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15875676 No.15875676 [Reply] [Original]

Will finasteride actually make my dick stop working? Losing your hair isn't very effay.

>> No.15876055


>> No.15876107

>outcome 1: you don't take it and lose your hair and have no sex as a baldcel
>outcome 1: you keep your hair with no side effects
>outcome 2: you keep your hair and your dick breaks, but at least now you're having no sex while still having hair, and you can just take viagra if you want

seems pretty simple

>> No.15876133

take pills mentally ill trannies take
Do what 90% of all other men do, buzz

Up to you

>> No.15876558

Trannies don't take fin

>> No.15876606

I take fucking test blockers and estrogen and my dick still works fine, taking 3 mgs a week of fucking fin isn't going to do shit to 99.9 percent of people.

>> No.15876667

Can put men on the moon, cant save hair

Feels shit man

>> No.15876673

"However men taking Propecia should use a condom if having intercourse with a woman who is known to be pregnant. It is true that pregnant women or women intending to become pregnant should not come into contact with finasteride as there is a risk to the development of the unborn child’s sex organs."

Yikes, imagine taking pills that can FUCK UP BABIES.

>> No.15876681
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I buzzed my hair. Will fiasterstride help stimulate growths?

>> No.15876682
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>90% of men have a buzzcut

>> No.15876692

except that outcome one isn't a given

>> No.15876693

thats pretty fucked up desu, but I wanna keep my hair

>> No.15876695

I've been using for almost 4 weeks. I get less boners in the morning but i can definitely still get hard but i've also started doing nofap since a week.

>> No.15876719
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Option 1 isn't true, keep coping that you were forced to down tranny pills if that helps you sleep at night.

>> No.15876723
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Its the first thing you take on the tranny stack given by Dr.Judenstein.

>> No.15876933

I don't get morning wood anymore anyways. I am on no fap for a few weeks but most mornings my dick is soft. Can't remember the last time I had it.

Am I low T? Would I fuck myself up on it?

>> No.15876948

Is the implication here that men on propecia just shouldn't have kids? It's weird to me the way they worded it is "men taking propecia should avoid sex with or use a condom when having sex with a woman who is ALREADY pregnant"

What about if you're on propecia and trying to GET your lady pregnant?

>> No.15876962

Just become a troomer, anon. It's your destiny.

>> No.15876963 [DELETED] 

What's this bitch look like now?

>> No.15876970
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A wig, or hat, or scientific revolution

It’s your anime
Choose the plot

I’ve bought the whole “we all get to become cute anime girls via science plot” for my life.

>> No.15878110

ive bought into this idea too, but ive already accepted the idea that there are background npcs in all those animes and im probably one of those. that guy who shows up just to be the victim of some misfortune for half a second

>> No.15878116

Take a hint from nature bro.
You arent supposed to give your genes to the next generation.
You are an dead end.

>> No.15878160

But bro...

>> No.15878163
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>> No.15878487
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>when your mother asks you if you know any girls at all

>> No.15879119

Yeah yeah yeah being bald sucks probably but can someone post the full picture of that girl

>> No.15879133

Nope, it has no chemical interaction with that process.

The only people who reported issues where men in their 60s which is around the time that issue starts to appear naturally.

Do your research and don’t let a bunch of teens on 4chan meme you into baldness >>15875676

>> No.15879142

Sure thing, mentally hill faggot

>> No.15879158

Doctors recommend you stop taking it while trying.

>> No.15879224

Post sources, jew

>> No.15879818

Nobody has any fucking sources.

>> No.15879854
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ya'll are lazy and dumb and full of cum

>> No.15879933

Problem with those studies is they usually just ask them if your dick is working fine. They should do studies where they measure erection strength and ejaculate volume, but that's impossible.

>> No.15879950
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The (((industry))) lies to you.

>> No.15879967

There's nothing more sensitive than a unborn baby. Shit, a huge amount of meds are considered "teratogens", aka if you take those while pregnant, there are good odds your baby is fucked.

>> No.15879974

4/6 % is actually a pretty high number

>> No.15879977

It's not impossible, they just don't want to do it

>> No.15879982

I volunteer to attach the measuring guages and collect and measure the ejaculate volume!

>> No.15880321

more than covid

>> No.15881240

You can always try it and if it kills your dick you can stop

>> No.15881297

What if you can't reverse it?

>> No.15881388

yes. it isn't worth it. don't take it. stick to topical treatments.

>> No.15881753

You have about a one in twenty chance of experiencing side effects.

>> No.15881757

Yes it is, but the study does not specify what % of those 5% have irreversible. Just that most of those side effects are reversible.

>> No.15882056
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copium overdose

I would rather have my hair and look good than look like a meatball.

Not the guy you replied to btw

>> No.15882066

stop fucking taking dr schnozbergs pills for every and any little inconvenience in your life. those drugs will circulate through the water supply for the next billion years. think of the fish and your fellow man. Dr.'s aren't your friend. Drug companies aren't your friend.

>> No.15882071
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i'm not a tranny but i like to appear androgynous/slightly feminine
i'm not losing my hair but i'm 18 so it's still early days and my hairline is a little bit bumpy. my grandfather on my mother's side went bald so this is a concern for me
should i take the finpill?

>> No.15882125

Here you go you fear mongering kike.


One of the largest studies in this area with over 70,000 people over a 20 year period controlling for age and medical history.

>> No.15882133
File: 596 KB, 1242x1320, 634DCC83-AD69-4F56-A471-2FC25C16FBCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks 20 years of studying makes the experiments reliable and valid

>> No.15882136

Most likely

>> No.15882137

Just find a study with better controls, sample size and period then.

>> No.15882264

mine works great

>> No.15882348

And that's a lot

>> No.15882371

They do in many cases

>> No.15882424

90% of balding men retard

>> No.15882462
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>take tranny pills
>understand that balding is natural
>happens to most European men
>buzz it off and be a man

>> No.15882518

who is she?

she's cute

>> No.15882534


>> No.15883030


>> No.15883222

just don't take more than 0.5 mg a day

>> No.15883268

Seems like an arbitrary amount

>> No.15883593
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Keep telling yourself that while you slowly castrate yourself.

>> No.15883801

Oh shit a onions edit, now i feel stupid!

>> No.15883991
File: 1.41 MB, 1268x1288, 2v47vlw8i7c61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and research pilled. Im more worried about the gyno

>> No.15884173
File: 1.86 MB, 1000x1520, 5edcd41a4319ffc90a1f97dbc7f82a10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can probably find a name with this pic

>> No.15884212

I literally never found a name, always assumed it was a creep pic

>> No.15884222

Been on fin for a year. Didn't get a boner for a few days after starting and panicked. Finally got one and made sure to nut like 2-3x per day to make sure it worked. Now I'm back to normal only my hairloss stopped.

>> No.15884771


>> No.15884781

some anons found her instagram, she odesnt look like that anymore and her bio was somethign along the lines of "i hate the internet" "the internet is weird"

>> No.15884782

Are you basing this off any study or this just based on a vague feeling?

>> No.15884880

no im a full on tranny on finasteride and against my wishes my d*ck still works

>> No.15885172



>> No.15885954


>> No.15886907


>> No.15887429

Great thread

>> No.15887468

shed make a good psycho doll in toy story

>> No.15888158

Post cock

>> No.15888402

who are you to disagree with dr.smokenheimer

>> No.15888435

Cheers for this man

While I believe the side effects are there as it does lower a vital component of male-ness as to say, but much of the over the top reactions is psychosomatic.

However, some men's hormone system does get fucked up pretty hard. I think they do have underlying issues that are brought upon by the 5alpha inhibitors

>> No.15888482

developing breast is not psychosomatic

>> No.15888508

i hate that i know all these characters

>> No.15889197

Neither is your mom lol

>> No.15889219


>> No.15889257

All the stuff about limp dicks is reversible after discontinuation. The real problem is that finasteride prevents the formation of neurosteroids, as the neursteroids are also derived from the 5a-reductase just like DHT, and this leads to a reduction of GABA activity in the brain. This is what gives you brain fog, depression, suicidal thoughts. Neurosteroids are zapped to 0% real quick on fin and are extremely slow at regenerating.
Kevin Mann won't mention this boyos.

>> No.15889669

I can't find any compelling studies on the neuro shit

>> No.15889704

Is Kevin man that hunky but autistic right wing vegan or do I have another internet personality in mind?

>> No.15889838


>> No.15890255
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, mann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats him, but his more a centralist. He hates both desu

>> No.15890257

>is what gives you brain fog, depression, suicidal thoughts

id rather have hair and brain fog than no hair i will be suicidal and depressed without it

>> No.15890269

kek i always love how people are worried about sex or having kids on fin but when taking it the sides are fake and all in your head

you never experienced brain fog

>> No.15890383

I already have brain fog.

>> No.15890427

>you never experienced brain fog

im punch drunk from being an amateur boxer and college football

>> No.15890445


>> No.15890474


>> No.15890480

It's a well known side. Blocking 5ar increase test which leads to increased estrogen which could lead to gyno.

>> No.15890488

These is no study showing this. It's a guess based on biological mechanisms. Take it for what you will. I take fin and I have no neurological sides. I know they happen for certain people.

>> No.15890498

yeee lol and im joining army to be soldier boy after uni

>> No.15891090

a chemical depression is not in the same league as feeling sad and insecure because of hair loss

>> No.15891136

Personally, I suspect the downsides of finasteride are overblown but then so are the reasons for taking it.

>> No.15891139

What if I already live my life in constant brain fog, depression, and suicidal thoughts anyway?

>> No.15891152

an hero faster
why do you think all those balding trannies kill themselves

>> No.15891235

cuz they're trannies lol

>> No.15891571

Is this a real question

>> No.15891584

you? haha

>> No.15891806


>> No.15892312

It'll cancel itself out :)

>> No.15892665

Yes it is

>> No.15892740

the worst side effect is breast cancer, to which there is an irrefutable link

>> No.15892761

atic insane

>> No.15893444

In men?

>> No.15893509

I am taking minoxidil right now, 24 days in. I've only seen increased hair loss but oh well it's 20 euro a can so at least I tried

>> No.15893523

do you people do zero research? it's a shed and a sign that you are receptive to minox treatment

>> No.15893541

You are right

>> No.15893774

I slather minox on my hairline daily. Idk if it helps or not though.

>> No.15894823


>> No.15895641

Yes. Male breast cancer.

>> No.15895674

Sounds made up

>> No.15895706

AR-5 inhibitors can permanently fuck up your endocrine system, and it's significant enough that the Roche -- the initial proprietor of accutane -- discontinued it from their product line because settlements and bad PR from lawsuits over people who got fucked up outweighed the revenue, so that should tell you something.

But the other side of the coin is that there just as many people who don't experience these side effects and do get all the benefits, so it's an equal risk/reward situation like >>15876107 said

>> No.15895708

just be warned


>> No.15895709

There are several studies that show a link. Google them. Here's one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5773955/

>> No.15895896

smooooooth brains aren’t effay

>> No.15896665

i would do anything to have a gf that looks like her. sexi sexi baby show bobs!

>> No.15897173

same and same

>> No.15897481


>> No.15898056


>> No.15898062

Which one is your fav?

>> No.15898164

Been on fin since August dick still working very well but no gf so just beating it daily

>> No.15898172


Thats a study which did not even factor in pre-existing conditions, compounding factors or even actual use it simply just looked at people who were prescribed it. Even in that study they say their results did not support a clear relationship between use of it and breast cancer and that it in fact produced results contrary to what would be expected if it played a causal role in cancer.

>> No.15898376

“Any foolish boy can stamp on a beetle, but all the professors in the world cannot make a beetle.”

>> No.15898484

both kevin mann and baldcafe are quite based on the opposite side of the spectrum

>> No.15898548

He is ? I swear I was saw a video with him wearing a shirt with a black sun or something similar

>> No.15898609

I just started taking fin last week and straight away noticed ball ache, loss of libido and really weak erections.

currently I struggle to get hard and have no sex drive, if I beat my meat real hard I get maybe 60%-70% hard and can still cum but that's it.

I got a prescription after watching Kevin Mann's vids but I'm gonna drop it now, idgaf about losing my hair if the only viable treatment is gonna chemically castrate me.

If it works for you without sides that's great, but it's been a weird experience for me going from genuinely thinking the chances of sides are less than 1% to experiencing them first hand. I just hope my sex drive and boners come back to normal.

>> No.15899379

>Thats a study which did not even factor in pre-existing conditions, compounding factors or even actual use it simply just looked at people who were prescribed it
People didn't have breast cancer and then they did after follow up. Are you saying the people they tested are just lying about taking it? People that agreed to a trial just decided to not actually take the fucking drug?
>Even in that study they say their results did not support a clear relationship between use of it and breast cancer and that it in fact produced results contrary to what would be expected if it played a causal role in cancer.
"In this population‐based register study, we found a statistically significant 44% increased risk of MBC among men having finasteride prescribed compared to nonusers."

What more can they say? You're ignoring the results of the test in favor of hypotheticals. It might not be perfect but this is one of the best samples of data there is.

>> No.15899619

I'm mtf and I take fin

>> No.15899625

Faggot. I'm taking fin and full tranny meds, 8mg of estrogen, plus minox + rolling. And my dick still gets rock hard, even almost a year in

Imagine being this much of a weak faggot lmao

>> No.15899814

Hot. Post cock.

>> No.15900186

You should already have a wife locked down before you go bald, so when you buzz you just power play it into full dad mode.

>> No.15900743

>Are you saying the people they tested are just lying about taking it? People that agreed to a trial just decided to not actually take the fucking drug?
Read the study it wasnt a trial like that, all they did was look at all the people who purchased it and whether they developed breast cancer that's it. They knew literally nothing about these people except dose they had a prescription for and their age bracket.

>What more can they say?
Well you could literally read what was written one sentence after that.

>The IRRs were highest in the categories of medium duration or lowest dose of finasteride which is against a causality of the association. An excess risk was identified in the first year after the first known dispensed finasteride and it decreased after 5 years. Such a short time lag and a decreasing risk over time are not typical in cancer causation.

Here again they say it

>The analyses suggested possible ascertainment bias and did not support a clear relationship between dispensed finasteride and MBC. In conclusion, a significant association between dispensed finasteride and MBC was identified. However, due to limited data for adjustment of potential confounding and surveillance bias in the present study, further research is needed to confirm these results.

>You're ignoring the results of the test
I'm not, I'm simply not ignoring what the people who conducted the study wrote when it doesnt fit my narrative - which is what you are doing.