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File: 668 KB, 1749x1241, A9BBDCA2-E776-44F7-B96F-7AC4A5427A2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15936918 No.15936918 [Reply] [Original]

Which beard suits me better?

>> No.15936925

first one, why is his face so bloated and round ?

>> No.15936927

Doesn't matter, you'll never be a black man.

>> No.15936935

I need to pick up some eggs from the store today

>> No.15936942

7. Go for it anon

>> No.15936945

4 is alright

>> No.15936947

>referring to number despite lack of numerical labels in pic
cringe ASSumer

>> No.15936950

5 (makes him look less fat, also cool 1990s Clerks vibes) >>> 3 > 4 > 1 > 8 > 2 > 6 > 7

>> No.15936953

4 is cool in a trashy sort of way

>> No.15936955

go for it

>> No.15936960

From top left to bottom left to bottom right

My top 3
4th is best
6th stache is next
1-3 in any order

>> No.15936961

Invest in a rope

>> No.15936967


>> No.15936981

1 is objectively the best, but you're also making faggoty non-threatening eyes in most of the pictures

>> No.15937004

5, the burns look like dogshit.
Also yeah toothbrush is best, "Michael Jordan is my favorite athlete".

>> No.15937011

Don’t ever fully shave, that’s all I can say.

>> No.15937012

toothbrush is for real niggaz

>> No.15937014

3rd then 1st, 2nd looks s o y

>> No.15937018

Definitely 8 imo. Someone gotta bring back the classics.

>> No.15937022

I meant 7

>> No.15937030

6 honestly looks the best

>> No.15937036

2nd from last on the bottom

>> No.15937098

Lose weight you fat fuck. Until then a thicker beard helps to balance your fat face and infant double chin. Keep the beard until you get to a decent weight, although you probably never will because you can't put the fork down long enough to keep from stuffing food into your maw

>> No.15937127

7 all the way.

>> No.15937169


>> No.15937176
File: 835 KB, 1728x3072, IMG_20210204_174810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goate for sure My dude! Own it they are getting rarer as time goes and not everyone can rock one.

>> No.15937263

the one that makes you look like hitler

>> No.15937277

6. Shave your head down to like a half inch, keep a half inch of stubble and the mustache, lose some weight, and you'll honestly look great. ESPECIALLY lose weight, I can tell just by looking at you that your facial gains will be incredible if you lose some bodyfat.

>> No.15937280

That's called being fat. Why are you posting on 4chan at 8 years old?

>> No.15937290

3 or 7

>> No.15937397

i like 3

>> No.15937445


>> No.15937462


>> No.15937592

1 or 8, anything else sucks. Just my opinion.

>> No.15937605

multiple choice questions be like

>> No.15937631


>> No.15937718

1,2,5,6 or 8 are all ok imo

>> No.15937757

would probably look good with a handlebar. so 6, but longer.

>> No.15938408

1 + shave your head

>> No.15939632

1 is probably best

>> No.15939656

U look like a pedo in every pic lmao

>> No.15939675

Moustache bro

>> No.15939689

1st one definitely. The 2nd and 3rd ones look too not full. The 4th and 5th look pedophiley. 6th looks like a Columbian coke dealer. 7th is Mein Fuhrer. 8th looks like my friends dad.

>> No.15939759

1, 3 and 4 are best, although goatee (*face pussy* beard) isn't in fashion now. >>So 1 or 3.

>> No.15940008

Unironically 6.

>> No.15940022

Surprisingly 4

>> No.15940066
File: 22 KB, 436x648, ltdark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good combo
pic unrelated

>> No.15940298


>> No.15940939

4 or 7

>> No.15940944

lol wtf is with these horny ass gay guys

>> No.15940958
File: 78 KB, 384x512, hot-jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top far left is Daddy Goat.
Everything in the bottom row is soimilk boner-killer

>> No.15941007


>> No.15941017

Unironically 7 or 4

>> No.15941055

Thank god

>> No.15941104

Beard until you lose weight, then clean shaven.

>> No.15941184

Clean shaven but fix your skin and start working out.

>> No.15942375

moustache from top left trimmed just a little with the beard from the pic to the right of it

>> No.15942403

top left
top right
bottom second from right
bottom right

careful about the hitler stache. i got in trouble at work (the us marines) for having one and i'm black.

>> No.15942407


>> No.15942424

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

what is so hard to understand about that. it's literally counting.

>> No.15942445


this nigga got a eggplant head

>> No.15942643

6 for sure

>> No.15942661

I don’t mind 3 4 or 5. Even the full stache looks pretty aight.

>> No.15942676

I think 4, 6, and 8 are the best.
Would help to see side view though

>> No.15942692

1 + buzzed/shaved head
t woman

>> No.15942697

go for the classic IT guy at #5

>> No.15942801

That's the best thing I read all day, thanks.

>> No.15942854

7 is the best

>> No.15943675

1 bearmode
2 father of a family who browses Reddit
3 father of a family
4 sleazy loan shark
5 car dealership manager
6 thin line between being a badass or a pedo
7 passable only as a stand-up comedian
8 office drone or a British person

4 and 1 are the coolest
3 is generally good looking, safest bet
1 and 3 would look even better with shaved head/ buzzcut

>> No.15944035


>> No.15944070

Full beard is bearmode alpha male shit but you will have to deal with twinks aggressively courting you. Seriously suits you though.

Over-trimmed beards are reddit soi, especially #2 makes you look like a cuck

Goatee is failure at life service industry core as adopted by fast food managers and customer service counters worldwide

Sideburns and goatee makes me kek but only get it if you enjoy not being taken seriously ever

Stache looks amazing. I think we have faded the diddler/leatherman associations from our collective memories and can start wearing staches unironically again. And it makes you look suave, pair it with a nice floral button down and youll look like a real alpha male. It's high T and demands respect and authority.

Clean shaven is also great, despite your age your face hasn't collapsed, if you worked out a little bit you'd have a superhero jaw, covering it up isn't crucial unless you really can't lose more weight for whatever reason.

7 is based. Hell Hitler.

>> No.15944336

Second or third looks best. Still looks like shit overall, but those two are the least bad

>> No.15944391

3 looks good, but if you have the confidence I thin 6, the stache, looks the best.

>> No.15945123


>> No.15945148

7 obviously o_o

>> No.15945150

your mouth looks like an axe wound

>> No.15945348

7. I have a feeling the 2nd coming look is going to be in the next decade.

>> No.15945358

your whole face is fucked up like every centimeter of it is a mess guy grow that beard as thick as possible to cover it up because the beard is all you got goin for you just being honest

>> No.15945568


>> No.15945573

3 if you really want facial hair, anything less just go with 8

>> No.15945587

Option 9, bag over face.

>> No.15945591


>> No.15945599


3 or 6. the circle beard aka goatee makes you look fat

>> No.15945621

number 2 for me,makes you look handsome :)

>> No.15946055

2 looks good :)

>> No.15946113

>no.9 is Hitler's 'stache

Heh, "number nein"

>> No.15946119
File: 55 KB, 500x430, oh god oh fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15947291


If you lose fat and get a hair transplant, go with 8.

Your negatives are primarily the lack of a jaw line and receding hairline. If it wasn't already obvious to you.

>> No.15947294

I’m not fat... why are you all saying that? I have big bones but that’s it.

>> No.15947322
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x1440, sketch-1613068017980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.15947352


>> No.15947394

6 or 3

>> No.15947397

its too hard

>> No.15947424


>> No.15947456

Top lad. Would chug a pint with

>> No.15947479

id say 3

>> No.15947495

show body. Never met someone with a 6 pack who had a face so bloated. Worst case you have some weird genetics and maybe need plastic surgery if you ever want to fix it. Otherwise just hide it with a beard, which means the best you'll look is manual labor-peasant tier.

>> No.15947563

get better at cutting your beard/8

>> No.15947701
File: 35 KB, 285x320, D92FE023-6DA6-41E5-AC0E-2BD1F0DF6A6F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m kinda chubby right now but my face per se isn’t fat. I’m starting my diet next week though.

>> No.15947706

Overweight + heavy alcohol use.

>> No.15947747

4 or 8, but what is really needed is longer hair in order to add volume to your temples.

>> No.15948588

sexy sir

>> No.15948792

>fatter than hell
>kinda chubby
kinda chubby is a 32 inch waist around these parts.

>> No.15948795

that being said 4 is the best of the options. but really you need to lose 30- 40 pounds.

>> No.15949571

toothbrush mustache

>> No.15949954
File: 14 KB, 400x268, Ricky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 without goatee

>> No.15949974

I generally don't like full beards on round faces, so I'd say a goatee or you can rock a moustache too, genuinely looks good on you.

t. bi fag

>> No.15950495

1 or 3

>> No.15950501
File: 47 KB, 500x378, A795B081-25A7-4C2D-BCF8-42F84D5980F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate it hate it hate it hate it

I’ve put up with beards bc I liked the person more than just their face but god why. And you expect women to shave their whole bodies? When you won’t even trim a bit of your face? Fuck this world is so unfair

>> No.15950519


>> No.15950560

you are a tranny

>> No.15950570


>> No.15950604

If you aren't willing to do 7 you're a massive pussy

>> No.15950892

Lose weight.

>> No.15951355

i like the charlie chaplin mustache

>> No.15951362


>> No.15951499 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 902x1211, 37B71E6A-BD6E-40D6-9F51-21E3EAA48AD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t change your appearance due to public pressure, son. Figure out what you find makes you most attractive and flaunt it.

>> No.15951847

femoid here. 3 or 1. please do not listen to the tools here saying 4
4 would be acceptable if not for the ridiculous sideburns but it still wouldnt be better than 3 or 1

>> No.15951853

Invalid opinion, bitch. The sideburns complete his look.

>> No.15951856


>> No.15951947


>> No.15952001


>> No.15952486

Wrong opinion made wrongggger by virtue of being a bitchcunt

>> No.15952642


>> No.15952644

either 1, 4, or 8. 7 looks nice too

>> No.15952656

that's a lot of votes for the toothbrush stache

>> No.15952666

le funny funny hitler stache! So BASED

>> No.15952875

3 and 6 are best. Also shave your head, it's over dude.

>> No.15953404

satan doesnt like hitler, what a surprise

>> No.15953575

No. 6 with a bit of stubble.

>> No.15953586

Top norf lad

>> No.15953660

>as if these 8 styles are the sum of possibilities
7 is literally a joke. 3 is just a worse version of 2. 4-8 lacking sideburns sucks.

I'd say 4, 5, 6 are decent. 1 and 8 are better. I think sideburns alone would be decent. 1 would look better if you trimmed the moustache like you did for 3.

>> No.15953933
File: 82 KB, 426x608, beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related