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15795841 No.15795841 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my fits

>> No.15795870

Not a single piece of clothing in any of these photos actually fits you.

>> No.15795871

Cut your fucking hair.

>> No.15795879

Elliot Page

>> No.15795886

your hair looks good, the only clothing I like in this set is the ivory sweater, the beige jacket, the black puff jacket, and that white shirt underneath...

but paired with the pieces you've paired them with are all not doing it for me. and those shoes are a bit autism

you have good bone structure and hair though, so just uh... like for instance the middle panel... never do that

>> No.15795891

lol, NFKZR

>> No.15795894

Is the middle your Tommy Wiseau costume??
But yeah, I get a deep intuitive feelings that you're a sociopath or something, OP. The poses, the dead glare. Second from the left seriously looks someone ate your last snack pack, but the goofy Tiny Tim style is kek-worthy. Far left just looks like a mass shooter's self portrait.

>> No.15795895

The overcoat in the final photo fits.

>> No.15795897

there's no way ur actually nfkrz lmao. but suit jacket needs tailoring, dont wear #5 ever and everything else is innoffensive ig

>> No.15795900

he dresses like a high school hipster

>> No.15795942
File: 174 KB, 643x580, 1607274577195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back to making MY videos.

>> No.15795951

you just made him sound way cooler now, mass shooter self portrait? sounds hot

>> No.15795958

he said he just started getting into fashion. give it time he'll grow up sooner or later.

>> No.15795959

Looks stupid and goofy
Would be nice without dumbass collar/ turtleneck
Goofy and stupid
Best one

>> No.15796057
File: 49 KB, 600x428, 1d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't he dressing for SEX

>> No.15796064

The shoes and trousers length ruin them all

>> No.15796073
File: 308 KB, 736x1480, Screenshot_20201217-100615_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15796079

Looks like a mincing poofter.

>> No.15796081

probably not the real NFKRZ but 1 is god tier, 2 is pretty good, though better with the collar put down, 3 is most likely an intentional meme, 4 is fine and 5 is pretty generic, but overall ok

>> No.15796094

Alright fits, especially like the first one.
Your black pants are too short and it would be nice if you had some other shoes to rotate, docs are overplayed and boring imo

>> No.15796121

Poмaн, этo ты?

>> No.15796123

all would look better on the 17yo girl on instagram you obviously get your outfit ideas from

>> No.15796133


>> No.15796138

cдeлaй cтpижкy, ты швaбpoй гoлoвy

>> No.15796140

Кaк нeт?

>> No.15796157

Holy crap it's you again. It's crazy how much you've improved you style, but IIRC last time most people's gripe was with your hair which I see you kept. I think you should consider cutting it at least a few inches shorter.

>> No.15796572
File: 29 KB, 640x640, 1528467741521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to hear a honest opinion?

- Get rid of every single piece of clothing in those pictures, except the coat in the last picture

- Get a haircut

- buy some real pants and a good pair of shoes to start with

you seem to have a decent height and face, so please don't waste it by wearing garbage

>> No.15796589

broaden your tastes, go post in your trad thread

>> No.15796640

Timestamp or stop larping.

>> No.15796701

my favorite neighborhood russian

>> No.15796706

crazy seeing his progression from a retard commentary channel to making interesting/engaging videos about russian culture

>> No.15796796


Get different shoes

>> No.15798308

i agree with this, get more shoes

>> No.15798380

You look like the guy in the burger King crown

>> No.15798406


>> No.15798472

Hair doesn't do it for me. Face is just too masculine to be trying to dress like a pretty boy like this.

>> No.15798473


>> No.15798476

His face would work better with some fisherman/English countryside core or something.
ala nigel cabourn

>> No.15798601

middle one is the best, reminds me of michael hutchence, then the next two are great two, lost the first two, they look retarded

>> No.15798603

get pants that fit, dude

>> No.15798615
File: 2.94 MB, 2000x1333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 is giving

>> No.15798617

If he had only one or two outfits, one pair of shoes would be fine. Since he does not however, he needs more variety to go along.

>> No.15798620
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you suck m8

>> No.15798624

ITT manlets wear daddy's jackets

>> No.15799164

'ello blazers

>> No.15799276
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>> No.15799363
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rate my fit

>> No.15799372


>> No.15799377

game sucked, shit dialogue, decent story, dogshit customization in a fucking rpg none the less and the combat was boring too, imagine being the gremlin that developed this

>> No.15799386

I enjoyed it

>> No.15799406
File: 98 KB, 519x377, Courage-fred4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freaky Fred lookin ass

>> No.15799463

This shit looks outdated as fuck, the tapered cropped trouser with black derby shoes.
And obviously fell for the ami meme logo aka cdg play 2.0...
But he has youtube money, eventually he'll figure out that he fell for every instagram fashion meme and actually develop some taste.

>> No.15799470

I like ur style, but it seems a bit mismatched.
1. black undershirt instead of white
2. i like this!
3. the glasses look like theyre from the matrix but not in a good way. the rest of the outfit is fine, but where would you wear this?
4. this outfit is good just replace the jacket with the one in 5
5. jacket doesn't match outfit, but that's a nice jacket

i also like your hand jewelry.
hope this helps.

>> No.15799477

only the furthest right outfit looks good on you

>> No.15799564
File: 62 KB, 396x594, tumblr_f6b9114fdb0f86950e196f214159f399_0ab742df_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8.5/10 Overall rrly good. Maybe switch up the white t-shirt with a dusty colour t-shirt sometimes. Your jacket in the 3rd pic would look better if you lengthen the cuff/arm length a bit. I like how you mix it up and not just have one "look"

>> No.15799577

Ranking the fits from left to right and best to worst


>> No.15799968

the sweater collar thing is gay but other than that pretty cool

>> No.15799991

>actually thinking this is NFKRZ


>> No.15800270

Those shoes look like the ones you wear when you have a shorther leg or some bullshit like that.

>> No.15800273

IDK if this is larp butplease take take of your hair NFKRZ, search up curly hair guides or the curly girl method or cut some hair off and start a curly hair journey because your hair looks pretty damaged. BUy clothes that fit you and your body

>> No.15800336

Clown shoes desu

>> No.15800840

Grow a beard and get a better sense of fashion you girly looking hippe

>> No.15800841

Kek, glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that

>> No.15800994

Fucking change your shoes. You should own more shoes than tops.

>> No.15801117
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 527D95EC-C541-4254-9598-DCF6253AC248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok done

>> No.15801150


Nice advice

>> No.15801405

Bruh posting other peoples photos is fuckin weird