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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.04 MB, 1447x953, Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 1.01.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15937548 No.15937548 [Reply] [Original]

Does this shit piss anyone else off or is it just me?

>> No.15937561

Would you rather they grew beards and wore leather jackets? Who cares

>> No.15937572

>Does this shit piss anyone else off or is it just me?
just you, granted I don't like this style of fashion at all. I could give less of a fuck how these youtubers that I don't care for dress like.

>> No.15937574


>> No.15937598

Do whatever you want

>> No.15937603

You're what's wrong with /fa/. Sure, let em wear what they want but don't be afraid to criticize.

>> No.15937618
File: 500 KB, 640x1136, c090709fd37fc9a6663e53fba953c72d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea. It does. It's fucking embarrassing and they can't be taken seriously nor should their opinion on really anything be considered valid. Women want a strong partner not another fucking child. Same goes for all that gay ass anime shit you faggots post all over these boards. You make me sick.

>> No.15937634
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>> No.15937637


>> No.15937649

Yes, it's hideous. At least it's a signal to steer clear of them.

>> No.15937651

Lmao yeah bro id love to read more posts about people who can't dress themselves. You fucking retard

>> No.15937653

shitty millennial trophy generation thinking

>> No.15937657
File: 150 KB, 1050x788, chandler2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suprised classic chris isn't in the pic.

>> No.15937668

I always wanted to cop his shirt for kicks but I have no idea where to find one.

>> No.15937685
File: 801 KB, 1253x1278, 15637974-8F67-438E-8C53-16A09226729D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it their crappy YouTube brand you’re shitting on or are you hating on Patagonia and rugby practice jersey’s? Because those are dope

>> No.15937700


Fuck off ninja goth

>> No.15937705

It's a copout for taste. Any criticism can be deflected with "bro it's fun don't you like fun??"

>> No.15937709

fucking lol

>> No.15937715

ID on jersey?

>> No.15937738
File: 318 KB, 800x574, vwF4NaU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up polo striped rugby shirt.

Also have a funny pic

>> No.15937740
File: 80 KB, 550x660, 1550726191740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but don't be afraid to criticize
I just said I don't like that particular fashion style, do you expect others to be so goddamn opinionated?

>> No.15937745

Saints johns bay sueded polo.
Had a kek, thanks.

>> No.15937765


Funniest part about it is that they named it "the classic" now.

>> No.15937890
File: 49 KB, 570x537, 1611363736893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That figure hummina hummina

>> No.15937911

>cultivated exaggeration of cringe cliché
This is hyperbolic self-ironic schtik done purely to elicit the desired cringe reaction in their audience.

>> No.15937918

Who's this very famous NYC YouTube couple in OP? Names.

>> No.15937922

think the biggest reason it's creepy is because it's lazy and faux naive – same reason the colorful, gooey, childish looking ceramic sculptures that have been popular in art galleries recently are creepy but here it's draped over a person that usually isn't self aware enough to understand that there's a thin line between playing with childhood memories and regressing into them

>> No.15937930


>> No.15938019
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 1497125694721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15938027

That would be Ethan and Hila Klein or H3H3 Productions

>> No.15938034

Thanks anon. I'd seen them posted in another thread in last 2 weeks.

>> No.15938035

h3h3 is funny but thats about it

the more I find out about him the more he pisses me off. hes just some ADHD guy with a funny side but everything else about him is pretty retarded

hes lucky hes random / funny and able to make fun of himself because thats his payday

>> No.15938042

his wife moved from israel to NYC to be with him. him and his wife were poor/broke and lived in a shitty manhattan apartment doing scripted commentary youtube videos, while his wife had an art side hustle
she then turned it into a clothing line and now they're millionaires
maybe the fact it's either >DUH JOOS or /fa/ are mid 20s people who hate what they've become but either way there's nothing offensive about what they do
People have been LARPing the 80's since, well, the fucking 80's

>> No.15938043

>why do youtubers who make content for children wear clothing that appeals to children?????

>> No.15938044

It's crab bucket mentality, other manchildren see a successful happy manchild and can't stand it

>> No.15938054


i love older people in colorful outfits but if you're going to be wearing attention grabbing colors i better not turn my head and come face to face with a lazy ass sweatsuit

>> No.15938063


No I just dont like ethan. Theres nothing wrong with that. How is it crabs in a bucket lmao

Do I have to like everyone who has a youtube success story from being poor to being rich?

>> No.15938080

Nah it looks cool. It's not really my style but it's fine.

Also, kids don't even dress like that lol. Kids wear like, adidas nike and north face or amazon and target if they're poor

Color block is whimsical and lighthearted vibes. Nothing in the world wrong with that you grumpy old grumps

>> No.15938082

Was I talking about you, bitch? You can like whatever you want I don't give a fuck

>> No.15938095

its really simple: Sneakers, Graphic shirts, Hoodies

>> No.15938123

they look like they're having fun
what annoys you about it?
old people cant enjoy colours and not take fashion seriously?

>> No.15938260

when did this place become so fucking reddit

>> No.15938294

the criticism is autistic. you dont follow x trend and abuse rule 6.7 on tuxbell
you dont look like other posts on here so you're not fa

blah blah blah

fashion is more about finding things that compliment you, your looks and your personality

not circle jerking about how you all dress the same because youre too insecure to accentuate your personality

>> No.15939599
File: 134 KB, 500x666, PRL-Fall-87-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't understand

>> No.15939609

Women are naturally childish so seeing them in retarded shit doesn't make me bat an eye but this soft boy fag shit? Pure vomit

>> No.15939704
File: 40 KB, 429x600, 1570911363523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Manchild'? No. More like manchad.

>> No.15939726

Classic mid-80s RL Polo ad in GQ. Well known models of the day center and left.

>> No.15939842

They look like they'd be out of place even if they wore those clothes when they were teenagers. I am always interested in seeing or reading about middle aged men wearing skate clothes, at least the ones who can pull it off - are there any Instagram accounts of that or something? It seems you'd either have to be very attractive so you'd look cool or look like George Costanza to make it funny; anyone else would probably look retarded.

>> No.15939854


>> No.15939860
File: 493 KB, 1140x800, jordan-1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manchild Fashion

>> No.15939863


>> No.15939878

We need to say nigger more to drive them away. All the blue boards are degrading.

>> No.15939906

Honestly fantano looking pretty thicc

>> No.15940048

Fantano ain't as bad since it's like one shirt but teddy fresh has always looked like ass and I don't know how fat ugly old people sold it to teens

>> No.15940055

I don't mind people wearing bright and multiple colors but it doesn't suit everyone.
especially bald, fat, older men. it's creepy and offputting.
I feel like this too towards men older than 19 wearing graphic Ts

>> No.15940068

Why dya do it Christine?

>> No.15940082

>Hi kid would you like some candy? I have some right here in my van

>> No.15940106

God I hate chubby dudes in their mid 30's who dress like this.

>> No.15940122

Both the men in this pic are fucking girls who are WAY hotter than them. Could there actually be some hidden benefit to this style?

>> No.15940525

yea funny when youre 16

>> No.15940590
File: 187 KB, 1000x1411, sammy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot him
very much related to those people

>> No.15940661

>know plenty of nerds and dopey losers who have fucked and/or are married to equally nerdy/dopey women
>One of the men in OPs picture is standing next to the women he has married, fucked, and impregnanted, all while purposely looking as frumpy and gross as possible.

Something's off here...

>> No.15940671

Good, he's a bitch.

>> No.15940678

post fit rn

>> No.15940684

It's funny. I dealt with some many upper middle class shitheads as a kid to the point to where rugby polos automatically evoke annoying middle schoolers to me.

>> No.15940697

thats a rugby shirt. not what OP is talking about

>> No.15941027


>> No.15941067

Both those women are ugly as hell what the fuck are you on?

>> No.15941383

>he doesn't covet a generic Jewish scrubwoman

>> No.15941390

marrying and fucking ugly women doesent count

>> No.15941530

>everybody else is the problem, not me!!

>> No.15942193
File: 546 KB, 1772x1772, BDED4276-7FBA-4CC3-9B6F-BCE94723629C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15942210
File: 623 KB, 1280x1290, 1612451982222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same goes for all that gay ass anime shit you faggots post all over these boards.

>> No.15942228


>> No.15942328

Rugby is the most effay sport

>> No.15942361

Anthony throwing him under the bus was funny

>> No.15942484

No I actually really like patagonia and I have a rugby jersey but it's these colors and the whole faux childish aesthetic on 35 year old men. It's just creepy and weird.

>> No.15942495

Jew and fagtano look nothing like this guy

>> No.15942691

love from kazakhstan

>> No.15943092

I want to curbstomp every faggot who dresses ironically. disgusting.

>> No.15943309

Mid life crisescore.

>> No.15943458
File: 133 KB, 708x531, BradElterman_MacDeMarco_0001057.web_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about semi-ironically? Where it's like, yeah, my clothes are bad. But I also unironically like them too. That's OK, right?

>> No.15943515

Honestly reckon for this stuff to even half work you have to be a big fucking unit like Fantano. Seen him in real life, the dude is built. Squatted 315 for a warm up. Looks good on him, if you're a spotty speccy little bam you just look like you're paradoxically both 9 year olds and a pedophile

>> No.15943539

Do you even know where you are?

>> No.15944472

I suspect Sam goes out of his way to dress as ridiculously as possible.

>> No.15944479

Wouldn’t be surprised if Mac hates the dumb clothes he wears but just continues dressing like that cause accidentally influenced a bunch of brain dead teenagers.

>> No.15944537
File: 524 KB, 559x519, 1611835192232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what gave you that idea

>> No.15944673
File: 74 KB, 598x630, 1612301163938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

315 is my OHP max

>> No.15944686

It's cool to be autistic, apparently. So I'm not shocked that this is an outcome.

>> No.15944974

>roiding for this

>> No.15944987
File: 1.05 MB, 1960x2854, 20210210_164353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know my style is dumb as shit, but even this looks more mature.

>> No.15945080

he was kino about 6 years ago but his channel turned into complete shit quality wise around 2016

>> No.15945088

You look like you're cosplaying a deleted scene from Stepbrothers

>> No.15945139

Why hello there Mr. Peanut,

>> No.15945196

Everybody should trust what this guy says, I'm sure he gets laid

>> No.15945269

>It's just creepy and weird
That sounds like a "you" problem desu.
Have you ever thought of not being a stuck up little cunt sometimes?

>> No.15945303

>n-no, those aren't women like in my pornos!
Sounds like beta cope to me. Just remember your shitty, childish behavior when you wake up alone every morning.

>> No.15945306

Weird beg for validation: DENIED

>> No.15945354
File: 58 KB, 535x796, 1605677432319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. This is how a real man dresses.

>> No.15945394

hey it's john belushi from the blues brothers

>> No.15945480

based monopoly man cosplayer

>> No.15945496

Go to bed, Anthony.

>> No.15945712

Fat fuck

>> No.15946281

Based if you weren’t so
large you fat fuckk

>> No.15946678
File: 105 KB, 640x641, 40's mens fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a man wears color, it must be balanced and thought out, not like a fucking pack of crayons

>> No.15946686

It looks good, but I hope you don't use that as loungewear of as an everyday outfit, since that's really just reserved for parties and events and such.
I suggest you just buy 40's and 50's casual clothing for everyday use, looks good on everyone

>> No.15946710

fat controller-core

>> No.15946969

Saying nigger will only welcome more trad/neofolk larpers.

>> No.15946992

This wouldn't even be bad, fat guys can look good in suits but you've got a whole ensemble going on, lose the waistcoat, the gloves, and get matching pants.
Also start lifting and focus on your shoulders, if you're going to be fat at least be proportional

>> No.15947069

>Women want ...
lmaooooo nigga who tf cares

>> No.15947098

right, because i'm sure women just drool in front of your picture folder of BBW's

>> No.15947140
File: 101 KB, 800x601, 1593628775268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting the real one

>> No.15947148

Hi, Tim. How's your back doing?

>> No.15947150

What draws all the e-celebs that I hate the most towards this "style"?

>> No.15947156

I mean, that makes more sense than growing your beard out in your 30s/40s and STILL insisting on dressing like you're in your late teens/20s.

>> No.15947193

Tucking your tie is so kino, whenever I wear a suit it feels so natural.

>> No.15947202
File: 52 KB, 610x288, 1586286493385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15947214

You're right bro, colour is so cringe

>> No.15947252

Shut up gyp