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15911054 No.15911054 [Reply] [Original]

Hey how do I remove body hair in the least painful way? I'm talking about MY ASS and MY BALLS. No gay shit. My ass hair makes wiping a mess and farts too loud I was found out on a zoom meeting. My balls because I want more blowjobs. That's it I just want my dick sucked more often and when they see my fucking jewfro on my balls they get all handsy and no mouthy. There's gotta be some faggots or trannies on here who know some trick.

No I wont shave my ass or balls. A: that's gay. B: it grows back super itchy.

>> No.15911059


>> No.15911107

nice b8 jewbacca

>> No.15912085

haha does this work? asking for a friend ;^)

>> No.15912087

use fucking scissors

>> No.15912135

Philips multigroom trimmer has worked well for me. I just trim my face and chest though.

>> No.15912150

Nobody wants to hear about you wiping your hairy ass dude wtf?!
Use a razor. Shaving cream and after shave shit esp for sensitive skin.
I’m a visual person and you just made me scowl so FU

>> No.15912664

Wait. Doesn't removing asshole hair make your farts louder? Isn't it hard to fart silently without hair? Idk that's what I heard.

>> No.15912729

Alright, save up the money to get laser hair removal.

I did it for my sideburns and armpits. Great investment.

Yes it's painful. But being pretty hurts, anon.

>> No.15912733

Pull most of it with your hands and shave the rest of it with a razor. Or just laser it off.

>> No.15912755

Pull hair out with hands?
Great advice
Do you guys actually do this? Bc I wouldn’t doubt it

>> No.15912756


>> No.15914381

are you a female or legitimately gay?

>> No.15914444

>No I wont shave my ass or balls. A: that's gay. B: it grows back super itchy.

Then just trim it. You’re only other option is waxing your balls and ass and laser hair removal. Just shave with the grain and you’ll be fine

Either that or accept that you’ll just get handjobs and shitty farts

>> No.15914447

No. It burns like a bitch and it says on there to not use for pubes

>> No.15914450

I've heard laser only works really well for dark hair on people with lighter skin though.

>> No.15914889

Wax strips, hurts slight for a second, buzz hairs to be short-ish and then use NADS wax strips. No itchy regrowth like shaving, which is WAY, WAAAAAAY worse than a split second of pain from waxing. The itchy-ness will last a week and a half, more if the hairs are ingrown.

Be warned, your ass will sweat noticeably more and your farts will squeak up your crack and bubble out the top of your ass.

>> No.15914895

how can I increase the quality of my farts

>> No.15914912

Based and fartpilled

God I love farting

>> No.15915010

stop driving drunk

>> No.15915020

>clicks and reads entire post
>omigod I hate your hairy ass OP I’m a visual person

>> No.15915026
File: 248 KB, 1205x778, EEEDDFCF-3F91-4DBC-8544-A6619151EAB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re a visually funny looking horsefucker

>> No.15915065
File: 379 KB, 872x1867, A74FC928-DC35-4D7B-82A6-4512A348BB2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is about you. I will try my hardest not to offend you. You’re so important. You’re beautiful. You’re a goddess

>> No.15916086
File: 58 KB, 415x561, 37AEED35-B094-41CD-8488-B1C8162C8F04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I pictured your hairy ass OP I’m so grossed out
Shut the fuck up, fuck-up

>> No.15916183

>manscaping groin
Your crotch dick/balls and taint depilatory issue has been discussed in /fit/ before at length. I remember that they had a similar thread with lengthy discussion a few months ago. You should make another thread there, as those bros will give much more varied direct answers.

>> No.15916187
File: 291 KB, 540x1481, iMarkup_20201227_120435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody wants to
>I speak for everyone
>it's all about me

Indre you're a disgusting hag inside and out

>> No.15916195

cringe uneffay crime lmao trip should’ve stuck to being an animal cumdrain

>> No.15916201

so waxing balls works?

>> No.15916437

stupid whore can’t keep its holes closed

>> No.15917735

I didn't realize when I was editing but there's 2 on her record, and in her state it means she was caught driving drunk a total of 4 times as the first is just a ticket and the 2nd is a license suspension, the 3rd and 4th are criminal charges. What an inconsiderate cunt.

>> No.15917757

Dude the 3rd one is a felony.
And I’m not adding that to my record.
I’ll walk barefoot in the rain on the side of the road before I catch another dui.

Don’t worry my record has more effay shit on it ;)

>> No.15917806

You seem like a nice lass, i have talked to you a few times on here, i consider you a mate, ignore the bellends on here luv they are thick as pig shit.

>> No.15917821


>> No.15918222

sike bitch

>> No.15918255
File: 48 KB, 669x715, what an interesting opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My ass hair makes farts too loud

What? Arse hair mutes your farts. As soon as you have a hairless butt, every fart is a trumpet fart.

>> No.15918378

use soap and a razor in the shower
might clog your drain but oh well just clear it out later.

>> No.15918435

The sound-dampening effect of ass hairs is overstated. Farts are produced due to the flapping of the ass-hole. Farting with an open hole produces no sound.

>> No.15918513

underrated philosofart

>> No.15919318
