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/fa/ - Fashion

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15907716 No.15907716 [Reply] [Original]

>>>>"wow this board has gone to shit, ha ha"
This is your fault. If you want this board to go back to discussion, debate, and trendwatching, then do your part and either don't participate, or shitpost the threads on here that actually are fucking retarded for gods sake.

>"is ___ /effay?"
No, kill yourself. Low effort
>"inspo thread!!!1!!!"
Oh boy, the same 6 images
>"post ___ core!!!"
Litetally the top two put together, which only makes it worse
>just a fucking image of booba or some chicks ass
Hornyposting, please go to containtment board
>"chad sexcore"
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Holy fucking shit, if i wanted to look at ugly retards all day, id either buy a mirror, or go on /soc/
>what is better
Kill yourself
>how do i emulate this fictional character
Nice larp attempt, still cringe.

If you fucking mouthbreathers really do want the quality of discussion on this gas station bathroom of a board to improve, reply to good threads
> cop threads
> cop or not threads
> /effay/ generals
> hair threads
> style improvement threads
> asthetic improvment or discussion threads

Dont focus on cores. Focus on aesthetics and trend movements.
> why do you care so much anon lelele cringe cringe
Id rather drink water from the toilet i fancy, than piss. And if im going to drink piss, it might as well be good piss.

>> No.15907726

It’s the jannies fault for not removing low effort/off topic threads made by board tourists. All they have to put is effay in some form in the subject line and the jannies won’t even bat an eye.

>> No.15907736
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Remmber the combo, sage and arise chicken

>> No.15907740
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Then as always, fuck jannies. Fuck low effort jannies wanting the same femanons posting their thighs in waywt

>> No.15907741
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>> No.15907745

>inb4 the jannies take down this thread instead of actually doing something about low effort/off topic/coomer posting

>> No.15907752
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Oh, and I almost forgot. If i see one more fucking namefag trying to be the board mascot, im going to eat my fucking shoes. I swear to god, i never wanted, nor needed to know your fucking name, or your discord handle. Thats not how this works, this isnt fucking reddit, youre not cool.

Theres a natural way of things here, and people discussing people positively almost exlusively is from a slow natural climb, not from wherever shithole youre from coming for attention. They have many fashion reddit, just go there. Just go there and stay there

>> No.15907830
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>> No.15907832

Zoomer /fa/ is fucking terrible

Jannies need to clean this shitty board up

Also Chad Sexcore is extremely based and keyed

>> No.15907836

/fa/ always had WAYWT for a long time. it's an essential

>> No.15907844

Now that you mention it, there is a reason I left fa for a while. Not because I wasnt interested in fashion anymore, but because fa doesnt really offer anything in the way of legitimately interesting fashion/trends. Not to say that it should become a zoomer paradise, but fa is very stagnant. Everything here seems timeless (same shit since the beginning of time) or is a critique of the mainstream. Inspo albums DO feature the same shit, and like it or not snkGen was a super popular general. It was probably because it actually kept up with new, alternative releases. At least, thats why I enjoyed it. If more threads took the structure of snkgen (to a degree) we'd probably see a rise in posters.
>"is ___ /effay?"
>"inspo thread"
>Random aesthetic with lots of vague inspiration, but no tangible way to execute it

Honestly most of this would be fine if it was more compelling. It usually just isnt. Sure, instagram and reddit as fashion mediums suck, but their fairly relevent and provide alot of flash, even if theres not alot of substance. Cyberpunk threads are great, but I want to see more fit pics and pieces, not a screenshot from bladerunner. The threads you say are good pretty much achieve all of this to a lesser degree. Ill be honest, I dont particularily care for fragrance or hair threads, but they at least seem to be meaningful discussions. Im a long time lurker now on fa, so maybe Ill post more just because the state of the board is just so boring.

>> No.15907859
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Its attention whoring and about the person not the style. If it was showing off a fit or an article of clothing it would be one thing, but its for attention, not for style.

Snk gen was the tits back in the day, but youre clearly picking up what im putting down. Dont get me wrong, there needs to be better discussion as a whole in all regards, i even remmeber the old "suit generals" of yesteryear that actually were worth a damn, and werent full of amerimut "babys first meme" bullshit. I coped quite a good set of shit, along with the occasional boot general, but if i see one more "why do people hate X" thread, ill fucking die

>> No.15907881

>Why do people hate x
These would be good and even useful if it was at all relevant. My issue is that its always about something mundane, being commented on with equally mundane viewers. No one on fa is going to wear Animal print, so why not discuss the merits of something else? At least make a general about 'what's the consensus on this', essentially a cop or not but more about the merits of a piece rather than debating the cost of it. Generals should also be equal parts inspiration and contribution, with the former mostly being pieces and those pieces being worn, not unidentifiable items. At this point, I'd even support rep fashion here if it meant we got more interesting outfits. That's what this all comes down to, after all; the actual outfits. If the outfits being posted are inaccessible, bad, or just not being posted, then all good discussion halts.
>Snk gen was the tits
Sneakgen actually showed me a lot of alternative sneakers I never thought I'd like, and it truly shaped how I see shoes. Half of my sneakers are at least partially purchased because of the pics posted there.

Fa should take all of this as a blueprint. A thread oriented around creating or fostering someone's style would be fun to engage in and is directly relevant to this board. Every thread thats already on this board does some of these things, their just bogged down by the actual topics that cast a shadow over the good parts.

>> No.15907891

>going on 4chan and expecting serious discussion and advice about fashion

What a retard you are.

>> No.15907926

You mean nigger containment thread? Real men wear shoes

>> No.15907930

good threads
> cop threads
> cop or not threads
> /effay/ generals
> hair threads
> style improvement threads
> asthetic improvment or discussion threads

>> No.15907933
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>> No.15907935

Shitty yakuza larp

>> No.15907936

Yeah, these are mostly troll threads, as is this one, which should've been obvious to everyone once the OP suggested WAYWT threads were something to avoid.

>> No.15907941

cringe whine poster thread

>> No.15908004

Nihilist scum wanting everything to be shit. Youre the retard who says shit should be bad because its cheap. Its
What a great way to expose yourselves as tourist zoomer queers. Remember its reddit.com, and dont come back.

Keep drinking the cool aid and tell me it dosent taste like piss, youre still drinking the piss with me, all im doing is saying out loud "we are drinking piss"

And WAYWT was always newfag bait to figure out who would be stupid enough to post their face on fucking /fa/.
Just go to /soc/ and spam with the trannies. Showing what you got and asking for faggy compliments and greasy weirdos to drool over is not something to want anon. Its a gay thread, its been a gay thread, and it always will be. If not, why dont you show the class what youre wearing today

>> No.15908011

>t. guy that lives for the dopamine rush of checking to see if his pic on the waywt got any replies

>> No.15908013

post above this is OP seething

>> No.15908031
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>"Wow, thats a very winrar meme my
dude. Might wanna up your dose of copium!!! Maybe head on over to sneeds drug and feed and pi-"
This is how you sound. Just stop posting. Stop replying. Go back to shit4chansays or whatever and learn a new word.

>> No.15908040

4 posts above is OP seething

>> No.15908050

The solution is simple. Jannies need to do their job

>> No.15908051
File: 41 KB, 500x355, E18D6615-4244-4DBF-B0F7-66C61F486AF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this board is shit!
>this shit is YOUR fault!
>if only people listened to me it wouldn’t be shit

>> No.15908067

I wanted to talk about shoes. Fancy loud shoes. I have quite a few pairs.

>> No.15908121

Go ahead and show them off anon. That sounds nice

> Dont complain about the board, just eat your slop, dont complain, and play in the mud
Well what should we do then genius?

>> No.15908318

I assume he meant good threads as in ones with potential

>> No.15908323

I pretty much only chime in on interesting threads and try to post useful info. It's pretty easy if you just ignore all the other shit like the bait threads or the people who just make fun of you for trying to post relevant fashion content. It's 4chan and there's always gonna be a lot of idiots but just focus on the stuff you like and think shit through before you reply to something.

>> No.15908406

Doesn't have to be serious. Just on-topic and interesting. Today, threads on fa arent serious OR funny.
The point Isn't that I'm dissatisfied with the board on its own merits, and neither is op. It's that the quality of discussion here could be much greater if those who contribute the best content could continue to, and introduce new ways to let people who actually care about topic x talk more freely. You can't tell me that the board in its current state is healthy or enjoyable. I certainly don't come here for the discussion or the great posts anymore, and neither do you if your all just shitting on these suggestions without your own.

Some ideas for threads that are pretty broad:

>Based or onions General
Post a piece, and anons comment on if its a good piece or not. Basically Cop or not but with less emphasis on the cop element and more on grails and pieces in general. Similar to those grid threads where you make an outfit.


>Personal Aesthetic General
Show your style
>But that's just WDWT!
I don't care about what you're wearing on one day, it's more interesting to understand a wardrobe/aesthetic and see if it works on the person. So, WDYWT with real-life references- mix between WDYWT and grid threads

>Redpill me on X
Self-explanatory. Posts that open up your view into a piece, culture, etc.

>New finds
Not recent cops or wdywt, new pieces you found online/in person that has caught your eye.

>Replica general
I don't own any reps but I don't mind them. I'm sure anons who do own reps would love a general.

>> No.15908412

See my post >>15908406
I never thought I'd be one to make threads on fa or even a general, but at this point, If enough people want it Ill come up with something.

>> No.15908431

damn bruh

>> No.15908477

Please do anon. We all need it

>> No.15908670

>This is your fault. If you want this board to go back to discussion, debate, and trendwatching
If we actually want this board to get better we need to get rid of pol constantly shitting up every thread with race baiting. Half the threads up right now are thinly veiled excuses to shit on gay or trans people

>> No.15909030

i knew i should have just bitten the bullet and become a janitor last year
i've been to other boards and they actually prune duplicate threads and new threads that should have been posted in a general...

also if i see one more OP with a closeup of some freak's scalp i'm going to lose it

this. even if you don't like the posts, it's useful as a containment thread/general for fit pics

>> No.15909115


>> No.15909118

>The point Isn't that I'm dissatisfied with the board
Your dissatisfaction is irrelevant.

>> No.15909470
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>> No.15910400

r eddit

>> No.15910470

Literally what is the point of a sneaker general. They’re athletic wear, the purpose of which isn’t to be fashionable but functional. You really don’t need more than one or two pairs of sneakers