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File: 100 KB, 749x925, 36A1589B-B36D-4D22-8B71-B82281097EFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15876260 No.15876260 [Reply] [Original]

What happens to gender and fashion since cosmetics change makes many straight males androgynous right now.
As clits can be enlarged into Cocks. As anyone can look like and be anything.

>> No.15876279
File: 128 KB, 584x624, femboy-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone can look like and be anything
Can they?

>> No.15876300
File: 100 KB, 220x183, B6D748CC-B5FA-47B1-B519-4D182796AA26.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flesh is nothing. The spirit is everything.

Make him look like pic related.

>> No.15876419

Gender roles will be fortified, ironically. Back when people weren't trannies, androgynous/metrosexual was hip and cool. Nowadays, deviating even slightly from traditional gender roles/looks means you're a tranny, and nobody wants to be a tranny.

Back in the 00s I wore outright girl fetish dresses because I was in a shock rock band, but nowadays? No chance. It's uncool now.

>> No.15876454

i hate the present

>> No.15876456

Opened gifts presently cannot be returned.

>> No.15876473

>anyone can look like and be anything.
In your fucking dreams, trannie, you'll always be a gangly freak with greasy skin and chicken legs (male)

>> No.15876498

maybe not, but we can rage at the boomers who got us here!

>> No.15876586

you did it to yourself, furfag

>> No.15876593

i don't even vote.
don't blame me for the state of the world!

>> No.15876614

>Back in the 00s I wore outright girl fetish dresses because I was in a shock rock band, but nowadays? No chance. It's uncool now.
Sounds gay as fuck but probably got some pussy back then. Hair Metal band members/Glam rockers basically dressed in drag and got a lot of pussy

>> No.15876911

OP is a massive faggot and also completely wrong.

this lad is correct

>> No.15876978
File: 407 KB, 631x950, 0DAD325C-C45F-4821-8B83-BD415D9C376A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you enjoy it if your crush injected something into her clit that turned it into a good sized cock and proceeded to un-consentually fuck you with it?

>> No.15876979
File: 88 KB, 798x749, 680C83FD-2C11-4F55-844B-0AF5449EF4D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in science

>> No.15876982

>clits can be enlarged into cocks?
Wot now? Maybe I’m not “well-versed” in the whole sex change thing but that’s not possible (as far as my common sense goes)

>> No.15877000

Clits are cocks

>> No.15877004

Damn you're dumb

>> No.15877049

This idiot hasn’t given a girl a clit-blowjob

>> No.15877060
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>> No.15877068

Ok is there a scientific study proving this?
You mean dudes are walking around with giant clits (some not so giant)
That’s not fair

>> No.15877087
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Cosmetic modification come now

>> No.15877089


>> No.15877091
File: 248 KB, 1205x778, D161BBE3-4D57-4FB5-8B11-B65391EE4FB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self-proclaimed intelligent beauty is actually a sand-snorting horsefucking mouthwash alcoholic

>> No.15877095
File: 47 KB, 780x1062, C6DC4361-8556-4F44-BD83-AF9D0C9729B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a purely scientific image of anatomy.

>> No.15877099
File: 59 KB, 640x304, FA93C1A3-A1CC-4197-9713-1F92C4C4BB2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15877101
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>> No.15877105

Thank you for the biology lesson

>> No.15877110

So is it true? Clits are dicks?
Serious question.
My apologies for my ignorance but i am still having a hard time wrapping my head around this.
Someone pls explain wtf

>> No.15877113
File: 41 KB, 602x260, A2106FBE-E5D9-47DE-93F2-AE4876536E33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self-proclaimed intelligent beauty is actually a sand-snorting horsefucking mouthwash alcoholic Kek

>> No.15877117

Obviously you've never had a dude suck your clit ffs.

>> No.15877118

Cherry picking at its worst attempt
Give up and move on with your life

>> No.15877121

You’re not allowed to speak to me

>> No.15877129
File: 1.28 MB, 4000x4000, DC822F7D-B117-4383-B216-D61D263714A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15877131

Your throbbing clit between my lips does not technically constitute as me speaking to you, sweet cheeks.

>> No.15877156

>thinks LARPing on 4chan as a business owner impresses anyone

>> No.15877163

> Thinks incorporating my side hustles isn't beneficial to me. Write-off the printers filament, shipping supplies plus limited liability

>> No.15877164

This is why you people say you're stupid this is basically human development biology taken in high school

>> No.15877167
File: 69 KB, 960x720, E996C106-7693-41B4-8CC1-DC0BE5FB1085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s hilarious how much tranny shit triggers boomers and /pol/types, gender bending will never be the norm, no matter how hard the media tried to push it or how many sissy hypno videos you watched, cis-heteronormativity is the biological norm and no Arca fan will ever change that

>> No.15877220
File: 51 KB, 536x356, 4482EC75-5CE5-4D43-8AF0-34E989CABD53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can’t stop science.
Everyone gets to be whatever they choose.

>> No.15877241

And even though less than 1% of the world population identifies and trans or gender nonconforming, gender dysphoria is a thing only few people deal with it is not a huge deal statistically speaking whether you support it or reject it, both paranoid conservatives and 100gecs fans are retarded

>> No.15877244

lol you kid watched too much sci fi

>> No.15877282
File: 112 KB, 460x522, 43F40885-1BEA-4121-A1A8-FBD76300DE7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does gender matter since everyone can look however they choose?

That’s like telling people your astrology.

Science is limitless. We will all become gods. Humanity is united in achieving that.

>> No.15877289

bro 1v1 me in HvH you fucking loser retard. science does have limits and a scientist will be the first to tell you that. not even mathematics is limitless you total dolt

>> No.15877321
File: 78 KB, 385x553, 12656C1E-BAB7-44FC-8B24-4E4554A84392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll vore you irl

Science has no limits
Watch it happen and enjoy it.

>> No.15877324

lol ok conservatard

>> No.15877330
File: 143 KB, 1242x1430, 3497E99F-EE5B-438E-99BD-86599D314273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99.9% of people will choose to be what their assigned sex was lmao, transphobia sucks but face the facts, gender will never be abolished, now go and role play as your favorite anime cat girl or something

>> No.15877341

>As anyone can look like and be anything.

Sure but they can never truly be the opposite sex.

Bone density and muscle structure stop trans women from competing in female Olympic events.

As for the penis being a clit, there’s no such thing as a uterus transplant for men or testicle transplant for women. The surgery available is something even their body rejects

>> No.15877343
File: 1.11 MB, 1486x736, 9D197A8D-8BA0-41DC-8D00-91AD2AA5EFBE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I conserving?
Are you projecting?


>> No.15877344

tech corporations will destroy us all before we get there and even if they don't you will have already died of old age. cope.

>> No.15877352
File: 1.35 MB, 4032x3024, 49ACF8DF-02F3-43AD-B655-AF71C29648A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing needs to be abolished for humanity to get its way

>> No.15877385
File: 128 KB, 750x562, 3067C4A1-932A-417B-9854-DB70D2C55905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a girl who has one testicle and one ovary and one uterus.
Doctors were worried of leakage because she’d impregnate herself

Our bodies are a blank canvas
Like clay
We make it anything

Curing cancer makes us essentially immortal

>> No.15877395

Agreed. That won’t happen in our lifetime

Besides, we’ll get artificial wombs before we abolish genders.

>> No.15877412


If it's not the norm, then why are you using ideological Marxist buzzwords such as this?

FFS the term "CIS" comes from Volkmar Sigusch from the Frankfurt School of critical theory. It's Marxist BULLSHIT.

If someone was spouting National Socialist theory buzzwords in their daily speech you would call them out for it, it's the same here. It's not scientific. It's not real. It's Marxist ideology you are pushing and you likely don't even know that and think it's some common accepted thing.

>> No.15877424

Sure but those people are asexual and that’s rare is humans and the body will reject it

>> No.15877438

>Curing cancer makes us essentially immortal


Cancer rarely exists in large animals such as elephants. What does that have to do with being immortal?

>> No.15877447
File: 665 KB, 942x1166, A557C8AB-8655-4764-81FE-95DF8588D01E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s not asexual.

Although the chances of the child being inbred if she self chooses to reproduce with herself is higher.. it’s not 100%

Humans can breed themselves with very little modification.


>> No.15877467
File: 412 KB, 1125x1798, 6376765C-05E7-4277-8FB7-D9E036FA0A24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancer is a more broader concept that most say.

It’s simply DNA replacement/rebirth/replication error

That’s all old age is

Master DNA
to master it all

Become god


The picture is becoming more clear in your mind.

>> No.15877476

A defect then because it’s very rare for a woman to be born with a testicle. There’s was a guy who had a functioning woman and had periods out of his dick

That’s also incest

>> No.15877477

Take your meds.

>> No.15877482

It's super rare to have all parts of both sexes, even then I don't believe there is even 1 recorded case of anyone ever having impregnating and giving birth to their own self.

The kid is just ignorant and off his meds.

>> No.15877494
File: 148 KB, 736x1154, 0CCDB8EE-178E-4500-A9EB-54FDFA47E8A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It shows the limitless possibilities.

Hopeless and terrified to your core in face of infinite progress?
Don’t be.

>> No.15877502

You sound like some nazi camp doctor, incel. Small dick syndrome lol.

>> No.15877512

Duh that’s trans women will never have kids of there own

No shit fag, that’s my point. Go suck a railroad spike

>> No.15877520
File: 494 KB, 1125x577, B0EF5904-A513-4847-A562-7B98DF07D11A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you worried about?


>> No.15877530
File: 211 KB, 3635x2150, 7C4188F7-5CDE-49D8-A7C5-585484C74EDB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a Jewish girl
Are you projecting, cutie?


>> No.15877535

"hvh me" hello fellow hvher, is the scene still good? I haven't been active since about early 2018

>> No.15877537

>It shows the limitless possibilities.

Sure the human body sure has lots of ways to screw someone over and genetic disorders

>> No.15877545
File: 46 KB, 720x504, 33B98D7F-7D1F-42F8-918D-DD19B340E098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As well as become anything

>> No.15877550

>>15876260 (OP)

by this thesis, what is your excuse for being ugly and not effay then

>> No.15877567

So what? Genders shouldn’t exist anymore?

>> No.15877569
File: 136 KB, 720x865, FF33A977-DD9A-477C-B516-8C03FCD64489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you dislike in what I’ve said regarding how you like the world to being?

>> No.15877574
File: 84 KB, 641x639, 0F97C54D-1E59-4224-8FF0-6A8076DF321E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call yourself whatever you want

>> No.15877585

Oh my apologies I guess my highschool biology teacher skipped the chapter that explains how clits are dicks

>> No.15877613
File: 111 KB, 800x1200, 01_2729810289_SI_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happens
80/20 becomes 99/1

>> No.15877632

If your girlfriend elongates her clit to 8 inches, what do you do?

>> No.15877637


look up “big clits”

look around next time you go to the change room

>> No.15877641

That's impossible

>> No.15877660
File: 174 KB, 817x935, A453A971-E69B-4AC1-949A-BEA15A1130BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s happening

>> No.15877661

Embrace the virtual

>> No.15877673

Reality is the real game

>> No.15877692

Only a smooth brain sees a duality between the physical and metaphysical, just let me sniff used panties in peace

>> No.15877697

It’s progress

>> No.15877702

Choose something better to be. You can be anything.

>> No.15877709

It’s possible

>> No.15877711

I have chosen to be the panty raider, my destiny is to sniff dirty pee and cum stained panties

>> No.15877713

Nope it's impossible

>> No.15877720

It’s possible and you know it

>> No.15877732

Nah I'd never have sex with someone like this, and my girlfriend isn't a degenerate

>> No.15877737

A man cos I have a dick and balls. The very thing used to make kids and not castrate myself to became a woman whose pussy doesn’t work

>> No.15877743

Will see her true self as science progresses

>> No.15877757

Like I said, it's impossible for my girlfriend to do this

>> No.15877763

my computer is 99% chinese spyware and cheap chinese hardware but i dont care because it runs csgo and dominates at hvh

>> No.15877779

It’s possible and fate.

Feel it.

>> No.15877788


You believe in god. You know how this goes.

>> No.15877979

i dont even care anymore. its just throwing everything at the wall and seeing what gets that thing down there between the legs to show any signs of life

>> No.15878045

You know what that means, regardless of the academic origin, just read it as “normal” then

>> No.15878086

We are all merely thoughts
Feed old thoughts you love or new thoughts and those thoughts you dislike disappear

>> No.15878106

it hasnt been panning out like that so far. my mind wanders and it seems to just find more awful things and then like it

>> No.15878130

Focus. You must find ways to stimulate the thoughts you love.
Music, environment, etc.
Even simply saying the thought you love plants the seed of it.

Such as saying “I am thinking a thought I love”
You will see it.
Grow it like a tree. Grow many of them.

Study this ceaselessly and consider it deeply.

When a thought dies a being dies
When a thought is born a being is born

You will be reborn as a thought you love.

A thought is a soul.

I believe in you.

>> No.15878167

I have pasted a poster of a seed with the words “grow” above my bed months ago

It will be useful for you to write down every word of my post >>15878130 and stick the paper above your bed.

That will grow what I say within you and focus your thoughts. It will change your life completely over time.

>> No.15878445
File: 96 KB, 786x414, 21E0C204-4470-425E-8D71-893E4FEAC3D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m excited to see what the future holds for us

>> No.15879215

life is not hentai you degenerate larpers

>> No.15879245

Critical Theory being inspired by Marxist theory does not mean it is Marxist.

>> No.15879284

Hedonism creates technological progress

My life is hentai
Yours may be too
Give it a go

>> No.15879290

Well good.

I think Marx would hope people would evolve beyond his theories and make their own completely different theories

Communism was a first attempt to make a light in the darkness.
Not the end all.

I feel it’s best for no one to be a “communist” anymore
If something doesn’t work completely you find a solution or make/do something completely new

>> No.15879323

hedonism only drives the world towards a dystopia
your life isn't a hentai, you're sitting alone in your parents house every day

>> No.15879327
File: 115 KB, 743x385, 88F2DDE1-0A64-4F8C-B6A8-37FA42621590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With my girlfriend.

Hedonism is utopia.

Have it.

>> No.15879432
File: 224 KB, 500x281, 68795947-C1B6-4637-897A-D8DF115B5C86.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth is heaven

>> No.15879650


>> No.15880649
File: 120 KB, 750x988, 963DF056-E40C-4123-B86B-129B9EA3CEDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if all the guys get cuter than girls?

>> No.15881922

Just look up any biology book that has a section on human development. All fetuses start out looking female, but then the clitoris enlarged into a penis and the overlies lower and turn into testicles. While on testosterone, females’ clistorises do enlarge dramatically, but they don’t get as large as penises and don’t have a urethra running through them.

>> No.15881928

Another sign that namefags are dumber on average

>> No.15881932
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>> No.15883562
File: 318 KB, 1251x778, 174B9603-B047-486A-AAD6-A8F1153B4337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you so stupid

>> No.15883797

Then girls will be disposed of and we can all be happy homosexual degenerates and live life to the fullest

>> No.15883885

Thank you for actually having an answer that makes more sense as opposed to half these numbnuts

>> No.15883892

i will smile

>> No.15883907

>coming from a girl

Wait until your ovaries drop

>> No.15884025

Yet sadly, most "non-binary" people choose to be frumpy. Sad!

>> No.15884045
File: 68 KB, 640x364, C706B43E-41B6-44C5-9743-2DC804DF199C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re schooling a slut that didn’t know how her own periods work. She also doesn’t know about sexual characteristics.

>> No.15884197

>What happens to gender and fashion


>> No.15884210

How about we just beat the shit out of girls untill they are cute again?

>> No.15884214

Not likely to happen, but if it does it's a sign of impending regime change, as evidenced by historical civilization trends

>> No.15884227
File: 81 KB, 750x316, 375025A5-EF01-4289-B34A-EC85CEBF2030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The end of Israel.

>> No.15885400

she really is dumb lol

>> No.15886827

Sexual characteristics become an aesthetic preference. Gender becomes a meaningless label. Clothes will remain sexless and wearable by all. Trannies will be hanged by the steak burner.