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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 376 KB, 1080x1350, 69624974_176403680167876_6248088206469672262_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15804619 No.15804619 [Reply] [Original]

/sprezzatura/ - Mediterranean and Menswear General

This thread is for the well dressed man and those seeking to improve their dress by exploring colors, patterns, textures and other styles while appearing more mature, elegant and refined.

>What is “sprezzatura”?
Required viewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QG4lTMjWtY

Required reading: https://parisiangentleman.co.uk/2017/02/24/how-obsession-with-sprezzatura-can-kill-the-sprezzatura/

>Do I have to be European to wear this style?
Absolutely not. Anyone can wear this as long as they are confident and don’t care what people think. You should be dressing for yourself, not for others. Is this style more common in Italy and other Mediterranean countries? Absolutely. But you could wear this wherever you are.

>How is this different than Trad/Ivy/Prep?
Whereas the /TIP/ threads favor classic styles and tailoring, wider fits and more drape, Mediterranean and modern menswear favors slimmer cuts, tailored closer to the body to accentuate and flatter your body. Slim fit is allowed and in many cases encouraged.

>Where should I start?
Start with sport coats and mix and match with trousers. Experiment with colors and patterns. Don’t be afraid of color. This isn’t business style, where bland conformity is the norm. We want to be colorful, and experiment with fabrics. Wear linen, wool, cotton, anything you want.

>Where can I find good inspo to draw from?

>> No.15804624


Previous: >>15779904

>> No.15804633
File: 66 KB, 564x846, rgtefrwed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the female equivalent to this? How do I, a man who dresses like OP most days, get my gf to look the part? She wears hoodies and graphic tees most days. I make tease her for dressing like a teenager, but she always says she doesn't know how to dress like I do

>> No.15804635

pic unrelated, by the way, I just like the way she looks in it

>> No.15804640
File: 37 KB, 960x400, 1586130558591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does this stop being sprezz and start being sleaze? Where is the line?

>> No.15804672

I think that the cropped trousers + no socks look is very outdated.
The proper equivalent would be some of those pretty summer dresses from Instagram. That meme strawberry dress that trended in Instagram last summer was pretty.
Shoe-wise, I do prefer when women use men’s shoes like loafers and derbies instead of modern heels. I don’t like the latter at all. There are some 1930s revival heel that look pretty good, though.

>> No.15804793

When you unbutton too many buttons on your cuff. True Sprezz is unbuttoning exactly one button to show everyone how unique and cool you are and how expensive and quality your Charles Tyrwhitt jacket is.
To my friend from the other threads: how's it hanging BB? Let me save you the trouble - no one cares

>> No.15804804
File: 150 KB, 1080x1278, 126845956_791673821380749_8047530003117198683_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should be attractive, that's it. There's nothing that will compliment your style more than a girl that when you enter a restaurant makes all men look at you jealousy and women at her with hatred. I've dated a few models and this feel is like a coke. Style doesn't matter, I've found out that women will always gravitate towards your style anyways if it's distinctive enough. The sad part is that hot women are often stupid or without much of socioeconomical and cultural capital. I remember taking some of them to posh restaurants and literally feeling like a sugar daddy despite not being old by much. I found it a valuable lesson anyways. That's why an at least semi-acomplished fashion model is better than your local hometown hottie. They've been to places, met different people and are quite familiar with the world. If you can find a girl that's both from the right spheres and attractive, put a ring on her. You can always cheat on the side once she starts loosing her looks. If you can't get an attractive girl, get rich. You should be affluent anyways to pull of this style correctly. In any case you never want your girlfriend to LARP. That's something that's only in dreams of /tip/ incels. Girls like fashion, they like to keep on top of trends and look pretty. Every normal attractive girl will experiment with her style now and then and that's fine. All that being said, personally I find the white-beige-black minimalism of sorts with lots of attention to details that you can see quite often on instagram (at least on my feed) to be the female equivalent given that the style should stem from your social standing. I don't know how to call it but I've seen plenty of Scandinavian and French girls dressing this way. She's another, albeit a bit different, (she's older) example: https://www.instagram.com/ariviere/ her partner is peak /sprez/ but looks like he took more dick in his ass than her.

>> No.15804806

You come to every single thread and seethe the entire time and it never gets old to you

>> No.15804809

You care enough to reply, never forgetti

>> No.15804816

Btw pic is also semi-related, I obviously couldn't find a right example on instagram once I needed it

>> No.15804819

Also girl from your picture would be perfectly fine by my standards

>> No.15804822
File: 974 KB, 1639x2048, merlin_175815354_203876b7-af55-4545-b124-bda328229cd8-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this monstrosity? You must be kidding. It screams that the girl wearing it has autism like some of the nerds posting their grandpa fits in /tip/

>> No.15804829

What's with the obsession with /tip/? Last thread there were multiple posts about it and here you go again. Who cares about /tip/? Is your self-image so low that you feel the need to deride another (very similar) fashion style to feel better about your own?
Leave /tip/ in /tip/. Focus on yourself and what you do, which is never post a fit.

>> No.15804839
File: 124 KB, 1080x1253, 36086535_255278321871664_384909819401732096_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1930s revival heel
No dude, please. This is some peak female LARP autism. Girls who are into this kind of things (or are part of any subculture in general like arthoes etc) are almost always uggos or average and intuitively understood that they don't stand a chance with actually pretty girls so had to specialize in some niche to find a partner. Imagine two girls on the right wearing 1930s revival heel. You can instantly say that the one on the left might be into this kind of things and perhaps pair them with some ankle-length 1930s dresses lmao

>> No.15804843

I haven't posted, and in fact visited /fa/, for months. I popped in as I'm now at my parents place for Christmas and bored because of the lockdown. Was surprised to see a separate Sprezzatura thread going. The thing I remember last was how everything was contained in /tip/ and these LARPers were always talking shit about everything that didn't look like a fit that a grandpa would wear and that's the picture of them I have, and will have, in my mind. Did it hit too close home or something for you? You can actually give me a quick rundown on what's happened and why there are two threads now.

>> No.15804853

Also you are clearly confusing me with someone else and I have no idea what and who you mean. Maybe you should go back being triggered about making jokes about this laughingstock that /tip/ is to /tip/ if it bothers you so much?

>> No.15804942

This. Men get into subcultures because of ideology, women get into subcultures because of men.

>> No.15804974

Your post is correct but not a good picture choice. Left is prettier than middle. Don't be fooled by makeup, learn to see through the paint and look at the facial structure.
Right is good

>> No.15804982

Damn, you got me

>> No.15804984

For me too. I get very Parisian gf vibes from her

>> No.15804990

/sprezz/ is the antithesis of /tip/
/tip/ is a costume with rules that they get mad at you for not following. /sprezz/ just says wear what you want but wear it well and get good quality.

>> No.15804996

Best oxblood wholecuts for under $300?

>> No.15805017

>300 dollars
Is such a thing even possible?

>> No.15805027

Not true wholecuts, I don't care if the back has a seam. I just like a more minimal sleek design.

>> No.15805136

Allen edmonds if you are fine with the seam in the back.

>> No.15805138

So you want oxfords without a captoe then

>> No.15805171

Am I supposed to think that middle and right ones are pretty? Left one is a 6-7/10, but the other 2 are straight up 2/10 prostitutes.

>> No.15805180

they're all 20/10 in USA

>> No.15805188

Being american must suck if that is the case. I would never fuck those two.

>> No.15805194

Those chicks are dogs no matter the country

>> No.15805399

Post template - https://pastebin.com/PWznETCK
Inspo - https://pastebin.com/aj60u0Uz
Shops - https://pastebin.com/KMAUhYTC

>> No.15805416

Agree. Left is most attractive.

>> No.15805434
File: 81 KB, 539x1022, IMG_6230~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fit for the day. Spier and Mackay jacket, Eton shirt, Pini Parma pants, Carmina shoes

>> No.15805446
File: 48 KB, 960x955, 22B506AE-85F7-4312-BC0E-71E86822109D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15805455

That's fine, but constantly bringing /tip/ up, even just to scoff at it, makes the whole general seem insecure. It's like how San Francisco never stops bringing up LA and bragging about how much better it is when LA doesn't give a shit about SF

>> No.15805530

Of course, they're not men.

>> No.15805541

Obviously you have other things that are more important than social media. That doesn't mean she's not important to you, it's just that wasting time on instagram isn't important to you. There is no reason for the two to be related. Just say something like that filtered through whatever tact filter you normally use talking to her when she's being unreasonable, which I'm guessing is a frequent occurrence if she's angry about this. If you express that in a reasonable manner and she's still upset you shouldn't be in any sort of long term relationship unless you don't mind a project.

>> No.15805603

Wrong thread?

>> No.15805639

Love the jacket + shirt combination, but I think either the trouser or the loafers need to change, I'm not feeling that bottom half together with the upper.

>> No.15805643


meermin man


wholecuts usualy are a suit only shoe thou.

>> No.15805655


I'd add something with texture or pattern, like a striped shirt

>> No.15805664

>>15805639 Indeed, each half is good by itself, but not in combination. For this jacket and shirt combo I think brown trousers would work, something darker than the jacket but in the same colour group. Alternatively, white trousers would work, but it makes you look try hard imo.

Striped shirt may work, too.

>> No.15805692
File: 157 KB, 1080x1350, SPThvwQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% silk scarf on men on mild weather?

would it be 2 tryhard?

>> No.15805706

the biggest mistake he made there is wearing grey suit pants. man needs to step up the comf factor

>> No.15805722


those look like charcoal flannel trousers

>> No.15805726

>You can always cheat on the side once she starts loosing her looks.

Your unfounded opinion has been discarded.

>> No.15805784

Don't be afraid of hot women anons

>> No.15805786

That woman looks even worse. Don't be afraid of hot women but don't equate makeup/plastic surgery to hot.

>> No.15805797

too flat unfortunately, a little too blue looking too.

>> No.15805835

These women are the antithesis of hot, though.

>> No.15805983

She looks like an alien

>> No.15806075

This is what an actual /sprezz/ waifu looks like

>> No.15806081

She's 6/10 at best with full make up. Could easily transition to a man.

>> No.15806083

That is just a woman wearing menswear. I am not terribly against the idea, but it definitely isn’t the female equivalent of sprez.

>> No.15806094

Borderline LARPy. I reckon she realized that she looks quite masculine and not particularly pretty so started wearing mens clothes. I would be embarrassed to go out with her and for sure wouldn't bring her home to introduce her to my parents. Would choose a dumb instagram thotie over her every day and night.

>> No.15806098

My dads a one sharp dressed motherfucker and that's what he's been doing since forever.

>> No.15806316

This really. Women in menswear is not sprezz. They look like women.. in menswear. They need to incorporate feminine pieces.

Sonya Glyn does that and it just looks odd to me.

>> No.15806694

Shoes is a fucking addiction. Especially loafers.
I just got some a few months ago, got some new ones a week ago and I'm already looking at another pair.
Blake stitch loafers are so cheap for a good quality pair it's hard to pass up

>> No.15806696

wanna explain? new or thrifting?

>> No.15806705
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>> No.15806716

New. I just can't stop buying shoes. Got some GYW loafers, some Blake stitch loafers, some oxfords, boots, gonna get some derbies next. Buying shoes is easily the most addicting aspect of /sprezz/

>> No.15806758

seems like a pricey addiction desu

>> No.15806889
File: 2.69 MB, 3108x3000, wcal_comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waistcoat comparison: RTW waistcoat (top) vs. homemade (bottom).

Constructed the pattern without any adjustments. As said in a previous thread, I should probably fix my posture. Usually I slouch pretty fast, which results in this large gap over the shoulders. By pulling back the shoulder blades just a bit the gap vanishes.

>> No.15806972

how was construction?

>> No.15806984

Three layers in the front: main fabric, linen canvas, lining. Two layers in the back.

>> No.15807011

i mean how was the process of actually making it?

>> No.15807029

I bought an instruction for drafting it. It tells you how to create a pattern from your measurements. You can find these instructions in books about tailoring, or older instructions are public domain already and can be found on the internet archive.
Then I draw it on paper, check the measurements and transfer it to the fabric.

>> No.15807197

Nice, man. The broader shoulder and more buttons definitely looks better on the one you made. The exposed waist band is a little strange though sort of makes it look like an apron. What was the reasoning behind that? Does it show under a jacket at all?

>> No.15807356

Yeah. She enjoys menswear due to the craftmanship aspect and because she works with it, but if you look at her ig you will see that she uses regular women’s clothes regularly.

>> No.15807535
File: 659 KB, 1280x1920, uhygtrfew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want a jacket exactly like this

>> No.15807794

Recommend me some loafers, <200EUR, blake stitch or GYW, and not shit quality.

>> No.15807881

>pitti uomo
This shit is downright fucking cringe. These are some of the worst fits I have ever seen in my life

>> No.15807896
File: 64 KB, 469x533, FssNg0x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


scarf people. scarf?

>> No.15807971

impossible. Go find sales.

>> No.15807976
File: 44 KB, 960x580, slip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top tier content.

You're likely going to look homo wearing it. Silk works best when used as a slip scarf in a more /tip/ style.

>> No.15807980

Loads of colors there. Complimentary colors are extremely difficult to pull off in solids like that. Try to break them up or use a neutral like a white shirt instead. A necktie in that fit will reduce the blue and add visual interest to your center line.

If you're skipping the necktie, open up a second button to achieve the same effect, but watch carefully on your skin tone vs the jacket.

Pants are good. Pleats and cuffs work well. Good casual break height.

The loafers are good too, but clash in formality a bit with the rest of the fit. Would benefit from a lighter color or more textured look.

>> No.15808036

>exposed waistband
You mean the belt on the back? I didn't have the usual closure and made the same as on a D-ring belt. The reason was that it would be easier to pull there. That one end comes out on top, I have to open the belt and insert the second ring differently for it to be hidden under the belt.
Or did you mean the contrast colour? That's because the fabric is more sturdy.


>> No.15808066

no difficulties or issues found when creating it? among the many projects i would like to take on, i wouldnt mind creating something similar to raphael from gents gazettes velvet blazer.

>> No.15808078

Not really, the jetted pockets are always annoying, though. The pattern called for a dart in the armhole, which I forgot to add. It would give a more cleanly shaped chest, but it looks fine like this.

>> No.15808114

did you do it by machine or by hand?

>> No.15808131

The darts, side, and shoulder bare done by machine, also the belt and the pocket openings. Lining is attached to the rest by hand. Machine sewing saves 1 or 2 hours only here. Doing it all by machine would make it faster in some points, but harder to sew overall and you have to be more accurate.

>> No.15808231

good to know, cheers. does much work go into it besides the seams, pockets, and attachments? ive seen a lot of work go into hand made jackets on the internal canvassing.

>> No.15808286
File: 1.41 MB, 1500x1500, wcal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is some work to do on the canvas, yes. You cut it, sew a dart in it, reinforce the edged with this edge tape/stay tape, then fold the main fabric over the edges and secure it with a lose herringbone stitch. Less work than a jacket, though, but may be the same if you add a lapel and collar.

Time spent:
4h - constructing pattern, cutting it
1h - ironing
2h - cutting the parts
2h - sewing darts
1h - attaching the back
2h - cutting pocket parts and back belts
1h - sewing breast pocket
2h - sewing front pockets
1h - basting interlining
1h - finishing the back seams
2h - adding edge tape to the front edges
2h - connecting the outer fabric to the canvas
5h - attaching the lining
2h - button holes and buttons
28 hours total

>> No.15808289

>peacock festival full of peacocks
who would have guessed

>> No.15808293

GG is the top comment lol

>> No.15808296

oof, bit of a project then. id be inclined to a shawl neck i think if i made one.

>> No.15808310
File: 56 KB, 621x329, harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same energy

>> No.15808312

harold looks a hundred times better even with his shitty cap

>> No.15808541

Applying to the custom suit/menswear store in my city.
Really hope I get an interview at least

>> No.15808746

Wear a scarf to keep you warm, not to look like a homo.

>> No.15808766

Lol this shit is the antithesis of sprezz. Painful to watch.

>> No.15808774

Reminder that the tripfag will never post a fit.
he will reply out of pure seethe and ego but never with a fit pic

>> No.15808796

Reminder you never post fits and probably never add input but sit here to rage all day. Do you attack every poster here who doesn't have a post accompanied by a fit? You're just a loser who has crossed over from the tip threads because they got sick of your bitching and whining.

Tony likes sprezz very much among many subjects and has a real appreciation for it. Cecil is a black metal chud formed to keep incel zoomers such as you in your lane.

Lrn2 difference between the 2 by post context. or continue flaunting that IQ of 65.

>> No.15808873
File: 142 KB, 2000x1333, turkey-assassination[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trouser break looking pretty good here

>> No.15809372

tell them you go on /fa/

>> No.15809389

Bottom is definitely better than top, except for the back because
>this large gap over the shoulders
but really, if you wear a suit over, jobs done. Great work, mister.

>> No.15809395

Nigga, you dont even dress like this. Why are you here

>> No.15809396

You write as if you were Indian.

>> No.15809519


Cool it with the racism.

>you dont even dress like this. Why are you here

Prove you do and then provide the rules that say anyone who posts in any thread has to dress in the way the thread pertains to.

Oh wait, the reality is you just want to shit post and stir up shit because you're bitter and pathetic. You're also (once more) really low IQ if you think I don't address my business matters such as property management in menswear.

If you care about sprezz and the fellow posters you know what to do. Put me on the ignore list, ignore my posts or just shut the fuck up. You're really boring.

>> No.15809648

These threads are my creations, so I have blog experience

>> No.15809958
File: 383 KB, 1333x2000, ufenoponerk41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will dressing /sprezz/ get me a gf that looks like this?

>> No.15809985

Why does your think that?

>> No.15809993


>> No.15809995

Incorrect, mister. I spoke the language since the conception of I was born, cunt

>> No.15810160

Git gud then

>> No.15810273
File: 1.12 MB, 1940x3884, FB56545B-F89E-4F71-9F28-78BADA17CD3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonal brown/orange.

It’s a double edged sword. You are expected to behave congruently with your outfit. Dressing in menswear implies that you are a successful and influential man. This has the biggest effect on other men who are intuitively aware of hierarchy signals. To women this invites their A-game shit testing because obviously you must be alpha if you’re dressed like one.

Asian girls are a meme, but in general stop caring about trying to get women. Earn the respect of your fellow men and they’ll naturally come. Delete your anime, video games and kpop. Stop beating your meat. Stop trying to impress. I’ll post more on body language and mannerisms if there is genuine internet later.

>> No.15810301

w2c loafers? I'm looking for some decent brown suede loafers as all my current shoes are calf

>> No.15810399

Please continue, there's a genuine interest.

>> No.15810459

Why should we believe anything you say? What are your credentials or experiences that support what you say? What is your ethos?

>> No.15810518

south africa anon chiming in with the truth and a nice fit. looking good.

>> No.15810521

autism wont land you a woman.

>> No.15810532

>Why should we believe anything you say? What are your credentials or experiences that support what you say?

Credentials Fallacy

>> No.15810596

Don't believe him. Keep playing video games, watching anime and listening to kpop. Don't earn the respect of your fellow men. Care excessively about getting women. Coom constantly. Seek to impress.

>> No.15810599

Posts like this are only cool to incels and virgins like >>15810399>>15810518>>15810521>>15810532 who think that stuff is cool because they literally have never spoken to a woman in their life in the first place.
I'm a 30 year old boomer marriedfag, so maybe I've had more experience in life, but just fucking wear what you want. Girls don't give a shit about clothes.
When I met the girl that is now my wife, I used to wear old skateboard shoes, faded jeans and a black hoodie that was so faded it was gray. I also unironically, and I'm not lying, wore the rectangular wireframe incel glasses. But I am funny, confident in my interactions, and got girls. It wasn't until 3-4 years later that I started to dress full /sprezz/ for no reason other than I like wearing it and it makes me feel good.
Many of the most successful, richest, most powerful, etc. men dressed like shit and didn't care.

I'm not that dude who asked about the Asian chick, all I'm saying is that the only people that think they need to dress a certain to get girls and act a certain way are stupid. Literally, and I mean this unironically, just be yourself.

>> No.15810606
File: 39 KB, 914x1091, just BEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15810625

congratulations youve managed to fail to understand the point

>> No.15810653

Nice, post your fit

>> No.15810725

Shut the fuck up, shit skin, you're legitimately annoying

>> No.15810818

Being annoying cannot be described as having legitimacy. You’re either annoying or no. Engage in homosexual relations, mister.

>> No.15810827

What does this mean?

>> No.15810848

For some reason this rings true and /sprezzatura/. I guess because the style origins in Italy and they love beautiful women there and not exactly care about anything other than prettiness.

>> No.15810901 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 1280x958, 0DD01009-65D2-4701-A952-97FD734E29BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New cops.

>> No.15810905

Hello from down under

>> No.15810908
File: 191 KB, 1280x960, CAD655C3-C2D6-4CFD-AFD9-4FD7DDF994D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New cops

>> No.15810916
File: 414 KB, 1280x960, 3FB02AB7-F219-4525-93B6-8DD11080293C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15810927

the leather on those is offputting to me, they seem too glossy desu

how are they fit wise?

>> No.15810936

It’s full grain. There’s not much better. You can just not polish them as much if you don’t want a mirror finish.

Fit is perfect to the exact half size. The suede ones I have are the most comfortable shoes I own. These still need to get broken in as the leather is generously thick.

>> No.15810938

That’s because it’s bookbinder calf aka corrected grain leather aka cheap and loved by Church’s (no longer an English shoe because owned by Prada gayness). Best avoided as it cracks. Only makes sense in very wet conditions but loafers and rain do not mix.

Always stick to real calf leather for dry conditions and wear suede with repellent spray in the wet.

>> No.15810949
File: 27 KB, 342x480, B1402CF4-4D05-4B4A-A526-BBE4F5629DCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiggy diggy

>> No.15811067

>Christmas and COVID are delaying my Edward Green Loafers and Crockett & Jones Double Monks
How will I survive lads

>> No.15811242

What should my designated winter dress shoe be? All mine are leather soled but it's snowing in full effect here now

>> No.15811321

Commando Sole boots
Crockett & Jones Snowdon.

>> No.15811363

Thanks as always.


It's full grain leather but you're right about the finish. Still, they can last well enough. A friend has a 10 year old pair of bookbinder church's that are going strong. It's a specific look you can't really get elsewhere, so you either love it or hate it.

There's also no way of talking about Ethos without sounding like a pretentious wanker. I'm confident you can figure it out from context.

>> No.15811374

I have very pale skin. I'm basically a ginger but with dark blonde hair. Any jacket/shirt colors I should avoid for unbuttoning? I dont wear a jacket often, more just shirts. I'm kind of new to this and just trying to gather as much info as i can while i expand my wardrobe

>> No.15811384
File: 64 KB, 687x594, capri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been a lot of discussion on this, so let's do it justice with its own post.

The biggest secret to social interactions is that they're something you can practice and learn. The most underrated and defining characteristic of a man is persistence. You can learn anything, practice anything and get good at anything, it's just going to take time.

Everyone fucking says "be yourself". This is shitty advice because chances are yourself is average, boring and a possibly even a drag to hang out with. Learning to be a silver-tongued rogue takes just as much work as becoming a Zyzztier fitness god. Time spent on either one is a far better investment than Fortnight and Chinese Cartoons.

blogpost excerpt from today when ordering a smoothie at a cafe with an attractive female cashier (I already have her number).
>she hands me my smoothie and says goodbye.
>Deadpan. "I still need to pay, unless you really want to buy me a drink."
>"I would love to, but the rules. That'll be 65."
>Deadpan. "Make it 69."
>Smile. "Not the biggest tip but it still can make you happy."
>*hysterical giggles*

Next up: body language.

>> No.15811386

Lmaoing at ALPHA CHADS literally posting their musings at fashion board on an anime imageboard.

>> No.15811414

Hello Chad, can you tell me what's your favorite anime of all time? Would love to be as successful with women as you are in your posts, watching the same animes would be the first step for me.

>> No.15811416
File: 125 KB, 1252x895, htswb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a great start. In general watch out for stuff that is more 'yellow' than your skin tone. I'm in a similar boat, and Tobacco is very hit/miss. It's okay in a jacket if you keep a dash of some other color between the jacket and your skin (via the collar/cuffs). That fit needs two things to improve it: 1) break up the major complimentary solids. 2) less overall random colors.

GTO/Golden Boy

Reifag detected.

Body language:

>Be at ease. You're comfortable and relaxed no matter where you are.
>Take up space.
>Sit still. Avoid fidgeting.
>Don't smile all the time. It devalues it.
>Lift your chin up. Keep your eyeline forward.
>Make direct eye contact with people when you speak.
>Let others move around you, don't move out of their way.
>Don't preen, groom or bite your nails.
>Hold your drink down by your waist. In the air is for waiters or people afraid of others knocking into them.
>Don't avoid physical contact and be comfortable touching men and women. Arms around your bros and hoes.

>> No.15811419

Are these lessons for Indians?

>> No.15811420

Thx dude. I should have clarified that I wasnt the dude who posted the fit pick kek.

>> No.15811426

cringe blogpost

>> No.15811430

It's a new format. We're branching out from our video alpha m content.

>Avoid uptalk at all costs.
>Talk slowly.
>Keep talking if someone tries to interrupt you.
>Don't use the words sorry or please.
>Keep gratitude sincere and short.
>Address the group, not just one person.

>Do stuff because you want to do it.
>Stop caring about what happens.
>Don't justify yourself.
>Never cuck on your beliefs, whatever they are.

>> No.15811432

What is up talk?? 5hx from india

>> No.15811466

Holy shit this is cringe.

>> No.15811488
File: 188 KB, 1024x929, boomer advice women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, 12? How can you give such great advice and then a terrible, childish example?

>> No.15811503

Hehe, I also love to roleplay these little social interactions in my head anon but don't share them online. I feel second hand embarrassment reading your posts. Post fits and talk about /sprezzatura/ but give us a break with pretending to be a local Roosh V.

>> No.15811513
File: 64 KB, 600x404, 3p0jfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Deadpan. "Make it 69."

>> No.15811524

No socially adjusted human being would type all of this out on an anime board. Congratulations, you're a king of Pajeets and incels online but a regular cringelord for anyone normal.

>> No.15811529

Holy shit, this is top tier cringe.

>> No.15811553
File: 50 KB, 1024x821, 1608544803927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15811576

Please get at trip so I can filter out all of your posts.

>> No.15811581

>Reifag detected.
I have no idea what does it mean. Is this some slang from r/PickUpArtist or some Red Pill online forum? Just in case; you don't have to explain. Better don't interact with me weirdo

>> No.15811589
File: 36 KB, 800x450, dd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you quit posting in /tip/ not because you have anything against the style but because of the weirdos there and now you stumble upon these online PUA diary entries here
I think 2020 is the high time to say farewell to 4chan. I feel like I'm getting too old for it at 27.

>> No.15811608

It's literally just one larper that we're all making fun of

>> No.15811616

Hello thx u help me a lot. love from India

>> No.15811959

scroll past it mate, i do.

>> No.15811962
File: 1.20 MB, 1278x543, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope this is pasta

>> No.15812067

Looking great, the shirt has to be linen, mine crease in the exact same way.

Being married gives you far less experiences than someone who has been on a handful of dates with many different women.

You will be offended but it's really funny how textbook you are. The average frustrated chump follows this EXACT same pattern and when they finally get a girl or get married, they justify their actions and advice were correct all along and revert to telling others they should just be their self.

You're 100% textbook in this regard. You're also 100% wrong of course and if you were single and hit a bar, you'd get mass rejections based upon your interactions.

>Many of the most successful, richest, most powerful, etc. men dressed like shit and didn't care.

Because they are already known for having power and influence. if you do not have that and are some just random guy in the street, what you're wearing will convey that instead.

It's like saying you saw Michael Jackson in his underwear and a handful of plasters stuck all over his face and because women like him, you too can do that and it does not matter.

Or guys who say they should shave their head because Jason Statham does and he is bald and gets women when both the examples are about POWER. If none of that applies to you, dressing like a bum conveys not power but, well, being a bum.

Believe it or not, women (of all ages) are very immature. A guy that conveys power, looks good and comes across fun can be dynamite.

>> No.15812071

As for the other posters...

People that learn and understand about dynamics, relationship and interaction psychology with females have heard everything you have said before. Many times. It's like you're zombies and that's because you all share the same blue pilled chain of thoughts that growing up in a feminized society has done to you. Average frustrated chumps hate for their matrix to be broken. They will fight so hard to stay within it. They will attack others, shame them, ridicule them while still feeling safe in their space of "just be yourself" because it's not you who is the problem, you just haven't met "the right one" yet. The "soulmate" who will come along. You just have to keep being a nice guy and being yourself.

If you were willing to invest just a little time into such things, you'd begin to read and realize you're reading about yourself and how everything you thought was wrong. But very few will. Anything you read about that tells you how women work and how you can even yourself with women, women hate that and attack that, and you do the EXACT same which goes back to the feminized society and you never even knew it. You shoot down other men who are helping you to defend women which goes back to your thought process of thinking this behavior will get you women.

And that's fine because the more chumps out there, the better. This is why a huge percentage of guys are single now. The guys that understand this, it gets easier for them because the bar lowers when women meet so many chumps.

>> No.15812076

>100 posts of brofaggotry projection on how to pick up women
Just be groomed, approach one and say “me like you, you want to go out?” And repeat in case of failure.

>> No.15812085 [DELETED] 

Such a vulgar line is counter productive to the dynamic of value, worth and the chase.

How many times does that happen to a pretty girl? 99% of the time? Great, you just proved you're another chump. You just handed her the power. She already won.

Meanwhile if you strike up a conversion not based on your attraction to her, you became the 1%. You became the different guy. The guy will worth. You peaked her interest as to why you didn't tell her outright how hot she is and hand her the power. Now she is interested.

>oh no just be honest and be urself

Girls from a very early age learn manipulate techniques. The little girl who bats her eyes at daddy and says OHH PWEASEE DADDY CAN I HAVE THAT HORSE!!

Boys do not. So by adulthood the boy is a fat slob non-runner up against a slim athlete. All "PUA" or things along that line (basically any truth telling now...) is about making that playing field EVEN.


Is male feminist speak designed to shame, attack and shut down men who help others. You're actively attacking guys for the benefit of women to keep them ahead and you're unaware as it just some radical religious kid is unaware he group up in that environment.

>> No.15812087

Such a vulgar line is counterproductive to the dynamic of value, worth and the chase.

How many times does that happen to a pretty girl? 99% of the time? Great, you just proved you're another chump. You just handed her the power. She already won.

Meanwhile if you strike up a conversion not based on your attraction to her, you became the 1%. You became the different guy. The guy with worth. You peaked her interest as to why you didn't tell her outright how hot she is and hand her the power. Now she is interested. Now she is doubting herself and wants to prove herself to you.

>oh no just be honest and be urself

Girls from a very early age learn manipulate techniques. The little girl who bats her eyes at daddy and says OHH PWEASEE DADDY CAN I HAVE THAT HORSE!!

Boys do not. So by adulthood the boy is a fat slob non-runner up against a slim athlete. All "PUA" or things along that line (basically any truth telling now...) is about making that playing field EVEN.


Is male feminist speak designed to shame, attack and shut down men who help others. You're actively attacking guys for the benefit of women to keep them ahead and you're unaware as it just some radical religious kid is unaware he group up in that environment.

>> No.15812211

Shut the fuck up tripfaggot

>> No.15812213


>> No.15812229

Just when u think Cecil is gone he comes back and ODs an entire thread on redpills

>> No.15812291

Imagine not having him filtered. I didn't even know posted here until you said so

>> No.15812327

I havent filtered anybody desu

>> No.15812434
File: 452 KB, 1653x613, cimpcil and ghoulie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is who gives you relationship advice on 4chan

>> No.15812441

It's feeding time!!

Lmfao @ that image.

>has to resort to a basic bitch ad hom because he can't offer any refute

Lol get laid, incel.

>> No.15812686

Don't really agree with the cheating part, but I feel the first bit.

I'm kind of an ugly mug, but my girl is a solid 8/10. I really enjoy going places and seeing dudes going "how did that fucking guy pull that chick?"

>> No.15812957
File: 1.28 MB, 2111x3144, 24-12-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15812972

>that gay ass pin on your lapel

>> No.15812990

>using father john misty as your button idol
The rope is the only choice.

>> No.15813417


>> No.15813448

They love innuendo like that, but it's a razor thin edge from cool to creepy

>> No.15813460

damn, cecil its always 50/50 with your posts
sometimes you post real shit like this and other times youre completely mental

>> No.15813464

right one is top tier qt
how do you look like that you think the right one is 2/10 ?
which women do you date ? i couldnt even imagine dating any of them because their intimidating af
do you hang around models a lot ?

>> No.15813467

pull up your pants
this looks like a larp outfit, idk why

>> No.15813494

>this looks like a larp outfit, idk why
Low IQ

>> No.15813549

Pants are up to my belly button or near it, it's just a short mirror and I'm 6'2" so it's angled and it makes me look extra long.
I need a taller mirror

>> No.15813579

How are they intimidating? They could have a bitchy attitude at most. Right girl has a disgusting plastics look and weirdly opened lips. Her face without makeup isn't that good.

>> No.15813604

>this looks like a larp outfit, idk why
low effort can be confused with parody but it lacks an intellectual stance

>> No.15813616

Are your hands in your pockets cuz I don’t see your arms

>> No.15813804

Another for my inspo folder. I'm getting mad it's not Summer and the streets full of people again so I can actually enjoy what I'm wearing and work on it.

I'm never wrong... you're 18, a grease ball sitting in a t-shirt and underwear who hasn't showered for a week or more.

Being jealous doesn't suit you, sweetie.

>> No.15813807

>grease ball sitting in a t-shirt and underwear who hasn't showered for a week or more.

I feel called out due to my self-centredness and narcissistic tendencies to interpret everything online to be an attack on me.

>> No.15813812

Stop giving a retarded tripfaggot attention. Holy shit, how new are people that they don't filter all trips by default?

>> No.15813813

Yet you admitting this negates what you said on being a narcissist, you're just a butt hurt fag.

>> No.15813818

>I'm never wrong
You're delusional if you genuinely think this.

>> No.15813820
File: 92 KB, 612x612, F16A96F3-A8B4-48E3-8C27-64E856649889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how new are people that they don't filter all trips by default?

You forgot your filter

>> No.15813834

Yo momma, grease ball.

I'm never wrong. God speaks through me. I am the word of God.

Lmao this. That guy lurks here 24/7 just to repeat post the same shit every single time I post while pretending he has me filtered.

I'm living rent free in his head with his obsession of me. He probably dreams of me. What a loser.

>> No.15813892

Delete the thread and start over

>> No.15813902

This has been one of the more interesting threads.

>> No.15813913
File: 44 KB, 615x409, F375CF4C-C8B7-4B85-999A-CA6E443228F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ok sign

>> No.15813930

>PUA larping and tripfaggotry
Fuck off

>> No.15814029

the advice in those posts is not for getting girls

>> No.15815001

Bump to keep alive

>> No.15815088

Merry Christmas /sprezz

>> No.15815105

there isn't any /Trad/ thread so I will ask here
I want to order black dress shoes online (not something very expensive), but i never wore dress shoes and my main concern is they wont be comfortable, especially for long periods of time. what should I look for? round toe derbies with flat soles?

>> No.15815109

Dress shoes are incredibly comfortable if they’re well made and properly fitted. You’ll need to try on a ton of different lasts (the shape of the shoe) to find what works on your foot.

Go into a high end shoe boutique. They’ll assist you. You don’t need to buy anything there, but you can get good info and try a range of brands to compare.

What do you want to wear the shoes for? An occasion? Black isn’t very versatile.

>> No.15815128

I need something black to fit for all black wear because I don't have anything except black docs boots. my main concern is the comfort, I don't mind if they aren't the most pointe toe elegant as long as their are comfortable for standing for long periods of time. it can be for church or somewhere where I need to wear all black fit that can fit more casual look too. lets say black comfortable dress shoes that fit to black button up shirt and black trousers/chinos that don't draw too much attention

>> No.15815142
File: 34 KB, 554x554, D92D9F28-78F8-4BF3-BEE2-235E35347DAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear leather shoes every day, and my black shoes get worn about 5-10 times a year for extremely formal events or very specific fits. I would suggest an extremely dark brown pair of oxfords instead. Cap toe at a minimum, but consider going with at least a half brogue so they’re not deathly boring.

>> No.15815148
File: 402 KB, 730x1016, 7A9149E6-BCC8-49F1-BE6E-484CB1D5C145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also avoid all black suits if you can. They’re almost always signal that you don’t know what you’re doing. Charcoal is a much better colour and vastly more wearable

>> No.15815150

This being said, if you have a hard requirement or dress code requiring black shoes, black cap toe oxfords are the unbeatable classic.

>> No.15815161

I don't like brogues and I do want them to be boring
I don't wear all black suits and where I from most people almost never wear all black suits, as I said they need to be comfortable and fit to black button up shirts and trousers/chinos

>> No.15815164

Waiters need special non-slip shoes, you can find them at Payless

>> No.15815177


>> No.15815179

>black button up shirt
>black trousers/chinos
Why are you dressed like that again? Are you a pallbearer? In the food service industry? Mortician?
Post fit

>> No.15815194

it doesn't have to be black button up, it can be black sweater, coat, jacket, overcoat
I just like all black look but I don't have any shoes to wear with it, why you have to be autistic spergs about it?

>> No.15815200
File: 3 KB, 110x86, IMG_0924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need something black to fit for all black wear

>> No.15815203

>why you have to be autistic spergs about it?
It will never, ever EVER be a good look. We're trying to help ya here, buddy.

>> No.15815211 [DELETED] 

it's basic safe look
what is a good look with black leather shoes?

>> No.15815228

it's classic basic look
what is a good look with black leather shoes?

>> No.15815237

All black menswear outside of extremely formal circumstances isn’t really a thing.

Post some inspo of what you think looks good and how you want to dress so we can see

>> No.15815250

>it's classic basic look
No it's not, you complete and utter retard.

>> No.15815252

Don’t be such a dick. He’s obviously a John wick enthusiast.

>> No.15816246

What did you get for Christmas?

>> No.15816305

Absolutely nothing other than my mum giving me a cheap shoe cleaning kit.

>> No.15816306

My mom got me shoe trees. But I actually asked for them and was happy to receive them

>> No.15816318

Very nice, I'm glad to hear you've got a caring family. Care to show us?

>> No.15816352



>> No.15816353


>> No.15817018

>Deadpan. "Make it 69."

you can only pull this off if you're good looking. otherwise its just creepy.

in fact, all social interactions are just based on how good looking you are. all else is cope.

>> No.15817169

a gift card for a cool local thrift store, I'm going to see if I can find nice trousers

>> No.15817254

He already had her number, so at point she won't care about the humour/innuendo

>> No.15817280

>believing the story is real I'm in the first place

>> No.15817378

does it make any sense to buy a cheap shirt and stitch a not-shit collar onto it?

>> No.15817451

Where do you get a non-shit collar from?
That aside, yes, it can make sense. I accidentally bought a cutaway collar and did not like it, they did not offer refunds because the store was closing, so I replaced it with a normal collar. It's 2 or 3 hours of work.
Finding a similar fabric may be difficult.

>> No.15817488

>Where do you get a non-shit collar from?
i presume i make one, or else buy one off ebay to a proper spec. not sure if theres any point having interfacing material in a collar for myself anyway, i just need a good length to it.

i was also thinking maybe a contrast collar, same as blue shirts look good with a white collar? i really like the one shitty shirt i have that has red corduroy on the inside of the collar.

>> No.15817540

Three layers of thin cloth definitely look better than no interfacing at all, but you don't need a fusible interfacing.

>> No.15817549

what material would you recommend for non-fused interfacing?

>> No.15817574

i am also interested in this question

>> No.15817624

For a shirt collar I use the same cloth as the actual collar, for jackets either thick linen or haircloth.

>> No.15817631

so 3 layers interfacing + inner and outer layers, for a total of 5 layers of the same fabric? seems like an easy enough job to knock one up.

>> No.15817793

No, just three layers in total. The fabric is usually very thin an slightly transparent, so I use two pieces as the "outer layer" and one layer is the "inner" layer (the one that will be hidden when you wear the shirt)

>> No.15817801

aah, and thats sufficient for solid construction? might try it with one of my tattier shirts. got any suggestions for the sorts of fabric best suited to this job? i like the idea of having a lined collar too, so im toying with either some needlecord lining or some velvet.

>> No.15818186

What are good winter-springtime basics which I can try?

>> No.15818187

I can make photos of these tomorrow. I went to a store and asked for cotton fabric similar to the shirt that I had with me. You can also try to find out what your shirt is made of, e.g. popeline and order that.

>> No.15818204

Different kinds of wool in different weights. Wool is a super fabric that can be great for warm weather and cold all depending on the weave

>> No.15818233

What are some good shops?

>> No.15818270

Depends on country unless you're referring to places to order from online

>> No.15818310

I'm in the us. Yeah online or anyplace. I was checking out ebay for used stuff

>> No.15818971
File: 676 KB, 1920x1440, 20201226_200856~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoe trees aren't that interesting, so here's my shoe collection currently instead.
Left to right: Carmina, Allen Edmonds, Allen Edmonds, Meermin, Whites, Whites
Also my dog just turned 6, say something nice about her.

>> No.15819121


Jesus christ

>> No.15819123


“Just stand there and grind out your monologue ignoring all social cues bro”

>> No.15819417
File: 307 KB, 1080x1543, 27-12-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15819423

Any decent white (true white) trousers for under $100 in USA?

>> No.15819429

Don't like this

>> No.15819441

On the contrary, I think this one is great

>> No.15819460
File: 388 KB, 1024x776, 1553730384932-b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reply really was the perfect definition of this board.
"That spanish faggot appreciation thread" part 459571.

>> No.15819496

Just stopped by to shitpost:

You will never be a woman. Faggot.

>> No.15819503

Rent free

>> No.15819518

thread recap

>one guy posts good fits and decent advice
>incel freakout
>based tripfag calls then out
>it has now been a week since anyone else posted a fit

>> No.15819522

No one cares

>> No.15819528

post fit

>> No.15819553


I wear-a the meatball tie

>> No.15819573

I literally have already in this thread

>> No.15819600

>good fits
>boomer-tier 'just bee urself' PUA advice on /fa/
>4 days ago
Imagine defending tripfaggotry
You posted no fit yourself
SAanon was the only regular contributor to these threads and now he went and smeared his own reputation by opening his mouth about a non-sprezz topic

>> No.15819633

He didn't even smear his own reputation imo

>> No.15819642

>i will place a couple grands worth of shoes in front of my dog
given none of those are chewed id say shes a very well behaved girl.

>> No.15819685

Does anyone have recommendations for good driving caps? Looking for something for casual sunday afternoons or on the course

>> No.15819687

according to these guys “keep your head up and belief in yourself” is PUA stuff

>> No.15819695

Gold club and some practice balls

>> No.15819721

Rispekt from Mumbai.

>> No.15819722

A bespoke suit, a bespoke shirt, a pair of sneakers, a t-shirt, a pair of sports pants and some socks.

>> No.15819733

Thoughts on Eton shirts vis-à-vis other similarly priced options?

>> No.15819737

Fit is everything. Just go bespoke at that price point.

>> No.15819745


>> No.15819756

>no pictures

>> No.15819776

What if I like anime and videogames and I still attract female interest? Ha.

>> No.15819802

Still 1 fitting away from receiving the suit. The shirt is ready, though. Simple white linen with spread collar. I may post a pic of everything together when the suit is ready if the thread autism dies down.

>> No.15819804

What other brands of suspenders could I look into other than Thurston and Trafalgar?

>> No.15819812

>Incel freakout
>Not posters over the age of 21 calling a tripfag out on his retardation.

>All woman area immature
Do posters who say this never ask themselves if they are maybe only attracting immature women?

>> No.15819846

Looks like you’re trying to hard

>> No.15819861

leftmost loafers and the two boots are shitty lol

>> No.15819871

These are shitty posts that don’t make the thread any better.

>> No.15819874

Go back to r*ddit.

>> No.15819886

Pointing at what you think is shit to virtue-signal doesn’t make you any better

>> No.15819891


>> No.15819908

those boots kek

>> No.15819927

>Hugo jacomet is 5’10
<5’9 bros...

>> No.15819994

a suit in dark brown sharkskin from Cavour
my parents paid for half

>> No.15820032

Wrong, there is no gain in perceived virtue because this is anonymous. More constructive discussion benefits everyone.

>> No.15820043

Don't samefag mate. It's painful to watch all this self-defence. As I said, get a trip so I can filter out your posts. You will be recognized as THE CHAD among incels and get fame here, too. Win-win for both of us.

>> No.15820049
File: 1.70 MB, 1944x2592, PXL_20201217_192323885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice cable knit sweater.

>> No.15820051

Sounds great. Jacket buttoning points are not too high for your taste?

>> No.15820056

that’s for the constructive contribution with the lowest amount of effort (pointing at shit)

>> No.15820058

what the fuck is that shit couch

>> No.15820084
File: 3.37 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201227-150939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the king of sprezz and why is it Luca?

>> No.15820094

comfy as fuck

>> No.15820102

Grey cable knit jumpers disgust me

>> No.15820143
File: 189 KB, 972x1168, IMG-20201111-WA0001~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goes great with light beige trousers and a pink ocbd.

Thoughts on black loafers? (I know my trousers are wrinkled, it was the end of a long day)

>> No.15820155

nice fit. hate to beat people over the head with "the rules" but I genuinely think this would look better if you matched your shoes and belt here

>> No.15820168

Solid fit. Nice trousers.

>> No.15820182

wear em with grey socks, ideally one with a bit of colour depth to them

>> No.15820367

>ywn come from a long line of italian tailors
Why even live bros?
He has fun and never comes off as tryhard that's why he's the best

>> No.15820786

>my great grandfather was a shoemaker
>my great grandmother was a seamstress
>all the knowledge vanquished by the war
You can be a crybaby about it or you can build your own legacy for your offspring to be proud of

>> No.15820997

I have an Eton shirt and it's honestly incredible. It's so soft, made perfectly, and fits perfectly. By far my favorite shirt
But it's so expensive I'd probably never get another one. I really spoiled myself when I got it but there are so many options that are way cheaper that it's hard to justify it

>> No.15821005

Luca is such a fucking bro and his fits are so good.
Is he trained as a tailor or does he just do marketing and product design? I never see anything of him doing anything tailor related, so I assume he does more of the business side of stuff

>> No.15821270

>tfw remembering how I used to exclusively do windsor knots in my ties
Fucking cringe.

>> No.15821324

Damn that hit me too.
>Got my first job as a receptionist
>Wore a shirt, slacks, and a tie for a month to school then work

>> No.15821349

>my first job as a receptionist
fellow gay detected

>> No.15821352

I exclusively use Eldredge knots. Cum at me fagets.

>> No.15821400

what a fag

>> No.15821401

I'm not gay, traps are not gay. If he's cute it's not gay bro.

>> No.15821409
File: 7 KB, 380x296, FB_IMG_1609116335010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15821414
File: 105 KB, 1903x862, we114112818010H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't justify spending 575 on JM Weston loafers. Know any passable alternatives at a lower price?

>> No.15821448

Where are you finding them for 575? What currency? They're 850+ in USD
Anyway, Carmina does a clone for half the price, and Carmina makes a great product

>> No.15821497

Oops, I meant to say in britbongs.

>> No.15821507

Check out the Carminas. Also Alden's classic loafer is on par

>> No.15821787

No it isn't, they still have rules they just pretend they aren't there because /tip/ lives rent free

>> No.15821792

false dichotomy and misrepresentation kek

what’s with the childish faux-antagonism between 4chan tip and sprezz

>> No.15821963


>> No.15821967


Leave the absolute faggotry of this past thread here before you migrate, thanks

>> No.15822032

left is the perfect amount of pretty. natural, effortless beauty and a look with personality. would impregnate and raise a family with.
middle looks like soulless, plastic-faced tranny. scary, wouldnt want to bump into her in a dark alley at night.
right looks is too pretty, she doesnt arouse any primal feelings of attraction, just admiration like you would a painting or a marble statue. no character

>> No.15823267

black shoes look like shit with this, rest is solid though

>> No.15823685

You look like shit