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15820040 No.15820040 [Reply] [Original]

Are there objective, scientifically proven ways to improve your attractiveness?

>> No.15820060

Plastic surgery

>> No.15820066


>> No.15820067

yes, lift weights
eat healthy
do skincare

>> No.15820072

Attractiveness is only partly genetically influenced and is mostly a socio-cultural construction.

Go sexcore to take advantage of less intelligent bitches and homos, wear the popular fashion to attract normies, or wear whatever you want and attract people based on aspects of your more interesting person.

>> No.15820078
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>> No.15820080

Go to soc

>> No.15820139

if science is not objective, what is ?

>> No.15820171

based. normies keep saying shit like science is objective, not realizing how subjective, value-laden, emotionally and profit driven science really is.

>> No.15820192

its all of those, but its still the most objective measure we have

>> No.15820230

For a man.

1.) Lose bodyfat. (number one thing right here) get to 12%.

>> No.15820662

based. all knowledge requires an assumption that there exists objectivity, whether it be from an axiom from which we create further assumptions, or a set of coherent ideas that form a solid theory, etc

Still doesn’t excuse retards who preach of science for its “objectivity”

>> No.15820695

Nonsense my knowledge is based on objective and subjective truths that Are my basis of reality. Key word being MY.

Also assumptions and theories are not the same thing. Or maybe you just don’t know the difference.
Assumption doesn’t require proof and therefore any objectivity or sense or basis of actual truths.
Maybe you meant to say hypothesis - relating to scientific studies - but anyways
They all are speculations you just don’t know the difference.

>> No.15820720

Getting off 4chan has been proven to improve your wellbeing and overall happiness. People find that attractive. Please leave me your (you)s when you leave.

>> No.15820722

Best way to be attractive is to lower your body fat. Stop eating burgers tubby

>> No.15820827

Eat a lot more fruits and vegetables for glowy skin. Especially leafy greens, apples, and carrots.

>> No.15820867

It aspires to be objective, that's worth something. Judging the results of scientific inquiry is up to you.

>> No.15821169

Let's be pragmatic here. Empirical testing should be replicable and its predictions should explain the mechanics of the thing it attempts to investigate. Regardless of whether or not it elucidates "capital T truth", if a theory does a good job of predicting outcomes it should be held in high esteem. Just because we can't attain pure knowledge doesn't mean that science doesn't have immense value.

I guess this is calling out people who treat it like an infallible religion, but people who actually hold that belief are much less common than those who doubt the usefulness and validity of its predictions in the first place - that is much more dangerous.

>> No.15821440

your perception of science is not what science is

>> No.15821461

Be healthy

>> No.15822673
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>> No.15822676

Yes, plastic surgery, confidence (not memeing), and status and money.

>> No.15822682
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drunk driving horsefucking white trash druggie in poverty kek >>15820346

>> No.15822691


>> No.15822714

Doing what you enjoy, being authentic. Not doing what you think you should be doing but don't really enjoy or believe in. No joke man. Whenever I do these two things my skin clears up, my hair looks better, I feel great.

Warren buffet drinks coke 24/7, eats McD everyday and doesn't "exercise". He is healthy at an old age because he does what he loves and doesn't listen to anyone putting him down. Plenty of examples like that. My grandma is similar, outlived every stressed motherfucker in my family by eating cookies everyday and no vegetables. Looks great, never sick.

>> No.15822718


>> No.15822726
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Optimistic idiots live the longest.

>> No.15822730

get that disgusting bitch horsefucker out this clean thread

>> No.15822732

thank you Twitter emo boy for your absolutely attractive words of advice.

>> No.15822738

Wrong. Whatever I think is probably the case is the objective truth, because it’s the only truth that matters.

>> No.15822748

dumbfucks outlive everybody kek

>> No.15822835

Dressing well
Being physically fit
Having a healthy mental state

>> No.15823280

Assumptions are made off a logical basis though, and you can back them up with logic. You did say yourself
> Nonsense my knowledge is based on objective and subjective truths
Are assumptions speculative? Yes. Are they entirely divorced from the concept of the truth? No.

>> No.15823307

Assumptions are based on suppositions...
Logic is based on valid rational foundation

And yes assumptions can be entirely “divorced” from the consent of truth

>> No.15823310


>> No.15823312
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>> No.15823318

If you don't look good at low body fat just take the bogpill and get prastic surgery.

>> No.15823321

Girl you better stop talking retarded before someone slaps your white ass.

>> No.15823330
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The ideas of shits in poverty are most amusing.

>> No.15823373

>Attractiveness is only partly genetically influenced and is mostly a socio-cultural construction.
ultimate cope

>> No.15823386

Really just anyone who hasn't taken a philosophy of science class.

>> No.15823401

True, but ain’t this high school level knowledge? Where in the world is this not commonly understood?

>> No.15823406

I stand by everything I said

>> No.15823415

>Where in the world is this not commonly understood?
Pretty much everywhere evidenced by the covid hysteria.

>> No.15823431
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Belief perseverance lmao

>> No.15823445

confidence is sexy so having a hobby that you constantly work on and see improvement in can be a big boost.
it also gives you something to talk about besides work.
get a hobby!
like woodworking.
not dildos.
that's a fetish.

>> No.15824045


>> No.15824630

Low bodyfat even if it forces you to be a 150lb twink. You can lean gain from there, hard bulking is outdated autism I've looked at everything I can and that's the conclusion. Especially natty when you're gimped anyway.

Tan, "edgy" haircut like undercuts if it suits your face, skincare routine, shoes that give you inches or even lifts if you can fit them in, fashion obviously, clean shave or low trim only use a cope beard if you're a jawlet and have a wingman. Being a pasty gamer is not "royalty" mode, tans are in vogue in the current culture deal with it. Skincare should be cleanser, toner (they're dirt cheap), hyaluronic acid serum which is the most effective anti aging ingredient, moisturizer and SPF 50 mineral sunscreen or Asian chemical based. Height automatically makes people think you're more attractive, it's very observable and it takes basically no effort to add an extra 2-3 inches combined with a longer on top hairstyle. I don't know if they've done any studies but having some friends with you in my experience makes you 10x more approachable. Loner leaning against the wall by himself while dressed in full Rick just doesn't work.

Or just look at """pua""" shit. Hardcore self improvement got lumped together with pick up artist cold approach autism because they're kind of related but not really. "Here's the secret topic that will make women fuck your ugly ass," is a lot different than how to fix your shitty skin or grow your pathetic penis. I wish I knew a lot of this shit while I was in Uni.

>> No.15825061



>> No.15825172

philosophy students are the most smug and obnoxious people ever

>> No.15825174

which one ?

>> No.15825176

Growing up mentally: maturity, responsibility, rationality, etc. Basically not being a teenager who cares about physical attractiveness that much - it's not what matters in real life

>> No.15825179

it matters a lot in everyday interaction
its just subconscious

>> No.15825998

Work out / Lose weight
Be nice without compromising
Dress any way other than a gamer
Be funny
The last one is more of a talent than a skill

>> No.15826013

>being funny is more of a talent than a skill.
Wrong. Talents are both in-born and learned and are considered to be skills. Humour is a learned skill.

>> No.15826478

work out
eat clean
take care of your skin
improve hygiene
read books
buy popular brands
get a job
get an iphone
get a sociable hobby
stop playing vidya
stop visiting and engangig with online communities

>> No.15826531

Humor is a learned skill? I guess it can be but That’s like saying intelligence is only from books and learning.
Classic nature vs nurture debate and I guarantee you that both play a part.
Sure a child can learn that they like doing goofy things to make others smile - and therefore continue to be goofy....but that entails traits that are in your genes too - level of extraversion and intelligence and personality that’s ingrained in your genetic code.

>> No.15827772


Lose face fat/water retention

>> No.15828004

Take advice from Me !1n6WugqKa6


>> No.15829760


>Humor is a learned skill?


>I guess it can be but That’s like saying intelligence is only from books and learning.

False equivocation. Saying humour is a skill is not similar to saying intelligence ins only from books and learning. Stop misrepresenting what other's say.

>> No.15830130

listen to any come-uppance story you stupid fucking whore. from chris rock to seinfield to jim tranny to dave chappelle. they all learned, taught themselves/trained, how to be funny

>> No.15830148

Probably some clean clothes and a shower

>> No.15830313

people who are facially symmetrical have consistently found to be more attractive. having a healthy weight, good haircut, and dressing well i imagine matter equally so

>> No.15830343

Stay hydrated
Eat healthy
Exercise and stay fit
Hygiene and health
Unironically being happy

Those things will objectively make you more attractive

>> No.15832004
