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File: 87 KB, 1089x645, potential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15895243 No.15895243 [Reply] [Original]

is it worth it?
are the boots and height inserts alone going to make my legs look unnaturally long?
164 is 5'4.5'', 177 is 5'8''

>> No.15895248

just realized that I'm not 164, since that is 5'3.8''

>> No.15895253

nevermind, 5.38feet is 5'4''

>> No.15895262

the most you can realistically get away without looking retarded is close to 5'7, if you are 164cm just wear lifts and thick shoes it will get you fairly close to 170cm, you will still be on the short side but not that short

if you have a lot of money to spare (not just for the surgery) and can spend all that time on rehab then maybe get surgery but i think you can probably do just fine without it

>> No.15895326


>> No.15895342

Better work on your physic and personality instead of relying on height.

>> No.15895378

already doing so, but height is also an important factor in a lot of aspects of life, such as income and friendliness

>> No.15895395

Same height. I've got a pair of lifts but it makes my legs hurt like a fucker, plus you need to wear bigger shoes as they compress your toes together. Legit thought I had neuropathy after taking them off--I could barely move toes.
Being this way is fucking brutal. I'm not sure what elses to do. Save up for surgery I guess. I'm handsome and muscular so I do okay with girls but I still wish I didn't have this.
Psychic powers? I wish I had that too

>> No.15895406

no problem buying bigger shoes, since I dont like wearing size fucking 8.5 shoes either, if I'm going for as much height as I can via lifts and boots, should I up my shoe size 1 to 2 sizes or what?

>> No.15895564

yeah maybe. Like a half size to 1 should do it. I just know my shoes were already a little snug and suddenly I've bound them like those japanese girls used to do.

>> No.15895571

How about you see a therapist instead

>> No.15895573 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15895593

Surgery has advanced a lot in recent years, its cheaper and effective. You can start running and even lifting again rather quickly.

And India and Russia has excelent orthopedists/ trauma surgeons.

>> No.15895657

That might be statistically verified but you're not the aggregate of data, you're just just one person. Your attempts to game the statistics will give you the outward expression of an angry and resentful man who is trying too hard in the wrong fields of development to be taken seriously as a competent or charismatic individual.

>> No.15895670
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You're gonna need the surgery

>> No.15895734

my knees hurt just looking at that

>> No.15895745

You'll look like Robert Downey Jr.
Combat or cowboy boots
I put inserts in my Palladiums bc they were one size too big and I'd do double socks so I could fill them.
Don't recommend inserts unless the shoes are special.
had to figure something out.

>> No.15895776
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what's wrong with being fly as fuck?

>> No.15895777
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You'll look great OP, no one will be able to tell

>> No.15895780
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look at how stylish you can be!

>> No.15895784
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don't forget to wear full-break and boot cut pants to cover your abnormal shoe profile

>> No.15895787
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If this isn't cool enough for you you can get a horribly painful and debilitating surgery that is only rivaled by demented trannies who lop off their genitals

>> No.15895793
File: 1.87 MB, 854x480, manlet cure.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go OP, the final solution to your woes

>> No.15895801

imagine having all the success in the world but still being this insecure about your height.

>> No.15895816
File: 42 KB, 750x352, EBFE582D-D28E-4733-A48D-2942D4F0EC76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>177 is 5’8

>> No.15895826

what you using to get that image

>> No.15896320

One of my legs is 1 inch longer than the other. Thats 1 reason I could go for limb lengthening surgery. I also have a very long torso, so adding height will help my proportions.

What do you think anons?

>> No.15896441

yeah just fuck up your brone for life bro

>> No.15896450

Would he kill me if I called him Robert Tiny jr?

>> No.15896462

5’4? Are you a femanon?

>> No.15896475

Cope. Height matter a lot.

>> No.15896478

as I thought, your proportions are totally fucked up if you go through that
proportions > height

>> No.15896485
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>> No.15896982

you know damn well he wont be complaining about his height if he was a woman

>> No.15897012

Nigga where you gonna get 8 inch heels for men?

>> No.15897351

best outcome all means tallest height inserts with somewhat not freakishly tall heels plus leg lengthening surgery

>> No.15897361

His boots are slp core but the rest of him is 2000s business cokehead so it doesn’t really work

>> No.15897364

Wear Rick Owens kiss heels. You'll pull alt hoes

>> No.15897665

this is an actual medical problem and you should do something about it. Anything else for height is just complicating too much.

>> No.15897958

you just need to make sure your leg-body ratio stays as close to 1:1 as possible - the greater the deviation from this, the less attractive you are. it's not worth a couple inches if it makes you look disproportionate.

if you don't know your leg-body ratio, calculate it like this: sit up in a chair and measure from the top of your head to where your butt touches the seat. this is your torso length. subtract this from your standing height to get your leg length - the ratio is leg length:torso length

>> No.15897998

when did he suggest otherwise? cope and project

>> No.15898027

>are the boots and height inserts
Just imagine the imagine you will project and the amount of disappointment and cringe people will experience any time they see you without your special boots and inserts.

>> No.15898113

I'm 5'4 and I always wear platform shoes that increase my height by 3 inches at least and no one ever noticed it except a few and I've asked people before if they see a difference while I'm not wearing my special boy shoes and it clicks in their heads immediately afterward and you can see their shock as they make that basedboy facial excited facial expression.

And besides, I am not wearing it to deceive people who I know and pretend that I'm 5'7 when I'm 5'4. I wear it because when I'm in public I feel more confident about myself. it'd be always a win-win situation when you're wearing platform shoes.
And a word of advice, date tall girls, and I mean really tall girls who are 6ft tall or taller. I always get rejected by average and short girls but tall girls always give me a chance because they themselves have this height insecurity who want a person to accept their height and most dudes are insecure af about their height and will never accept a girl that is taller than them.

>> No.15898126
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so, none? lmfao
if I were living in a place like japan or any asian country/5'4'' average height country, I would not feel a need whatsoever to wear my special tall boy shoes
but I live in america where studies show that your boss will literally fucking pay you less because you're short and their dumb monkey brain thinks short = unable to handle money properly = undeserving of money
I'm gay, no fellow fag is going to care if I'm 5'4'' as long as I either suck dick or give good dick and I can do both

I'm literally doing this for potential money, not insecurity, though it does feel really fucking good to tower over people and look down at people when you talk to them (my old friend was a 4'6 legal midget and holy shit is it a power surge)
I only need to deceive my potential employer until I'm making more than 20$ an hour

>> No.15898141
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>but I live in america where studies show that your boss will literally fucking pay you less because you're short and their dumb monkey brain thinks short = unable to handle money properly = undeserving of money

This is completely retarded /pol/ tier horseshit. Anyone with low self-esteem is going to find something wrong with themselves and project it onto everything

This mental illness that is spreading on 4chan will not affect
anyone who has self-esteem.

>I'm gay,
you're fucking dumb, too

>> No.15898224
File: 3.10 MB, 498x280, weasel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look man, or what I assume is a man
look me in my anonymous eyes and tell me you dont want to have sex with this specimen right fucking now

anyway, I'm lazy and tired of this thread and also high as shit so theres no point in replying to my OP questions anymore, I'm buying height inserts and boots so cya in my future mercedez benz or whatever car guys think counts as "high class"

>> No.15898789

not op but hikaku-sitatter.com

>> No.15898862

>177 is 5'8'
what ?

isnt that 5´9 in retard unites ?

>> No.15898865
File: 34 KB, 332x480, 1587537363587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 feet 8 inches = 172.72 centimeters


>> No.15898990

What can I do about it other than limb lengthening surgery? I already have orthotics and it makes finding good looking shoes to fit the chunky 1 inch orthotic a pain in the ass.

>> No.15898999

Is there a guide on what to max out on based on height? Like a typology kind of thing?

I'd rather stay 5'9

>> No.15899047

head to body ratio is important. short people are noticeably short even through bust photos because of their large heads. you'll make yourself more attractive in person but you will still look like a short in platforms in photos where people will have a clear look at your proportions

>> No.15899277

you don’t get paid less because you’re physically short
it’s because short dudes have manlet mentality
it’s the same reason people who don’t suck up to their boss end up getting promoted before the dickriders
if you act like a pussy you never get anywhere and manlets reek of insecurity
case in point this whole thread

>> No.15899316
File: 236 KB, 422x1353, 1593074705877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I'm 5'7 and I have a very fucked up mentality because of it (I'm always comparing myself to other men outside). Imagine being 5'4...

I honestly never thought about height until a friend of mine (who is also short) pointed it out to me as a disadvantage when I was in the 2nd year of high school. Since then I've been obsessed -- I also haven't grown a fucking inch since when I was 14 or so, pretty sure I had hormonal problems because I'm barely taller than my mother who is 5'5, my father was 5'6.

I know that I have the short end of the stick when it comes to short-term relationships and dating apps (that's why I don't dig them), but I kissed some girls at parties so I'm positive that my height is not *that* bad. I'm still a virgin at 24, though -- but I'm pretty sure this has to do with the fact that I don't know women and I don't really go out of home without external pressure (only recently a friend asked me to go out with him, which was when I kissed for the first time last year).

Being short is fucked up, and I believe OP is *very* fucked because 5'4 is like the average woman height in most countries. I'd take the fucking surgery in your case because it won't make you worse.

>> No.15899341

What are some effay boots that can increase my height by 15cm? I'm fine being 180cm, but I want to cosplay as a JoJo character

>> No.15899850

you sound like me
how did your first kiss go, im trying to figure out the technique

>> No.15899877
File: 493 KB, 1100x1007, 8099D511-330B-42A2-BCA2-B0E4297DD932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to /fit/ and see how long it takes to get called a manlet

>> No.15899884

At the start it was strange because I didn't know people normally used their tongue on the first kiss. I was surprised then the girl actually put her tongue inside my mouth. I responded, of course. It was a shortish kiss, kind of sweet, but nothing special.

Then on another night, I kissed her friend and it was actually *hot*. Her kiss was more aggressive, and we kissed like 9 times. I noticed that her tongue was larger than the first girl too (makes a huge difference).

In both of my kisses, I didn't employ any "technique", I just kissed naturally in a way that felt right -- it's literally a valsa of tongues, now that I think back. You just need to match your partner and don't do crazy stuff, don't search "techniques" for this because it's pretty simple, it's not oral sex.

>> No.15899895
File: 69 KB, 529x662, 9A64B6E4-DDCC-4208-B7BD-61FAC2FE6047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s not oral sex

>> No.15899946

ive only kissed while drunk before and it was natural with no thinking, im just afraid i will be more conscious about being a good kisser when sober

>> No.15899956

I wear lifts from 174cm to 181cm in smaller boots. Makes me look 178ish barefoot. Sometimes I go to 183 and it looks natural, not one person has noticed.

That said I am a richfag and literally am doing LL surgery in the summer. Doing 6cm femurs and 4+ tibias. Trying to maintain my ratios. Any more than this and I will look weird, plus 184cm is an incredibly perfect height barefoot.

>> No.15900010

The only thing you need to do is just take it slowly. Let your lips touch and the tongue will go naturally, and then take it gentle and slow. That's pretty much all there is to being a "good kisser" and no more technique to it than that.

Don't be aggressive, don't stick your tongue in her mouth deeply, that's how you risk banging teeth or getting caught up in something lol. Gentle, slow and at an even pace.

Some guys think they have to be a good kisser by doing something out or the ordinary, chewing on her tongue or some shit, it would be like oral, you could stick your tongue out as far as you can and ram it in a chicks pussy but if you're actually sucking her clit in a slower kinda routine with gentle alternations, it's going to be so much better.

Good kissing is just about being relaxed, in sync with her, nice easy pace, natural, and no stupid shit jabbing your tongue at her throat. Simple.

>> No.15900082
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5'1 chads rise up

>> No.15900091
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The answer is getting swole and/or copping a personality.

>> No.15900594

The problem with surgery is that you lose the proportions
Unless you have oddly short legs in comparison to your body, it won't work out well, you'll look weird as fuck

>> No.15900617

The mouth isn't genitalia, ergo oral sex can't occur with mouth on mouth contact

>> No.15900889

I was also short and happy. Until I started coming on 4chan. Now I always blame my height

>> No.15901800

m8, go get some hobbies, work out and stop being such a fucking self conscience loser. Girls will see right through your dumbass shoe inserts

>> No.15901904
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>4chan: kill yourself you worthless manlet
>also 4chan: why are you so sensitive about your height? Get help, faggot

>> No.15903435

This man can fuck my boipussy

>> No.15903449

Mel’s looking better with age

>> No.15903462


>> No.15903465

Jesus Christ. Just be a manlet. This is so much worse.

>> No.15903466

Don’t correct the gymcel ape.

>> No.15903545
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>> No.15903926

>tribal tattoos
never gonna make it

>> No.15903928

why doesn't he fucking hire someone to make discreet elevator shoes for him, these are all so fucking loud, so loud that the literal high heels are the best one.

>> No.15903944

177 is 5'9.6"

reminder that 5.8' =5'9.6" (look at the position of the ' and " symbols and the decimal places

>> No.15903947

this is horrific.

>> No.15904337

Don't act like you have any experience you goblin looking fuck

>> No.15904527

Welcome to the real world buddy, you can get away with being mediocre looking so long as you're a reasonable height and most importantly actually talk to people. Lookism is mostly a cope so decent looking autists can blame their failures on something besides their fear of talking to people.

>> No.15904539

when will you guys learn...

>> No.15904547
File: 5 KB, 224x220, the brehs guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giant hand holding the phone
Imagine them wrapped around your dick