronto to the rest of it?

Pic is from Yonge/Eg but in the distance it's North York yeah, good eye

>> No.15949986

I thought it was the world capital of vintage clothing.

>> No.15949992

I've been around dude.
Believe me, the poor/ethnic areas are even worse. There's nothing cool or interesting about getting wasted/doing coke/clubbing or whatever else tends to pass as entertainment here.

>> No.15950001

There are a lot of cool bars and nice parks. Good areas to do photography, apartments with nice views of the city. Gotta make your own fun. Doing coke at night clubs is fun too once in a while, I guess it all depends on what you like and who you know. I didn't grow up in Toronto and everyone I know is an outsider like me, maybe that's the difference.

>> No.15950052

i mean given the average white girl in toronto would you even bother with them lol?


>> No.15950100

Fuck bro are you talking about Jamie Griffin? That guy was hardcore man I remember he used to do FSUs on all the yuppies

>> No.15950151

>Toronto is literally plebbit : the city
which is why Scott Pilgrim was set there presumably

>> No.15950174

Toronto sucks, but so does London. ultimate neolib hellscape

>> No.15950289

yeah, also the author was such a self loathing faggot he made scott a an "idealized" self insert

it makes sense when you know what toronto was like in the mids 00s then realize he's mixed and look at who he married

>> No.15950294

What parts of Toronto was SP set in? Don't remember there being any skyscrapers, just suburby looking buildings

>> No.15950370

The annex. They go to the pizza pizza on the corner of Bathurst and bloor. They go to sonic boom which used to be where dollarama is now. The dude does the long grind on the staircase by casa Loma campus.

>> No.15950378

aye, thanks for the info anon
Scott Pilgrim is weird because the characters were art school wankers and reddit dorks at the same time, whereas today you're either one or the other. Wonder which camp they'd fall into if Scott Pilgrim was set in 2021 haha

>> No.15950387

Art school wankers are reddit. Liberal shit is reddit. They are both and would be both.

>> No.15950390

anyone who says London sucks is 100% a failure who's parents are upper middle class or a 98 IQ council house inhabitant who literally just cannot make it out of the outskirts and into central

>> No.15950393

>There is a lot of us Europeans there
that has nothing to do with it. It's a forced accent, like someone trying to sound street.

>> No.15950397

Dunno lad, I'm a lower middle class art student who's well aware of all the free galleries/museums/etc. London has to offer and I still feel like it's becoming increasingly more sterile and corporate due to gentrification

>> No.15950426

English being my second language is where my accent comes from

>> No.15950451

>muh gentrification
go to wood green then go primrose hill and tell me what area you would rather live in and which has more effay people

>> No.15950456

berlin sucks, this and that sucks, everything sucks acording to this contrarian board

>> No.15950467

Jesus Christ

>> No.15950588

Artists/musicians that are actually effay in spirit and not just trust fund posers can only afford places like Wood Green lad
Does look like a right shithole I'll give you that

>> No.15950597

yes, pretty much the only in Canada desu

>> No.15950648
File: 53 KB, 1000x563, MV5BYTA3YWU0MGYtODkyMS00YmRkLWE2OTMtYzkzYzNiZWE0NWFiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODEyNDU1OTg@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you suggest Toronto isn't fashionable

>> No.15950682

there is not one artist in wood green, turnpike lane, tottenham or any other ethnic enclave that is "resisting" gentrification especially as you can find a studio in a nice area for very cheap now due to it being real rona hours
t. just got a studio in central for dirt cheap (with my gf but still)

>> No.15950794

Fashion has always been Toronto's weak point in terms of the arts, the cities music scene and cinemas have always been better.

>> No.15950815

update: this fag was too pussy to show
big cluck was good though

>> No.15950816

Thread is now about /fa/ Toronto bands,


>> No.15950840

Why do touristfags from mu try to derail every single thread by bringing up “effay” bands or “effay” music videos.

>> No.15951428

I mean this is pretty on point

>> No.15951435

tv tourists do the same too

>> No.15951446

On the real for people who live in Toronto; what do you guys do for fun? What the hell is there even to do with the pandemic happening

>> No.15951447


>> No.15951450


>> No.15951460

I ride my bike through all the empty bike lanes they painted last summer

>> No.15951463

I go to loblaws everyday and eat an egg salad sandwich.

>> No.15951466

Sometimes they are 50% off. Those are good days.

>> No.15951472

the loblaws near me always has lineups outside

>> No.15951476

Go to public gas station restrooms, find a bathroom stall with a hole on it, once you've found one get on your knees and open your mouth. The fun will comence after that ;)

>> No.15951484 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 943x1229, E786E19A-C3B6-48BE-BB11-65093C969B48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t need gloryholes because I am the hole

>> No.15951576
File: 221 KB, 680x680, mbu4umtc3ji21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to the grocery store to see the cute cashier who always tries to talk to me
Not even joking, I'm so desperate for human contact

>> No.15952011

very true

>> No.15952013

lol...Toronto is full of immigrants and people that went to Western who are now living in a black mirror style condo fantasyland.

>> No.15952038

Pretty sure Protest the Hero are from Toronto too, literally one of the only good coreshit bands

>> No.15952603

Forest hill?

>> No.15952623

I wish that sounded abnormal, but I feel like that kind of desperation is terribly normal during the 'rona.

>> No.15952641


>> No.15952650

Eg has gotta be the worst mainstreet

>> No.15952675

I like where Ellington gets all black abd ghetto and shit. Lots of good food.

>> No.15952681

rap's is pretty clutch ngl

>> No.15952731

Toronto died when speakers corner got canceled

>> No.15952795
File: 84 KB, 640x190, toronto_coatofarms_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toronto died when they changed the coat of arms.

the T is for toronto.

>> No.15952805


>> No.15952808


>diversity our strength

>> No.15952894

Well, we got a great escort scene here. Turns out a building the next street over has hosting locations for a bunch of agencies, so that’s convenient. I can get pussy with like 10 minute’s notice whenever I want. So that’s pretty great. Since Covid I’ve mostly been having them come to me, though.

Other than that, no clue. This city is boring af.

>> No.15952981

this is true and based

>> No.15953064

have you seen the guy wearing a cowboy hat and an oasis aqualounge shirt under a blazer? all black all the time

>> No.15953131

Oasis aqualounge. Will it survive the pandemic? I hope so. It's a fun date with chicks.

>> No.15953149

i agree. i live in Buffalo, so it's only a little under 2 hours to get there if there's no traffic. Toronto is the definition of soulless. it has nothing unique, no charm, no culture of its own. it feels as if someone copy/pasted generic_major_city.exe. the positives are that people there are very nice compared to other major cities and catching a flight overseas from Toronto can save you about 20% compared to NYC.

>> No.15953851

Honestly Buffalo is cooler than Toronto

>> No.15954036

London is the laughing stock of the whole country,
girls go there to LARP as wanderlust free spirits but fuck the cokehead bankers.
Only place more embarrassing to live as a young man is NYC. At least LA knows its all a Ponzi scheme

>> No.15954066

guess what: London is the only relevant part of the entire UNION
also mentioning NYC is cringe, you can't make it in any big city so you just hate them, loser

>> No.15954076

NO BUT SERIOUSLY HOW IS OASIS AQUALOUNGE GOING TO SURVIVE?!?!?! That place is sooooo fucking fun to take girls too. I could just swim around in the pool all night when it's cold. Seeing all those naked people gets hoes fucking crazy! It's also fun to have people watch you while you fuck some random tinder bitch lol.

>> No.15954083

There's no way it survives the pandemic. I wonder how many people actually have memberships. They might survive off that somehow.

>> No.15954098

Good riddance you fucking degenerate

>> No.15954102

Woah spoken like someone who has never been to the lounge. If it opens again let's go. If will change your life.

>> No.15954171

Agree. This architecture is revolting.

>> No.15954177
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>> No.15954191

It looks like a happy merchant.
Was designed by one too.

>> No.15954245

Robarts is dope. You sound like a homo.

>> No.15954252

Can we have a Toronto meet up. I'll allow non whites just this one time

>> No.15954259

nah im good. judging from this thread I feel like I've ran into some of you once or twice already

>> No.15954264

When the weather gets warmer and shit opens up again we'll have a meetup downtown
Where do you live bro?

>> No.15954279


>> No.15954362
File: 107 KB, 1072x1440, 127808282_10226062531178366_2401984860032588942_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moved away from this heaping pile of tacky shit 2 months ago. never been happier

>> No.15954369

Fags trying to larp as a "toronto man". Slang is picked up from Jamaican and Caribbean immigrants who spoke patois and incorporated words in it with English.

>> No.15954373

Driving around with frens to get food from different areas is pretty comfy.

>> No.15954375
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the citys language is basically an arabic-patois hybrid. Whites shoulnd't degrade themselves by living within the city limits

>> No.15954377
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Alright who is the most based downtown character. For me its black crusader man.

>> No.15954381

He says while posting one of the most materialistic brands in existence.

>> No.15954385

The beaches is fucking white dude
Same with rosedale
No feral nigs in sight

>> No.15954388

The obvious choice is Zanta.

>> No.15954391
File: 2.99 MB, 960x404, POLFilm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

torontonian sh!tskins would rather wear hublot or some aftermarket "iced" gold rolex. You got no clue styll

>> No.15954402
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>> No.15954405

What ever happened to him?

>> No.15954408

have you ever met dj red rocket?

>> No.15954414

enlighten us

>> No.15954419

For me it's believe in the lord yonge and dundas guy. I've said "oh I believe!" And taken his shit so many times that we just nod at each other for the last 10 years. If he dies I'm going to continue his tradition.

>> No.15954422

I saw him before the lockdown last year on a streetcar. Maybe he has family or something?

>> No.15954423

there was a time when toronto actually built interesting buildings toronto just builds gay globalized shit now
it's not 1970 anymore toronto architecture sucks fucking cock now dumbass
100% i've met people in this thread and you guys dress terribly. a meetup would be a reputational risk on my part
love the shitty suburb in the background lmfao

>> No.15954424

haven't seen him in a while (not since maybe 2017), but it's this black guy on line 1 who walks the full length of the train w a brown bag, a lit cigar, blasting some fire rap shit from a bluetooth speaker giving absolutely zero fucks. sometimes people party with him too and its always hilarious.

>> No.15954430

he doesn't even say believe anymore though

>> No.15954432

:( dam thats sad

>> No.15954443


Almost 50% of kids in Toronto schools are some sort of asian. Not surprised. Demographic change happens fast.

>> No.15954445

Aldo zanta before he got fat lol

>> No.15954446

mixed girls are dam hot but, they end up being such insufferable cunts about it lmao

>> No.15954461

I remember the street preachers always being there. Every now and then there would be arguing between them and someone

>> No.15954621

Goto Oakville its in the gta, not only do the people dress nicer but the architecture and overall city looks nicer. Its all full of rich white people so they have the decency to dress more fashionable

>> No.15954694

its suburban hell here you retard

>> No.15954759

If it's Toronto it's only going to be non-whites.

>> No.15954763


>> No.15954822


>> No.15955379

Oakville is not in the GTA, keep dreaming on. This is like those Brampton kids who claim they’re from Toronto when they visit the city once

>> No.15955392
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still very uneffay though
t. i grew up in oakville and left as soon as i can; there's literally nothing there

>> No.15955401

If theres a Toronto meet up, I'm literally going to go there just to bully and pick fights with you faggots.

>> No.15955511

You won't do shit nigger

>> No.15955515

does anyone know a good cobbler?
i usually go to nick's on dupont, but looking for other places

>> No.15955557
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Oakville is a suburban hellhole. The only good parts are 16 Mile creek and its trails.
I'm not not racist but fyi oakville is more Asian that white now.

Toronto is soulless but safe. Me and my buddies would go day drinking across the city and stumble around until the last Go train home. Only once did I ever feel unsafe that's because my friend's laughed at a shoeless methhead who proceeded to follow us 6 blocks and cuss at us. Drinking Fax 10% behind a China town restaurant and watching a rat scurry inside from under a dumpster is one if my fondest memories.

Architectural its great. Old city hall, the palace of purification, sugar beach and its expensive rock aren't world class attractions but unique enough to be special.

What's really special is the surroundings. From the teal waters of the Bruce peninsula, to the ski hills of the Niagara Escarpment, Ontario has a bit of everything.

>> No.15956158


I think they're from St. Catherines but they still count.


>> No.15956556

t. mutt

>> No.15957134

t. projection

i'm white as snow buddy lmfao

>> No.15957150
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>> No.15957175

why do you have this picture saved

>> No.15957991
File: 745 KB, 2620x2251, 1613404969597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on the subway in Toronto and see this and they ask you to dab them up. Wdyd?

>> No.15957998

I only hang around and interact with whites and asians. I dont ever see these filthy mutts.

>> No.15958011

Sadly a lot of whites adopt these speaking patterns and style. It's mostly a thing a little north of Toronto though.

>> No.15958021

get off at the next stop

>> No.15958157

There's nothing cool about Toronto. Just an overpriced boring shithole filled douchebags

>> No.15958432


>> No.15958446

JFC, that's so fucking bad, even for Canada.

>> No.15958491

Im sure you can have fun there but it's definitely not "cool" and there's no "cool crowd"

>> No.15958718

idk how you can assume a city with a surrounding area of 10 million, plenty of sports teams, all kinds of music, food, views and vibes, every ethnic group on the planet and a massive difference in economic demographics wouldn't produce cool things to do

>> No.15958728

It doesn't because all of that is forced by external players. Very little here happens spontaneously, so there is almost nothing of any actual merit being produced or happening.

>> No.15958772

fashion is all superficial.

>> No.15958789


Nah, you're just full of shit and you obviously live under a rock.

>> No.15958801

yeah that's what im saying. there's fun stuff to do, but it's not cutting edge or hip. this is because the actual "cool" people from Toronto all move to New York or Montreal. I've been to Toronto a bunch and I always have a good time, but it's not cool.

>> No.15959123

you're either boring or grew up rich so you don't know how to find fun

>> No.15960215

A lot of hate from people but do any of you actually LIVE in Toronto? or are you fags from the suburb ghost towns in the gta. Every dick and henry will say they're from toronto when they're really from cambridge or oakville or some shit like that. I grew up in the heart of downtown and loved it, I think its a great city with a vibrant culture, i think most people just hate it because it is pretty hard for an outsider to break into the scene, as its not so much money (everyone has it there) being looked at as much as connections. The social circles in the arts scenes are usually based on
the bonds made by people from childhood and sprout from there. If any of you are actually in toronto.

>> No.15960220

A lot of hate from people but do any of you actually LIVE in Toronto? or are you fags from the suburb ghost towns in the gta. Every dick and henry will say they're from toronto when they're really from cambridge or oakville or some shit like that. I grew up in the heart of downtown and loved it, I think its a great city with a vibrant culture, i think most people just hate it because it is pretty hard for an outsider to break into the scene, as its not so much money (everyone has it there) being looked at as much as connections. The social circles in the arts scenes are usually based on the bonds made by people from childhood and sprout from there.

It has a ton of nice spots and the art schools at ryerson and ocad tend to have a lot of interesting fashion, or at least a wide range of it.

>> No.15960223

I thought Toronto was a cool place to go to because i used to watch deadmau5 do coffee runs before Jerry Seinfeld stole the idea.

>> No.15960234

Bruh wtf lol theres always stuff to do, just have to know about them. With covid though it is harder, I like biking and meeting up with friends.

>> No.15960236

that is so specific lol, toronto has a 3 million population, its not all immigrants and western grads

>> No.15960466

I'm from St Claire and it sucks. All the nice working class bars and restaurants are replaced by hipster shit. Entire blocks torn down for a condos that towers over the surrounding architecture on College and Bloor. Downtown is just cheap condos ruining our nice skyline. But worst of all, demographics keeps getting worse and politics keeps going left. Everyone here is a bug, ugly, rude, or some crying leftist.

>> No.15960485

i think you're missing his point toronto is and always has been dowdy compared to other cities, never been culturally relevant or on the cutting edge of anything so yeah theres "fun" stuff to do but theres fun shit to do in every city not really a compelling point

art scene in toronto is gay dude also ryerson is fucking garbage for fashion, in 4 years i have only ever seen two students who dressed well, ocad is even worse. I can only assume you have really low standards and even worse taste if you think this shit lmao also it's hard for outsiders to break in? lmfao the only cool people i've ever met in the city are transplants, almost no one who grew up in toronto is cool dude

>> No.15960487

politics are going left(tm) toronto and it's bugs fucking hate poor people and hate workers they just want more pocks and fags