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15791191 No.15791191 [Reply] [Original]

What does a boy have to do to be "cute"?

>> No.15791195

take hrt

>> No.15791197
File: 455 KB, 900x806, 152-1525736_anime-shrug-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want boobs

>> No.15791201

be me

>> No.15791202

just take minimal dose per day

>> No.15791220
File: 244 KB, 496x350, Screenshot_20201215-003327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brother, guys aren't supposed to be cute.
c'mon let's go throw the ball around for a lil while and chop some fire wood it's gonna be a cold winter and dad is very sick.
I know I know mom's death last year messed me up too but we need your help.

>> No.15791229

This is just one man's opinion, but he has to talk and act like a woman. The only male that I considered going gay for because he was so cute had almost all the features I wanted in a woman. I regret not advancing on him to this day.

>> No.15791235

two doses of parabellum

>> No.15791236

Look like an anime character. Be warned, you will never pull a girl over 20 if you go with this look.

>> No.15791237

So I can pull girls under 20 even if I'm in my 20s with this look?

>> No.15791240

If you legitimately have a somewhat feminine and very attractive face? Yes, you can pull pretty much any girl under 20.

>> No.15791248

are you implying grown women don't want to diddle men that look like cute boys?

>> No.15791249

I'm implying that men who look like cute boys are paedophiles.

>> No.15791260
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>> No.15791264
File: 570 KB, 882x716, CmGBGcp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time I was giving a presentation in an art class in college and when I was done one of the girls blurted out "I just have to say that you are the cutest thing ever" and all the other girls agreed lol

I'm just really handsome, tall, and gay, but not flamboyant... I think I was wearing a knit sweater and had medium length light brown hair, and I have blue eyes and whatever... may or may not have had a mustache.

>> No.15791265

Absolutely nothing. If you aren’t naturally cute you will end up looking like a tryhard

>> No.15791276
File: 700 KB, 850x564, c27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl called me cute last year.

All I was wearing was skinny black jeans, white long sleeve shirt and fluffy hair.

>> No.15791280
File: 482 KB, 828x1100, 4FA53AF8-7394-4A13-97F1-3036262A4ECF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is trying to be a femboy retard. Guys can look cute, not everyone is this ultramasculine chad nor do they have to be. It’s just a image that’s trying to be sold to us.

>> No.15791283

The problem is that if you look cute you have to literally act like an anime character or you will come off as gay. You have to be cold and emotionless.

>> No.15791286
File: 254 KB, 939x685, 286cce05-ffba-4573-b15d-008adb978ac5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you come across as clueless. Hehe

>> No.15791307

low bodyfat works + some muscle

>> No.15791310

Not turn 23

>> No.15791333

No you just act how ever you want. People will still perceive you as cute

>> No.15791335
File: 113 KB, 112x112, 83197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 23

>> No.15791336

I heard minox or fin helps with some sort of negative conversion in test or something. I heard that it can make you less fat and disgusting. How do I take this without getting gyno

>> No.15791339

Fin raises your Testosterone by 10%.
Thats why you get gyno because more estrogen is being produced too.

>> No.15791344

doesn't it lower DHT though, which is the testosterone metabolite that makes you look manly?

I wouldn't recommend it unless you're trying to be a tranny, since trannies love the stuff

>> No.15791353

Some amount of testosterone gets converted into DHT. Won't turn you into a tranny.

Trannies don't care about fin since they are trying to suppress testosterone not DHT.
This will indirectly suppress DHT as there is no testosterone.

>> No.15791493

>t. 22 year old

>> No.15791498

be me

>> No.15791520

most men are paedophiles

>> No.15791522

I dunno about that, I'm pretty exclusively turned on to features that develop well after puberty lol