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File: 18 KB, 640x464, Body-hair-removal-640x464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15801728 No.15801728 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 20 year old guy and I have always despised my body hair. I am considering a permanent body hair removal. My ideal body doesn't have body hair and I think we should strive for our ideal, changing ourselves in order to get it.
How feasible is this? Should I do it? Which are the best ways of doing it?
Thank you

>> No.15801744

I got laser hair removal since I had a really ugly moustache shadow, but it took around 10 sessions for it to become permanently gone.

>> No.15801745
File: 54 KB, 600x600, hairyqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15801771

Are you a guy? Also, I've heard electrolysis is better

>> No.15803289

I'm sure your boyfriend will love it

>> No.15803317

Feminized men, all the West produces now.
Embrace it you faggot, I have miles of chest hair that looks aesthetic as fuck provided you trim a little bit and get a decent tan.

>> No.15803550

Oh stfu. There is such a thing as being too hairy. Hairier men tend to smell worse.

>> No.15803553

Definately consider laser hair removal/electrolysis. If you have dark body hair and light skin, then it should be no problem.

>> No.15803573

I think the light skin/dark hair only applies to laser hair removal. Electrolysis works for any type of hair. And I've heard electrolysis is much more efective.

>> No.15803609


Keep it, women love it (if you are into that of course).

>> No.15803709

Do you think there's a lot of women who would dislike a man with no body hair?

>> No.15803752

>if you are into that of course
Well if you aren't gay men probably like it too.

>> No.15803768

> My ideal body doesn't have body hair
Any reason for that? Body hair is natural for most people.

>> No.15803801

my petit big boobed russian gf loves my fur

>> No.15803812


>> No.15803844

Body hair is great. I would hate being some smooth hairless thing. I even have hair on my fingers in front of my knuckles.

>> No.15803971

Idk, I would need to do a lot of introspection and Freud-like analysis to know. It might be a manchild thing. I wouldn't mind having a bit of light body hair, but I'm med (Spanish) and I have a lot of dark body hair.

>> No.15803974

Which percentage of women, more or less, would dislike a hairless man?

>> No.15804005

Different women are into different things. Do what makes you happy and confident as that will make you the most attractive. Some stuff looks better on different types of people. This isn't high level thinking stuff guys.

>> No.15804027


>> No.15804540
File: 53 KB, 655x745, king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feminized men, all the West produces now.
Embrace it you faggot, I have miles of chest hair that looks aesthetic as fuck provided you trim a little bit and get a decent tan.

>> No.15804546

You probably have breasts desu