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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 210 KB, 1000x750, 1608436759124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15850356 No.15850356 [Reply] [Original]

What's some tomboy fashion?

>> No.15850368

I need her to straddle me and beat my face to a pulp.

>> No.15850576

I want to beat this attention slut to death

>> No.15850592

I wanna make an honest woman outta her

>> No.15850595

Just googled tomboy style looking for an old site I use to browse about a decade ago and followed a link to an ig. Degenerates.

>> No.15850958
File: 83 KB, 920x1080, 16049455123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being attractive is tomboy fashion

>> No.15851189

tomboys don't exist abynorr theyre all compelled to become troons

>> No.15851203

Short hair looks like shit on 3dpd

>> No.15851216

Cow piercing is not part of it.

>> No.15851224

We don't call transexual men: tomboys anymore, dear.
Please don't use it ever again. It's offensive.

>> No.15852524

she's so hot

>> No.15852808
File: 114 KB, 1080x1268, 1537941456179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're not serious but people who genuinely believe this should be rounded up and shot. LET TOMBOYS BE GIRLS AND TWINKS BE BOYS. Not everyone has fucking gender dysphoria, holy shit.

>> No.15853152


>> No.15853155

it's the enbies that are encroaching on tomboy turf

>> No.15853157

>enbies is longer than nbs

what was the fucking point

>> No.15853164

this fuck the globo homo traansgender agenda

>> No.15853191
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I'm just saying projecting gender identity issues onto other people is a fucked up thing to do.
Globohomo and trans rights in general are quite based, and I might even go so far as to say redpilled as well.

>> No.15853236

upvote for kittens, she's my wife and she rly cute

>> No.15853834

Cringe, there are a million things on this planet that are worth supporting. A mental illness that gives life the same value as a coin flip is not one of those.
You have to accept that people who are mentally ill don't know what they want, expecially when we're talking sex or genders.

>> No.15853838

I feel like I'll never meet a cute tomboy with who I can switch roles around in bed. This is part of what keeps me from attaining true happiness

>> No.15853839

What's the harm in people transitioning if it makes them happier?

>> No.15853840
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>> No.15853846

>Globohomo and trans rights in general are quite based, and I might even go so far as to say redpilled as well.

No, class warfare and and advancing the interests of the global working class is based, not woke identity politics bullshit. Nearly every leftist movement before 1970 was socially conservative.

>> No.15853850

what if, after transitioning, they realize that it doesn't?

>> No.15853853

If that's the case they should have thought about it more before deciding to transition

>> No.15853858

a lot of people don't. personally, i feel people place too much importance in gender as the crux of their identity.

>> No.15853876

>i feel people place too much importance in gender as the crux of their identity.

They do that cos they are boring cunts with no personality or individuality, that and mental illness.

>> No.15853900

Maybe the people who want to cut off parts of their body aren't the best people to decide what is actually in their best interests. It's almost like they need help and not people cheering them on.

>> No.15853907


>> No.15853917
File: 1.84 MB, 1080x1080, IMG_20190523_1710176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls that look sort of like boys


>> No.15853924

deez nuts on their chin

>> No.15853965

Recently discovered this person does cosplay now

>> No.15853980

You're retarded if you think being uncomfortable with your gender identity is equivalent to a completely debilitating mental disorder with which a person can't make their own decisions
Being trans is a bit more nuanced than "cutting off parts of their body"

>> No.15854039


>> No.15854121

Tomboys are the ultimate straight mans choice

>> No.15854124

Their intsa is @voca_cosplay

>> No.15854132


>> No.15854135

Idk what gender they are

>> No.15854136

>claims to be a tomboy
>is actually just a boy

Is this a high IQ play?

>> No.15854139
File: 616 KB, 1066x1600, 1609642468069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about social constructs like "gender"

Both so-called "genders" have holes, anon. That's all that matters.

If it's cute, fuck it. That's the /fa/ motto.

>> No.15854143

That’s a man.

>> No.15854148

I have seen her vagina.

>> No.15854155

I've seen his penis.

>> No.15854156

It's been so much time, how old is she now?

>> No.15854216

I'm positive she only fucks Chads.

>> No.15854222

Just write "the insta is ..." instead of this bullshit

>> No.15854226

>/fa/gs are so fragile the CANNOT accept they may find a guy cute.

Cringe dude just stop caring.

>> No.15854230

You completely missed my point

>> No.15854235

Why? They/them/their etc has been used to describe people of unspecified gender for centuries

>> No.15854246

Where did they claim to be a tomboy?

>> No.15854292

I'm positive she only Chucks Sneeds

>> No.15854296

Doesn't mean it still isn't fucking stupid, speak English daft cunt. If a male is born a male they will always be a male, same for women. This liberal trannie shit is infuriating and i'm not even right wing.

>> No.15854361
File: 68 KB, 850x598, Statistics from the Trans PULSE Project to Inform Human Rights Policy fig2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to accept that people who are mentally ill don't know what they want, expecially when we're talking sex or genders.
I get some people transition because they self-diagnose, or are convinced to transition by some discord degenerates or whatever. Obviously shit like that can ruin lives. But there's no reason to think people like that make up a substantial proportion of transgender people in the real world.
The high suicide figures come from social ostracization, not regret. Trans people who have strong familial support have rates of attempted suicide of only 4%. Even if you could somehow assume every single one of those people attempted suicide because they regretted their transition, it's still a small proportion. Realistically those people would make up a small percentage of that 4%, if you consider every other reason a trans person might want to kill themselves.

For people suffering from actual gender dysphoria, allowing them to transition and supporting them through it is the only real way to treat them. Gender transitions, like other tools, are very helpful in situations when they're needed, but will also be used by a few misguided people to hurt themselves. We can minimize the harm of that tool without taking it away from people who really need it.

No one is going to read your long boring-ass books, Karl.

>> No.15854375

>No one is going to read your long boring-ass books, Karl.

Enjoy the firing line if an actual working class socialist revolution happens, bourgeois degenerate. You are the enemy.

>> No.15854402

What the fuck are you talking about, it's grammatically correct English regardless of "liberal trannie shit". Fucking retard.

>> No.15854412

Appeal to tradition is an argument in which a thesis is deemed correct on the basis that it is correlated with some past or present tradition.

>> No.15854427
File: 163 KB, 806x817, 1609842765057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemically castrating a delusional person and mutilating their genitals is harm. Nobody needs it and anyone who helps them get it should simply be executed, that's the level of inhumanity involved. Your children will change their name to avoid being associated with you in the future because of your support for that psycho cult.

you will be the first one they shoot, just like every other time, useful idiot bootlicker.

>> No.15854429

You will never be an actual woman, the mass majority of people think you are deviants, most people will not call you by your BS pronouns. No one would give a shit if you didn't act like professional victims and forced people to think your deranged ideology was normal. Fuck off.

>> No.15854434

Except the English language and grammar isn't a tradition, it's something that is either correct or incorrect.
First of all, I'm not even trans. Second of all, people were saying the same think about gay people 50 years ago and look where we are now.

>> No.15854444

its a sign that our >society is dysfunctional and sick, or have you never stopped to ask what are the consequences of mental illnesses on a mass scale? trans people themselves are extremely visbile victims of neoliberal capitalism(or whatever buzzword term u wanna call it) and every institution in the west are trying to convince you its healthy and normal :) nothing to see here guys :)

>> No.15854449

>the English language and grammar isn't a tradition, it's something that is either correct or incorrect.

What grade-school teacher taught you that shit? Bait. Language has no degree of correctness.

>> No.15854451

>you will be the first one they shoot, just like every other time, useful idiot bootlicker.

Nope, most communistic societies what existed in the past were quite socially(not economically) conservative, you don't have to have socially liberal views to be left wing. That's why mainstream left wing parties adopt lgbtq woke shit they lose support among the working class, because the mass majority of working class people don't like it.

>> No.15854463
File: 89 KB, 1080x1052, CAB46D06-F868-4611-80B5-495679FCC2EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the English language and grammar isn't a tradition, it's something that is either correct or incorrect.


Language is prescriptive and descriptive. Language is not static.

>> No.15854467

>Language has no degree of correctness

So spelling and grammar can't be incorrect? Retards.

>> No.15854471

language has rules dumbass, whether theyre dynamic or static is another thing all together

this is very true but, the left at this point in time are just bratty liberals they do not care for the working class and has abandoned them because their leaders realized woke shit leads to a pay cheque

>> No.15854476

>people were saying the same think about gay people 50 years ago and look where we are now.

Gays are more tolerated cos they don't try and shove it down peoples throught(lol) from my experience, but don't think they are completely accepted cos there not, and atleast gays have somewhat natural desires which come to them, trannies want you to think a bloke in a dress is actual woman.

>> No.15854479
File: 54 KB, 500x616, CD9D4326-1681-473F-A94A-23ADA66F6276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English [is] something that is either correct or incorrect.

>> No.15854485

>this is very true but, the left at this point in time are just bratty liberals they do not care for the working class and has abandoned them because their leaders realized woke shit leads to a pay cheque

There is no actual ''left'' wing anymore, just differing shades of liberalism.

>> No.15854490

See >>15854467

>> No.15854492

sure you're splitting hairs but we agree

>> No.15854496

no theyre tolerated because capital can benefit more from them being tolerated than oppressed, gays are still the insufferable pedophiles theyve always been

>> No.15854498

Thanks for giving me a prime example of how the English language can be used incorrectly.

*throats *they're *at least *is 'an' actual

>> No.15854503

>Thanks for giving me a prime example of how the English language can be used incorrectly.
>*throats *they're *at least *is 'an' actual

Oh jog on you boring twat, go and fuck ya mate in the dress with the big manly arms.

>> No.15854507


Missed one *people's

Also gay people are accepted by most reasonable and educated people (not applicable to you judging by your poor usage of the English language) because over time they realised that they don't actually harm anyone by existing, and soon enough it will be the same for trans people, so get used to seeing men in dresses!

>> No.15854515

yeah uh thats not why gays are accepted by elites lmao

>> No.15854522

I didn't say elites, retard.

>> No.15854532

>and soon enough it will be the same for trans people, so get used to seeing men in dresses!

Keep telling yourself that, gays in general can blend in unless they are camp as fuck, a manly bloke in a skirt will never blend in to an ordinary working class community, and even when they get that treatment you can still tell they are men alot of the time.

>> No.15854590

I've been saying this and being slammed by other people on the left for it. I hate it here.

>> No.15854631

>tomboy fashion

It's called HRT these days, bigot.

>> No.15854659

>elites accepting things doesn't lead to plebs accepting them

wew lad

>> No.15854681

What the fuck are you on about, I never said or implied that?

>> No.15854710

>being slammed by other people on the left for it

Cos there not left wing, Anyone on the ''left'' who diverts away from class struggle and obsesses about identity politics like trans rights is a fool at best or a asset/controlled opposition for the bourgeoisie at worst. The most important thing above all others for any true leftist is the elimination of class society, anything else is a dangerous distraction.

>> No.15854735

>has a hissy fit over the use of the word elites
>b-but i didnt say that!!!!

go suck of your pedophile fags friends retard, heard the aids drugs are good these days only your brain rots in your head instead of you dying :)

>> No.15854749

That's kittens. Not a guy, she got lots of noods out there. She was queen of /b/ about a decade ago.

>> No.15854772

Why did this thread turn into a debate about trans people? Just post cute tomboys instead

>> No.15854778

in the same circles nb = non-black so they had to use something else

>> No.15854785


>> No.15854846

>In a world where Native Americans and Africans were exterminated like roaches over land
>various slave groups all throughout history treated worse then cattle
>Many, many many warcrimes committed to a losing countries civilian population
>Literal concentration camps for Uyghurs muslims in china as we post
>All had lower suicide rates then some fucking retarded taking hormones in first world countries
First off, we need more then 5 years of data to support your claim that its simply "social ostracization" that leads them to kill themself. Second, its makes absolutely no sense for people that have endured FAR FAR worse to have less of a suicide rate then some group of fucking retarded teenagers buying second hand hormone blockers on the internet. Its mental illness, pure and simple.

>> No.15854929

Are you actually retarded I never said anything about elites, other than responses to you saying that I didn't say elites lmao

>> No.15855103

It's WEIRD my nigga, that shits disgusting. I don't like homosexuals but I would rather live in a neighborhood with 20 gay people than 1 transgender.

>> No.15855139


go suck your boyfriends cock arachni, we all know you lost your virginity to a tranny

>> No.15855149

lads back in 2014 i fucked a chick with a similar body to kittens, pixie cut, breeding hips and a hairy pussy she eventually blocked me on social media but she was a good lay dam

>> No.15855153

nice blog. why'd she block you

>> No.15855155

>if it makes them happier?
it won't, by the time they're 40 they will realize they look like a man with a wig, they will realize they have no place in society as everyone mocks them, and finally they will kill themselves.
all they're doing is hurting themselves by not accepting reality for what it is.

>> No.15855562

no problem man, she threw a hissy fit over some inconsequential comment i made on facebook post of hers. think she was just looking to fight with me or something. live and learn, have to treat women with kiddie gloves

>> No.15856985

wait... that not a girl?

>> No.15856992

you had a fuck off her nothing else matters, move on women are disposable

>> No.15857016


>> No.15858117

Telling other people how to live their lives is not a positive thing. You're not saving anyone

>> No.15858119
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>blah blah transgender blah blah gender identity

cringe, post tomboys

>> No.15858124
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>> No.15858128

its ok mate been dating my current girl for 3 years now, just the uh resemblance is pretty uncanny between that girl and kittens, must be some kind of phenotype

>> No.15858131

powerful external forces have already cost those people their lives via alienation and atomization they are husks not fully human, not fully alive. that other anon still thinks he can save them, its futile you can't save anyone except yourself

>> No.15858140

>Class warfare
What does that even mean?

>> No.15858158

read marx

>> No.15858161

Give me the tldr.

>> No.15858187

eat the rich except unironically

>> No.15858237

Sounds retarded. Instead put more international regulations to stop predatory business behaviours.

>> No.15858289
File: 67 KB, 702x562, 1597626011018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I find girls like this

>> No.15858626

just because the standard established for a given language is relative to the social context in which said language exists doesn't mean that standards are illegitimate.

something being "socially constructed" doesn't make it arbitrary or meaningless. it's imporant to a people to have a prestige dialect of their own language, and perfectly natural for them to perceive divergences from that as "corruptions".

>> No.15858877

Tomboys look more like they’re lesbians

>> No.15858942

fazerdaze's style

>> No.15859105

"social constructs", you're gay, just get over it and stop making shit copes

>> No.15859191

yeah thats a part of it too

yeah bro social constructs like age of consent too :)
why are sexual deviants always pedophiles

>> No.15859275

losing the nosering would be a start
real tomboys dont have tats or piercings. thats too punk. tomboys are sporty, not edgy.

>> No.15859284

not on here

>> No.15859344

she was literally a /soc/ poster for years lmao

>> No.15859620

Wish i could get a tomboy gf, where do you find them irl?

>> No.15859750

they've been genocided bro, they're all troons now instead

>> No.15859760
File: 456 KB, 1066x1600, FD1C7D3E-6FB8-4277-90AC-67258C42B755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, if you wouldn't let this girl (male) suck your dick you're the one who's gay and coping.

>> No.15859764

Is this how fags cope these days?

>> No.15859905

she's biologically female, well known in cosplay circles as anzujaamu.
you will never be a woman and troons will never look this cute

>> No.15859987

If it makes them happier why do half of them kill themselves after trooning out?

>> No.15860438


>> No.15860502
File: 87 KB, 478x736, EB3C5D73-814F-4725-92CD-2D2E3B16CD4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tomboy inside you

>> No.15860693
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Too much wank in this thread. Also too bad girls like this are a fantasy.

>> No.15860702

desu she's like every korean but cut her hair short

>> No.15860752
File: 271 KB, 2042x1361, Melissa-Faliveno_2019_Maggie-Walsh-2042x1361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As Michelle Ann Abate writes in Tomboys: A Literary and Cultural History, when slavery was abolished in the United Kingdom, upper- and middle-class white families grew concerned that the white race would become the minority. The patriarchy encouraged girls to run and play and live more like boys, to eat a healthy diet, to exercise. Ultimately, to move away from the Victorian ideal of the “fair lady”— the frail, thin, pale, and inactive girl—and toward a robust, active one was a way to ensure that girls would be healthy enough to procreate, thus keeping the kingdom’s white-majority status strong. This, too, was true in the antebellum United States: Combined with declining birth rates among upper- and middle-class whites and the decreasing vitality of the children they did produce, the abolition of slavery and an influx of immigrants led many white people to fear that a potential “race suicide” would soon be underway, and they would become the minority in the United States. Tomboyism among white American girls offered a solution. It was specifically encouraged so that girls would become vital, healthy, childbearing adults—so that, ultimately, they would become mothers. And what began as a word to deride those who bucked traditional expectations of femininity became, in essence, a way to perpetuate it.

>> No.15860753
File: 48 KB, 418x594, Aliens+Resurrection+Premiere+cvSY9XX20mGl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomboy has, of course, adopted a less racist, less heteronormative and more inclusive meaning since then. It is typically used to describe girls who act or dress in a masculine fashion and is often associated with early identity development among queer women. Androgynous clothing companies claim the word as a banner of pride, and queer communities have embraced it as a word to describe not just an appearance but an identity. Some research suggests a correlation between girls who identify as tomboys and those who grow up to identify as queer, trans or non-binary. Not every tomboy grows up to be queer, of course, but a lot of us do.

>> No.15860759

tomboys are cute, this.... thing..... is disgusting

>> No.15860764

>Ultimately, to move away from the Victorian ideal of the “fair lady”— the frail, thin, pale, and inactive girl—and toward a robust, active one was a way to ensure that girls would be healthy enough to procreate, thus keeping the kingdom’s white-majority status strong.
I guess this explains why tomboys don't exist today in the West anyway. Women are weak these days.

>> No.15860899

>this is what a 19yo German male looks like
How can f*males even compete???

>> No.15860920
File: 282 KB, 675x900, 1492457962088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why i hate /fa/ so much

most of you are ugly as sin, dumb as fuck, doomers and buy edgy cringy overpriced bullshit with your neet money
oh and you niggers dont know that in a fashion thread you should post pictures of said fashion, instead you niggers spam it with discussions about trannies

anyway here you go op

>> No.15860923
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tomboys wear what ever the fuck they want, thats the appeal of tomboys

>> No.15860925
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>> No.15860927
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>> No.15860930
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>> No.15861107

Why are trannies always trying to recruit people?

>> No.15861314 [DELETED] 


No, No, No!!

tomboy is more than a haircut or even a social philosophy. Its the embodiment of an active, physical human being with all of the affectations of both genders folded into the look with neither being dominant.

>> No.15861341

A "tomboy" isn't the same thing as mere androgyny.

>> No.15861355
File: 9 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, this is Maisie. I stopped by the thread to check out some tomboys but all I saw was a bunch of shit, so I'm going to leave but I will come back later to see if anything changes

>> No.15861358


The tomboy tempers the feminine with a masculine, the net effect is neutrality, not one or the other. If a woman is very feminine, then the masculinity of the outfit must be stronger. If she accessorizes with feminine affectations, then she has to balance it with masculine notes.

Otherwise one or the other dominates, it falls out of balance and becomes campy

>> No.15861365
File: 216 KB, 1171x1260, EPnCoGuWoAM0-_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15861368

numbers strengthen their movement
laughably, they try to prove they aren’t mentally ill by targeting the vulnerable mentally ill

>> No.15861400

the global working class includes 99% of trannies. when identity politics bullshit is used as a distraction from class divisions it sucks but any truly unified working class movement has to fight for the rights of even (and dare i say ESPECIALLY) the most marginalized working people

>> No.15861454
File: 383 KB, 1080x1063, 20200910_005558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know /pol/ shitters eventually kill themselves but my god i wish they would kill themselves as soon as possible. This website would be so enjoyable

>> No.15861461
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>> No.15861466
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>> No.15861468
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>> No.15861470

this is not a tomboy you dumb virgin

>> No.15861472
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>> No.15861477
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>> No.15861480
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>> No.15861532

If tomboy was easy then a lot of these examples might work.

But its not, and these are all examples of the fact that its a much harder mark to strike that anyone will admit.

>> No.15861704

Because most tomboys aren't doing to appeal to cishet men. It's just what they do, and only a small sliver actually falls into a category you find attractive, retard.

>> No.15861715

What the fuck is a fishnet man

>> No.15862039


>> No.15862041
File: 384 KB, 496x278, Tomboy getting fucked up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15862046
File: 58 KB, 780x562, Tomboy boyfriend with tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a pixie cut chad I approve
quads of truth

>> No.15862985

Shut up bitch

>> No.15863025

>41 percent

>> No.15863106

b o o b a

>> No.15863311

>every korean is toned and has abs

>> No.15863329
File: 107 KB, 650x763, 1561490306257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super simple clothes on girls are the cutest. Give me a tank top, shorts and flip flops any day.

>> No.15863416

The duality of man

>> No.15864850

They are such an insignificant minority that it pointless even appealing to them, whether you like it or not any socialist working class movement would need to appeal to the majority of working class people, preaching trans rights does not do that, it drives people away as most working class people are socially conservative.