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/fa/ - Fashion

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15831280 No.15831280 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any fashion related resolutions?

Mine are
>Get me some bathing apes
>Looser, hip hop inspired silhouettes
>Gain some weight
>Buy more vintage ralph and rrl

>> No.15831403

mines stop going on this shitty website

>> No.15831499

>mines stop going on this shitty website
This board is fucking hilarious though, it's like 50 "you laugh you lose" threads all at once.

>> No.15831552

>learn how to alter my own clothes
>develop a proper skincare/grooming routine
>get fit
>start an inspiration folder and collect images and magazines

>> No.15831579

See you on the 2nd king

>> No.15831586

>exercise more, when the gyms become open again
>grow my hair out as much as I can before summer, then probably buzz really short
>buy some cool sunglasses

>> No.15831608

Minimize everything.
I’m so tired of how much shit I have it’s weighing me down.
I’m not a textbook hoarder but I know I have too much and I’d rather have less.
(Mostly so when I buy stuff I don’t feel dumb)

>> No.15831631

>lose some weight
>curb my shoe addiction
>buy more Japanese clothes

>> No.15831657

Any examples?

>> No.15831791

Oh just some dumb stuff like PPFM, Hysteric Glamour, WTAPS, FPAR, and Naissance among others.

>> No.15831903
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You'll be back

>> No.15831918

I was going to write this earlier today, I have thrifted too wide of a spectrum of clothing the last 3 years that it’s taking up space in my airline baggage at this point. The “what if” keeps me from just getting rid of it. I only actually wear 3 or 4 different fits all year so a lot of this stuff is just things I wish I could wear from inspo’s and stuff.

>> No.15831956

Reminder that you're here forever

>> No.15832111

I don't really do resolutions just to do lists:


Research occulus vr systems and competitors.

Find best vr design software.

Setup aquascape again, try 3d printed seiryu stone to utilize as a marketing gimmick

>> No.15832130

>move into an actual PM role from jr PM
>make 100k-125k once this happens
>start saving to buy a condo or starter home
>make wardrobe more utilitarian, get several Veilance indisce suits for work and maybe some dress shirts
>pickup silversmithing or blacksmithing as a hobby
>get more tattoos
If covid is over, also do some traveling

>> No.15832161

>I'm smart because I have books

It's like you imagined what the life of a college kid was like and try to live it.

Btw almost nobody has printed text books, most libgen pdfs and host those pdf on one of several clouds for quick reference

>> No.15832164

Get laid

>> No.15832175

Lmao are you dumb or just fucking with me? I didn’t say anything about actual books

>> No.15832188
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We all knew Me!1n6WugqKa6 is a retard but holy shit you take the cake

>> No.15832199
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based resolutions.

mine are
>start taking care of my body again so I feel more confident
>organise my closet (since I haven't managed to find a system that allows me to keep it tidy and streamlined yet)
>Be more experimental with my fits
>Start documenting my fits so I can reference them when I don't know what to wear
>take the time to try out fit combinations in advance and not wait until the very last minute to get dressed for something only to lament that I don't have anything to wear :)))
>stop buying clothes and start making the most of the shit i already own

Posting an inspo pic i saved recently that I haven't been able to get out of my head since I saw it.
Related: if anyone knows w2c these pants in pic rel please tell me.

>> No.15832207

-Read more.
-Find 2-3 outfits that I can settle on and never have to think about for the rest of my life.

>> No.15832212
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>hysteric glamour
jumping on the bandwagon i see.

>> No.15832232

>buy only ONE sneaker a month
>stop buying overpriced "vintage" shirts
>lose weight
>find gf
>have sex