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File: 3.94 MB, 5312x2988, treet kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15844044 No.15844044 [Reply] [Original]

Had a really nice shave today and it cost me pennies.
The razor in this pic cost me six bucks on amazon
The soap goes for less than 1.50 per puck and last for 6 months probably.
The blades came from a sample pack and 1 blade is probably 6 cents or so and lasts me up to 3 shaves usually.
First time with this treet king and it seemed very sharp and smooth.
Stop giving money to companies that think you are an asshole

>> No.15844074

but wut if i like gillette products?

>> No.15844101

what kind of soiboy gets this offended at some dumbass commercial

>> No.15844112
File: 98 KB, 1600x1710, straight razor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I take the straight razor pill

>> No.15844121

What kind of a soiboi does not try to fight third wave feminism when he gets a chance?
There is a war on Sieg, and we are losing

>> No.15844141


And who is we?

>> No.15844145

White civilization

>> No.15844150

their vintage safety razors are better than the new ones though. other than blades name one gilette product worth buying if you're over the age of 15 and learned how to wet shave.

>> No.15844153

im not white

>> No.15844155 [DELETED] 

Yet here you are using white technology and living a white country with freedoms paid for with white lives. Fuck you kike.

>> No.15844331

how tf do you get rid of beard shadow? my skin feels smooth but I can still see it in the mirror

>> No.15844594

Shave against the grain

>> No.15844598

japanese owned website, so thank us

>> No.15844600

Shaving is onions, real men let their beard grow

>> No.15844657

Who created the internet

>> No.15844694

Get one of these for your gf too. Or your mom. Women think they're weird but they work so much better than the razors marketed to women, it's insane.

>> No.15844718

I've yet to find a DE blade that doesn't give me insane razor burn and pull hairs. I've tried 3 different handles and probably 15 different blades., soaps, oils, the whole shebang.

Meanwhile I can use the same mach 3 I've used forever and it works perfectly. If you can give me a foolproof setup that will work 100% of the time I'm down, but I'm tired of wasting money on this shit if it's inferior every single time.

>> No.15844722

cartridge literally pulls hairs, that's why there's so many blades on them.
how are you holding the DE blades? they should be angled such that you feel the blade cutting rather than pulling.

>> No.15844724

That's why I recommend the open comb style for beginners. Very easy to see if your angle is too steep

>> No.15844731

I'm holding it correctly. The issue is mainly my neck as there are patches where the hair grows in basically every direction.

>> No.15844738

You'll never be effay gook

>> No.15844762


>> No.15844771

Same. I burn up my neck every time. But this happens regardless of that razor I use.

>> No.15844775

it's not nearly as bad with a multiblade. I know people meme about them pulling the hairs but it gives me a much smoother shave on the neck with almost no irritation.

>> No.15844940

>know people meme about them pulling the hairs
That's literally what it is designed to do.

>> No.15844980

if they were then it would feel like pulling hairs, and given a first past with the grain it's pretty fucking obvious that they're cutting. So either the companies have purposefully designed their razors to not pull the hairs or your being a pedantic shit

>> No.15845056

If you are japanese and male then feminism has fucked you over pretty good too.
Maybe you have better access than your peers to asian women, but most dont date asian men anymore.
I have tons of asian friends that have not had a date in years.

>> No.15845059

>if it's inferior every single time.
Bad workman always blames his tools.

>> No.15845062

Bad merchant always blame his workmen.

>> No.15845129

Bought one of these to try it out. Can't index at all when shaving, dunno why they made it round.

>> No.15845137


>> No.15845142

>Bad workman always blames his tools.
That's a retarded statement

>> No.15845341

No, straight razors are for shaving other people. I wouldn't recommend you to cut your own hair using scissors and a mirror either, and that's just as difficult, though you probably won't cut your throat

>> No.15845347

t. self taught shaver

>> No.15845350

He means he's retarded and can't keep the blade straight.

>> No.15845356

Oh. I have a similar one and there are times when I had too shallow an angle from the round guard, but practice should help with that.

>> No.15845435

It's not the 1940's. We currently live in a faster paced service economy and we don't have time for that type of shit.

>> No.15845440

>you will eat ze bugs

>> No.15845448

>third wave feminism
rent free, feminism ended in the 2010s

>> No.15845453

>feminism ended in the 2010s
What the fuck. I don't even have a counterargument ready, how the fuck can you believe this.

>> No.15845586

Not really

>> No.15845589

>how the fuck can you believe this.
He doesnt
He just trolled you

>> No.15845609

Sieg is inbred, it deserves to lose, and die.

>> No.15845644

I exclusively date white women

And sport fucked mexican, black, and arab chicks

>> No.15845649

what kind of soiboy cuck just accepts taking up the ass from a woke megacorp?

fuck gillette

>> No.15845656

That is not the norm for asian men.
How tall are you?
What is your income?

>> No.15845877

You can shave in under five minutes with it and it gives you the best shave possible

>> No.15845879

T. Bad workman

>> No.15845894

>I exclusively date white women
You forgot to mention how fat and ugly they are

>> No.15845918

What happens if the tools are actually shit?

>> No.15846221

>my ancestors happen to be from the same general landmass as the ancestors of the person who invented the internet
>i have absolutely no personal accomplishments to be proud of, so naturally this is very important to me

>> No.15846225

5'7 ish depending on which doctor mrssures. Income Varies, 2019 was 72k

>> No.15846299

>i have absolutely no personal accomplishments to be proud of, so naturally this is very important to me
And yet it's empowering for every other race apart from Caucasians to celebrate the achievements of their ancestors.

>> No.15846450


>> No.15846470

What kind of basedboy cuck thinks he's fighting the system by boycotting a megacorp that won't notice or care?

>> No.15846490

32? i honestly forget my age often

>> No.15846502

Yup, the multiblade cartridges are a total meme.
Their schtick is to get a ’’close shave’’, meanwhile every blade pulls and cuts the hair so short, that after a swipe, the hair retracts under the skin, where it will play the ingrown hair lotto.

>> No.15846545

>boss gives you a couple car batteries and tell you to weld...
>WTF your welds look like shit?!
Its a shitty fucking saying to excuse using the wrong tools for the job, you would know this is you've ever had to work in you life. Like try cutting holes in a nema4 enclosure with a hole saw instead of a knockout kit and tell me it looks good.

>> No.15846578

>boycotting a megacorp that won't notice or care?
Oh they noticed anon, so did the entire ad industry
Mostly because they lost a ton of boomers but also numbers in all age ranges are down.
This is working

>> No.15846581

Not the same argument . I think you do not understand what metaphor means
Are you Karl Pilkington?
Have you heard the adage " A stitch in time , saves nine"?

>> No.15846614

Lol getting your panties in a twist over a metaphor

>> No.15846622

What three razors have you tried?
Perhaps you are trying the same geometry each time?
You have to put some thought into this , its not idiot proof

>> No.15846763

Not an argument.

>> No.15846826

It's a false equivalency, mong. You're claiming that you have the wrong tool for the job when a DE is probably the best there is.

>> No.15846831
File: 1.32 MB, 1512x2016, raz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the slant razor, hopefully demolishes a four month beard.

>> No.15846835

Not the op retard, just said the saying is bs.

>> No.15846850

Doesn't matter, point still stands. He can't use the tool properly and he's blaming it instead of himself aka bad workman.

>> No.15846875

Yet he can do the same job a-okay with a different tool. So...you could stop trying to force tools on him or give him actual advise like to get an adjustable SR.

>> No.15846882

Straight razors are alright.

>> No.15846898

>Yet he can do the same job a-okay with a different tool. So...you could stop trying to force tools on him
That's not the point, retard. I'm not forcing anything, he can shave with whatever he wants.

>> No.15846901

>he can do the same job a-okay with a different tool
He can do a mediocre job with a cartridge razor or he can learn to wield a more sophisticated tool that requires skill, and do an amazing job.

>> No.15846969

It is the point ya retard, he does the same task just fine with a different tool. He even says he is down to try if someone can recommend the goto setup, which you obviously can't.

>> No.15847003

No, retard, it's not hard to comprehend the metaphor. It's not about using a different tool. It's about using a DE razor incorrectly and blaming it instead of his technique.

>He even says he is down to try if someone can recommend the goto setup, which you obviously can't.

How is that my problem?

>> No.15847038

The technique is the same retard.

>> No.15847054

the problem with the cheap blade holders is that the blades are not very secure. I have one where the bottom screws and the top opens. but i need to tighten it every so often to make the blade stay snug.

Also i hate ingrown hairs :(

and small bumps and zits that get sliced off and never really heal because that spot keeps getting caught in the blades

>> No.15847083

If he's getting razor burn with a DE then it's not, retard.

>> No.15847178

no, its too impractical

>> No.15847367

The only thing the ad industry noticed is that "there is no such thing as bad publicity" and that getting billions of people posting about Brand XYZ at the same time gets more people to Google Brand XYZ

It worked for Keurig
It worked for Gillette
It worked for Nike
It worked for Marvel
It'll work for the next brand

Because you're just as much of a fucking moron as the people seal clapping "SEW BRAEV" at a megacorp that didn't lose jack shit from their commercial

>> No.15847370

>It worked for Gillette
This is false, they are losing millions

>> No.15847381

Not from the commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDvPVzPRiYA

Harrys, DollarDorcoRebrandClub, and the re-popularization of safety razors cut in to their market share.

This is why they've launched a "faux classic" "King C. Gillete" brand with cartridge razors that look like ripoffs of Harrys and new safety razor handles.

>> No.15847394


The switch to other, cheaper-yet-"classier" shaving brands/methods has been a decade-ish trend shift. Claiming one commercial caused a shift that started in 2010 is dumb AF, but expected from retards that don't actually understand dick about business shit.

>> No.15847405

Anon you need to find better sources.
In the business world that ad is a cautionary tale


This is what the reports look like every quarter

>> No.15847411

>Bloomberg Sep 21, 2016
>Ad in question came out in 2019

Who needs to find better sources?

Thanks for proving what I said in >>15847394
about it being a decade-long trend that had fuck-all to do with that commercial.

>> No.15847601

What is it that lathering up, and shaving with a DE that makes me feel like a man?

>> No.15847614

Gillette sales were already on a downward trajectory anyway gradually decreasing it’s market penetration due to low cost market entrants such as Harry’s and Dollar Shave.However, after screening of that ad, there was an unusual dip in sales. After the commencement of any kind of advertising campaign one should see some kind of positive sales trajectory. A flatline would be considered a failure, but a neg is considered a horror story, and there was a sharp neg and obvious consumer backlash.

>> No.15847619

[citation needed]

>> No.15848283

That ain't true though, I know people who shave themselves with a straight razor
True, I've decided that I am going for it
This is somewhat true but the truth is that nothing can give a cleaner, closer and better shave than a straight razor so it's worth it imo

>> No.15848293
File: 1.50 MB, 776x424, Jorge Masvidal Flying Knee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't waste money on razors or shaving cream at all.

>> No.15848296

What do you hope to accomplish with this? We shouldn't give money to people who hate us anyway, I'm not going to suddenly not cringe when I see Gillette just because the boycott failed.
And it didn't fail.

>> No.15848298

>won't buy from Gilette
>gives money to Amazon
garbage virtue signaller

>> No.15848299

humankind has literally never had more free time to sit around and take an hour to shave since quarantine, millions of dudes just got a huge time chunk back off their commute

>> No.15848394

Will you watch me shave off my four month beard with a DE? :/

>> No.15848449

Yes, live stream it

>> No.15848777
File: 87 KB, 880x494, be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming off like butter

>> No.15848989

It did fail, because the claim is "OUR BOYCOTT MADE GILLETTE GO BROKE!!11!!!" when Gillette was ALREADY BROKE by the time the ad you claim caused them to "go broke" was uploaded to YouTube.

The ads not working is also not a result of anything you whiny "LOOK MA! I TOSSED MY RAZOR IN THE TOILET!" dipshits did either.

Even people who liked the ad weren't going to forget their nigh-monopolistic BS and go back to them after switching to Harrys/DSC/DE/etc.

Also actually-woke people don't fall for obviously-pandering BS in the first place.

>> No.15849238


>> No.15849248

Handsome devil

>> No.15849610

>Denying what data actually says.

I know you whiny little betas desperately want your trash little cry-fest to have more of an effect than it did, but it didn't. The train was already on the downhill runaway 3+ years before the pandering ads came out.

Pretending you're accelerating a downfall that already hit terminal velocity by the time you tossed your fusion in the toilet is retarded at best and pathetic at worst.

>> No.15849680
File: 6 KB, 180x215, Data,_2395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be the most emotional about the subject anon

>> No.15850919

Favourite blade?

>> No.15851347

Mocking you idiots for pretending that your crybaby whinging had any real effect on Gillete's already-dwindling numbers isn't an emotional reaction, Ricky Retardo

>> No.15851391
File: 426 KB, 1200x1200, jesus-language-gettyimages-566423511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem pretty upset even now

>> No.15851453

r u old enough 2 post on this site?

>> No.15851479
File: 89 KB, 953x721, 533063-les-publicites-gillette-mettent-en-lumie-953x0-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck g*llette

>> No.15851485

>but the truth is that nothing can give a cleaner, closer and better shave than a straight razor so it's worth it imo
safety razor give you the best shave or at leat the same result but with way less effort. straith razor are a pain in the ass to use, more than sr.

>> No.15851507

Nice projection, Sigmund.

No. They're not even old enough to properly read the webpages they're citing to "prove me wrong"

>> No.15851842

>webpages they're citing to "prove me wrong"
This is not debate club lady

>> No.15851936
File: 1.03 MB, 1098x627, be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaved off a 4 month beard. Couldn't have done it with a cartridge.


>> No.15852239

Disappointed you didnt give us a toothbrush stache but looking sharp

>> No.15852311

Lol was going to but it doesn't really grow in the middle so you wouldn't see it

>> No.15852319

imagine simping for a corporation lol
ultimate soiboy

>> No.15852335

You're right, it's not up for debate.

Data says you're wrong. You don't get to debate data.

Crying about a commercial everyone not also virtue signalling else thought was pandering bullshit just made you look pathetic.

>> No.15853064

He mad

>> No.15853068

Says the person necroing a nearly-dead thread.

>> No.15853874

Kek, you done it too

>> No.15854015

How many passes do you normally do? Feels like I have to do 3 to feel clean shaven.

>> No.15854017

shut the fuck up I own Procter & Gamble stock

>> No.15854171

My skin gets super dry and literally looks like a lizard shedding its skin after shaving. What do I do? I put on moisturizer after shaving but still end up with some spots on my face that look like lizard skin after a while.

>> No.15854295

How often do you shave?

>> No.15854307

I have to shave every day for work.

>> No.15854487
File: 3.14 MB, 2558x1180, gillette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jumped on the safety razor bandwagon

wtf is all that shit cream and stuff, probably full of parabenes and other endocrine disruptors.

>> No.15854505

Gillette also makes blades, sometimes under the name astra

>> No.15855201

I brought that up >>15847381

They're desperate, which is why they've got all the pandering ads and the new line.

>> No.15855226

Unless you're going for the caveman look, you're gonna need razors and scissors to groom your beard

>> No.15855981

what if I buy gillette blades for my safety razor?

>> No.15856223
File: 606 KB, 1010x1180, 371859-original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to wait untill this can runs out anymore. Is there anything good out there that doesn't need a brush?

>> No.15856242

Anything in a spray can doesn't have enough fat to lubricate the blade.

>> No.15856252

While cans are shit, there are some shaving creams you can rub in on the face itself, basically lathering but no brush needed. Good brand would be hunter 1114. I use a small cup for a few months

>> No.15856258
File: 43 KB, 640x640, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Gilette is trying something
£5 for a pack of blades though.

>> No.15856281
File: 276 KB, 756x558, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has to be an inbetween right? Any non aerosol, fast creams to apply that are good? By good I mean better than the worst (prev pic related)

>> No.15856356

Just get an puch

>> No.15856360 [DELETED] 

Are they any good hand applied? It would be too retarded to work up a good lather because I don't have any growth on my cheeks or neck. I only need to shave a tiny area of my face.

>> No.15856372

Are they any good hand applied or scrubbed directly on to the face? It would be too retarded to work up a good lather because I don't have any growth on my cheeks or neck. I only need to shave a tiny area of my face.
You mean the Gold Reserve one? I'm guessing it's a soft cream inside the tub?

>> No.15856390
File: 102 KB, 674x869, 1477217662707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a small knot shaving brush that I use to lather my neck and my cheeks because I have a full beard.
I keep in the mug with my soap.
I wet the brush with hot water then whip up a small lather in the coffee cup using circular motions on the puck.
You dont need much
Then just paint the neck and checks and pop the brush back in the cup
No need to even rinse it.
You can get a brush for 7 dollars on amazon

>> No.15856392
File: 53 KB, 1500x1500, 332886-bic-2-sensitive-disposable-mens-razors-6pk-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me why I need anything else.

>> No.15856400
File: 112 KB, 600x844, 1458131895722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crappy shave.
constantly gets clogged if you have coarse beard hair
Plastic crap thats killing turtles
No style , adds zero enjoyment to your morning ablutions

>> No.15856414

Yea the gold reserve ones are nice. Soft cream you thats easily applied. No brush needed imo

>> No.15857935

I would actually like to do this if I had more than 3 square inches of area to shave on my face.
These are probably what I'm looking for.

>> No.15858576

Thats all i shave anon.
Just a bit of the neck then clean the edges.
Still worth it and cheaper to use a brush.
You dont waste anything

>> No.15858637
File: 69 KB, 591x841, 112926f29bcdd4ed732deb32d02ac9c4&quot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a bunch of cheap brushes sold locally. Might just take your technique and spoon out a chunk of soap and leave it in the bowl. Does the soap or brush ever get funky if you don't rinse it? It seems like a really economical solution if you never have to.

>> No.15858989

how am I supposed to shave then?
a sharp rock?

>> No.15859474

It's funny because when you look at that packaging and name brand you're supposed to assume it's the best, but these days from any big brand like that I assume it's worse quality an they're riding on name recognition.

>> No.15859659

>Does the soap or brush ever get funky if you don't rinse it?
Well I am using a soap puck so its not like the tubs full of softer soap that you scoop a bit out.
Second I live in the southwest where its pretty dry , nothing ever gets funky here like it does in the PNW
Third I am only adding very little water , I run the dry soap encrusted brush under the hot water for just a second and start lathering in the cup right away

>> No.15861083
File: 88 KB, 1154x422, iwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level.

>> No.15861703

You are a fool

>> No.15861738
File: 89 KB, 1500x1500, noxzema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15861777
File: 2.99 MB, 960x540, soy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a fool

>> No.15861785
File: 2.95 MB, 4032x2384, sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The loadout.

>> No.15861808

whatever pol is doing, it's cringe, that should be a rule of 4chan

>> No.15863358

that feather looks agressive

>> No.15863547

It’s actually really mild/smooth to compensate the sharpness of the blade

>> No.15865058

Third World Quality Elite.Net discord server is pedophile server

>> No.15865068
File: 186 KB, 1852x235, UglyGayPedoFaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third World Quality Elite.Net discord server is pedophile discord server

Third world quality plennuss is an argentinian junkie pedo faggot that doxxes underaged children online