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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 167 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15821266 No.15821266 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome back to The Gentleman's Gazette.

>> No.15821268

Something about Sven is just so off. But then I remember he's German and Germans aren't scratch people so it makes sense.

>> No.15821272
File: 3.09 MB, 386x364, lampard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's German

>> No.15821313

he smiles without moving his eyebrows up so it seems forced and fake

>> No.15821315
File: 718 KB, 1920x1080, Preston.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his endgame?

>> No.15821458

Literally don't know how I made that typo. I meant to say "real"

>> No.15821459

Sven is German. Who didn't already know this?

>> No.15821473

Today we will be showing you how to larp as a 1950s whitr middle class father while simultaneously being simps for communist street movements. Let's get started!

>> No.15821476

To find a compatible human soul to fill the flesh husk.

>> No.15821533

>while simultaneously being simps for communist street movements

>> No.15821545

sven is a BLM cuck

>> No.15821561

>Sven = BLM cuck
Explain more anon. Details.

>> No.15821569

He has openly voiced his support for BLM, which is a communist hate group. What's their to understand?

>> No.15821570

He is German AND mixed race. Double autism.

>> No.15821779

Some of the information he gives is decent. The biggest issue I have with TGG
he's pretty chub, when will he learn working out is modern couture? Also he smiles too much. It feels disingenuous. I'm not asking for edgelord photos but just take it easy buddy. Also, he has no idea on how to mix colours in an outfit and ends up looking like a rainbow. Other things too but I can't think of them right now

>> No.15821791

Go look at the videos he released when the George Floyd riots started. He's a massive cuck.

>> No.15821955

This dude looks like a creepy puppet

>> No.15822263
File: 134 KB, 757x644, burberry_scarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent $470 on a scarf because of him.

>> No.15822305

you could have put that into ounces of silver or a nice pair of boots but wasted it on this neck condom instead. you should feel intense shame and i hope you do.

>> No.15822406

Don't blame others for your own folly
but you could've done worse than that one

>> No.15822415

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.15822475

I bet you cum on it with your gay retard cum you fucking loser. Find something to spend money on that isn't a piece of itchy cloth

>> No.15822478
File: 62 KB, 174x290, EpiwLuIXcAIYnxB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the most retarded nigger-brain idiot there is. You could get a better looking scarf out of a fucking dumpster for free. You are the reason that people can make absurd amounts of money off of selling products that have no value whatsoever besides some kind of brand name tag. You make sure, everyday, that some fat ugly bastard CEO who dresses in a wife-beater and pajama pants and slays more pussy in a weekend then you will ever in your life, stays rich and happy while you stress and obsess over "fashion" to the point you waste hundreds of dollars on a fucking retarded ass monkey scarf that looks no better then a thrift store bargain bin fucking scarf. It is a SCARF. Nigger. Maybe if it was a scarf made from a fucking tiger or a lion it would be worth $470. You are so stupid I hope that you get raped by a pack of wild niggers.

>> No.15822480

you fucking dork how do even tell someone that were to hypothetically compliment your boring ass looking scarf, that you paid 500 dollars for it? You could get a better looking scarf at the thrift store.

>> No.15822854

Those scarves aren't even made by Burberry, they're made by Johnston's of elgin. Johnston's sells their scarves for like half that amount

>> No.15823023

I get genuinely upset that I share a world where people fall for such blatant Jewish tricks.
And nexus you fell for it, other companies think it's alright to do it as well.

>> No.15823045


>> No.15823255

>Some of the information he gives is decent
there are many sources with better information and far less """dapper""" faggotry. He is worse than fedora-tier

>> No.15824759

I was looking for good underwear and I had to start this guy jiggle his crotch in low cut trunks with an extreme closeup. Why does every XXL guy feel the need to show off their underwear fucking Jesus Christ.

>> No.15824798
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 500W_500H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight men have their wives/gf buy their underwear for them

>> No.15824804

>getting tied down in your early 20s
Not envious.

>> No.15824814
File: 74 KB, 1253x619, obsessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem a little too homophobic to be shopping for mens underwear is all i'm saying

>> No.15824854


>> No.15826028
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>> No.15826033
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>> No.15826054

BLM hates communists??

>> No.15826068

BLM is both communist and a hate group, yes

>> No.15826173

Oh please, retard. I'm an actual communist who has protested with BLM. I promise you most of those stupid fucks are just protesting police brutality. Only the especially educated/bookwormish ones (probably less than 1% of the group) are actual commies.

You'd have far better accuracy if you accused trans rights folks of being communists, because they're at least a solid 50/50 split. Also if you believe in capitalism you're a fucking smoothbrain. Enjoy getting taken advantage of by literal parasites who get rich as fuck off of your labor. They'll rape your children too.

>> No.15826208

lmao imagine typing this and calling someone else a smoothbrain

>> No.15826217

imagine not understanding that capitalism only exists to syphon money out of your pocket unless you're in the upper echelon of wealth and property ownership.

protip : you're not.

You recognize that it's fucked, you wouldn't be a loser on 4chan if you weren't. You're just too indoctrinated to place the anger in the correct direction.

>> No.15826229


>/fa/ - Fashion

>> No.15826259
File: 19 KB, 311x244, C1CB73E0-CD1D-4154-9892-FAC2CFBF54DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh please, retard. I'm an actual communist

>> No.15827717

Nice bait, almost fell for it

>> No.15828113

His main issue is him using too many accessories, colours and patterns in a fit. He does have some decent fits though although that comes seldom.

>> No.15828155
File: 202 KB, 928x1388, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when will he learn working out is modern couture?
He expressly eschews modern couture, the man's whole schtick is LARPing 1930s fits. From this viewpoint it doesn't matter that he's fat because the suit will hide it.

>> No.15828185

Welcome back to ZERO PUSSY POST

>> No.15828191
File: 75 KB, 1732x1155, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got that wife pussy on lock

>> No.15828195
File: 15 KB, 184x184, 1433665242444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tf do people still buy this turbo menswear meme in 2020. His instagram is filled with people like Cary Grant or Sean Connery. Doesn't he and his audience realize they are simply handsome and it's not their fancy suit that makes them attractive? I mean go and dress like that if you enjoy it but videos selling you ''10 dresscodes women LOVE'' are a fucking scam. Doesn't need that much self awareness a girl would rather date some good looking chad wearing jeans and a hoodie than some average looking chubby dude LARPing as a 50s actor

>> No.15828196




>> No.15828234
File: 691 KB, 896x682, rege5grer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.15829213
File: 1.82 MB, 320x568, leftypol on the ropes 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh please, retard. I'm an actual communist who has protested with BLM.

>> No.15829268

I wish I had customers like you walk into the store everyday, damn.

>> No.15829308

Mixed with what?

>> No.15829352

Brazilian, and they're mixed as well so his blood is a cluster fuck of ethnicities. His father really fucked him up lol

>> No.15829364

Ah, I couldn't pinpoint what he was or where he was from for the longest time. But I was getting Latin American vibes.

>> No.15829444
File: 130 KB, 712x1024, achoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you could literally have got that scarf for $25-30 in poly or $40 in wool at any woolen clothing shop. Anon you could have spent $80-$100 on a decent cashmere from Charles Tyrhwritt. Why the fuck did you spend half a grand on fucking burberry

>> No.15829478



>> No.15829500

>from Charles Tyrhwritt
Opinion discarded

>> No.15830341
File: 114 KB, 620x750, gisele_ybjzFPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brazilian, and they're mixed as well so his blood is a cluster fuck of ethnicities
Brazilian isn't a race

>> No.15830364

not everyone dresses to attract partners, you desperate loser

>> No.15830370
File: 79 KB, 687x1000, T3vvWCw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to look like a gentleman these days.

>> No.15830376

True. You can buy a tartan scarf for like 40 bucks (100% wool) in a small scottish woolen mill compagny. Even the famous burberry pattern is a rip off of a scott tribe.

>> No.15830379

I want to go back to whatever year that was taken

>> No.15830392
File: 175 KB, 384x390, 1579997855995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15830402

curb your autism

>> No.15830453

>Brazilian isn't a race
I never implied that, retard.

>> No.15830455

*that it is

>> No.15830480

>Charles Tyrhwritt
Yikes this is Kmart tier

>> No.15830524

>he's mixed
>mixed with what?
So yeah, you did imply that.

>> No.15830633

He's right though, but most BLMfags don't really care about police brutality. It's just for attention and acceptance because such social issues are so trendy.

>> No.15830651

Any chance the "burberry scarves" on eBay for $50-100 are real?

>> No.15830714

Well what the fuck is the correct terminology then?

>> No.15830808

What's the point of worrying when everyone will assume that you're wearing a fake anyway?

>> No.15830809

I bet you dress like a slob.

>> No.15830810

Imagine typing this and thinking that you expressing an original thought.

>> No.15830813

Because a fake would most likely be poor quality.

>> No.15830815

In this case, how would you know that it's poor quality? Serious question.

>> No.15830912

Wrong, Charles Tyrwritt is something that you first buy but then quickly discard once you earn more money and knowledge.

>> No.15830948
File: 4 KB, 217x250, nightcrawler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one of many blue pill youtube channels like cough alpha m cough...

>> No.15831044

Oooooh so that's why he worn a Brazil jersey in that video about things a man shouldn't wear.

>> No.15831062

Brazillian nationality and brazillian ethnicity are things. Nationals can be whatever, but ethnics are a peculiar mix of european, african and native american genes, usually given the “pardo” name.
The man in question is obviously half-brazillian (or maybe straight up ethnic brazillian depending weather you consider growing up in the country a criteria or not).

>> No.15831081

What do you mean? Determining the quality of wool fabrics is simple is you know what you are looking at, and I have plenty of cashmere stuff.

>> No.15831176
File: 126 KB, 1080x877, 1593968777273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image got to you?

>> No.15831180

The day of the rope will come for you first

>> No.15831187


>> No.15831237
File: 94 KB, 636x777, 1609335923587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurry up!
i've been waiting to die for decades now..

>> No.15831460

>you're gay if you buy underwear
>here's a little passive aggressive comment
Take estrogen dude

>> No.15831800
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, 2at80q3c80l11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Brazilian ethnicity is NOT a thing, that's like saying American ethnicity is a thing, some are of Irish descent, others German, some both, others neither. By saying that Brazilians are pardo you're excluding almost half of the population. Raphael didn't say he was of Brazilian descent, he just said his father was from Brazil.

>> No.15831806

>that's like saying American ethnicity is a thing
it is though
what do you think ethnicity is, exactly?

>> No.15831874

You're getting nationality and ethnicity mixed up, right?

>> No.15831877

You're getting ethnicity and race mixed up.

>> No.15831883

Most of the guys watching this crap apparantly never heard this

>> No.15832470

what's bluepilled about it?

>> No.15832471

stop being a faggot, BLM isn't communist lmao

>> No.15832489


>In a recently surfaced 2015 interview, one of the three Black Lives Matter co-founders declared that she and another co-founder "are trained Marxists."