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/fa/ - Fashion

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15942798 No.15942798 [Reply] [Original]

i hate this board. won't be back. except for the grid threads, it's the only creative part . everything else is psycho babble.

I'm pretty sure most of you feel the same way. anyways. enjoy.

im gonna go live my life and develop a style based on things i actually do. and have my clothes serve a practical purpose rather then just stroking my own tiny pp at the thought of being more "stylish" then the literally retard sitting beside me at the coffee shop.

>> No.15942807

I only started developing a personal style after I left /fa/ back in 2013. Have a nice life anon-kun.

>> No.15942819

what film is that

>> No.15942821

>after I left /fa/
It sounds almost like you liberated yourself from a Cult. Kek.

>> No.15942822

Fuck this whole website. Made it a year and a half without coming back here after 8 years in this shitpit. Then all this time at home and I'm back to square one. Hope you can do better.

>> No.15942829

well, I stopped spending the majority of my time on the internet and actually experienced life. You could draw parallels from that, I suppose.

>> No.15942833
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>> No.15942840

>Coffee shop

Here is an actual useful tips from /fa/.

Buy a pour over coffee maker and you'll stop wanting to visit coffee shops as often

Aeropress and all that other shit I tried sucks

>> No.15942851

go to rehab druggie.

>> No.15944166

Leaving /fa was the best thing I could do, but after two or three years I decided to see what was up and now it's difficult to leave. Can't believe how something that was shit before got even worse

>> No.15944972

ok then leave faggot you only made this thread for attention

>> No.15945016

cringe and soi-pilled

>> No.15945033

what why

>> No.15945036

>won't be back. except for the grid threads, it's the only creative part
Literally some of the worst threads on /fa/