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File: 12 KB, 150x147, F74EB1AA-181A-45C6-8221-9F649C0A6D4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15868899 No.15868899 [Reply] [Original]

Any way I can make my N2 hair fashionable? It looks okay but how do I make it youthful

>> No.15868915

Finasteride bro, try and grow out the front so you can make a sort of fringe too

>> No.15869350

Any anons tried finasteride? Is it just going to hold the line or am I really going to get some growth on the crown? I don't trust the shit on google because I'm sure most balding forums have shills.

>> No.15869372

I've been on finasteride for a year. Stopped my temple recession completely and now starting to see slight regrowth. Friends were initially skeptical but have all now commented that my hair quality has noticeably improved. I have experienced zero side effects.

>> No.15869383

Any before/after pics?

>> No.15869396

Unfortunately, no. I had intended to document the process but was I becoming obsessed with balding to an unhealthy degree and decided to just let the medicine do its thing, for better or worse. I take a 1mg pill every day and will likely continue to do so for the rest of my life.
I'm personally pleased with the results and don't think too much of the hysterical scare stories you'll find on balding forums.

>> No.15869400

>make my N2 hair fashionable
first, get on fin

second grow it long and slick it back and over, despite it being recessed you can still grow it long and the density looks goods

>> No.15869411

Nah, I'm not worried about that shit. The lack of sexual desire shit also happened to the control group and is probably linked more with depression and the fact that its mostly older men taking balding pills.

I'm just more curious about its efficacy. My crown isn't looking too good, FUE in the states is 10k. Been using that powder shit that makes it look like you have more hair, which looks great. But I hate having to remember to use it before I step out, and when I have sex sometimes girls like to play with the back of my head, which can be embarrassing.

>> No.15869428


watch these the sides are low and mostly nocebo, also go to turkey to get a HT when you get the money

>> No.15869430

Well, I don't see what you have to lose. Might as well give it a go and stick it out for at least a year.
I don't know where you live or what your situation is, but I am from the UK and use an online pharmacy for my prescription. All I had to do was fill out a brief consultation questionnaire and now receive a recurring 6 month supply at just under £60 a time.
Good luck, anon.

>> No.15869461

thanks for the info, I'll give it a shot.

>> No.15869601

is FUE actually the best option or is it just hype?
In paper it sounds promising, but I know some doctors who advise against it for your first HT because it destroys your donor area.
is it safe to get an HT on Turkey? Why is it so much cheaper?

>> No.15869602

How many people here are on Finasteride? I'm just about to start.

>> No.15869605

I'm doing some tests first, but I will probably start soon.

>> No.15869607

topical progesterone along with 1-2mm microneedling (the latter you will need for regrowth, as once hair is gone it can't come back without "damaging" the skin site in some fashion)

>> No.15869703

I was on finasteride a bunch of times. I was taking 1 mg to eventually half a mg every day cause I got pretty bad sides before taking about a month off. This was about a year ago, and I hopped back on from about a month right before quarantine and stopped around June. I was taking .25 mg every day and the sides were a lot milder and it definitely worked and I noticed some regrowth but around June I noticed my libido started tanking again but I was wondering if that's cause I started becoming inactive and was sedentary due to quarantine.

So I haven't touched fin since June of last year and I'm pretty much worse off than I was right before I hopped on fin again last year. It pretty much cured it but I don't know if it's worth it. I still sort have ED and I'm worried it might be PFS but I haven't been in shape either so idk if it's that or if it's worth taking again.

>> No.15870305
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remember to dermaroll once a week (or more often if you're using needles shorter than 1mm)

>> No.15870321

as far as I know finasteride can only stop or slow down balding and regrowth is highly unlikely. some regrowth is possible with minox and microneedling if you're a good responder.
see the studies here:

>> No.15870849

>is it safe to get an HT on Turkey?

yes you just have to find the corect clinic, on r/tressless they can help. Its cheaper because thats how it is

>> No.15870854

Dermarolling is for anti-aging, removing acne scars, and hair growth? Sounds like snake oil.

>> No.15870871
File: 40 KB, 480x320, 16587205762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep growing it.

>> No.15870872

dermarollig works incredible for hair, especially if you use minoxidil with it

>> No.15870930 [DELETED] 

Don't do this.

>> No.15870942

yes, do it

>> No.15870948 [DELETED] 

I dont understand why everyones shilling for fin and all these shit. its better to just go bald naturally if thats whats gonna happen. but most of the time the get on fin shit is just an overreaction to a maturing hairline

>> No.15871013
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Buzz it down or take drugs, but whatever you do, do NOT be a fence sitter and waste your life bitching about it.

>> No.15871021


>> No.15871029
File: 278 KB, 200x230, sleaze.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go sleaze

>> No.15871263

>also go to turkey to get a HT
just cough up the cash and go to one of the best in the states. It's like 10K-15K. Typical HTs in turkey result in triples and doubles in the hairline which is what make it look fake. Many such cases. Sad!

Go through these recommended doctors and compare results. If you have the coin, go to Konior: https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/hair-transplant-surgeons.asp

Look how natural these look: https://www.chicagohairinstitute.com/photogallery/hair-loss-surgery-6206

>is FUE actually the best option or is it just hype?
With FUT, they are literally taking a strip of tissue from essentially ear to ear, leaving you with a huge scar. With FUE, the graphs are taken out one by one with no scarring and it's unnoticeable within a week. It's a little more expensive but no idea why anyone would do FUT anymore.

>is it safe to get an HT on Turkey? Why is it so much cheaper?
it's cheap because you are rolling the dice. think about it - it's your fucking hair and hairline. Are you really going to bargain hunt for something this important?

Do some research here: https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/

>> No.15871291

I like it!
Show me more.
Is this from Casino?

>> No.15871318

I'm probably overreacting, but I have very sparse hair and I'm pretty sure that, even with FUE, the collection of donnor hairs would leave me with a shitload of bald spots on the back of my head and I'd rather be bald. I'm just counting on future scientific advancements so they'll be able to grow the hair for transplant from a single follicle in a lab .

>> No.15871494

that's a nw3 anon

>> No.15871689
File: 107 KB, 800x450, filling-in-hairline-scalp-micropigmentation-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your hair is really defused they might recommend, FUE with micro-pigmentation (little hair tattoos) to fill in gaps.

I've been thinking of getting micro-pigmentation myself, but last time I looked around its around 2k, and for that price I could just go to Mexico and get FUE since my hair isn't that bad.

>> No.15871712

>Any way I can make my N2 hair fashionable?
Stop being self-conscious about it. Stop listening to people who encourage you to be self-conscious about that, or any other normal part of aging.

>> No.15871717

>I had a headache so I took and aspiring and slapped myself in the face, clearly slapping yourself in the face cures headaches!

>> No.15871749


>> No.15871823

are you fucking illiterate or something? do you know what especially means? anyway, read the studies confirming that it works, posted previously.
>The mean change in hair count at week 12 was significantly greater for the Microneedling group compared to the Minoxidil group (91.4 vs. 22.2 respectively, P = 0.039)
>Patient subjective evaluation of hair growth at week 12 was a primary efficacy variable. In the Microneedling group, 41 (82%) patients versus only 2 (4.5%) patients in the Minoxidil group reported more than 50% improvement

>> No.15872157

Are there any anons on fin who can post their results/progress?

>> No.15872243

go on reddit. It's seems that Redditors are top tier coper for balding.

>> No.15872262

Fin for the most part just stops the process, seeing some omega growth back is not common

>> No.15872301


Thats a NW 4 u nig

>> No.15872303

are there any before and after pics of mexican FUE? im in mexico and my corners are starting to thin but honestly they've been like that since i was a kid and i just let them grow for the first time and they look weak, but still im like 10 years away from balding, i just want to see the options in case life makes me bald by tomorrow lol

>> No.15872416

Yeah, go on Yelp or Google Maps Reviews of places. TJ and Tecate reviews have pics from customers.

>> No.15872586

nah redditors tell you to SHAVE IT BRO, a small percentage actually fight and do well

>> No.15872596

Does topical finn cause side effects? I'm a NW 2 at present but I'd like to at least maintain.

>> No.15872608

Similar principle to weight training. Controlled damage > exploit natural healing mechanisms. WAGMI

>> No.15872614 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 1223x726, A7020697-A709-46AF-978A-09C52DCB2FFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Me !1n6WugqKa6, Indre Gelzinis. I ingest drugs diluted with sand and drink mouthwash to get high while I drunk-drive-kill people after being a fuckslut for farm horses. I am also really beautiful and intelligent, and because of that, I am in poverty and my life is hard, like horse penis. I am also balding.

>> No.15872644

So, did any of that help reverse the baldness?

>> No.15872713

Dont roll use a microneedler/dermastamp.
Rollers roll up and rip microtears in your skin which damage it over time.

>> No.15872726
File: 50 KB, 1326x1368, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow it out.

>> No.15872729
File: 99 KB, 600x400, 1587151186363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like that?

>> No.15872880

took it for a few days and got insomnia that lasted a couple week

>> No.15873108

For a light daily rolling where you're barely scratching the surface just to get the minoxidil to absorb better, a roller is fine. I acutally use 3mm daily but with light pressure because shorter needles don't get past my hair well and actually contact the scalp. I use a .25mm with heavy pressure around the hairline daily though. I don't think the rolling/tearing is as much of a problem as the very smallest needle lengths. Use a electric needler once a week or every other week for a "real" treatment.

>> No.15873162

is that that rainbow 6 youtuber badger?

>> No.15873360

Shaving was an easy choice for me, I had long hair and a beard for ages, cut my hair for work and wound up shaving it all off a year or 2 later before it became easily noticeable that I was balding.
The only annoying thing was needing to trim my beard after I shaved my head, it was long and once I shaved my head I looked like a biker or something which wasn't appropriate in a professional environment.

I'd consider shaving it, it's easy and the quicker you rip the bandaid off the quicker you can move forward with your life. If you have money to waste on drugs then that's your choice but to be fair I think it's a little bit pathetic. Either let it grow out anyway or shave it off.

>> No.15873414

post egg

>> No.15873448

there's an entire subreddit about fin and minox. Every kind of Cope is reddit tier. Just don't be a genelet, faggot. Visible hair thinning and bald patches before 35yo are a sign of genetic inferiority. After that if you care you are a huge faggot.

>> No.15873788

Why so mad breh

>> No.15873893

Lads, I started finasteride about 3 months ago and had watery semen for the first two weeks but after that no side effects whatsoever. This shit is fucking magic, regrew a good chunk of my crown and hairline, that being said just the last week I've been having some problems in maintaining a boner, feels like its 70% when I used to be diamonds before and goes soft really quick, libido kinda took a hit as well, just watching women doing sexy shit isn't enough to get my dick hard anymore, dick isn't as sensitive either and looks smaller when I'm soft.

What do? I've read some people power through it and it goes back to normal but I've also read the horror stories.

>> No.15873908

Maybe it turned you gay, google nikocado avocado's slot asshole and see if your dick isn't back to 100.

>> No.15873921


It's already hard enough to look at that fag and not throw up, you have lost your mind if you ever think I'm gonna google that degenerates asshole.

>> No.15874019

That's the price you pay pretty much, you can reduce the dosage and that might help but in the long run you won't be as sexual as off finasteride. In my opinion most people who claim "no sides" forget how normal boners and libido are supposed to feel. Many such cases where people get off fin after 5 years and find their libido is suddenly much higher even though they felt they had no side effects

>> No.15874046
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>> No.15874235

this. Fin studies are shit because there isn't a direct measurement of erection and semen volume, so it's basically "yo, do your dick still work homie?" "yeah sure buddy".

>> No.15875273
File: 636 KB, 3096x1461, _20210116_192547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fin territory right? I already derma roll and use minox. 25 going on 26. Hair is pretty thick but kind my hair is kind of thin.

>> No.15875518

why not just use minox with microneedling? it's more effective than finasteride anyway

>> No.15875559

id get on fin asap

>> No.15875571

Dude just embrace it. Shave it. Women want a dude confident with them.

>> No.15875756


Narcos S1 or S2

>> No.15875765

oh bro, i...

>> No.15875887

Shid. Surely the side effects aren't bad right?

>> No.15875893

Side effects were seen in 5% of test subjects, compared to the 3% on the placebo. And is probably more chalked up to general depression from balding and age's effects on libido, rather than fin.

>> No.15876075


All those studies are biased and scientifically irrelevant . Also you overestimate the placebo effect and underestimate the role of DHT in male heath.

>> No.15876139

>believes in the placebo effect
Your dumbass bricks you know?

>> No.15876151

Your hair looks good. Stop listening to the pharma shills.

>> No.15876168

you know how to read, stupid retarded faggot?

>> No.15876271
File: 73 KB, 275x130, opop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not OP but he used my hair picture

This is what it looks like not wet. Its pretty shit but once the barbers re-open and I get an actual haircut (atm this is just buzzed from like 2 month ago and grown out)

im on finasteride my hair doesnt seem to have gotten any worse in like 8 years

moral of the story use fin if youre young and wanna keep your hairstyle

>> No.15876277

Why do you have pictures of my dryass hair saved I’m not even hot

>> No.15876316

Wtf it's me I literally took that 5 seconds ago

No I'm Spartacus

>> No.15876332

>I literally took that 5 seconds ago
At least you admit to stealing. Stop playing bro.

>> No.15876377

Literally just wiggle your ears.
That's is all it takes.

>> No.15876411

>The lack of sexual desire shit also happened to the control group and is probably linked more with depression and the fact that its mostly older men taking balding pills.

always rare to see someone understanding the actual main reason of side effects

>> No.15876425

>the actual main reason of side effects
They’re called confounds, dumbfuck

>> No.15876435
File: 140 KB, 576x434, 0 days without jewish tricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn't really castrate you, gais!

>> No.15876444

>always rare to see someone understanding the actual main reason of side effects
No it’s not. Stop hanging around with stupid incarnate.

>> No.15876484
File: 6 KB, 184x184, jus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just stop jerking off. I began to lose hair when I was 19, which was when I began jacking off regularly. continued up until I was 22 when I stopped, and now a year later my hairline and density is back to what it was when I was 18. It's fucking miraculous, and it's after trying minox, rolling, essential oils, and vitamin supplements, none of which worked.
Incidentally, the reason I tried nofap for my hair was because I read that the old germanic tribes insisted that you stay a virgin until you were 20 years old, in order to retain your youthful vitality and strength. Also I was jacking it too often, but hey it fucking worked, so maybe those half naked boar fuckers were onto something.

This is the last time I'm coming to these threads bros, cheers

>> No.15876907

>I was 19
>which was when I began jacking off regularly
Jesus Christ. Literally how? I began jacking off when I was 11 or 12 and I though I was late.

>> No.15877138

This anon and others who are on fin, what service or medicine do you use?

I went to a derm in manhattan and was told it would be around 280 bucks for 3 months supply, which is absolutely absurd... isn't it. Hows keeps and hims and whatnot? or do you guys use anything else. (in the US)

>> No.15877185

keyword is regularly anon, it wasn't daily/weekly before then.
Sharing a room with two brothers does that to you

>> No.15878221

I share an apartment with a girl and all I can think about is fucking her. She's not really even a smoking babe but she's the only girl I talk to on a regular basis and I just want to sleep with her and eat her out. Fuck.

>> No.15879007

most guys jack off at least daily from teenage onwards retard

>> No.15879530
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I started worrying about my hair about 26 months ago and only started fin 2 months ago because I was in denial. If I got on it earlier I might have been able to maintain close to a juvenile hairline. Now I'm hoping I can stop the loss before I reach NW2. I'll never forgive myself for waiting when it was so obvious it wasn't going to stop by itself.

>> No.15879821

Side effects?

>> No.15880705

Here's a tip: buzz it

>> No.15881584

how did you resist the temptation ?

>> No.15881607

Once I stopped, I started having wet dreams again. Realistic sexy dreams unchained from reality are worth it.

>> No.15881634

do you do it once a while or just do the brutal sudden stop ?

>> No.15881641

I’m convinced. I also sleep better and have dreams if I don’t jerk it every day.

>> No.15881689
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I'm on oral Fin, topical Min, a Biotin supplement (makes hair and nails stronger), and I use Nizoral shampoo. I've only been doing it for 2 months so no noticable effects yet, at least from what I can tell, and no sides at all. Honestly if anything my sex drive has gone up from the Fin. Actually I will say that the Min can cause a bit of an itchy scalp, but if you get the foam variant instead of the liquid you won't have issues. Best of luck anon!

>> No.15881695

Yeah anon that's fucking absurd. I use Keeps. It's fine but you can get a regular generic prescription from a general practitioner for practically nothing. And you can get min over the counter for cheaper than subscription services too.

>> No.15881809

I just made an appointment with a dermatologist for finasteride/propecia

Do you think she'll give it to me this time ? I went last june to another bitch and she said she won't prescribe it due to her facebook studies

>> No.15882075
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will fin + minoxidil + dermaroller help me?

>> No.15882358

>Never figh a man with a perm
What did he mean by this ?

>> No.15882671

Did it turn you into a baby?

>> No.15882794
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1600, 6688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how tf am i a baby

>> No.15882802

lift that hair up baby

>> No.15882828

>he doesn't trust a MD
>he actually strust anonymous people online who only did facebook studies

I'll never get this about you guys. You actually believe that Covid vaccine will make you unfertile but don't believe fin will.

>> No.15882831 [DELETED] 

Wear a wig, 90% of girls do. Either extensions, clip ins, a whole wig or the little strands of tealnyounsee most of the time those just clip in

>> No.15883017

what a sad example of a human being you are.

>> No.15883038

you look like a toddler in first pic, you have a baby face. Keep that hair that hairline and you'll be slaying pus throughout your 20s.

Dermaroll is mostly a meme, fin will hold the line, and replace dying hair (the really thin ones) with healthy hair, it wont replace hair you've already lost. Mino will just sync up hair cycles making it look denser I personally don't think you need that, your bangs are full, not sure about your crown. You have probably have genetically thin angle hair

>> No.15883638

That's just the way it is. I've been on fin for 2 years and my cum is basically clear Gatorade.

>> No.15883651

i've never understood caring so much about your hairline you're prepared to destroy your endocrine system

>> No.15883659

I can't explain it myself, but I'd rather die than be bald. I don't know why. It's something of a phobia almost.

>> No.15883661
File: 81 KB, 600x536, EE095DF5-6EB6-4D7C-BE27-4C8618B350EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks cum destroys the endocrine system

>> No.15883702

Do you need a prescription to get fin/propecia? If not is there any internet sources to get this stuff?

>> No.15883705

depends where you live

>> No.15883707

Lets say US or Europe. I think in Norway at least you would probably need a prescription.

>> No.15883714

Lurk in a /hrtgen/ thread or r/transdiy, the internet is your friend anon

>> No.15883757

>thinks cumming water is normal

>> No.15883762
File: 900 KB, 1600x1144, DE2F40AA-ADAB-4C4F-9BEA-CF51BDDEE3AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks about cum

>> No.15883788

yeah i'm worried about my cum and that is fertile. Not a problem for this bunch of fags that kknow semen only as a salad dressing you fucking degenerate freaks .

>> No.15883799
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, B12DEF32-471C-421C-98C5-A3312B0F923A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks semen is more than just a salad dressing

>> No.15883831

fin or shave

the only options

>> No.15883840

>that being said just the last week I've been having some problems in maintaining a boner, feels like its 70% when I used to be diamonds before and goes soft really quick, libido kinda took a hit as well, just watching women doing sexy shit isn't enough to get my dick hard anymore, dick isn't as sensitive either and looks smaller when I'm soft.

>> No.15883948
File: 66 KB, 496x833, hairline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>balding with a 5 head and long face

I've stopped the balding so far for a few years with just fin and will jump on dut at the first chance of it worsening, i think the only way for my face not to be thrown off is to get a high graft transplant to lower my hairline.

>> No.15884459
File: 38 KB, 710x291, Photo on 20-1-21 at 2.22 pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i just go bald? hairline has been like this as far as like 15 or so. no thinning or anything just fucked m shape lol

>> No.15884594
File: 82 KB, 480x640, B1B6874C-3FB0-47D9-A862-BE3C361417AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold the fuck up
Is this op?

>> No.15884644

You can easily pull it off if you have a reasonably good face

>> No.15885550

Your hair looks like my ex girlfriend’s pubes

>> No.15885703 [DELETED] 
File: 935 KB, 2299x1951, bigfuckingForehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I do with my big fucking forehead? Bad genes from my retarded father.

>> No.15886728
File: 62 KB, 640x592, 1596890121798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close to popping the finny bros. Told myself I would never go that far a year ago but now I've been "just shaving" for a year and I still don't feel confident because diffuse thinning shows the horseshoe even when shaved with a razor, and all my tinder matches are overweight now.

>> No.15886760

>I dont know how the body functions and will use a retarded analogy

>> No.15886834

I know it's counterintuitive but the shorter your hair is the less you notice it
I'm not talking clippers but cutting it down to Ivy League length (~1") will make a big difference

>> No.15886896

Why the fuck is everybody balding so young? Even people with heathy lifestyle are

>> No.15886914
File: 12 KB, 256x256, UF3cgUk4_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old are you?
I'm 25 with a shaved head and I do fine on online dating.

>> No.15886928

25 as well.
Slight exaggeration as I have matched and met with some cuties but objectively my numbers are worse than with hair pics one or two years ago. I know tinder is finicky though and it could really be down to a lot of factors but it's been getting me down even if it's silly.

>> No.15887018

I just accepted that I'm going to do worse without hair, but I can still find a women so its ok. I tried fin and it made my erections weaker and I didn't feel 100 on it, I think I took it for half a year or so? I also took a dose of .5mg. The side effects went away, took maybe a month and I remember getting a random boner to a hot girl outside and then I knew I was going to be ok. It could have all been in my head, but I have made peace with it now.

>> No.15887032

>made peace
euphemistic cope

>> No.15887055
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1df906e66da7e0a59f96517c4c7118268985c356f0ec8de80f7fd60c7ba32d73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can keep coping by running from the fact your aging and your body is turning uglier and uglier day by day and eventually end up like Dane Cook , or you can just accept the finite nature of this world and decay into the earth, as God Intended.

>> No.15887069


It's over.

>> No.15887070

life is cope, hair, money, height, muscles, looks, area where your born

>> No.15887092

False dichotomy
Relevance fallacy
Ad hominem

>> No.15887116
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Wisdom should not be reduced down to logical propositions.

>> No.15887124

based monkey poster these are wise words

>> No.15887131


>> No.15887163
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>finning, thinning, and curly
>at 22

I am going to kill myself.
Second time starting minox. First time I didn't stick with it long enough to see results. I guess I will also look into microneedling.

>> No.15887177

Correct and based. However, this does not detract from the validity of pointing out dangerous and illogically unsound “arguments.”

>> No.15887207

go to bed linus

>> No.15887225

Man don't go bald, sometimes are faces grow and hair lines mature - it may stay like that forever - you fine the best way to combat this is confidence; stop giving a shit and be happy man bald or not

>> No.15887413

Been on it 3 months. temple recession stopped and im seeing regrowth. take the fin pill anon.

>> No.15887414

>Man don't go bald,
>sometimes are faces grow
>and hair lines mature
gremmr + filosofy = bayst

>> No.15887619

>The lack of sexual desire shit also happened to the control group and is probably linked more with depression and the fact that its mostly older men taking balding pills
The bigger problem is the link to male breast cancer

>> No.15887696
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Late as fuck response and you might not even see this, but I was able to throw a quick comparison together.
Top pic is me as of yesterday, and the bottom pic is me sometime in early '17.

>> No.15887820

im thining agressviely, cant see a dermatoligst to presrice me fin as the que is 3 months and in the last three months my hair has been on the increase in falling out.
every day and every time i touch it hait comes out and in the shower it wont stop, I just had a shower and counted probably over 200 hairs falling out, massive long ones

im only 22

>> No.15889145
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Sucks especially since it's my regular thinning + seasonal shedding, so it looks even thinner than normal. I probably have a year left before my crown is noticeable under normal light / can't be styled over.

>> No.15889311
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reminder that if you're handsome it doesn't even matter

>> No.15889724

no fucking way

>> No.15889738


>> No.15889862

>presrice me fin as the que is 3 months

just go to an online clinic

>> No.15889869

I got approved for Keeps in a hour today. Joining my Fin anons. I believe

>> No.15890581

this guy looking fucking retarded and repulsive

>> No.15890784

Yep. Started off using topical minoxidil for a few months and was shedding like crazy and it irritated my scalp.
Switched to fin just over a year ago and despite progress has being slow, the pictures speak for themselves.

>> No.15890785

Meant to reply to >>15889724

>> No.15890975


>> No.15891015

Fin + min + dermarolling + general good scalp hygiene.
And if you can afford it, a transplant.

If you have side effects from Fin, maybe try dut? If that doesn't work then, im sorry anon, just try to ride the Min train for as long as possible

>> No.15891367
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>We've read the surveys, the ones in which 75 percent of women say they would not date a bald man. Think of it. That's why, when a bald man gets the girl, we know we've got a woman of substance. Which is not to say that the typical bald man has any substance. The average bald man, for example, has the same superficial standards for women as the guy with hair. That's why we have to have a little more going for us than the hair man. We have to dress a little better, make a little more money and have a little more charm just to compete. And we do. Have a conversation with a bald man sometime. Go ahead. Do yourself a favor. Tell me you don't walk away impressed. That your day was not made a little richer by virtue of the fact that you were in Bald's presence.

>But the bald man who doesn't make an effort to compensate for his baldness is in trouble. The last thing the bald man needs is to get lazy. A lazy bald man is done. Show me a lazy bald man, and I'll show you a miserable bald man. The lazy bald man who needs a shave and goes out in sweatpants and a T-shirt might as well hang it up. That's not how we compete in the hair world. I say to that lazy bald man that he's making it harder for the rest of us.

>The bearded bald man annoys me. That's not a proud bald man. That's a bald guy who's trying to enhance. He wants to deflect attention away from the head to the chin. It's subtle, but the message is the same: I'm bald and I don't like it. . . . There's a new bald man now in our midst. He has chosen to shave the little hair that he has down to a little stubble, a style last employed by Nazi barbers. Others shave it all off -- the theory being that no hair is better than some hair. Again, more tricks, more gimmicks.


>> No.15891554

Awesome, congrats anon. What is your dosage? Any advice?

>> No.15891972

you can get a fin prescription online. I got one from Hims easily.

>> No.15891975

Im scared of getting male breast cancer, finbros... anybody get gynecomastia yet?

>> No.15891996

hes right about shaving it down and completely bald, but still fight to keep it if you have to

>> No.15892633

counting all males from both sides of my family (father, uncles, cousins, grandfathers), there are only 3 balds out of ~30 males; two of my cousins who got it from their father (their mom is my blood relative) and my paternal grandfather; what are the chances of me going bald?

>> No.15892663

Idk but my family is like 0bald men except my uncle who blasted roids and experimental pharmaceuticals and I’m on fin at 26

>> No.15892820

Pretty low given those details, if you aren't seeing any lose by 25 you're probably in the clear

>> No.15892888

Does minoxidil work for crown balding? Does it have side effects like Fin? And when is it too late to start treatment
I started balding one year ago

>> No.15892904

>hairline receded + crown thin
>dad isnt bald, brother who is 6 years older isnt bald

>> No.15893014

>Does minoxidil work for crown balding


>Does it have side effects like Fin?

yes it has sides but not similar

>when is it too late to start treatment
get on fin first and wait 7 months and than go on min

>> No.15893201

Update: took two doses of fin and already having trouble getting an erections, having a weird ball ache and like no libido. Think I'm gonna just buzz it and move on.

>> No.15893242

I don't really know what the big deal is when short on the sides/long on top is in. You could be sporting an undercut and until you let it grow, nobody will notice. Just make sure to keep the sides tight, or it will start to be noticeable again.

>> No.15893249
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He's not wrong, but getting to be bald is a journey. If you look like pic related, you gotta shave. I do agree that once it's naturally skin-smooth up top, you might as well just let the sides and back do their thing if they look reasonably thick.

>> No.15893251
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fuck wrong photo lol

>> No.15893435

I take a small 1mg pill everyday when I wake up and that's pretty much it.
Had experimented with minoxidil a year prior but caused scap irritation and left my hair looking greasy and weird.
My advice is to find a cheap online prescription, mine is very affordable at £60 every 6 month supply. Stopping smoking as much and improving my diet have no doubt helped my hair health too.

>> No.15893443

>>15891554 You can clearly see my hairline filling in from what was once a thinning widow's peak.Me btw. >>15887696

>> No.15893684
File: 81 KB, 551x800, Karl_XII_1706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a new phenomenon. People are not going bald younger or with greater frequency than they did centuries ago. It's just that this is /fa/, where everyone is hyper focused on balding for some reason.

>> No.15893734

What about your maternal grandfather? I heard you inherit the gene from your moms side

>> No.15893811
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I seriously hope you fags don't do this

>> No.15893813
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posted this in another thread the other day

>> No.15893817

i get ragged on hard at work for eating too much onions and vegetables and will get man boobs, so far so good, but the added benefit is i have long luscious locks and a full beard whereas my carnist coworkers are prematurely balding and have small testicles LOL

>> No.15893939

this one looks pretty alright but most look horrible

>> No.15893997
File: 118 KB, 856x483, before-and-after-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine getting asked "bro did you get tattoo hair?"

>> No.15894004

that looks great

>> No.15894014
File: 83 KB, 600x800, SMP-Correction-after-right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like shit under direct light when your scalp is super shinny

>> No.15894072

Honestly, it doesn't look that bad. At least in those professional photos. Micropigmentation is only good if you're very dark skinned, balding but have thick hair to cover it up gaps, or are planning to keep it buzzed forever.

The problem is when you decide to grow your hair out and your scalp looks like you have a bunch of tiny purple mites and it attracts more attention because people feel something is off.

>> No.15894219

Ok, I'll take the bait. How do you know the size of your coworkers' testicles?

>> No.15896050

We’re good friends.

>> No.15896055
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>> No.15896091

> I read that the old germanic tribes insisted that you stay a virgin until you were 20 years old, in order to retain your youthful vitality and strength.

Are there any books or articles on this.

>> No.15896094

You have a very soft baby face.

>> No.15896114

I read something similar to this
It said that as a Saxon, losing your virginity before 21 was a great shame
Too lazy to find a source

>> No.15896282

I'm on finasteride. Didn't regrow hair, but I'm also on month four. Not advancement in balding. It held the line, yes, but realistically you shouldn't expect your highschool hair to come back. Half of all guys who do it get some regrowth.

>> No.15896291

Looks great to me
looks like absolute dogshit

>> No.15897689

Any sides?

>> No.15897759

If you want genuine hair advice /fa/ is no longer the place. Go search for old lookism / lookmaxing threads on the forums.
I can give you the most basic routine tho.

1.finasteride, without it you ain't stopping shit
1a."fina fucks me up" if thats the case, try it topically, if that does not work for you either, dutasteride, if that does not
work for you either and you are still desperate go for ru58841.
2.minoxidil will help you in regrowing shit, it is also required.
3.dermarolling (but don't buy a dermaroller it has a potential to actually make it worse, buy a dermapen), helps in regrowing hair, there are no side effects are there is no excuse for not using it.
4.castor oil, applied both topically, but more importantly orally, 2mg a day is the starting dose 5mg a day is the dose you want to achive, you have to ramp it up as it will make you have the shits, and yes it tastes badly and it feels weird when it goes down your throat.

Those are the 4 things that WORK, no unproven stuff that might work on humans but as of now we only know it actually works on rats etc. It is arguable if supplements work, but if you get pure ones they defintly won't hurt you, and improving your diet is something you should do anyway. As for what I recommend:
1. zinc 30 mg a day
2. vit d 8000k IU a day
3. choline 1g a day
4. vit a 6000 U a day
5. vit e 1500 IU a day
6. vit k 100-200 mcg a day
7. as for B vitamins I don't really remember the doses n shit, but I know it's usually better to get them seperate.

>> No.15897787

Great info post, anon. Will likely start taking the supplements you listed.
For the record, I am the anon >>15887696 that responded well to just fin alone and experienced thickening of the hair and some temple regrowth.

>> No.15899068
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Hairlet here receding fast. What hair I have is long but at 33 years old is this boomer balding cope? Can I still do this or is it time to shave? Be cruel to be kind.

>> No.15899410

nah looks alright you can still style it but get on find

>> No.15899497
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Seriously though, why don't copefags just kill themselves? I'm not trying to be glib or anything since that is the logical conclusion of their life philosophy. Yes we all understand that there exists a perfect k and that any deviation from that will make you slightly lesser than what you could have been, so technically feeling in any way good about yourself despite deviating from the k is "delusional coping".

If attempts at living a happy life despite your shortcoming is wrong, it follows that you should kill yourself . It's just intellectual honesty. And the fact that you haven't killed yourself is in itself just a cope. Your way of coping is just the least useful to anyone.

>> No.15899944
File: 137 KB, 792x960, B6A30227-5553-4130-B6F3-C7DFA1D33944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hairlets seething at the word “cope”

>> No.15900058

A receding hairline is nothing compared to fucking George Costanza balding where the crown just goes thin and you have a fucking island of regular hair in front and good looking back and sides. This shit makes me want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.15900146

Your a Kid,
Don't stress

>> No.15901038

yes it will.

I am legit astonished at how soi this board got, accepting baldness is not coping, it's defeatism and lying to yourself, coping is getting on the BIG 3 of hair farmacology products and actually saving / regaining ground

>> No.15901057


>> No.15901065

Not sure how old you are, OP, but I'll just share that I started freaking out about my receding hairline when I was like 20, and now I'm 24 and it hasn't actually receded any more. A mildly receding hairline like yours is pretty much normal and probably not worth worrying about. Look around, a lot of good looking guys have receding hairlines.

>> No.15901146

yes but neither op, or you are good looking.
And the picrel is not mildy receeded it's norwood 2 knocking on the door of norwood 3, also if you knew anything about the biological mechanisms of balding you would know that this is not a process that ever stops unless you use farmacology. Stop giving shit advice, your hairline is terrible and not actively pursuing better one will fuck you over, it's never too late, and it's never too early.