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File: 85 KB, 237x359, 1599589668068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15811916 No.15811916 [Reply] [Original]

hows that haircut called

>> No.15811952

I would say it looks like a quiff undercut

>> No.15812020

fuck my life why am I receding AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.15812023

fin asap

>> No.15812041

post the full comic :^)

>> No.15812295

it's just an undercut

>> No.15812306

Chad cuckslayer.

>> No.15812312
File: 63 KB, 680x518, EOUvHwmXsAA3OU5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15812668

Its this. A disconnected undercut with a quiff I believe would be the best way to describe this.

>> No.15812727

The Mussolini Teen

>> No.15813722

zoomer cut

>> No.15813745

go on...

>> No.15815196

Hitler youth

>> No.15815493

disconnected undercut

>> No.15815588
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, aaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls don't post the full comic.
I can only cope so much....

>> No.15815960

The twink cut deluxe™

>> No.15816006
File: 1.36 MB, 850x2781, a44heo06rdj51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go lad

>> No.15816012

If this comic doesn't motivate you to start lifting (and also to get into a good skincare routine if you haven't already), I don't know what will.

>> No.15816181

Lifting and good skin won't magically solve your problems anon.

>> No.15816183

You're right. The doomer wojak also needs a good clean shave.

>> No.15816282

The hitler youth

>> No.15816384

They will solve a lot of problems for just about everybody. If lifting and cleaning yourself up don't help you at all then you may be seriously autistic.

>> No.15816698

"The Pole Smoker"

>> No.15816700


>> No.15817619

Is it 2010 again already? Time really is a flat circle.

>> No.15817626

Now source the uncensored

>> No.15817680
File: 77 KB, 680x1028, 1607717429569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'7. It was over for me before it started. Nothing I can do will make me desirable. It doesn't matter if my face is pretty or if I'm fit; my short stature is still there. If I had a gf she would probably be very bothered about my height; basically, every time she'll see a tall guy and think "why can't my boyfriend be like this...".
I suppose I can climb the corporate ladder and become rich, but even if I try my hardest, I won't ever have something genuine.

It's depressing.

>> No.15817689

I think your problem is being a massive pussy.

>> No.15817698

When you read what women say about short men online, plus everything other men say here on 4chan, it's pretty hard not to feel hopeless.
I'm afraid of going outside and standing beside other men because people will look at me and realize how pathetic and weak I am because of my stature. For women, it'll be painfully obvious who's the man she'd procreate with -- the tall male, certainly, and not the weak short "man". They'll think "Wow, look at how short that guy is! Why can't he just die already?".

>> No.15817724

Case in point.

>> No.15817754

Simplemente Busca una mujer en otro pais 1.74 es un poco alto en Latinoamérica.

>> No.15817756
File: 287 KB, 1024x831, 1606698710855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just go to another country bro
If I could, I'd be in Japan right now.

>> No.15817792

You are not getting women because you are short. You are not attractive because you are an anxiety riddled little faggot who is scared of taking any action because of what other people would think of him. Women smell that kind of desperation and faggotry from a mile away. There is nothing more off putting to a woman than a pussboi beta male anxiety. Do you know what women crave? A man who doesnt give a fuck. A man whose sense of self worth is not dependent on anyones opinion, especially on theirs opinion.

Surely short men have a much harder time slaying pussies than a tall chad, but if you were not born extremaly deformed or ugly there is literally nothing that cannot be fixed with decent clothing taste and lifting fucking weights. So man up, manchild. Lift your weights or die.

Time to grow up, faggot. Life is unfair but focusing on self development, not crying on internet is the only way to give yourself a chance.

>> No.15817893
File: 49 KB, 325x355, A60485F3-539A-4889-B802-104376CB1AB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15818046

Love this comic

>> No.15818156

imgur com /a/ Q8N6REU
here ya go lad

>> No.15819169

He's most likely a low test beta fag so lifting won't do much

>> No.15819239

5'7" is pretty average for asia, that's not a bad idea.
i'm 5'4" and my bf is 5'8", it's comfy and i never wish he were taller, but i do wish he would eat more.

>> No.15819290 [DELETED] 

lifting and skincare would not help me at all because my problems are deeper than some incel shit

>> No.15819294

This comic is a good example of how women like men with high masculinity and high "femininity", 100% of both. Not 100 % masculine, or 100 % feminine, or 50/50

>> No.15819370

>dwelling on things you can't change
Jfc, just fucking live and stop bitching on the internet about having a "gf" like it's the only thing that matters or like it's some fucking necessary and sufficient condition for your happiness. Get a fucking hobby or something already. Being in a relationship isn't necessary -- assuming your neurochemistry is suitably typical, there is so much shit that is relatively accessible and very enjoyable that you could be doing and getting hung up on any single one being potentially inaccessible is ludicrous. It's not sufficient either -- life will always be difficult, and that's how it's supposed to be: it doesn't just start working once you obtain your magical mystery girl fantasy bullshit.

>> No.15819393

im not interested in anything

>> No.15819407

Are you telling me you can't think of anything you've done in the last few years that you enjoyed doing that you could try doing again and might be enjoyable again? If that's genuinely the case, then I think you should consider therapy to get that checked out. If that's not the case, just try things that you may be interested in, even if you're doubtful. You shouldn't say you're not interested in something until you've actually tried it, and usually you'll enjoy things more as you become better at them, which takes time and effort. Try not to make assumptions about who you are -- who you are is largely a consequence of your habits and actions, so it's constantly up to you to act out the person that you are, not necessarily the other way around.

>> No.15819718

Isn't the incel guy just as shallow as the big muscle nigga?

>> No.15819729

-t psl autist

>> No.15819868

No I have entirely run out of enjoyable activities so I just stare at a wall or browse 4chan
I use to play video games but that's not really a hobby and modern video games have completely lost me.

Covid and being poor does not lend itself to any experimentation hobbywise.
I don't have friends as a result because someone with no hobbies has nothing to say

>> No.15819903
File: 55 KB, 455x456, 1604665573806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.15819911
File: 74 KB, 547x547, 1600067176893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my short stature is still there

just because you are a manlet you give up. Just because of one trait you have no controll over you dont change the traits you HAVE controll over and become the best version of yourself ?

Dudes like you give manlets the bad rep.

You know when /fit/ say "manlets, when will they learn" they mean it in a way like when will you learn that not hight but virtue is what mesures a men

you are not short in hight my friend but in charakter. Own the traits you have no controll over and conquer everything else oe die a sad cunt

>> No.15819918
File: 3.33 MB, 1425x1401, 1545696502869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They'll think "Wow, look at how short that guy is! Why can't he just die already?".
charisma = charackter > body

>> No.15819922
File: 369 KB, 750x698, F7BE4623-4744-46F1-8463-93C7836E2391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mesures a men

>> No.15819957

you should have checked for typos, english is like the third language i learned you cunt.
Donest change the truth in any of my statements

>> No.15819996

cringe faux-inspirational optimism

>> No.15820005

>broken English “inspirational” speaker whose words carry no weight

>> No.15820020

>bait + cope + low quality cringe coach speech

>> No.15820027

thank you Nico Bellic

>> No.15820105

Have you tried learning something new? You can pirate most books. Idk what your job situation is, but you can always be applying for jobs or learning new things that will be useful in your field (assuming you have a field). There is always something you could be doing right now, no matter how small, to improve your life. I know it probably seems ridiculous to try to force yourself to do unpleasant shit like apply for jobs or take an online course when you feel shitty already, but in my experience it's the only real solution. Plus, there is no limit to how small you can make your initial goals, meaning there is always something you can do that is both physically possible and feasible given your current mental state, e.g. if you haven't read a book since high school, start with something like short stories (Chekhov is my favorite, Hemingway is fun too) before you read a Russian novel.
Again though, if you really don't enjoy anything you used to, and you don't find anything else enjoyable (that you've put effort into), I think professional help is warranted. If you're poor and in the US that's a tough situation as far as getting therapy, but I believe there are things like low cost or sliding scale healthcare centers, and independent local clinicians may be willing to help if you reach out to them.

>> No.15820118

What is that haircut called, retard

>> No.15820540

>Isn't the incel guy just as shallow as the big muscle nigga?
that's the point lad, the incel is supposed to be pathetic not relatable

>> No.15820652

Based advice. Hemingway is not. Complete shit.

>> No.15820712

Its just a comic.

>> No.15820875

If that's really how you feel about his writings themselves -- rather than how you feel about the circlejerk that often accompanies their mention -- I wouldn't recommend Chekhov either.

>> No.15822132
File: 626 KB, 652x562, 1555635068570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer haircut.

>> No.15822203

You're biggest problem isn't your height, it is your low iq. Sorry bro
>Hemingway bad
hello over socialized, social media addicted midwit

>> No.15822204

*your biggest

>> No.15822206

>socialism good
Hello, parasite faggot, defender of criminals and lover of brown people.

>> No.15822352

your brain is fried from too much internet use. You live in a fictitious reality where words do not actually mean anything and concepts are only understood through narrow echo chamber reinforcement. From this base you apply everything else as associations to this delusion. You are low iq

>> No.15822358 [DELETED] 

Reading books is not a hobby its just more consumption. I'm sick of that life. I'm done with video games and movies and books and music. Its boring. Its lame.
I don't have a field. I have no career. I have no talents. I am so base and shallow that I spend all my time in a 4chan fashion forum.

>> No.15823531


meals on wheels 2.0.

Also women with cripples are nothing but a validation frenzy, same with that shane guy and same with that christian preacher with no legs and arms.


>> No.15823538
File: 18 KB, 200x247, 3453485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emagine being a degenerate

>> No.15823635

dude shut the fuck up, height is a bonus

>> No.15823666

wtf, being 5'7" is like average height
if youre white, youre still better off than me at 6'1" because im brown

>> No.15825355

How can you be a chad if your woman posts naked photos of herself?

>> No.15825361

chad and his gf look flawless, why shouldnt he flaunt her beauty and get money for that ?
its the biggest flex

>> No.15825406

i legit look like the incel wojack in this image
is it over for me ?

>> No.15825593

try making guns

t. /k/ommando

>> No.15825607
File: 87 KB, 980x653, Soulja-Boy-Kanye-West-The-Breakfast-Club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say mayne, why they both look gay as fuck? The ronnie coleman pretty boy nigga got that gay blush action going on, and the beanie wearing nigga acting like a bitch, that ain't gucci.

Yall, pay attention. The author of this comic a secret faggot trying to turn yall white boys into faggots. Get yourself some Bapes, work on your hustle, and stop being an emo looking fag. Get yourself some drip.

>> No.15826529

Hemingway is a communist faggot, and this is has nothing to do with the internet. He was a communist faggot in 1936, he is a communist faggot nowadays.

>> No.15826658

>Get yourself some Bapes, work on your hustle, and stop being an emo looking fag. Get yourself some drip

LMAO, 10/10 copypasta thanks jamal anon

>> No.15827183

I know 5’3” dudes that slay shorter girls, granted they are Hispanic. Tbh it’s your attitude that keeps you from your goals not your height

>> No.15827188

>i-it's the attitude! trust me!
Being short is like having a physical deformity for men. Even obese women have less difficulty getting laid because men constantly date down while women never, never ever date down.

>> No.15827190

listen to

>> No.15827357

>women never, never ever date down.
lmao keep coping faggot
how about you try talking to girls without sounding like a self-pitying faggot, it might work sometimes

>> No.15827375

larp and cope

>> No.15827687

this is actually true

>> No.15827692

This but I'm 5'5". I had a gf and she ended up leaving me and I heard later on from a friend of hers that it was because she couldn't handle me being so short

>> No.15827695

>You are not getting women because you are short.
My sisters, my female friends whom I've asked for advice, and my ex-gf all say otherwise

>> No.15827707

lmaaaaaoooo males draw all that shit and then get mad at their little drawings grow up you bunch of pathetic xy havers