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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 42 KB, 532x574, curly-long-hairstyles-for-gentlemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15883986 No.15883986 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a meme? What do I have to keep in mind in terms of hair care etc.? Do people treat you differently? How do I dress to match it?

>> No.15883988

If you can pull it off it's hot ngl

>> No.15884011
File: 715 KB, 774x736, snake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assuming you pull it off, girls will come up and compliment u on it, which is nice.

it's not every girl's thing tho, some dumbass hoes won't appreciate it, the ones that do will go wild over it.

my only advice is to get a proper style and not some faggy metal shit.

>> No.15884016


>> No.15884033

If you tie it up overnight it will become nice and wavy the next day

>> No.15884190

I have wavy hair slightly past my shoulders. Gonna be growing it for three years in a few months. Are my genes fucked, or am I alright?

>> No.15884204
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>> No.15884234 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 1019x720, IMG_20210120_031411_233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with my hair? Pls help I'm clueless

>> No.15884252

Stop looking like a big faggot is a good start
Pull your hair back, so your hairline shows

>> No.15884273

Bought the game just for this hot motherfucker

>> No.15884898

I have long hair and all my hispanic coworkers call me thor so I’d recommend

>> No.15884935

You are growing your hair out from a buzzcut?

>> No.15885463

I'm going to say yes, considering I started this a month before I graduated. (I was in this admittedly shitty Christian School which prevented me from growing my hair out sooner. Wasn't even Christian by the way.)

>> No.15885471

>I was in this admittedly shitty Christian School which prevented me from growing my hair
I went to such a school that didn’t have that rule. Boys rocking Jesus buns

>> No.15885789
File: 307 KB, 1080x1269, Screenshot_20210120-085125_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mine desu, but it is a hassle sometimes. I find strands literally everywhere

>> No.15885828

Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgghggg okay but who the fuck asked retard?

>> No.15885875

Women like nice, well-kept, styled hair. Medium length is optimal if you're thinking about that, but long can work too. Men don't generally get how much women like guys with good, voluminous hair though, and it can be an advantage.

>> No.15885883
File: 70 KB, 640x640, 6C958206-ABBD-41AF-BD3B-C26FBCDB819D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Jesus

I like Long Hair, but mine is very hard to maintain and brush

>> No.15886207

>brushing curly hair

>> No.15886299

Well then you're alright, it really is a long process. Go to the barber from time to time to trim the ends so your hair isn't actually fucked up. Listen to other anon - it looks good only if it's well-kept.

>> No.15886416
File: 35 KB, 640x480, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it a meme
>what do i have to keep in mind in terms of hair care
>do people treat you differently
you definitely get judged very differently based off of the hair. some people are kinda intimidated by it
>how do i dress to match it
the hair goes well with most traditionally masculine types of clothing. utilitarian military type stuff seems to work well

>> No.15886427

Been growing my hair out for a while, been called a caveman, Che Guevara, and Pacific Islander Charles Manson so far. Think the look is working for me kek

>> No.15886517

>my only advice is to get a proper style and not some faggy metal shit.

>> No.15887473

It looks great.

>> No.15887504

literally a meme

you all look like shit, stop deluding yourselves

unless you look like literal brad pitt long hair doesnt look good on 90% of guys

>> No.15887631


>> No.15887641

bitter coper

>> No.15887649
File: 542 KB, 1677x2500, champion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not worth it. You'll shed everywhere, it gets greasy fast, and if you're even remotely neurotic (which you must be if you're on 4chan) you'll obsess over styling it. Last but not least, if you're a good enough looking dude to pull it off, you'll look even better without it.

Now to be fair, that last rule applies to almost everything, BUT long hair in particular is higher maintenance than the other quirky experiments you can do. So if you want to sacrifice a few attractiveness points to increase your style meter, at least do it with something that isn't a pain in the ass.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.15887711

Wtc shirt

>> No.15887721

You can't pull off long hair because it's not thick. You've got that thin, strandy hair that's stereotypical with geeks and nerds who don't shower. Sorry.

>> No.15887733

I grew my hair out/worked out/became socially confident and the combined effect of this has made me extremely dysphoric. It’s eating me alive. I don’t know what I look like and at this point I don’t know what to do.

>> No.15887748

Thoughts on guys with big foreheads growing out their hair passed shoulder length?

>> No.15887756

Wrong. Girls have to make their hair look cute. Guys just have to really take care of it and have nice volume/texture and it will be great. I do agree that you have to have the face for it tho

>> No.15887761
File: 429 KB, 1200x1440, 6E502C92-7334-4328-8FBA-2693DCD0709C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop hiding tranny

>> No.15887774

I don’t want to care about how I look. I don’t know how I got here. I miss my old self and probably need mental help.

>> No.15887788
File: 204 KB, 1000x666, world-war-2-fight-1000x666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is your grandfather.

>> No.15887803

My life is alright. I’m not internet addled or lacking in masculinity. It is a very frivolous issue, but I don’t think that self-obsession is a generational thing.

>> No.15887807
File: 9 KB, 225x225, D0570384-1A61-404C-BDA9-AA31F37084D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t want to care about how I look
Apathy ain’t the answer

>> No.15887818

I agree. The conflict is that letting the thoughts take up too much space has become unsustainable, and will obviously lead to a crash.

>> No.15887826

Emotional resiliency and healthy coping techniques might help you

>> No.15887964

My hair looks frizzy whenever I wash it, and by the time the oils have worked their way back and it looks good, it's time to wash it again. Any idea what to do about this?

>> No.15887972

You washing it properly? Shampoo only on scalp, conditioner on strands (let it sit while washing rest of body). When I started doing it that way my hair was great.

>> No.15887993

Look up the curly girl/guy method, learn proper drying technique and maybe look into scrunching the hair with your hands to trap the moisture and product in there

>> No.15888059

90% of the time it looks shit. You will just look like some scruffy metalhead.

>> No.15888165


>> No.15888472

use conditioner after shampoo and use diffuser hair blower

>> No.15888486
File: 612 KB, 531x816, 1594791081378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long hair is only annoying in summer because it makes me sweat so I have to make a bun
anyone has a better solution?

>> No.15888555

stop being sweaty, girls wear their hair down all the time why can't you

>> No.15888569

Mine is down to my nips and is really thick. I love it. Shampoo once a week, condition 2-3 times a week, sometimes with a leave in conditioner (Briogeo, although it smells lady-like). ONLY ISSUE: the average person loses 75 hairs a day (total, not just head) so I cannot tell you how many times I've been browsing the net while cupping my balls and randomly theres a strand of 7 inches of hair that I'm pulling up which somehow managed to get into my asscrack/taint. Otherwise long hair is really fun,.

>> No.15888572

it's like a goddamn wool cap desu

>> No.15888602

>cupping my balls


>> No.15888614


This may just be a weird "me" thing, but 80% of the time I'm at home on the computer, my right hand is on the mouse and the left is cupping my balls. I obviously only do it when alone, but its somewhat like a tic, like people who bounce their leg up and down; sometimes I don't even notice I do it. Its not even sexual, I'm usually totally flaccid, it's like a "defense mechanism" I think, to protect my baby berries in case of a sudden attack.

>> No.15888619
File: 783 KB, 1500x1538, IMG_4441 copy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine wont grow any longer than this (had it for 5 years). still get alot of compliments on it though.

>> No.15888787

Your hair looks really good but that stubble doesn't

>> No.15888806

oh god i know lol i usually shave

>> No.15888811
File: 153 KB, 736x1104, beard-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair is more than just a hat.
It is also a scarf and a handle.
And you can use it as rope or twine in a pinch.
And collects information like touch and helps with sixth sense data collection similar to antennae

>> No.15888814

this is exactly what i was talking about. gay ass heavy metal hair. get a proper haircut with a style in mind
the only reason u get compliments is because you have very fine looking curls. your hairstyle is ugly and gay. again, if you got a proper style at the salon you'd look much better and not gay.

>> No.15888873

get therapy

>> No.15888905

>Implying gay is something bad
That's not very /fa/ of you

>> No.15889026

post hair

>> No.15889041

lmao i like your post but holy fuck

>> No.15889046
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 38_the-natural-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and if you're even remotely neurotic (which you must be if you're on 4chan) you'll obsess over styling it
I had a long hair at the worst times of my life, when I had multiple schizoid episodes, it becomes a OCD nighmare. Even worse if you'se self-oincious schizo.
I'd say, if you're mentally ill, get help first, in order to make you littl more stable, so you won't obsess over little things.

>> No.15889113 [DELETED] 

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck

>> No.15889116

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" & "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck

>> No.15889221
File: 1.45 MB, 3024x4032, 6EB1E0BE-9B63-44FB-B1BB-0A383D1A1B3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been growing it since last February gonna get a balayage next month

>> No.15889227

fucking lucky, that's a good length
you don't even have to trim it

>> No.15889240

I still get trims once a year to clean it up a bit though

>> No.15889251
File: 2.53 MB, 3024x4032, 35DE2AAD-3C44-4137-B29F-B404449C9A0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15889259

that hair length really suits you

>> No.15889284
File: 2.82 MB, 4032x3024, D8B293B9-E228-4335-92B2-BEB4F7C71188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx bro will grow now my beard again and look if it’s suits the look

>> No.15889337
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210121-222456_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face is blurred here anyway so it doesnt matter. Most of the times I dont even wash or comb it. Chicks like it, guys think its cool, im tall so maybe I can pull it off because of that too. I mostly wear vintage clothing and a few fitted t-shirts/black denim with brown leather boots. Yes I also have a beard because Im a chinlet.

>> No.15889392

It looks great bro !

>> No.15889434

Thank you fren

>> No.15889438

Beardless suits you better brah. Nice fit though

>> No.15889621

long hair on men = gay
no amount of larpy guitar music, leather jackets, -or dare I say it -premarital sex with the opposite gender can relieve this

>> No.15889941

cope. nice projection

>> No.15890230

I have similar length and thickness to this, but with more curl, not much though. If this thread is still up tomorrow I'll post pics. In the meantime though, can any anon please tell me how Kurt styled his hair? Product, etc.? I have a "professional" job and I've been able to get by with Zoom meetings/etc. but once I see customers in the field again I'll need to make it more professional. If anyone can give me some tips please know I really do appreciate it!

>> No.15890278

Looks great anon, mine is shoulder length since I've been working from home and this gives me confidence that I can wear it once I'm back to regular work

>> No.15890584

Always can shave it off when it’ll look too much like hobo and less like aquaman
Use some hair oil in the morning for styling apply it throughout your hair then brush it first with a wide comb then with A brush after that apply a little bit of hair cream to style it and use some hairspray for hold
Thx Man. Yea the times were long hair isn’t acceptable for work are over bro as long as it looks good it’s Good to go post pics Chico

>> No.15891022
File: 89 KB, 400x400, 1194C1C6-4482-4695-ACE3-B35EBD6CC3BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump with inspo pics

>> No.15891026
File: 36 KB, 398x594, CE5B0785-F3E9-4A29-ADA6-B26E715BC648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chosen one

>> No.15891031
File: 873 KB, 2000x2400, CBD67325-4D3E-4270-97C0-6BCF5947D45A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Indians man cope

>> No.15891033
File: 7 KB, 201x251, 16B33E1A-F83D-44B7-88BF-473DD66FCEA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White mans cope

>> No.15891831

brad pitt looks like shit with long hair lol

>> No.15891977

Na he was great in Troy

>> No.15892607


>> No.15892942

Are you insane? I have hair that is frizzy and a hassle, all I have to do is throw some leave in conditioner in and brush it, maybe put some oil in the ends.
If I absolutely have to I will straighten it before something fancy, but you are just blowing hot air out of your ass.

>> No.15892958

why are you seething

>> No.15893140
File: 1.42 MB, 932x1500, 45eyt6ry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay give it to me straight /fa/, I don't care for any of this gay "shoulder length hair", how do I reach Sesshomaru tier?

>> No.15894749


>> No.15894967

my hair is long, wavy, thick, BUT I have tons of split ends. Should I try fixing this myself?

>> No.15894985

Mullet. Extra long party.

>> No.15894991

You don't, male genes do not allow for such long hair. Your hair would be thin and disgusting

>> No.15895007
File: 153 KB, 962x980, 5822754-6357677-image-m-36_1541492456698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pull them apart at parties.
It will make everyone despise you.
Try it!

>> No.15895008

20mg zinc picolinate with food and 10,000mcg biotin with water per day
More zinc would also work, but beware the fits of rage and horniness
More biotin would not work, that's pretty much the outer limit

>> No.15895024

Like ZOINKS Scoob!

>> No.15895044
File: 1.84 MB, 2320x3088, 03443A8F-890A-4CA0-A16E-1D0F84ACA8B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recommend a cut for me im sick of it, I look like colin farrell underneath

>> No.15895098
File: 563 KB, 633x357, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go for this cut

>> No.15895273
File: 2.08 MB, 2292x3261, 66D61FCC-EF19-4C58-A937-BF19F16E00CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it a meme?
>What do I have to keep in mind in terms of hair care etc.?
NEVER wash it, condition regularly, use a boar bristle brush, trim every couple months
>Do people treat you differently?
I get stared at a lot and I get harsher tickets when I'm pulled over
>How do I dress to match it?
However you'd normally dress otherwise

>> No.15895277

bro be my girlfriend

>> No.15895285

But anon that's gay

>> No.15895381

>NEVER wash it
I always get greasy and develop dandruff. I haven't done nopoo because I always had a job and I look like shite if I don't wash it a couple times a week.

>> No.15895386

Hey dudes, I’m a chick that masquerades as a guy in daily life. Not sure I can pull this off with long hair though. How do guys who look like women pull off long hair?

>> No.15895498

It gets bad at first but it reaches a sort of grease equilibrium after a while where it looks clean again. You just have to power through. Having a few bad hair days is well worth it
If you learn to talk in a really deep voice nobody will question you

>> No.15895585
File: 138 KB, 1200x630, 170103-charles-manson-rhk-01_e7e8de3c871856874a3f2fcfc4ccaf58.nbcnews-fp-1200-630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every guy that can pull off long hair + beard should do so

>> No.15895590

I've got fairly curly hair
Should I just not brush it at all? For most of my live I've just brushed it forward or something or part to the side and get rid of all the curls. usually it'd just end up a frizzy mess by the end of the day.
What exactly should I do with it? I only wash it with water

>> No.15895595

>not some faggy metal shit.
This. Idiots here think they just let it grow and then complain they look like shit.
It requires care, planning and styling but it is worth it.

>> No.15895597

never brush it! use a curly hair specific conditioner and detangle with a wide tooth comb.
and actually wash your hair at least once a week dirty bastard

>> No.15895599

Part it on the side mate, the Jesus look dropping in the middle doesn't look very good.

>> No.15895603

Wash it every other day or use shampoo and conditioner one day and only conditioner on the other. Let it dry or don't use the dryer in high heat.

>> No.15895608

You look like Christian Bale in that photo whom I styled mine after.
Lucky lad, carry on mate!

>> No.15895611

what do i wash with

>> No.15895614

Looks great

>> No.15895620
File: 124 KB, 1138x850, colin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked left cause its simple good style for men, looks good if you're young.
Right if you want a bit longer and if you're older.

>> No.15895623

I've been told I look like Manson at work.
Joke's on them, for me that's a compliment.

>> No.15895733

If no jaw or beard... it's weird no offense, just being honest

>> No.15895900
File: 35 KB, 640x640, rabannevictor_2021.1.24_6auwju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair should be this length in about 4-6 months. What's the best way to wash it, and what products do I use to make it look like this?
any more pics like this type of long hair?

>> No.15895902
File: 47 KB, 500x691, df7ec56d8dad5cf51a81e9f06838bf4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15896019

You need to tell us what’s your hair type if you want help

>> No.15896022

it's wavy, down to a little past my chin.

>> No.15896033

its not a meme and now is probably the best time to start because of cvid
the time between where its short and long is always the hardest because it always looked off (for me atleast) but its worth it tbqh
I got quite a few compliments from girls but I can see its hard to pull off if you are skinny or if you have a baby face
also I think its easier to pull off if youre >30

>> No.15896107
File: 16 KB, 360x450, Anakin_Episode_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this hairstyle looks good? Im thinking on getting it, same color too, maybe a little blacker.

>> No.15896112

Is American crew matte clay any good for long hair?

>> No.15896135

pls respond

>> No.15896171


HOW TO DEAL WITH MID LENGTH. Hair currently down to nose.

Dead straight and thicc as fuck.

>> No.15896173

what kind of face?

>> No.15896181

>You'll shed everywhere
minor inconvenience

>it gets greasy fast
not if you're washing it correctly

>if you're even remotely neurotic (which you must be if you're on 4chan) you'll obsess over styling it
literally the opposite, you don't need to "style" long hair at all, that's kinda what makes it so good, it falls a certain way naturally. Just take really good care of it

>> No.15896184

Wash it once or twice a week. Don't comb or brush it (especially when its wet), just run your fingers through it after conditioning.

Use a little bit of argan (as long as it doesn't have any plastics) or marula oil while its still damp, and finish with sea salt spray when dry to give it some lift and texture.

>> No.15896185


Just don't do anything and let it grow? I don't know what you want us to say.

>> No.15896190

I mean, how the fuck do I style it if I usually wear a side parting?

>> No.15896196

u dont look like anakin

>> No.15896197

is growing out your hair in order to donate it /fa/?

>> No.15896199


>> No.15896214

I have long curly hair, most of the time it's frizzy and I never wash it. It looks like a rat's nest lol

>> No.15896219

question to all the people here who say they don't/barely wash their hair, isn't it smell? or is it just when you have longer hair it just less prone to smell?

>> No.15896221

I have shoulder length hair but I need some help.
I seem to constantly shed hairs, is this something I have to get used to or is something wrong?

I brush it and it looks fluffy and soft but it's awful when I don't brush or comb it. When I do that, I end up removing tons of hairs too. It's like theres always hair getting tangled or naturally falling out always.

>> No.15896224

*doesn't it smell
also we don't know because we are used to the smell, but you have to keep in mind that, unlike armpits and your crotch area, bacteria don't linger on your scalp and the odor is produces solely by the oil. So it depends how much oil your produce and what you eat.

>> No.15896228

imo you'd better check if you're thinning, get a mirror and check your scalp and the back of you're head. Also check if everything is in order with you're temples. If it's fine that it's just how life is with long hair.

>> No.15896243

I have long, straight silky hair down half my back, and even though I like it, I am struggling to traverse the fine line between blending in and looking like an ugly tranny

>> No.15896251

ok thanks, no thinning and my temples are slightly receded but I've had the same mature hairline for years now.

>> No.15896256

if the receding is the same as always then it's probably hair getting tangled that find their way out a bit at the time

>> No.15896260

should i blow-dry mt hair? yes/no

>> No.15896266

yes with diffuser

>> No.15896767

Curtains, hairbands, whatever you want really

>> No.15896939
File: 1.94 MB, 2362x4026, 22months.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15896946

Forgot to add, working on losing some fat,growing my beard,and just seeing where it goes.

As for washing I usually do 2-3x a week depending.

Long hair doesn't smell as long as you take care of it (shampoo and condition right).

I usually wear it looped twice in the back with a hair band. Sometimes let it down and wear a hat.

>> No.15897541

yes looks cool

>> No.15897968

shave that peachfuzz shit my dude and start applying minoxidil daily until you can grow real facial hair. and get on some volumizing shampoo

>> No.15898235
File: 27 KB, 474x474, tgel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow long hair friends

I have some kind of scalp condition and am unsure on what it exactly is but I've been able to only temp quell it with pic related. Temporary because of how if i divert off of or onto a different shampoo or ski and just do conditioner it returns. Mainly was just wondering if anyone else has used this stuff in particular. I'll throw in as well that I've been using a Hair Food 3-in-1 Hair Mask and then applying conditioner afterwards. I've found that finishing off with the conditioner makes my hair ridiculously soft so thats been nice. Kinda of turned into a post about my general haircare.

>> No.15898418

What are some good hairstyles to get for while growing your hair out? Female styles welcomed.
Currently top reaches mid of nose when pulled down.

I always break during awkward stage when I try but finally want to reach chest length.

>> No.15898432

Fuck that
We girls lothe long hair on men like wtf u trying to outdo ME? Insecure men

>> No.15898478
File: 318 KB, 1208x720, 1608333016731.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15898485

>u trying to outdo ME? Insecure men
Trust in the self-centred nature of women to assume men grow their hair to look like or “outdo” them. Not everything revolves around you, you fat bitch (even though you do have one hell of a gravitational pull).

>> No.15898511

I dont know much about hair, but I started using Tgel for dandruff about 10 years ago and have never used anything since. Never makes me break out and gets rid of my dandruff.

>> No.15898516
File: 52 KB, 723x960, e97906d0e341732d117cec1514f5a0e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chris cornell looked incredible with long hair, when he cut it he looked just... okay

>> No.15898520
File: 45 KB, 386x500, 500336c1e384fdb60bd20d7cf53ecfbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15898537

here's a tip for curly bros to avoid friz
don't use a towel

>> No.15898567
File: 259 KB, 1980x2640, the bitter taste of truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had a haircut since the end of 2019; Corona took all my classes and extra-curriculars online.
This is my hair + portrait of ponytail. Do I have any sort of potential or should I just cut it shorter?

>> No.15898571

Also how can I get the tail to jut out instead of curling back towards me?

>> No.15898581

your curls have potential but don't wear a ponytail until it's long enough to hang down, otherwise you look like a little girl. tie it in a manbun until then if you absolutely must have it up

>> No.15898582

Is no one going to mention the pitiful pubestache?

>> No.15898586

Ask us how we know you're balding.

>> No.15898731

will dying my hair ruin it forever? i have medium brown hair and want to go platinum bros

>> No.15898753

seconding this

>> No.15898763

>I dont even wash
we can tell

>> No.15898822

your hair looks extremely epic
mine is similar but not as long yet

>> No.15898825

whats the curly guy method

>> No.15898866

oh nevermind lol it's literally called that

>> No.15898960

How do I make my hair fluffier & curlier?

>> No.15898964
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I'm getting tired of mine but I'm too attached to it. What do I do?

>> No.15898967
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>> No.15898969
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>> No.15899003

keep the hair it's great, but do something to your pubes. Shave or clean your neck and cheeks

>> No.15899272

I think I'm gonna a grow a proper beard, rn is only a few weeks of growth. I hate shaving and beard + long hair are a good combo. I'll keep the hair, thanks for the advice.

>> No.15899429
File: 784 KB, 2944x1820, 20210125_152631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/nopoo/, havent had any haircut in past 12 month, no products. Class rec for this hair with big nose? Thinking thick black plastic rim

>> No.15899434

gets complemented by randos, cashiers, baristas, etc. honestly a great ego boost. wondering what i should do with this tho. spending 100$+ on good barber to do stuff sounds pricey + also risky

>> No.15899675

long hair only looks good tied up

>> No.15899713

It is when you’re normal and are trying to attract the opposite sex

>> No.15901344

>grow out hair
>start to notice it's graying

>> No.15901354

Grey on a full head of hair is based assfuck

>> No.15901356
File: 242 KB, 1920x796, 1543789785614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but i'm 25

>> No.15901426

Bleaching will fuck up your hair and will definitely damage it, more over when going platinum. Only existing hair of course. Not sure what would happen if you burn your scalp while bleaching. Don’t use more than 6% developer on scalp.
Look into Schwarzkopf BlondMe products, I like them (dark brown to platinum). Still had to use silicone conditioner all the time to not have a frizzy mess on my head

>> No.15901514

>trying to attract the opposite sex
that's not /fa/ of you at all

>> No.15901705

Is combing the hair back the only way for a man to have long hair?

>> No.15901724

I have very brassy brown hair, bleached my hair a couple months ago and its actually fine. It does get a lot more coarse and tangled than it used to be whenever I wash it, but once its dry and I've oiled it its as soft and smooth as its ever been. I didn't go full platinum as that really does fry your hair and I wanted to retain some of the golden yellow tones.

>> No.15901738

Any tips for making hair grow faster?

>> No.15901972

apeman, good to see you.
Tasty shirts as always.
Q. what do you use to hold your hair style?

>> No.15902002
File: 114 KB, 500x600, 5-medium-slicked-back-hairstyle-for-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ I'm having hair problems...

1. I've been growing my hair for a year now from buzzcutt, and never cut it.
Now my whole hair is the same length about 4 inches.
Should I thin some of it? especially on the back?

2. My hair is straight ~usually~ but sometimes it would """curve""" forward like in pic related, how to fix it?

3. How to hold my hair style for long hair? when I try to use hair gel or hair wax, my hair ends turn to look like "J"s, is there certain way I should apply? or I'm using the wrong product?

4. What should I do about babyhair on my nape? should I shave/trim it? or wait it to be long?

>> No.15902111

My hair clumps into strands making it look as if I'm going bald, usulally I hide it by parting to one side or the other.
IS there any other product or way to make it looks more thick?

>> No.15902126

yes people treat you differently, i can immediately feel the presence of a loss prevention officer when i peruse the aisles at the grocery store

>> No.15902137

1. and 4. getting a trim is a must when growing out hair (every 3 months is good). Decent hair stylist should also be able to deal with 2. For a long time I had the same problem that my hair would curve forward and once I went to one of the more expensive stylists and he trimmed it in a way it stopped curving like that.
3. You need to know your hair type cause that’s the most basic knowledge needed to choose proper products for your hair. Problem might lie in shampoo, conditioner, gel, wax or anything you apply to your hair really. Proper hair stylist should be able to tell you everything you need to know about your hair and what products are good for you.

Tl;dr all of your problems can be fixed by going to a hair stylist

>> No.15902263

What if I can't go to a hairstylist?

>> No.15902267
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How to ave a hair style like this as a guy?
And how to hold it in place?
I swear women's hair must be different from men, simply walking down the stairs make my hair all over my place.

>> No.15902281

There is no difference between male and female hair genetically speaking. Males are just as likely as females to born with super-long hair genes.

>> No.15902284
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's good hairstyle for men with long hair?
Other than "let-it-go jesus", "meme-bun", and "I suck dicks too ponytail"?

>> No.15902290

>but beware the fits of rage and horniness
How to I keep the horny to minimum without masturbating or a gf?

>> No.15902295

>if you're a good enough looking dude to pull it off, you'll look even better without it.
Why do so many guys think this? I've seen plenty of men that looked a lot hotter with long hair than with short hair (see the Thor guy). From glorious viking god to generic action hero with just an haircut

>> No.15902298

>There is no difference between male and female hair genetically speaking.
Then why long hair on women seems much different?
Better hair culture?
I tried following many guides on hair styling and wasn't satisfied with the results.
I'm started to think it might be related to the hair stylists instead.

>> No.15902305

Girls are taught how to take care of their hair since birth anon, + they are generally cleaner and more attentive to their looks. Of course they have better looking long hair than most dudes lmao

You just gotta find the right routine/products. Girls literally spend years trying different things and asking friends and looking at guides. Plus they also straighten, curl, and use a bunch of stuff on it every time they leave the house.

>> No.15902315

I think I have a very girly hair IMO.
Like very fine and silky.
I think I'm making mistake by using men products, which is meant for oilier hair and scalp.
And women would use hair spray instead of hair wax.

>> No.15902318

One day you will have to /fa/malam
sea salt spray might help you out

>> No.15902325
File: 507 KB, 509x720, __kaga_shimakaze_akagi_houshou_souryuu_and_1_more_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kaku_chosi__sample-9766cd6d71f7d6d335ce4d3e187529ef.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of hair styling product should you use on long hair?

>> No.15902327

>sea salt spray
Isn't this only good if you have curly hair?

>> No.15902361

Nah, its good for adding volume and texture to all different hair types. In my case I have quite straight hair but sea salt spray brings out the waves in it.

>> No.15902381

nope. just think brad pitt looks like a gypsy with long hair

>> No.15902384

>wanting wavy hair

>> No.15902389

long hair pitt is peak pitt imo

>> No.15902393

Yeah many people do

>> No.15902413 [DELETED] 

>falling for jewish propaganda

>> No.15902429

anti-semitism is so passe, a relic of chronic apophenia churned out almost exclusively by the lower classes and their crippled education systems. Hyper-racism, now THAT'S an oppressive belief system worthy of the aristocracy. Sorry anon, but you'll never be a genetically superior 150 IQ telepathic chad with a 16 inch robo-cock and laser eyes. Anti-semitism is unbecoming of a post-human when pathetic quibbles about different kinds of flesh no longer matters.

>> No.15902469

You think only jewish people have curly or wavy hair?

>> No.15902554

No, it's not a meme it's a hairstyle. Hope this helped.

>> No.15902569

Just use Dr. Bronner's and never shampoo; you won't need conditioner. I have 3 years worth of hair and this works excellent.

>> No.15902576

How often do you wash with the Dr. Bronners? Do you dilute it at all?

>> No.15902661

Dr Bronners will turn your hair into literal straw in my experience

>> No.15903287

Mine gets really greasy by the time I wake up. Is there anything I can do about that? My routine is just shampoo+conditioner whenever I take a shower which is like 3-5 times a week. I've started trying to brush it more but I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job at that.

>> No.15903335

growing my hair rn
hope it doesn't end up looking like this

>> No.15903480

low T answer

>> No.15903486

No grey matter answer

>> No.15903728

>3-5 times a week
Too often I guess. I do it twice a week and always witg shampoo, just washing with water makes it worse.

>> No.15903767

Stop watching porn for 3-4 months, stop masturbating. Your porn induced autogynephilia will disappear after some time.

>> No.15903775
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>harsher tickets when I'm pulled over
this has literally happened to me twice in 3 months, fuck

>> No.15903781

how do i make already curly hair even more curly?

>> No.15903842

There are products for that, like kebin murphy killer curls. I don’t know about this one but most of km I used were pretty good.

>> No.15903872

What is this hairstyle called? I really like it.

>> No.15903896

For the love of god look up how to maintain your hair if you grow it long.

>> No.15903945

I always use shampoo when I shower. It's just that it gets so greasy by the next day that I gotta shampoo it again if I gotta go anywhere.

>> No.15904039


>> No.15904071
File: 386 KB, 960x1280, IMG_8091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice length excellent curls, shave the neck tho
this is true, best thing I learned from a girl I was with was keeping hair in a t-shirt overnight after showering, fixes frizz like that

grow a bit longer, give it 3-4 more months. sitting just below the collar I think will look good

I get called a viking a fair bit, some chicks seem to like it. I start throat singing if I'm chatting them up and that usually seals the deal.

>> No.15904108

so if i shower in the morning and i shouldnt use a towel or a hairdryer what the fuck do i do

>> No.15904134

tie it up, let it dry, then let it down a couple of hours later, easy waves/curls

>> No.15904142

guess i'm gonna have to start getting up really early or just shower in the evenings

>> No.15904147
File: 1.44 MB, 330x271, 8A3FA5A2-3890-4F78-A33A-4B4788233642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get called a viking a fair bit, some chicks seem to like it. I start throat singing if I'm chatting them up and that usually seals the deal.
Sure you do

>> No.15904164
File: 3.95 MB, 2000x3016, Father John Misty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Father John Misty.


>> No.15904193

lmao cope harder, castrato

>> No.15904195

lmao seethe harder in your fantasies

>> No.15904204

literally how, you clearly can't handle my chad throatsinging capablilities

>> No.15904206

imagine being this hurt over the truth of your ugly face and lies

>> No.15904212
File: 187 KB, 1024x768, 64FFD66B-F158-406D-9695-6D6623FB7A66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self-proclaimed throatsinger lies about getting bitches and seethes

>> No.15904213

imagine being this bitter

>> No.15904219
File: 408 KB, 1404x1404, 1500010818081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of bootlicking in here is sad. You faggots diss the metal style you don't fucking get it.

When you grow hair like that, you don't about the opinion of others, you do it for your own personal tastes. Now you can stylize this as well but you guys seem to be obsessed with recreating some men's fashion model photograph and appealling to corporate sensibilities

In short, Heavy Metal fashion is just another kind of sleaze-core, but you people are such drones that you don't see that...

>> No.15904259

>I start throat singing if I'm chatting them up and that usually seals the deal

>> No.15904266

your just jealous bitches don’t drop their pantries for you since you can’t sing with your throat you bitch!

>> No.15904310
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>> No.15904456

PLEASE shave and take better care of your skin, you look unhygienic

>> No.15904864
File: 521 KB, 1080x701, 1583979730332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can use a hairdryer but it needs to be like this

>> No.15905343

You’ll probably get a feel for haircare after a little while of having long hair desu

My advice is just avoid shampoos that have sodium laureth sulphate, use conditioner as often as it feels necessary, and if your hair gets damaged, leave conditioner sitting in it for a while while you shower

Once you take the long hair pill you’ll honestly be surprised by how shitty most women are at taking care of their hair - getting compliments from them and them asking for advice is cool and all but you never forget the feel of the straw hair they get from constantly dyeing and bleaching it

Also it is indeed important that you find your own personal sense of style rather than messy metalhead hair, horribly unkempt hippy hair, or just attempting to emulate 80s hairstyles. Don’t trust these hoes, mullets still aren’t cool, well kept long flowing hair is.

>> No.15905353

Seethe harder Dad

>> No.15905362

Swagged tf out

>> No.15905369

Cutting your own hair is a recipe for disaster (see literally any woman who uses Twitter)

Just ask a hairdresser to trim the split ends for you

>> No.15905376

To be honest I just roll with it, I personally find it kinda funny seeing people do double takes to work out if I’m male or female. Joke’s on them, it ultimately doesn’t matter since I won’t fuck em either way.

Also anon would you prefer if we address you as male or female? What’s your story homie?

>> No.15905381

It looks really good if you can get it just a little longer than Hayden had it

t. I look just like Hayden Christensen to the point where my friends confuse Anakin cosplayers for me

>> No.15905388

Give us a geez lad, honestly interested to see how it looks

>> No.15905397


Seethe harder bitch, it’s evident where the insecurities truly lie

>> No.15905411

Your hair’s based as it is bro, looks like mine but slightly shorter and a bit darker

>> No.15905417

Go full Dante bro

Grey streaks in long hair (especially dark hair) are badass though bro, nothing says “I know I’m sexier than you” than having the confidence to keep grey hair instead of pussying out and dyeing it

>> No.15905457
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210127_14_24_11_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 pls

>> No.15905502

History teacher core

>> No.15905664

by never wash do you mean never shampoo? Also, nice hair brah

>> No.15905846

glad you remembered me haha

thank you for the compliment on the shirt

I don't use any product, I just let it naturally do it's thing.

>> No.15906189

Thanks bro, and yeah water is fine ofc

>> No.15906395
File: 739 KB, 2880x2880, 20210128_023432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recently decided to trim my hair as it is getting too long in the back. i honestly want to finally get a hairstyle that works, but my hair is too frizzy and tends to basically thicken for some reason. i love having long hair so i'd like to keep it though.


>> No.15906399

whispy shit facial hair, your head hair needs more fluff. Little bit o acne. dye your hair white and be ghostmane

>> No.15906416

That's it my man my hair was just like that when I was 20. Things he's got going on:Naturally wavy/ Properly Moisturized/ good cut and length. Bravo!

>> No.15906425
File: 966 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20201230_201624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing since last March from real short

>> No.15906431

Bro wtf moisturizing cream, brush with a wide-tooth comb when wet. Pat dry. Get those split ends trimmed.

>> No.15906438

eheheh someone needs to transition.

>> No.15906745

>In short, Heavy Metal fashion is just another kind of sleaze-core
meal is for children.

>> No.15906759

this is my go to lenght, looks nice

>> No.15906762
File: 132 KB, 1024x683, pantry-doors-10-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitches don’t drop their pantries for you
Yeah, sucks to be me huh?

>> No.15907037

how long is it on the top, on the back, on the lower back, on the sides, on the front, and how long is your dick too


>> No.15907098

cursed image

>> No.15907602

Don't know exactly my back is like three quarters down my neck my sides go over my ears and I brush them back and my top covers my whole face. I grew it out from pic related.

7 inches

>> No.15907614
File: 1.45 MB, 3024x4032, 10F3FBB1-D85F-473E-9FCC-F4B03A90CA5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx bro it’s Long enough now to try out some styles

>> No.15907632

thanks senpai
dick pic to confirm it's you?

>> No.15907931

Im already on hrt, not a tranny tho

>> No.15908485

You should not take hrt if not a tranny you'll fuck up your body

>> No.15908519

HRT can mean both he might have low T and need to raise it.

>> No.15908726

Not really, I don't want kids and i can get the gyno removed. All the other changes are purely aesthetic and fully reversible
Nah it's estrogen, my t levels were completely normal before

>> No.15908731
File: 62 KB, 820x314, FULLMAST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long hair on men is not a meme. It is a symbol of virility and masculinity, of being a wild creature and not some societal cog. Of course, you have to be able to pull it off. If you are ugly or your hairline is shit there is no point

>> No.15909053
File: 479 KB, 1304x1948, 20210129_195202-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with this?

>> No.15909077


>> No.15909259

Posting on an anime fashion board is very cringe
Metal is based

>> No.15909967

i have that hoodie

>> No.15909979

People forget how much they steal from puck and metal lol, which are kinda intertwined if you actually go to shows

>> No.15909982


>> No.15910014
File: 3.51 MB, 2669x2816, IMG_20210114_073510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'll ever let it get too long. I like this pushed back medium length style I'm rockin atm. Very low maintenance as well. Sometimes if I'm going out and want a bit of control then I'll use a texture powder just to have a bit of resistance there to push it back with while looking very natural.

>> No.15910042
File: 222 KB, 1199x1600, Julian-Cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope puts on the kettle before realising he's underdressed. He returns with a huge pair of gauntlets. I ask how clothes-conscious he is. "I'm besotted with making the image … correct. The most important thing for me is to be almost unnoticed." Eh? He smiles. "To look so bizarre that you're unnoticed."

I give him a look, and he says, no, he's being serious. "It's like a cloak of invisibility." He says English people pride themselves on dressing unobtrusively. "Well, this is maximum ostentation, isn't it? It keeps the pseudo-intellectuals down." Because he seems to be screaming for attention, they refuse to give him the satisfaction. "'Don't notice him, don't notice him. Who does he think he is?'" And that suits him perfectly, he says, enabling him to quietly get on with his business. When he does approach people, he says, they are disarmed by his charm, and open up. "I get the truth out of people." When he was touring Europe, researching his book The Megalithic European, he says, any number of old biddies would invite him in for a bite to eat, and before he knew it he'd be introduced to another stone circle.

>> No.15910051

Is this the kid that fucked that peach?

>> No.15910064
File: 7 KB, 275x206, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grew a beard just to go full jesus mode, some people think it's cool, some people think I'm gay, it is what it is.

>> No.15910132

Bro no homo but you are beautiful

>> No.15910184

>If you learn to talk in a really deep voice nobody will question you
Voice training atm hoping it pays off in the long run, I sound like a prepubescent xbox gamer
you sound based
>Also anon would you prefer if we address you as male or female?
idc t b h desu
>What’s your story homie?
Idk I always cross dressed and people just ended up calling me a dude. I figured maybe I should just try the dude life when I get back to traveling once Corona is over. That way there’s not really any consequences. Problem is my hair is connected to my faith so I’m not sure I can pull that off once I grow it out along with my squeaky voice.

>> No.15910287
File: 2.99 MB, 3456x4608, IMG20210130092655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time growing out my hair and i am learning a lot just from reading the thread. i just wanna grow it out longer.

>> No.15910290

Idk what you're on about brotha, I've never defiled a fruit.

>> No.15910297
File: 2.62 MB, 3456x4608, IMG20210130092613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15910420

Are you transitioning?

>> No.15910895

Holy shit what a based lad, I need to get me some gauntlets too

>> No.15910897

Thanks anon, I appreciate it

That’s pretty interesting, I wish you luck with it man, either way it should just be a memorable experience no matter how it goes

And I’m interested about what you mean about the whole faith and hair thing, could you please elaborate?

Also if you don’t mind bro, drop a picture or something so I can try and provide some critiques for you for passing as more male, I’m sure I’ll be able to think of some more shit for you if I have a visual to work with

>> No.15910898

You have a very androgynous face, you may want to go short unless feminine is what you're going for.

>> No.15910925
File: 22 KB, 400x570, images (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, going for androgynous desu the aesthetic is very appealing to me. Young Hyde is what im going for but if anyone has long hair inspo im all ears

>> No.15910946

Because long hair is a feminine feature and you need masculine features to combat that. If you have a long face or recessed chin you automatically look tranny with long hair. Long hair makes your face look longer. Thick long hair with curls/waves can make your face look wider, which is a good thing.

>> No.15910973

Thank to you too. That’s how I feel, it’s nice to live and experience things either way, you know?
>please elaborate?
In my culture, hair is connected to your nervous system and spiritual self. The longer it is the closer your head can be to the earth.
I have a pic in the other thread >>15910008 I already have wider shoulders. No way I’m posting my face here but I’m not worried about my face giving me away as long as I pull my hair back and keep is cut like takuma kosugi.

>> No.15911016
File: 3.73 MB, 1344x1344, 76AD1A28-BC7C-4EF1-9719-4C5CE37A79F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf started dating me because she liked my hair, but now she won’t let me cut it. I don’t really know what to do with besides a gross ass man bun. What do you guys recommend i do with it?

>> No.15911032

long hair+clean shaven or light stubble >>>>> long hair+beard. always. always always always.
>t. trust me i know

>> No.15911034

your girlfriend has bad taste. ditch the bitch.

>> No.15911039

But i love her, and she’s a cutie

>> No.15911055

Do not do this. You'll fuck up your hair.

>> No.15911066
File: 13 KB, 598x574, 138237664_900695397346936_3001768978003892511_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based DSLs

>> No.15911421

>tfw i sleep with a braid
Is my hair screwed?

>> No.15911582
File: 1.98 MB, 1924x2200, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recs? do i go longer?
should i use a spray or something?

>> No.15911585

>she won’t let me cut it

>> No.15911594

obviously written by a man

>> No.15911702

Looks cool bro, don't listen to the other fags

>> No.15912014

You have a horse face. Long hair doesn't fit you. You are going to look like a tranner if you keep growing it. Get a short haircut that covers some of your forehead

>> No.15912042

Eh. I do prefer it long. But I could try some styles that don't accentuate the narrowness as much

>> No.15912186

you just wont stop posting your face on here

>> No.15912246
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x3024, 3CAC7B2D-5D2D-45AF-A70B-57EC66FE8D7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I browse /fa i have Long hair and it’s a Long hair thread so yea

>> No.15912873

You need to nope the fuck outta there anon you can’t be letting her control you on such a retarded level

Just know that you’re too sexy to be held down by bitches like that, I love you homie, stay safe

>> No.15912939

Hey no worries man, and yee I getcha on the whole it’s nice to experience either way thing, up until the part where I remembered my time catfishing as a woman on Facebook. That was a memorable experience for all the wrong reasons, I once saw a dude’s diseased s-shaped dick because cunts are so horny they’ll just show that crap to anyone even if they don’t ask, like wtf

I’ve honestly never heard of that belief before but I can understand the reasoning now. It’s interesting stuff, and I wonder how many other cultures share that belief.

I had a look at the photo you posted in the other thread, the first thing that struck me was the baggy shirt. Not a particularly good look, but especially from the POV of what poorly fitted clothing suggests, it implies that whoever is wearing it is trying to hide their body, and so it raises more suspicion instead. My advice would be to get it tailored or something to look sharper and accentuate the shoulders, make it seem like you have more confidence in your appearance so as to dissuade people from raising too many questions.

The vest, though other anons gave you shit for it, is genius and I can see what you were going for with it, very smart stuff obscuring any chest protrusions with it. I don’t know what the weather is like where you are so I don’t know how hot it’ll get in summer and therefore how little clothing you’ll end up having to wear, but if you do end up in a potentially compromising position that might give away the game, it might help if you get somewhat jacked beforehand so you can play them off as just being pecs. That all depends on things that I don’t know about though and would be impolite to ask about, and so unfortunately I’ll have to leave the specifics of that one to you.

Overall though man I feel like so long as you bear in mind that most men’s clothing is supposed to accentuate the upper body into looking more triangular, I think you’ll be just fine on the dress sense front.

Very Matt Smith

>> No.15912944

Sorry homie but the bowlcut/bob-style doesn’t suit you very well, unless you’re intentionally going for Art Critic Sam Hyde

You might benefit from having a hairdresser layer your hair more, they often understand the subtle differences between male long hair styles and female long hair styles better than anyone on this Taiwanese sunlight breathing forum would

>> No.15912976

Seconded, but mostly cause most dudes don’t know how to take care of their beards and dudes who don’t know how to take care of their beards also don’t know how to take care of their hair, producing manky unkempt messes growing at both ends of their head

>> No.15912979


Also anon if it makes you more comfortable I could try giving you the actual hair and face advice shit over Discord or something similar so as to avoid you having to post your face on here, but if that’s still a no go for you then no worries, I understand anyway, and I’ll just have to settle for giving generalised advice