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15825130 No.15825130 [Reply] [Original]

is my hairline JUST-tier, or does it look normal? this website has influenced my perception on what hairlines are supposed to look like so much that i don’t know what to think of my hairline.

>> No.15825138

Not amazing, but if it’s not actively receiving you’re fine. I have a hairline that naturally moves upwards at my temples a bit too. Your hair is nice and looks healthy and full.

>> No.15825141


>> No.15825149

my hairline used to be better but i went through a manbun phase for 18 or so months a few years ago. i noticed some recession about a year ago. i’m guessing tying my hair back all the time caused the recession. don’t think it’s receded any more since then though. should i continue to keep an eye on my hairline or will it be okay?

>> No.15825168

It will probably be fine, just try to leave it down and take care of it (aka using products such as castor oil around the hairline and using sulfate free shampoo/conditioner)

>> No.15825191

It seems fine, I also have a weird-ass hairline that makes a fucking drift on one side so I always get paranoid about balding since im 19 and my dad supposedly started balding at the same age. Just take care of it by haircare and dieting. Maybe keep taking photos once a month to have a steady and accurate record of the hairline state if you have any doubts. If you actually start to recede and lose hair - I’d recommend going on with finasteride, it is always easier to maintain hair than regrow it and side effects are not common

>> No.15825196

Will finasteride give me ED? I don't want to disappoint my girlfriend or anything, that's the main thing stopping me from using fin.

>> No.15825198

yes bro

>> No.15825200

So I just gotta let my hairline recede? Fuck this shit

>> No.15825204

Got the same hairline as you op and I breakdown at times and just stare at it.

>> No.15825212

Go back to krakow

>> No.15825213

Can but the risk is pretty low. It hugely depends on a person using it

>> No.15825214

Derma roller and peppermint oil. Google it. The fin memes are real, seconding what that anon said.

>> No.15825215

peppermint oils just leads down an essential oils rabbit hole

>> No.15825238

>The fin memes are real
>yes bro
do any of you guys have legitimate studies to support this fearmongering ?
theres side effects in 0.2% of all cases, most of them are down to placebo and 99% are reversible
its the no1 prescribed medicine for hairloss for like 30 years
stop believing 4chan memes and go read a book for once

>> No.15825343



>> No.15825382

I'm 20 and have a similar hairline. But I have long thick hair. Should I still get grandpas shotgun and an hero ?

>> No.15825408

Do not listen to any of the memeing shitheads her or on /fit/. Especially ones that suggest peppermint or shaving it off.

Now watch these two videos and you'll be way better informed and more motivated to combat hair loss than any of the balding trannies here.

>> No.15825433


>> No.15825630

based on what?

>> No.15825636

kek why is it so high you’re receding badly bro

>> No.15825664

how old are you?

Big ouf

thats a man in his 30s hairline

>> No.15825716

white guy hairlines look shitty straight across. you look normal and your hair looks great, bro. don’t listen to these autists. i’d kill to have that hair.

>> No.15825734


>killing for shit receding white-man hairline genes

>> No.15825744


>> No.15825748
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>shit receding white-man hairline genes

>> No.15825779
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>white guy hairlines look shitty straight across

>> No.15825870

your hairline looks fine. Does your father have the same one? Both my dad and grandfather as well as me have this same hairline, have had it since I was a child.
It makes you worry you're balding, but it legit just stays like this, weirdly i've noticed with my father the balding is actually behind the fron patch slightly but not a lot, so you don't ever look like your hairline is receding and that's in late 60's so really you have nothing to worry about if it's the hairline itself

>> No.15825893
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based mannposter

>> No.15825894

receding hairline, get on something for it now before it gets past the point of no return

>> No.15827447


>> No.15827457

if you're 50 its good if you're 25 its going

>> No.15827475

it's banned in Europe :)

>> No.15827734

Finasteride isn't banned but you need prescription and not all countries have it listed for treatment of male pattern baldness.

>> No.15827954

So is freedom

>> No.15828879

It's not banned here in Belgium, not all doctors will prescribe it though.

>> No.15830209
File: 589 KB, 2048x2048, 916235B6-BC31-4789-B3D1-548588DF7314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Greg hairs starting to appear on the sides of my head. The crown looks like...that. Hair has stopped growing wayyy at the top of my neck. Hair seems to have stopped growing behind my ears. It’s causing my head to have a really weird shape from the side.

I feel fucked. This shit is literally all I can think about lately. Please confirm or deny if I’ll be bald within the next couple years so I can know if I should shoot myself

>> No.15830274

interesting, doesn't seem like a typical male-pattern-baldness balding pattern

>> No.15830284

nigga looks like homelander

>> No.15830290

he based as hell


>> No.15830292

Go to bed Mike

>> No.15830293

it's over
you should have started fin a decade ago

>> No.15830508

Probably not related at all, we all just grasp at copes for normal recession

>> No.15830619

Excesive hair pulling can lead to balding. Somewhat common among women to tie their hair too hard all the time.

>> No.15830655

he just keep talking about cosmetic treatments, that's not based, that's fucking gay.

>> No.15830661

A manbun for 18 months is not comparable to a 40 year old woman tying her hair atleast 4 times a week. You are grasping

>> No.15830708

Cosmetic is a hair tattoo or a hair system. Fin is not that.

>> No.15830717

How advocating for an hairloss medicament based?

>> No.15830731

Because fighting the natural flow of things, being in control of your body, fighting ageing and fighting looking like a rat is absolutely based and heroic. Not doing anything and balding away is cowardly, complicit and, ultimately, cringe.

>> No.15830748

I've had a man bun for about ten years now with no receding at all. For anyone who wants to try it out just make sure none of your hair is pulled tight. Those ones will never come back if you keep pulling on them or pull them out over and over.

Whatever you do don't be the moron who slicks it all to his head and pulls it into a very tight bun. It'll never be the same after that.

>> No.15830752

Baldness comes through the mother genes so check your mom's brothers. Don't worry about your dad

>> No.15830753


>> No.15830788

We are bald from the day we are born, any period of hair is borrowed time, stolen really

>> No.15830811
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Hope you are not a native english speaker

>> No.15830814

>doing stuff only for aesthetic purpose
You are tremendously autistic, you are not a hero and you are not superior, your genes are inferior and all you do is coping

>> No.15830816

Bullshit my uncle was bald at 21 i'm 32 and i'm not, stop spreading retarded bioscience. There is not a single balding gene, there are plenty of factors that lead to hair loss and comes from both sides of the family.

>> No.15830817


>> No.15830818

Holy coperoni that's an insane amount of cope

>> No.15830823

No nigga you get cialis or viagra too. Bonus points for the sick pump they give you in the gym. Might as well blast test while you're at it

>> No.15830825
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hair is just nature's "hat"
losing it was a way of gaining vitamin d from the increased skin exposed to sunlight for men in northern latitudes.
balding is aryan.

>> No.15830830

I'm 20 and had hairline almost like this (a bit lower) for at least 5 years now, maybe even more. It's just premature aging, hairline typical for a man of around 30 years of age and more. It will 90% stay that way, not ideal hairline but it's better than becoming completely bald.

>> No.15830841

So the reason my hairline is receding is that my norse ancestors wanted more sun?? And the fact that I never go outside myself doesn't help??

>> No.15830844

Same hairline since 5 years, now i'm 25 and nothing moved. Yeah maybe you will recede really badly in your 40s but who cares, at that time you should have wife and at least one child

>> No.15830845

Vitamin D deficit is aasociated with Hairloss but is not the main cause

>> No.15830847

>at that time you should have wife and at least one child

>> No.15830852


>> No.15830872

Yes. That's the theory anyway.
Not that your ancestors wanted more sun but that those without balding didn't reproduce as often, probably as a result of lower vitamin d levels.

>> No.15830881

whites make funny theories to cope with balding kek

>> No.15830917 [DELETED] 


>> No.15830977

Black men bald on a larger state than whites? How can you claim superiority?

>> No.15831436

seems ok. I have two picture of my granpa who had a similar hairline, it did't change until his death in his 60s.
On the other hand my maternal grandfather had a progressive recession that leaded to a mostly bald head in his 50s. I guess you can't know exactly how your hair will be.

>> No.15831440

>Black men bald on a larger state than whites?
Faggot uptalk

>How can you claim superiority?

>> No.15831448
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>How can you claim superiority?
Nobody’s claiming superiority, schizo.

>> No.15831659

How does it look like from the front?

>> No.15831677
File: 523 KB, 1283x1710, 20201231_172326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, wanna trade?

>> No.15831689

You have what spanish people call “Estradas”, those little sharp acute angle indicate you are already Norwood 2. That means very little on it’s own, it’s like saying a car is going 30MPH but not saying what the acceleration is — will it be going 30MPH in a few moments or is it about to hit 60MPH?

It does mean you have started losing hair, the car has started moving. But you could stay at NW2 forever, or suddenly and rapidly go to NW4 in a few years. This is impossible to tell from the picture. You should consider watching your hairline closely over time and if you notice it recede more, consider taking finasteride or other baldness-preventing medications.

Personally, I don’t think it’s necessary to worry yet. I certainly wouldn’t start finasteride yet. But take another picture like this every 6 months and when or if you see movement, then begin to worry.

>> No.15832796

I knew a girl when I was 18 who was very noticably balding in the front, as well as up the back of her neck from tying her hair up too much.

>> No.15832961

Fin is cheap as fuck when bought in 5mg. You can start popping it right when you turn 20 because once it recedes it's not going back in most cases. If I were a dictator I'd give it out to all men of my country. There's no reason to have a legion of bald men because that means less women will be attracted to them and willing to procreate. We can't lose them to foreigners just because the latter have follicles that are less sensitive to DHT.

>> No.15833068

Her whole life, not just 18 months I'd wager

>> No.15834789
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Why do white men go bald so easily.

>> No.15835000

middle easterners too. i think it's the genes that are involved with us being so hairy

>> No.15835018
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God needed to give these gigachads a nerf so they cannot absolutely dominate life in every way and reach his location at the edge of the universe
If you bald and are hairy, you created civilization

>> No.15835033

it literally isn't you imbecile. The heaviest balding men live in the hottest places on earth

>> No.15836312

Incredibly based
Fighting and taking control of nature to make beauty and order emerge is what we humans have done since the dawn of our species.
Nature is neither good nor evil, it just doesn't give a single shit about you. If it weren't for this will to fight and control reality, we would still be a bunch of apes in the jungle.

Fighting nature isn't cope, accepting the shit hand you were dealt without trying everything you can to make it better is the cope.

>> No.15836336

Maybe hair shredding.
I recently got that line too, like a week ago, with hairline receding.
Crazy how it looks like what I got.

With me, it's most certainly because I took Kratom. Take a look at telogen effluvium, diffuse hairloss causes and try to think of something you did recently that could have caused this.
It sure is scary, bu you know, diffuse hair loss is, from what I've came to understand in the research I've done, the most optimistic case of hairloss, because it's probably not genetic but linked to your environment and habits. Just try to fix the possible cause.

Personally it's been a week since I noticed the change, I'll take a picture of my hair in different positions every week, and see how it evolves.
If it becomes worse, I'll probably go see a doctor specialized in this and if it's natural balding, I'll take the proper measures to avoid it getting worse.

>> No.15836379

Cope genelet

>> No.15837080

Dont let this website fuck you up anon, your hairline is fine. Im 21 and my hairline is 10x worse.

>> No.15837088

Hairloss of the scalp is a genetic trait that was evolved so that more Vitamin D could be absorbed when exposed to the sun. This is why hair loss is much more prominent among peoples who's ancestors can be traced back to colder climates.

>> No.15837110

Not great, but your hairstyle is appropriate. Get on keeps and you'll be good

>> No.15837347

This mann saved my life, I felt so shit and was so scared of fin because of shitposts and other scaremongering shit. I'm 3 months on fin now after delaying it for a year and using peppermint oil and dermarolling. I have considerable regrowth on my scalp after 3 months. I hope I can get some more but honestly I'm happy now, knowing I'm not gonna lose more and no side effects at all.

>> No.15837353

If you have a small dick too, yes. If not, then life's probably not that bad for you.

>> No.15837358
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Fin made my dick harder and more sensitive but it depends on the person I guess.

>> No.15837375

I literally castrated myself with cyproterone and I can still get erections, I think men meme themselves into the ED with finasteride lmao

>> No.15838465
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I love peppermintoil. I put some in my shampoo and there's almost no hair shedding anymore.