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15790423 No.15790423 [Reply] [Original]

need one person to tell me this isn’t gay and i’m getting it on my chest

>> No.15790426

Are you Russian Orthodox?

>> No.15790428

Fat Ugly Frog Faggot

>> No.15790429


>> No.15790437

greek ortho

>> No.15790439

Are you Orthodox? If yes, then buy a gold cross and forget about getting tattoos.

>> No.15790447

Catholics can use orthodox cross as well

>> No.15790449

Tattoos are a sin so idk why you'd put that on yourself if you're supposed to be orthodox

>> No.15790450

you're a stupid faggot, tattoos are prohibited In the bible, if you were an actual christian you'd know that. kill yourself.
leviticus 19:28; "you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you."
also you'll look like a fucking poser if you get that tattoo.

>> No.15790455

Russian orthodox here, brother. We should never modify our God given bodies in any way. Please, abandon this idea and just have a small cross hanging by your neck.

>> No.15790529

What about cutting nails and hair?

>> No.15790621

Your a larper and you know it. You’re gonna look back at this in a year and your gonna cringe so hard every time you look at your arm

>> No.15790622

Do you say the same thing to Christians who eat shellfish or who wear mixed fabrics?

>> No.15790628

>hey we already break some rules so let’s just break all of them lol
The absolute state of Christcucks lol. They only follow the rules that are convenient to them

>> No.15790647

shhh, don't tell them. they still mad about the fourth crusade and how 99% of Orthodox Theology is considered 'complimentary not contradictory' to Catholicism so have to keep moving further right to be unique special flakes
>Copts will be in full communion with the holy see within my lifetime. get mad Jay Dyer

>> No.15790664
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>need one person to tell me this isn’t gay and i’m getting it on my chest

>> No.15790743

Its more just pointing out your ignorance of Christian teachings. I mean even in the Bible they discuss and resolve the distinction between ceremonial law/judicial laws and the moral ones.

>> No.15790829

that's not what a tattoo is

>> No.15790833

>implying you could stop anyone who isnt an ortho from getting one lmao

>> No.15790834

>nu/pol/ reactionary tradzoom christkeks found /fa/
time for me to leave, then

>> No.15790867

That isn’t gay OP

>> No.15790903

I have a small one, I am Russian ortho. The yid fears it.

>> No.15790913

You’ve marked yourself with the sign of the cross...now tell me, are you ready to get crucified? Are you ready for the innocent to suffer for the guilty. Are you innocent? Are you worthy enough for a crucifixion. Worthy enough to be brazen, exposed to the world. Is your physique and soul too pathetic to stand up after falling with your cross. Are you strong enough to endure the scourge manfully?

>> No.15790915

Lol look at this JEW

>> No.15790916

Unironically, as long as they are not LARPers, tradzoom Christkeks are quite good. They will be the light in the darkness. Unfortunately...too many fall into LARP. It is sad.

>> No.15790918
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good, leave degenerate faggoire

>> No.15790926

>You’ve marked yourself with the sign of the cross...now tell me, are you ready to get crucified? Are you ready for the innocent to suffer for the guilty. Are you innocent? Are you worthy enough for a crucifixion. Worthy enough to be brazen, exposed to the world.

>Are you strong enough to endure the scourge manfully?

>> No.15790928

religious tats are cringe, should get something that's you - not a moniker to some long dead or decaying faith

>> No.15790929

I wasn’t doubting you when I posted that, btw. Good luck brother. I know I certainly do not fulfill that criteria...but I hope to become stronger.

>> No.15790930

>long dead
As far the Church on Earth...yes, but the trees don’t stay green all year in temperate climates. We must bear the winters, as they have been for thousands of years

>> No.15790934


Catholicism and orthodoxy are losing followers - not gaining them. Living in denial about it and trying to act like you're going to weather the storm only means it decays faster.

>> No.15790940

Did I not say I agreed with you that there is a decay and degeneration? That is very different from it being dead, however. I absolutely am not in denial about the present situation

>> No.15790949


>> No.15790951
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>> No.15791199

>actually believes this
>shits on Jay
Yup its a BTFO'd tradcath

>> No.15791200

NT talks in depth about why the Law involving what is considered unclean to eat has been done away with. That is not the case for no tattoos or markings champ.

>> No.15791206
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I'm strongly of the opinion it's a lot like the ceremonial cleanings, mixed fabrics, and the like. It's symbolic and meant to separate the Hebrews from other people groups but ymmv

>> No.15791217

Not gay if sigil linked with familial ancestry manifesting energy or bonded with contract, performed with the appropriate materials and spiritual artist. Otherwise most likely a juvenile desecration of your temple and gay.

>> No.15791246

ok jewboy

>> No.15791506

Im greek too,go for it.It's better to be a basic bitch than some of the ''quirky'' and ''unique'' designs some of the faggots here like

>> No.15791510

that's the jewish bible buddy

there was a new testament, did you hear the "good news" LOL

>> No.15791528

It's nice, if you're into orthodoxy and not just a larper

>> No.15791592

I'm actually a liberation theology roman rite catholic

>> No.15791642

>>Copts will be in full communion with the holy see within my lifetime.
Copts care more about orthodoxy than the eastern ones tho. It's easier to convince Russians to join frank the hippe club than copts lol.

>> No.15791782
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>> No.15792559

I don't get that Jay Dyer guy. He seems to halfway know what he's talking about but then fucking constantly portrays Orthodoxy as being just one thing rather than Orthodoxies. Then again you gotta get that patreon money somehow am I right boiz?
They seem open to engaging with the vatican compared to say, those v salty boiz in Russia.
Then theres the Armenian Church which now recognizes Catholic baptisms and vice versa. I think they working on jointly agreed beliefs on other sacraments, we'll see we're that goes..

>> No.15792602

Is it the case for mixed fabrics?

>> No.15792615


>> No.15792641

Yes. Read Romans and Hebews.

Orthodox means "the right path" there being more than one right path is firstly idiotic and secondly would defeat the meaning of "orthodoxy"

>> No.15792664

>laughs in 2018 russian/greek orthodox schism

>> No.15792666

Yes there's been schisms in the church, must mean its all forfeit. Actually go read about Christian history and maybe you'll actually understand something instead of just being pretentious about topics you know next to nothing about.

>> No.15792682

There are different strains in orthodoxy. I don't even think this is contentious.
The 20th century neo-palamism is popular atm, as is the theology of that Greek Orthodox John Romanides anti-western rhetoric around St. Augustine challenged by Old Greek Calendrists.(the later are schismatic, I get it)
Serpahim Rose trying to bring back the aerial toll house myth that rythms with gnosticism.
read a fucking book retard

>> No.15792689

I have, and by doing so I understand that the church has always had to protect its doctrine since day one and continues to do so to this day and the eastern orthodox have been the most successful at doing so. That anon seemed to want to lay claim that all the Orthodox churches are immensely different which is not true or that because of there being multiple any "path" taken to god becomes correct, both these ideas are what lead to split upon split within the churches causing the modern day crisis of everyone leaving Christianity because the churches have forgetting how to answer theological problems and try to bring the church into the world and not the world into the church. I see this much more in protestant churches and to a degree recently with the Catholics as well, so when Jay Dyer tries to drive home that ORTHODOX is the one correct way of interpretation he has grounding to say so and anyone interested in church history can easily see why if they actually look at the early church teachings instead of throwing them out as "not being relevant to a modern time".

>> No.15792863

>he's talking about but then fucking constantly portrays Orthodoxy as being just one thing rather than Orthodoxies.
Do you think catholics are in complete unity? Eastern catholics venerate saints that the RCC sees as heretics and never venerated and they don't say the filioque and alot of them if not all believe in Palamism. Maybe to you that's nothing but it's actually critical and it gives the vibes that catholicism is more about power and control of Vatican over Christians than actual unity in beliefs and practices between Christians. Orthodox churchs literary have the same beliefs and principles, no orthodox church is different than the other in terms of beliefs be it big or small.
>They seem open to engaging with the vatican compared to say, those v salty boiz in Russia.
>Then theres the Armenian Church which now recognizes Catholic baptisms and vice versa. I think they working on jointly agreed beliefs on other sacraments, we'll see we're that goes..
That doesn't mean they will become catholics. A kind of unity happened between the eastern orthodox and coptic but the coptic didn't change a single thing and they still insisted on refusing alot of ecumenical councels. They won't become catholics or accept the pope as ultimate authority that's for sure.

>> No.15792887

You're either crucified with Christ or the devil

>> No.15793011

It isn’t and you should get it :)

>> No.15793014


Lol imagine arguing about a fictional topic that literally affects no one this hard.

>> No.15793022

that last bit really sticks with me, bringing the world into the church is defs what mainstream catholicism has pursued since Vatican II. Dunno how you would avoid it though.
I think a lot of these theological differences in any religion are only looked at without the historical context they originally arose in; Sunni/Sh'ite Islam divide or the East/West schism.
I'm Catholic. It's massive. Many disagree. I think my contention would be that orthodoxy is similar. They can still be Orthodox and not all be anti-Augustinian internalized orientalism/hellenism, but I feel some pundits (though well meaning) like Jay Dyer kinda pitch it that way.
The filoque is no longer a church dividing issue. Hesychasm was explicitly mentioned by I think John Paul II as not being heretical.
It's Papal Primacy thats the key church dividing issue, and I totally see why it's contentious.
Just ask a Melkite Greek Catholic, they don't give a fuck about Vatican I.
If there are any orthodox still in this thread, can someone explain the hostility to Reason? I like Aristotle and St Aquinas is my one of my favorite christian theologians, but I see a lot of hostility to Encyclicals on the sole basis of 'reason'

>> No.15793414

hey anon
new atheism was cool in 2002 bro. you should probably move on bro

>> No.15793451

>You see this!? It means "Welcome!"

>> No.15793456


>> No.15793459

2007 to be fair

>> No.15793463

Can't speak for Orthodoxy, but I think that appealing to reason is a dangerous way to tread. God cannot be fully comprehended and an analysis just exists because of doubt- faith requires a leap of faith, not acrobatics of reason.

>> No.15793562
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Except the probibition against tattooing and scarring is incredibly specific and both refer specifically to mourning practices common among people of the region at that time. It doesnt refer to any and all tattooing, which is probably why it only shows up once unlike every other general prohibition I can think of. In addition to being a commandment that appears specific to the ritual mourning of the time, its also specific in that, like nearly all of leviticus it refers to the Jews in Israel, being written immediately on the vicinity of the commandment not to trim your beard or cut the hair from the sides of your head. There is 0 indication that the prohibition against tattoos is a general one, or even if it were, that it applies to gentiles at all.

You fucking psued.

>> No.15793661

Why would an orthodox cross be gay? I think it looks aesthetic

>> No.15793668

So I'm not super well versed in Greek orthodox but isn't it considered sinful or degenerate to get tattoos

>> No.15794759

A bigass cross seems a little showy. If you're religious, I'd consider against turning the sign of your faith into something purely aesthetic, but if this serves as some profound reminder of what you believe, maybe. I've heard of coptics getting cross tattoos as part of their religious virtue, so you're not totally alone in this with Russian mobsters and evangelicals trying to look cool.