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File: 125 KB, 734x1047, 93451b2053b4332969d1ed8b3cdd0b02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15882072 No.15882072 [Reply] [Original]

opinion on fairy grunge?

>> No.15882197

Looks cute do it

>> No.15882198

me want see boob

>> No.15882203

I personally think it looks juvenile and trashy, but if you're gonna do it, at least stick to fundamental principles like sound silhouettes, harmonious textures&colors, quality fabrics where you can fit them in, ect

>> No.15882766

i dont think people that dress like that can think that much about it, usually its a result of wanting to be unique and rebellious, trying not to fit in while fitting in, only the autists that actually like fashion and decide to larp as a teen "rebel" can do nice things, like japs, they just wake up and grab a style from the world and make it better

>> No.15883061

looks hot gonna get my gf to wear it

>> No.15883066

you sound like fucking old senile women shut tf up

>> No.15883075

I want those legs over my shoulders

>> No.15883105

Literally a shitty subculture that drain gang fangirls made up to feel different. It will die in a year or less.

>> No.15883106

NPC fingers typed this post

>> No.15883118

I'm right.

>> No.15883127

grunge and fairy core have nothing to do with drainers you fucking tool you don’t even know about the subcultures you talk shit on

>> No.15883185

underage op b&

>> No.15884674

the skirt makes you look like you have a high body count but whatever so does every girl nowadays

>> No.15884690

Looks like shit.

>> No.15885566

>fairy grunge
wearing one white piece of clothing doesn't change your grunge style to "fairy grunge"
sorry sweaty

>> No.15885999

Looks nice but i just sort of have a deep seething hatred for all these ___core aesthetics Don't get it why can't people just wear what they like without having to market and package it into an easily digestible internet aesthetic. Also controversial but fairy grunge is just southern goth for Zoomer girls.

>> No.15886567

because without an easily digestible internet aesthetic, they have literally nothing else to trade for attention.

>> No.15886587

very good. Tights and fishnets are excellent and look good with big shoes. All goth styles are good

>> No.15886613

looks like its for fat girls

>> No.15886785

Horrible. It makes you look like a traumatized child. If you're going to go for a fairy aesthetic, make it cute and genuine. Not some weird art thot thing. Actually look pelasant and traditional. No fake pointy ears and using bras as a shirt. Wear dainty jewelry, glitter, light colors, long flowing skirts, buns and ribbons in your hair, no makeup, delicate shoes not clunky black ones.

>> No.15886791

fairy core and grunge are different things guy

>> No.15886793

I always want to fuck a girl while she wears shoes like that

>> No.15886801

Yes, and they don't mix.

>> No.15886805

special needs autismo assburgers abuse kek

>> No.15886806

take your meds

>> No.15886818

contrary to popular belief, the girls with the sluttiest outfits are often not that sexually active
those who sleep around a lot dont dress slutty

>> No.15886823

they all sluts bro it’s every one of them doesn’t even matter what they look like lol

>> No.15886826
File: 96 KB, 1024x640, 62D5BD91-78D0-4FC6-A3FF-2654C0BB794E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the aesthetics of these fashions, but i think the hyperspecific labeling is a little tacky. if this picture had hello kitty edited on it, it would be called sanriocore, even thought the actual outfit is exactly the same. i still think it’s cute though!

>> No.15886831

Girls with a lot of sexual partners dress whorey though.

>> No.15886843

ok let me just put you guys on

The reason there are hyper specific cores is so other people with the exact same hyper specific style who wanna explore that aesthetic can look it up on ig snap discord easier

It’s not a pretentious thing it’s a being able to locate thing

>> No.15887042

Red flag

>> No.15887046

Careful tranny, we don't want you to join your kind on hell

>> No.15888370

have you never seen thots irl parties clubbing etc

>> No.15888817


>> No.15888827
File: 576 KB, 1060x1155, borderline-vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15888831

you must have the most boring vanilla fetishes

>> No.15888833

Can women stop pointing their feet like that? It looks stupid.

>> No.15888869
File: 1.72 MB, 500x282, slaps.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15888878

oh you’re a gay bottom no wonder

>> No.15888964
File: 82 KB, 540x738, tumblr_87faae6b4da3324402cb6dde63a5728c_7cfbb641_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's just grunge...but with a skirt? Idk guys. When i think 'fairy grunge' i envision something a little more...ethereal? Delicate?

>> No.15888990
File: 3.54 MB, 230x360, hitlometer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha good one.
She's wearing fairy grunge.
But I guess you're still reeling from being smacked like a bitch!

>> No.15889011
File: 47 KB, 400x533, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how inelegant womens fashion has become, and how zoomers literally steal every style, name it something dumb, and pretend they invented it.

>> No.15889014

Yeah your pic is what I envision fairy grunge. Should be a bit ethereal but also unkempt

Op pic is 14 year old mall goth with halloween fairy wings

>> No.15889027

ok bottom

See >>15886843
don’t be mad about it fashion is so nebulous now you can find a whole rabbit hole of content based on a hyper specific style you like, or you can even come up with your own and make your own subculture

There’s nothing wrong with fashion being more accessible now

>> No.15889039
File: 42 KB, 499x373, effy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some Gen 2 Skins shit kek. Dated but not in a good way.

>> No.15889040

>hate how inelegant womens fashion has become, and how zoomers literally steal every style, name it something dumb, and pretend they invented it.

women's fashion doesn't really revolve around zoomers. stop looking at them.

>> No.15889045
File: 73 KB, 1000x680, fel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or some Felice Fawn shit.

>> No.15889047

Skins is considered retro now ofc it’s gonna be riffed on by the next generation

>> No.15889270

Chubby 'alternative' chicks BEEN dressing like this since 1994.

>> No.15890664

1994 was almost 30 years ago bro

>> No.15890811

Is it the time of year when we're making up all kinds of fringe fashion dichtonomies again?

>> No.15891088

>Skins is considered retro now
jesus I'm old

>> No.15891094

most of these girls are underage

>> No.15891169

seethe zoomer

>> No.15891467
File: 45 KB, 640x640, 1C441973-D272-4B06-9D8D-CAE8884FE26C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just generic egirl thot or mallgoth shit, idk i stopped keeping up with all the ig and tiktok "cores" years ago. See >>15888964
for some real fairy+grunge shit, original and good

>> No.15893105

This looks like TikTok core, which I guess the zoomers on this board like
Femanon, stop coping. Usually girls who dress slutty tend to be sexually active or attention hoes or mentally ill or all three

>> No.15894068

no shit Millenials are old

>> No.15894075

No girl who wears that kind of stuff has a good relationship with her father.

>> No.15894098

wtf is this mall shopping whore tier?

>> No.15894112

that her dads fault men rarely step up to be good fathers

>> No.15894607

What happed to your eyes ●m● ?