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/fa/ - Fashion

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15878719 No.15878719 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>bought girlfriend stupid expensive bag from Gucci store for Christmas
>warn if she acts up I will cut it up
>fast forward a month and she gets upset because I pretended to like her moms food
>"we shouldn't be together because we don't like the same food"
>lays on her bed while I beg for her to talk
>i decide to cut bag because she was being a cunt
>she gets upset at me and throws stuff and hits me
>"Gucci can't fix straps Anon, the lady said so."
>"now kiss him and tell him you're going to fix him"

Should I go to lowes to get this fixed or does Gucci offer something to fix this?

>> No.15878725

When you say 'girfriend' do you mean boyfriend because you seem like a massive faggy drama queen

>> No.15878731

>>warn if she acts up I will cut it up
KYS and make the world a better place.

>> No.15878732

The fact that you beg a woman to talk to you and the fact that you can't fix something speak about you as a man. Grow a pair and dominate your girl or else you are a puppy who buy expensive things to please her.

( truly annoys me when a man is dominated by his wife or gf)

>> No.15878751

Shut up ESL

>> No.15878754

Both you and your girlfriend sound like absolute trash human beings. You have the absolute nigger-tier behavior of breaking things when you get mad and clearly don't know how to fix shit while she's clearly a cunt who cares more about status symbols than her boyfriend.

Having said that, you're clearly a retard because lowes is a hardware store, they don't fix things for you and they don't even have what you need. Your girlfriend clearly said Gucci doesn't fix straps so why are you even asking if they do? Your picture is shit so I can't really tell but it looks like you've cut through one layer of leather and there's another that's intact. The best you could really do is to stitch an X over the split.

>> No.15878770

>stitch an X over the split
Like that's going to work retard

>> No.15878779

You got me, it is a dude.
I'll think about it. Thank you.
I'm not really the sort to get angry. And I was asking if lowes has any sort of leather glue.

>> No.15878788

Cross stitching is basically the only option that will actually work. If you think you know better why don't you offer a better idea, retard.
Since this is on a strap you probably won't want to use glue since the strap bears weight and also flexes a lot.

>> No.15878794

Monogram bag?
Oh boy no wonder she’s doesn’t want to talk to you - the food thing is just an excuse to ditch you bb I’m sorry

>> No.15878808

It's a hand bag not a duffel, I think I get away with gluing it.
>the food thing is just to get rid of you bb
I doubt it, whenever I try to leave she tries to stop me and begone to come back.

>> No.15878813
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>> No.15878820

Sounds like a healthy relationship.
And maybe work on communication I feel like that’s always the breakdown. And ofc destroying property - like you really pulled psycho mode by cutting up a bag YOU bought - wtf were you even thinking?
It’s one thing throwing a glass jar to hear it smash...but you literally destroyed something you payed for and made an ass of yourself.
(Not trying to be mean but just you need to hear this)

>> No.15878823

Are you always here?
I refuse to believe there’s more than one person doing this. Pls find new hobby u think there’s a thread about effay hobbies - pls pick a new one

>> No.15878828

How much exp points for this creature?

>> No.15878830

No offense but I won't take advice from you.

>> No.15878835

None taken. I hope you have lots of fun doing what you do keep up the loyal ass commitment to your craft it’s quite endearing

>> No.15878845

This is why tripfags should always be ignored, stop giving them attention and they'll stop shitting up the board.

>> No.15878861

Ok. Now you’re forcing me to get defensive. I was giving op constructive criticism. Until that dingdong came along. YOU people are the problem bc otherwise I would’ve just minded my own business...but no here comes mr. anon 4 Chan forever pos that’s just adding fuel to the fire.

Stop it. Just stop YOU ARE THe PROBLEM.

>> No.15878867

you can give advice without tripfagging you know

>> No.15878892

Right. But IMHO this of all boards needs to show who the fck is giving you any sort of feedback. Imagine some greasy fatass drinking monsters all day at his computer spouting out fashion advice and you actually take it?
Same as reverse - maybe you don’t want feedback from a person w a dui (or 2) - totally understandable

Everyone here should be identifiable esp if they’re dishing out anything relating to what’s effay or what products work or don’t. Ughhhb
All you people complaining about me tripping - not realizing you’re just making me more likely to do so - don’t understand human psychology and/or my personality
No fkn way I’ll stop just bc you want me to

>> No.15878902

You're actually poor and giving fashion advice. Be honest have you ever seen a martin Margiela or loro piana garment in person?

Like it doesn't even have to be on you just seen one at a store or what about an hermes piece?

Bally anything?

Why are you even here you wear fucking american eagle at 35 years old and live nowhere.

Like you live in a country ass town so it would even be out of place for you to rock saint laurent heels to dinner. Cecil is in Seattle, in in los Angeles, most other users are in fashion forward towns you're literally nowhere.

It's called flyover for a reason

>> No.15878910
File: 71 KB, 800x765, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the worst board on this site

>> No.15878915

Just so happens I have a Loro piano cashmere scarf you fat fuck
No I don’t own Hermès and I never really gave two shits to own any.
But my scarf was so soft and heavenly I had to have it.
Why are you obsessed with labels?
Tbh half of my favorite shit is actually kinda sheep crap like Birkenstocks or cloth and stone or micheal stars or whatever random stuff I randomly picked up. Anything that’s comfy. I’m old and I don’t dress to impress I dress to feel good.

You’re reminiscent of dudes with tiny peckers who drive big trucks to make up for it.

>> No.15878918

Piana dammit

>> No.15878933

I bet the scarf you have isn't loro piana. It's probably Macy's with a fabric sourced by loro piana label which is just lower quality shorter cashmere hairs made for the mass market.

You fucking listed birkenstocks and Micheal kors as your most expensive brands you know those aren't fashion right?

> Why are you obsessed with labels

Bitch this is a fashion board....what the fuck are you even doing here.

Are you going to go to /o/ and be like, well no I've never driven a corvette and I don't know what an ls7 is why are you guys so obsessed with performance anyway? Walking gets you where you need to go!

>> No.15878935

you tripfags are a cancer

>> No.15878939

I got the scarf at BGs so I’m p sure it’s ok

You on the other hand - having a stroke about scarves and shoes and btw nobody mentioned Michael khors - so just calm down take it easy it’s not that serious. You’re a man. (I presume)
Go do more manly things than argue about fashion

>> No.15878949

Dammit is the internet not a free zone anymore? First those assholes ban the actual president now you’re gonna tell me I can’t exercise my right of free speech bc it’s “annoying”?
YOURE THE PROBLEM go to Twitter or Instagram or whatever shithole you crawled out from bc you don’t belong here

>> No.15878950

No it isn't good post the label and I'll tell you if it's lp or not.

You know so little about anything you worthless drunken homeless cunt.

>> No.15878951

You don't buy the same shit as posters here, why are you here?

To give advice? Think hard about everything you posted it's been worthless...you have this massive ego nobody can stand you.

Remember scott, what about james dumping your ass? See how you're an abbrasive cunt? You're a drain Indre, other people pay for your vacations and you fucking brag about being a leech

>> No.15878954

All My winter shit is in Detroit but even if it wasn’t - I seriously doubt I’d go out of my way to take a picture of a label. You’re so far gone in your shallow hall of fame I don’t see there being any chance of retribution

>> No.15878957

You were never in detroit. You got your most recent dui in 2018 and court records show you were in the area of henrico from then to now which is the time you claimed you were in detroit

>> No.15878962

You know nothing about me
Incase you haven’t noticed I have no online footprints since MySpace days
Just quit fabricating shit it’s annoying
And sad for you I’m conflicted if I should pity or hate but I’m somewhere in the middle and it’s confusing

>> No.15878974

Yeah okay I don't no shit about you. Just that you're gonna fashion board and have no interest in fashion and no experience with any fashion items.

Again why are you even here? To find more people like scott to have cybersex with? Go away

>> No.15878993
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>my life doesn’t revolve around men
>I eat cock

>> No.15878998
File: 27 KB, 400x400, DFFED776-6155-42EB-AFD8-B12C7707B277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All you people complaining about me tripping - not realizing you’re just making me more likely to do so - don’t understand human psychology and/or my personality
>No fkn way I’ll stop just bc you want me to

>> No.15879004
File: 574 KB, 320x240, 4317A31E-D2F5-45AA-8EDE-8EA7ED3C700B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I refuse to believe there’s more than one person doing this
Belief perseverance is a quality unique to smoothbrains.

>> No.15879019

>tripfag turns out to be obnoxious

>> No.15879030
File: 120 KB, 505x582, AE59BC3A-86A3-4450-850D-D403E94159A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently she sniffs horse shit

>> No.15879048

Stop bullying Me !1n6WugqKa6. She is a good woman trying to reform herself. Why can’t you accept her alternative lifestyle? Isn’t that based?

>> No.15879049
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>> No.15879052
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>> No.15879053

wtf he bought the fattie bag

>> No.15879139

We good now. (This is the bf) I was being a major bitch and he didn't deserve that, he's too good for me. I'm a worthless Asian twink and he is a strong white army dude. He is sleeping now so I plan on letting him wreak my boy pussy after a good talk tomorrow morning and let him have his way with me. I love to make him happy. Fuck off to the 35 yo Loro Piana scarf asshat, I have bags worth more than your life sorry.

>> No.15879154

Should’ve went to somewhere more reputable for bags like Louis Vuitton. Only go to Gucci for belt, ace shoes, and maybe a baseball cap and Gucci watch.

>> No.15880517

>YOURE THE PROBLEM go to Twitter or Instagram or whatever shithole you crawled out from bc you don’t belong here
this is funny coming from a tripfag who is turning this into yet another twitter

>> No.15880751

My bad idk anything about Twitter
But I have a feeling it’s not for me

>> No.15880761



>> No.15881200

Mate I cut it with a knife, this didn't magically happen.

>> No.15881211
File: 1.63 MB, 3946x4000, 76AEE4F8-E653-48B3-AA3D-F32CE40F802D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horsefucking tripfag Indre/Me posts Twitter-worthy contradictory feminist shit

>> No.15881244

>bought girlfriend stupid expensive bag from Gucci store for Christmas
>warn if she acts up I will cut it up

jesus christ man did you read this before posting?
buying something for someone you "love" while treathening them is terribly disgusting.
i recommend you go see a shrink i really hope you get better

>> No.15881257
File: 132 KB, 640x672, 680AE32B-02E4-4D81-8D04-3BB7CF33F8B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a lovely, healthy relationship, anon. Also, Indre the /fa/‘s punching bag.

>> No.15881271

Based poster. Fuck tripfags.

>> No.15881285

Obese people who have never seen the inside of a gym give shitty lifting advice on /fit/ all the time. Anyone with half a brain cell can tell when it's bad advice. The same applies to /fa/ and all other boards.
We don't need you to have a trip to tell that your posts are shit, we can tell just because they are shit.

>> No.15881288
File: 82 KB, 607x443, 870BEE6E-08EA-4DB7-B277-442EA1B0A930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop it. Just stop YOU ARE THe PROBLEM.

>> No.15881292

>Indre... /fa/‘s punching bag.

>> No.15881294

filter me fruitless anon
you too

>> No.15881298

>I want 4chan to have usernames like reddit because I like reddit and wish I was on reddit right now
Why do you come to an anonymous website if you hate the idea of anonymity? People like you will never understand 4chan. You are fundamentally incompatible with this site, I swear all women are mentally deficient. You don't fit in here, go back to whatever impoverished hole you crawled out of.

>> No.15881300

youre not gonna bully me into submission just give up now

>> No.15881305

Filter yourself whore

>> No.15881306

It’s impossible to bully sand-snorting mouthwash alcoholics who fuck horses to pay for relative poverty though...

>> No.15881314
File: 47 KB, 640x345, 0A438F5E-E64F-4D16-9860-54EBE604EDAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks the objective of bullying is to make someone submissive

>> No.15881321

Yeah stand up and never give up! Fight those stupid mangoloids who bully you!!

>> No.15881327

im content vexing you ineffective useless cranks around here (for now)
so thanks
and keep whining

>> No.15881340
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, 8F598162-11D9-4461-88AF-5FEE7CD84773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is everyone replying to? Is Gelzinis/Me acting up again?

>> No.15881345

you gonna find a new pic to post or keep spamming that one?

someone with sensible judgement - i do appreciate you

>> No.15881352

i actually like the fact that all the reddit exposition posts wind up serving as tripfag containment, keep it up guys

>> No.15881360
File: 69 KB, 640x400, 49637FB1-5F13-4971-A75A-5949ADD73DC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this fucking retard

>> No.15881365

jw wtf is your end goal here?

>> No.15881371

kek based

>> No.15881411
File: 1.70 MB, 540x540, 14945DE8-F1D5-4BDF-B322-9346A6DDB2E2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and she calls herself beautiful and intelligent

>> No.15881428

why does it look more human as a cartoon lol

>> No.15881470

looks nothing like me
try the original pic - im curious actually

>> No.15881474

>someone with sensible judgement - i do appreciate you
i think he was being sarcastic

>> No.15881477

She doesn't actually fuck horses... does she?

>> No.15881487
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>> No.15881491


>> No.15881601

She’s always bitching in every thread. It’s actually based how she doesn’t contract STDs from animals...

>> No.15881611

Just take it into the store where you bought it and they will fix it for you.
It takes a while though, about a month last time I did it.

>> No.15881613
File: 267 KB, 1062x1465, D6DE12A3-429C-4495-8C91-883C462C5B0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living in a city blows fucking cock.
You really derive your self importance by having to live in the same crowded concrete hellscape as a bunch of other faggots?
t. Living in downtown Vancouver, from flyover US.

>> No.15881619

this is why i feel like i can't filter tripfags. they're still gonna shit up threads through replies so all you get is confusion.

>> No.15881622


>> No.15881705

you and your gf are garbage just break up shes retarded and you are too for not having done yet

>> No.15881708
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>> No.15881719

is that an onion link for cp or just your discord, tranny?

>> No.15881732
File: 49 KB, 200x200, stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the tripfags tripcode

>> No.15881745

oh seems like im obsessed with atleast one of those things

>> No.15881875

>calling GG Supreme canvas “monogram”
You know nothing about fashion on top of being a hideous looking person starved for attention online.

LV is shit tier made from plastic and mass produced in China. Only suburban white girls and Vietnamese grandmothers wear their basic ass bags.

OP is a total faggot. They aren’t going to fix something that isn’t defective.

>> No.15881896

You both sound horribly toxic and childish. Who throws a fit because their boyfriend likes different food? Who breaks another person’s belongings because they’re mad at them?

>> No.15881904

Frighteningly based. Tripfags are a tumour.

>> No.15882878

Do you know what monogram means?

>> No.15883142

She like riding horses because she stimulates her clitoris on them. She's admitted to this. And actually getting aroused during her two abortions she's had.

One-time someone asked her for an ass picture and she declined to give it because it was covered in ticks bites. When asked why she had tick bites on her ass she declined to answer ( I'm guessing sex with animals is a leading cause)

Lastly when someone was asking her if an image gets her wet, she says she doesn't quite get "wet like she used to" and that a man having sex with her can't simply apply lube to his penis to have sex. Since her outer vaginal lips are so large that they would simply wipe away the lubricant. She requires a glass dropper to navigate the vaginal opening through her roast beef outer lips to place the lubricant inside at least 5 minutes before the sexual encounter

With reapplication in 5 min intervals

>> No.15883339

Hahahaha oh woooow. Mrs plain jane fancies herself the rose of the trailer park.

>> No.15883355

You were just talking shit about the bag, you offer nothing not even a pretty face to look at and not even good fits. You can give advice as an anon and therr are in fact posted rules about tripping. You dont have anything to offer anybody. You dont specialize in anything youre not particularly knowledgeable in anything. Youre not important to the thread in the least. Much less the board.

>> No.15883359

A fat person can have a good eye for style. Marc jacobs used to look like a neckbeard. Youre just a dumb ho. Fucking ignorant and full of yourself as well.

>> No.15883364

Nobody cares about your personality bitch. Fuck you psychologically speaking. You're on the shallowest board. And youre an eyesore. Go back to plebbit that hugbox is more your speed.

>> No.15883371

Then why are you trying to give style advice you slovenly old out of touch lazy pajamas all day wearing bitch?

>> No.15883377

Hes calling you out on your prob fake pieces as well as your cheapass ones. Expect that on a clothing forum dumbass.

>> No.15883386

This is a board about a certain thing you know fuck all about houre not even trying to learn and you dont fucking fit in. You belong in soc you fucking delusional normie. You want free speech go to b.

>> No.15883389

You barely know how to write either, youre so uneducated its sad. Retribution? Really? Dumbass.

>> No.15883398

serious question: do you have bpd

>> No.15883422

You forgot your trip bitch

>> No.15883426



>> No.15883453

so much samefag its sad and impressive all at once

>> No.15883491

Of course. But the Gucci house doesn’t use that term for their logo.

You really pride yourself on knowing what you’re talking about but deep down you Have to also know your pretentious, ignorant and attention starved for anon attention online. You’re just another unlikable, not charming, below average looking tripfag who will be gone in a matter of months and not a single person here will remember you fondly.

>> No.15883673

i hate tripfags but you're being really pedantic with this monogram thing

>> No.15883686

based sieg

>> No.15883752

Very fashionable

>> No.15883979

Jesus Christ imagine being this mad bc you got rejected

All this is BS
Stop the fake news
Sieg is like a cnn Nancy Palosi dickrider and I’m embarrassed for him

Let’s all pray for him so he can get a gf and stop harassing me

>> No.15883983
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>> No.15884029

wouldn't wonder woman be the one to get away with it? it's not like the fappening ruined any careers.
cap would probably have to release an apology and resign from his position with the avengers kek

>> No.15884037

Women have it easier.

>> No.15884077

I don't think so, I think I would have been kicked out of the army if I had it.

>> No.15884094
File: 1.20 MB, 4000x4200, EF63BEE2-A3D6-4297-97FD-5CF5561C9905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfag itt is in poverty

>> No.15884097

why is the poorfag trip poorshaming lmao

>> No.15884107

because white trash are like crabs in a bucket.

>> No.15884119
File: 48 KB, 500x625, 1550268737878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.15884344

>sieg, Cecil, and that other tripfag I can never remember the name of (not Me, whatever she used to be) shitting up every thread in /fa/ now
Just like the glory days! Just missing pigfuck, tripskank, and blah

>> No.15884369

atleast igor is gone, shame sieg (heil) started posting again

>> No.15884403 [DELETED] 


>> No.15884408 [DELETED] 

Indre Gelzinis the Me Tripfag

>> No.15884414 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15884420 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15884424 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 640x673, B19EEAFF-271B-4D69-A137-201087163A42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15884428 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 577x1039, 64822B51-F80F-437D-A5EA-2216D8208297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15884452 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 436x379, E21ECC78-9269-4C63-BBCB-A5DEA86AC4B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m guessing this tripfag was in this thread?

>> No.15884489 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 540x540, 165B91FF-E800-4A93-8793-DA6768B09F5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15884499


You actually replied non trip and thought it wouldn’t be noticed. You are the most pathetic of all the female tripfags.

>> No.15884514

throw it in the gutta and go buy anotha

>> No.15885439

Indre you can’t hide

>> No.15886547

lmao too bad you bought it all 2nd hand. either way you're too fat to look good in anything

>> No.15886609

if gal gadot spread her pussy and posted it on 4chan her career prospects would go up

actually that would probably recover her career after 1984 failure

>> No.15886616

nope, bought everything new, i was hated because i said not to buy designer shit used early on

>> No.15886665

tj maxx broke ass

>> No.15886718

you sound like a narcissistic faggot

>> No.15886872

Take it to your tailor or cobbler to repair leather goods like in OP.

>> No.15888176

yes. I miss /sprezz/

>> No.15889499

Tjmaxx doesn't even carry designer shit they claim they do but the nicest shit they carry is like theory

>> No.15890742


>> No.15890793
File: 41 KB, 960x444, 933B9E3C-B232-4DC1-AFEA-69280F3321DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha seethe whore

>> No.15890797
File: 59 KB, 540x540, 72F04795-B769-48E4-9FBB-EC71DF1E1E37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s also straight up in denial kek

>> No.15892241

stop lying fatty