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/fa/ - Fashion

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15807642 No.15807642 [Reply] [Original]

What drugs are /fa/?

>> No.15807648

Being straight edge is the new wave

>> No.15807653

cringe and soi-pilled

>> No.15807654

Adderall cigarettes coffee and cocaine


>> No.15807657

codeine, weed, booze, cocaine

>> No.15807664
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All drugs with the exception of cannabis are /fa/. There is nothing more disgusting and unappealing than cannabis. It turns you into a drooling, easily controlled, haha thing funny, cartoon watching, food stuffing retard. That's the opposite of effay. That's shit tiet and every weed smoker I've ever met has been total scum.

>> No.15807666

Different people react differently to different drugs

>> No.15807672

Don't do drugs it's not worth it

>> No.15807674

There is objective proof that weed lowers IQ and stimulates appetite. It affects people mostly same. Muh I'm different is usually a cope.

>> No.15807676
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>> No.15807685
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>> No.15807688

why do you let her live rent free in your mind anon

>> No.15807689

Clearly you assholes don’t know how drugs neurologically affect people

You shut up

>> No.15807692

probably has a crush :)

>> No.15807693

Honestly I like taking the occasional toke in social situations but holy fuck are potheads always the biggest losers ever

>> No.15807703

Are you an imbecile? A greater understanding of how a drug works leads to less subjective ambiguity and leaves neurological differences down to mental and metabolic idiosyncrasies

>> No.15807705

Marijuana ain't that bad you're just overly critical. It's only a problem when niggas spend their entire paycheck on it and rely on it every single day.
>It turns you into a drooling, easily controlled, haha thing funny, cartoon watching
You sound like one of those retarded anti-drug shills who have almost 0 knowledge of drug usage.

>> No.15807711

I sell drugs

>> No.15807715

Wtf did you just say?

>> No.15807723

Don’t do it
Trust me

Seriously that’s the most pretentious sounding thing I’ve heard all week...are you the same person that argued with me about religion? Very similar tone

>> No.15807734

>acts like he knows jack shit about psychopharm
>BTFO and utterly contradicted by non pop science
>seethes so much he replies twice without retort and demonstrates a sub 90 IQ level of understanding

>> No.15807742

Heroin, MDMA, cocaine, psychedelics
In that order

>> No.15807751
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>> No.15807756

>I could care less
Confirmed real female, can't imagine a man making such an elementary mistake

>> No.15807764

Village idiot #63839
Lurk more
.... if you want to speak about drugs go out and get some personal experience

>> No.15807769

Couldn’t *********

Sorry adolf I wasn’t paying attention

>> No.15807773

I use sobriety as a form of self harm.

>> No.15807777
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Get a new line, village cumdump.

>> No.15807802

That’s my way of keeping track and keeping you dipshits lumped into one pile of idiots - hopefully you feel good about yourselves bc you’re in the category of a bunch of rejects that feel insecure when I’m the presence of a stronger force

>> No.15807805
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>I’m the presence of a stronger force

>> No.15807815

Damn you all to hell

>> No.15807825

“I’m” works too
Now that I think about it and I stick to my statement

>> No.15807859
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Not the most effay for sure but if you only do one drug make sure it’s psychedelics

>> No.15807864

we saw that file

>> No.15807885
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>> No.15807890

Based and checked

>> No.15808023
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again

>> No.15808033

caffeine,nicotine and alcohol

>> No.15808294

2C-B, Mephedrone, GHB, 3-FEA, Mescaline
Drugs that are 'party' oriented and social, low withdrawals/addiction potential, and in-the-know only for the prestige

cocaine is for old bankers and sexpats, you shut-ins just think it's cool because of movies

>> No.15808315

That's like saying alcohol is for old bankers and sexpats because they drink it as well. Cocaine definitely is effay. And some LSD here and there

>> No.15809204

its true, ive been doing that shit for about 6 years, then i discover hard drugs, after detox i want to stick only to acid, maybe amphetamine from time to time

>> No.15809264

heroin in movies, speed, cocaine, psychedelics, mdma, heroin irl

>> No.15809552

fuck off

>> No.15809617

Aren’t MDMA and speed faggot drugs? Just like ketamine and Amal nitrate are always circulating in g*y clubs. Even cocaine seems mostly popular with women and fags

>> No.15809721

pls don't sell drugs. durgs are bad.

>> No.15809756

Isn’t fashion a gay subject? Don’t mostly g*y people have an interest in fashion? Even designers seem mostly to be fags or women

>> No.15810602

Obviously the answer is designer drugs. I’ll see myself out

>> No.15810724

Cocaine is probably the only /fa/ drug along with some prescription pills
The actual good drugs are LSD, mdma & peyote

>> No.15811307

gay people are generally bigger hard drug users in my experience. It is because they are mentally damaged.

>> No.15811338


>> No.15812670


>> No.15812790

Taking a drug to make your anus open is more gay than finding fucking pants you like

>> No.15812796

man have you ever seen someone fucked up on percs? because it's way worse than what you're describing

>> No.15812920


>> No.15813407

yo dumbo be poppin'

>> No.15813420

Cocaine, adderall, LSD, MDMA, PCP, Heroin, amphetamines in general - gotta keep it thin after all

>> No.15813459


>> No.15813461

This is also true for opiates and bezos as well (depending on the person. Opiates make me a right prick, quite energized, and feeling great). Bit you've also stumbled on to the urban vs rural pothead conundrum. Rural potheads tend to be active in outdoors activities and hobbies/crafts when stoned. You can also apply this to the urbanite who generally is always coming up with a project to do instead of consuming entertainment anyway.

>> No.15813483

Based digits

>> No.15813504

yeah being a drunk is way more /fa/
also being a rude coke head is so cool
being a stoner sucks, but smoking a j at a lake with friends or at a festival is pretty relaxing

>> No.15813508

so what ? is eating gay because faggots do it ?

>> No.15813828

destroyed life is not /fa/ so dont do strong things that will addict you easily. nicotine is a waste of money. cannabis and psychedelics used in moderation are all I do, they have contributed to my sense of style by opening me up to try new ideas. overall drugs are not an accessory, you should not think of them that way. most drugs can be effay or they can be horrible, just depends on whether you maintain control over the substance and live the way you want to live rather than letting it change you for the worse. also pills are the same thing as street drugs and you're being tricked if you think theyre less addictive or any less strong

>> No.15813852
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Look at this stupid dried up old post wall cunt

A fucking DUI so you gotta get chauffeured everywhere.

Here's her mugshot of her DUI. What a trainwreck

>> No.15813860

>food stuffing retard

S-SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!111


>> No.15813868
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>> No.15813870

Pills ONLY

>> No.15813893
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i don't do drugs because i'm afraid of them and being offered them makes me really tense and nervous for some reason i've never smoked pot or even been drunk

>> No.15814630
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>> No.15814632

Wearing assless chaps is gayer than smoking weed

>> No.15814647

Imagine defending fag drug use on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.15814735

Ketamine and cocaine are both based.

>> No.15815135

Smells like shit too

>> No.15815242


>> No.15815253

It is fa to do any and all drugs that you can get your hands on until you die

>> No.15815294

Drugs are not /fa/
If you are a faggot though, do heroin or cocaine.

>> No.15815296

>Clearly you assholes don’t know how drugs neurologically affect people

That's empirically proven. Anons are talking about average reaction.

>> No.15815302

s tier - cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes
acceptable - ketamin
meh - mdma, xtc

weed was cool in the 90s but now you should stay away, stoners are losers.

>> No.15815320
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It’s sad that only five people mentioned ecstasy in this whole thread im disappointed in you /fa/

>> No.15815340
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There is simply no connection between drugs and /fa/. Drugs can be /fa/ and don't have to be /fa/. Depends on context. Next time you can make a thread about what the most /fa/ bread it's gonna be on the same level. Also if you have to ask what drugs are /fa/ I can tell straight away you're not /fa/ anyway.

>> No.15815341

lmao uve done like a handful of drugs and act like your word is canon

>> No.15815386

>There is objective proof that weed lowers IQ
source on long term iq loss ?

>> No.15815421
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>> No.15815453

Every drug in copious amounts or no drugs at all. There is no middle ground if you want to be /fa/

>> No.15815478

Anything being done on public and not in moderation is very very un/fa/, with coffee and maybe cigarettes being the exception to that rule. There is nothing /fa/ about not being in total control of yourself and your actions because you're under the influence. You should have someone film you when you're high in public if you don't understand what I mean.

>> No.15815616

fuckin loser

>> No.15815723


>> No.15817010

Specifically ones on blotter or powders that can be insufflated, shrooms are not /fa/

>> No.15817191


>> No.15817500

probably microdosing psychedelics and bragging about it on social media for wokeness and clout

>> No.15817611

I know 2 people that microdose and they seem like the happiest most confident mofos I’ve ever met.
I’d probably consider it if I didn’t have traumatizing lsd experiences

>> No.15818175

kill yourself

>> No.15819103

based and true

>> No.15819194
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die bitch

>> No.15819207
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>> No.15819221
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>> No.15820110

Jesus is just alright with me!

>> No.15820208

ill die one day don't worry

and you - the guy who invested enough energy into making a timeline - step back and look at the big picture here....you're perpetuating ther very thing you hate and wished didn't exist...your ignorance is staggering tbqh and considering you're definitely not gonna push me off a ledge - its just disadvantageous to your cause

>> No.15821735


>> No.15821748
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shit didn’t know she was that fucked kek

>> No.15821969

>low addiction potential


>> No.15823611
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>> No.15824332

Fashion is displaying oneself as being unique.
So your answer is any drug that people haven't done before.
For me, its Vocanga Africana and cheap cigars.

>> No.15824421

(in order) Coke, Ketamine, Psychedelics, Weed
All of these are /fa/ but you can't brag about using them

Most other drugs are cringe especially alcohol.

>> No.15824424
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>Most other drugs are cringe especially alcohol.
okay buddy

>> No.15824463

heroin chic baby

>> No.15824479

Although you’re exaggerating, this is mostly true. Weed will and never be /fa/.

>> No.15824486

Smart drugs can be /fa/, (ie modafinil aka real life Limitless pill). Makes you more wealthy and sharp, suppresses appetite, etc