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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 142 KB, 1080x1080, eidboycott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15787400 No.15787400 [Reply] [Original]

Is avoiding brands that use slave cotton s*y?

>> No.15787406

Definitely not. And you shouldn't be shopping fast fashion for the most part anyway

>> No.15787408

>no im gonna buy from this company instead cause they treat their slaves better
So gay

>> No.15787410

>the north face
That one is surprising considering the people who wear it

>> No.15787411

yes. growing your own cotton farm and cultivating it for making your own t shirt is the ultimate anti-s*y

>> No.15787420

Most of the types of people who justify slavery (/pol/ types, including myself desu) probably would have been enslaved during times in which it was prevalent. Opposing China is also non-onions.

>> No.15787429

Maybe when ethical companies make affordable t shirts and pants that can last actual wear and tear and also fit a normal human figure. Its fucked up but what choice do I have as a poorfag. Inb4 just thrift, gross and i don't want to search for weeks on end for something i can't even predict i want

>> No.15787430

>giving a shit about mudslimes

Hey Mohammed, there's an easy way out of the camps

Just remember:

>a towel is not a hat
>a child is not a wife
>a goat is not a girlfriend
>if you smell like shi'ite take a baath

>> No.15787436 [DELETED] 


They're filthy muzzie dirt bags.

>> No.15787452

A few of these claimed they would stop sourcing from uighur slave labor, Adidas, for example

>> No.15787586

No, but it's peak consoomerism

>> No.15787592

I don't buy these brands, not because I care for the people they enslave but because they had the audacity to move their production overseas to lower the cost of production. I'd much rather buy from my own people and not from the jewish, tax evading cabal

>> No.15787723

I prefer such brands

>> No.15787727

The only brand worth wearing here is The North Face. Everything else is for wiggers or clueless normies.

>> No.15787735

this but north face is a shitty brand coopted by city slickers. if you aren't already boycotting all the brands in the pic because you actually buy quality brands then kys.

>> No.15787784

Nationalism is the solution. Fuck china and fuck everyone else. We'll do it on our own.

>> No.15787804

Fuck these brands, fuck China, and fuck Muslims.

>> No.15787824

I'd gladly pay 150$ for a pair of pants that will last me for a decade desu. 1620 Workwear and the Vermont Glove Company are some high quality purchases I've had my eye on for a while. All of my socks are from Darn Tough at this point (one pair of theirs that I wear semi-regularly has lasted me for 17 years at this point). Dale of Norway is also on the list.

>> No.15787877

This. Thrifting is a lot of hrs/cop
Not always easy to keep feeling sorry for the slaves after looking through bins for 12 hours at the value village

>> No.15787886

Here's the thing with slave cotton or helping others ....if the tables were turned would they help you?

They wouldn't even think about it because most people are low IQ and just consume

Yet we're the bad people because we have above average intellect and can manuever in society in the most beneficial way?

Think about it

>> No.15787889

Maybe. But China is not your friend and this is a good opportunity to maybe get something done against that country.

>> No.15787936

>I disagree with this graphic because I really don't give a shit how the close are made. It's not my problem!

This is a pretty good response and I think it represents the way most people would feel when presented with this information, even if they didn't openly admit it.

>I don't buy these brands because it's cheap [insert slur] quality; I could care less about the working conditions!

This is a better response because it adds that classic 4channer edge to what is consequentially the same response as the one I listed first.

>I don't buy these brands because it boosts the economy of asian and/or middle eastern countries!

This one really ups the ante on the contrarianism by not supporting slave labor, but only because said slave labor would make at least someone in a foreign country richer at the end of the day. This response manages to place racism at the forefront of its ideals while also refusing to buy from factories that take advantage of slavery. I don't think anyone's going to be able to top this one, so I'm officially calling it /thread!

>> No.15787944

All products made under capitalism constitute slave labor because needing to work to survive does not represent a real choice, but a compulsory act.

>> No.15787946

No one actually care where or how their clothing is made.

>> No.15787956
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I want to support slave labor but also I don't want Uighurs to have any income at all.

>> No.15787985


>> No.15788015

Durable pants are nice but I'm not about to wear a pair of work pants everyday

>> No.15788031 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15788043 [DELETED] 

>a race

Lmao moron.

>> No.15788044

Wow what a faggot.

>> No.15788062

Did that option exist before Moot started courting Jews to buy his site or invest in it?

>> No.15788067

I bet you smell just as bad and already fucking your third goat you fucking degenerate shitstain

>> No.15788076 [DELETED] 
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I shower once ever 2 weeks, so no. I am clean compared to them.

>> No.15788097 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 636x396, 1580822486019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt understand what racism means
racism isnt limited to skin colour you idiot

>> No.15788102

They'd basically be my one pair of pants for doing anything outdoors - hiking, camping, yard work, etc.

>> No.15788109 [DELETED] 

>he thinks muslims are an ethnic group


>> No.15788129 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 761x469, 1586915559554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus you are dumb. Instead of trying to learn German maybe you should focus on English instead.

>> No.15788192

wait how is pol alive wtf

>> No.15788338

>who justify slavery
who the fuck does that you retard
all i see is "the jews made up the majority of slave owners"

>> No.15788345

holy fuck anon please

>> No.15788348

woman post

>> No.15788352

based middle class faggot equating his struggle to that of enslaved people

>> No.15788355

you gonna explain to me, why pol isnt racist?

>> No.15788359

For T-shirts there are plenty of US-made options under $10, I prefer Bella+Canvas 3001U and it's a well liked shirt
For other clothes it depends what you want but Community Clothing has a variety of offerings all made in UK.

>> No.15788373

no i was just noting how you sound like a female freshly off the boat of twitter lol
what? pole? i don't even know what you're talking about here

>> No.15788397 [DELETED] 

It's hilarious when people call others dumb by being totally retarded.

It means religion within the context of an ethnic group. So if you have a group of people all of the same race, culture, ancestry and religion. It doesn't mean religions are an ethnic group lmao.

Oh wait so when a girl wears a slutty nun costume on Halloween it's an act of racism then? Because that's what you're saying.

Hurr any critique of religion is racism!! Me so smart!!

A white Canadian Muslim is not the same ethnic group as some Pakistani Muslim you utter fucking sperg.

>> No.15788422

i am a man and your a newfag if you dont even know what pol is. lurk more.

>> No.15788424 [DELETED] 

please tell me you're trolling again

>> No.15788432

i hope im being masterfully baited right here

>> No.15788435 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 643x537, 1584767172215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt understand how a dictionary works

>> No.15788437 [DELETED] 

Hurr durr the Christians said Satanism is bad so they're being racist!!

The very fact that religious texts attack other religions makes them racist books durr!!

The witch trials were racism hurrr!!!1

Utter moron. Embarrassing.

>> No.15788444 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't understand how english works

IQ of 65. You pick out certain words and can't understand the full meaning. What a fucking peanut brain.

An ethnic group can encompass a religion but a religion isn't an ethnic group. Holy shit. This is why we all need trips to highlight the fucking morons here and to shame them.

>> No.15788445 [DELETED] 

this is embarrassing even for you cecil

>> No.15788448 [DELETED] 

Are you now claiming that witches are a religious or ethnic group? You're getting dumber by the minute.

4'8" height and 48 IQ

>> No.15788450

These brands are shit anyway

>> No.15788454 [DELETED] 

>the cope when your dumb ass get schooled

Yes. If they are pagans, it's a religious group. If you want to call them Satanists, it's also a religious group.

Lol how dumb are you?

>> No.15788456 [DELETED] 

Hurr the Islamic Sunnis call out the Shia and vice versa so the Muslims are being racist to the Muslims durr me so smarty!!

>> No.15788457

interestingly if you think about recent fiction involving witches they explicitly paint them as an ethnic group rather than something people choose to do.
eg. bewitched, harry potter, sabrina.
So much so that people don't "believe in witches" which really is like saying you don't believe in Priests.
You don't have to believe in magic to believe in witches any more than you have to believe in miracles to believe in priests.
People walk around actively being both.

>> No.15788461 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 515x416, 1591671180686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why we all need trips to highlight the fucking morons here and to shame them.

>> No.15788467 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 677x166, 1580188606138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the same anon faggot

>> No.15788468 [DELETED] 

Yeah and only a total brain dead turd muncher would ever call anyone "racist" for saying something about witches.

But here we are. Some dope itt legit believes that is what racism means.

You've embarrassed yourself.

>> No.15788470

>which really is like saying you don't believe in Priests.
No it isn't.

>> No.15788472 [DELETED] 

Hurr don't even say a thing about the Catholic church and child abuse because durr DATS RACIST!!!

I knew teens were applying the word "racist" to everything now but still lol..

>> No.15788474 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 1294x281, 1578612185596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've embarrassed yourself.

>> No.15788476

explain why.

>> No.15788479 [DELETED] 

because having something to say about the catholic church is the same as calling all members of a religious group "filthy muzzie dirt bags", is that right?

holy shit you are dumb

>> No.15788480 [DELETED] 

Hurr I saw the word "religion" as only a part of the dictionary definition of an ethnic group and are too stupid to understand the full definition and just pick out words like a 3rd grade imbecile and now think the critique of religion is racism durr!!!!!

Fuck me, I have seen some stupid fucks on here but this.. wow.

>> No.15788487 [DELETED] 

They are both negative words or slurs towards each religion. You can't have a hierarchy of what is more offensive. Racism is racism. You can't say some slurs are allowed at a religion and some are not and are therefore "racism" based on your own personal feelings.

Hahahha mate. Seriously, you need extra learning help or whatever. You're dense.

>> No.15788491

>Is avoiding brands that use slave cotton s*y?
Why dont you put patagonia up there for slave labor as well?
They use the same companies as nike and apple and recently they were accused of slave labor.

>> No.15788494 [DELETED] 

Hurr you can't say bad words about people who follow a religion in which the prophet raped little kids and chopped off peoples heads who would not submit durr!!

No!! If you think people who follow and worship that are bad it's racism!!

>> No.15788497

H&M being there is surprising

>> No.15788500 [DELETED] 

Hurr saying negative things about cults is racism and calling everyone in the cult a stupid follower is racism!!

And this is why the word "racism" no longer means anything and anyone that uses it is a mouth breathing retard.

>> No.15788502

if the muslims took over they'd probably kill the people that defend them like that alongside the people that fought back, but the people that fought back would probably get an honorable funeral for not being cucks.

>> No.15788505 [DELETED] 

>the crusades
youre a retard

You think the actions of religious leaders of centuries ago represent the majority of people that follow those religions today? And if so, does that allow you to call them any slur you wish?

>> No.15788507

Where do you live? I find much better quality clothes in the thrift than I do in the stores. Usually the donors are all old, or emphatic caring about environment types, and the ladies in the thrift wash the clothes and keep the store clean. Stores on the other hand, full of low class retards who never put shit back properly and everything smells like chemicals and cheap material. Especially as a poor fag, thrift is the most logical option.

>> No.15788515 [DELETED] 

Yeah it's funny how me and Muslims would likely agree on a lot and the little cucks here would be dead.

The crusades? What about them? Do you know anything about them or are you just posting the ignorant uneducated deflection every teenager does? Because if you knew a thing about them then you'd know how stupid that "argument" is and how if you knew what they were for how bad it makes Islam look.

You, of course don't know a thing about them.

>You think the actions of religious leaders of centuries ago represent the majority of people that follow those religions today?

Uhh yes? You also prove you know nothing of Islam. Islam can not be reformed (like sects of Christianity have) because it is seen as perfect and impossible to reform perfection.

Why do little Western kids defend Islam so hard when they know so little about it. Sad.

>> No.15788519 [DELETED] 

>And if so, does that allow you to call them any slur you wish?

YES. It does. You censorship free speech destroying little cuck.

You could say I am discriminating or whatever you like but what you can't say is it's racism. Jeez!!

>> No.15788522 [DELETED] 

>The Reformation
>Protestant Reformation
>The Protestant Movement
and Christianity wasn't? You really think Islam is unique? What a retarded take.

>> No.15788523

I haven't got a huge amount of experience with Muslims but I have noticed that the Muslims I've known seemed to think I was one of them. Not sure if that's just a thing they do or they sensed I wasn't a fag, or something.

>> No.15788524

I don't really care if they help me or not, why would that change if I help them? The main factor is that slave made clothes are shit anyway.

>> No.15788528 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 310x269, islam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic is Islamic conquest prior to the crusades. Including reaching into Europe. The crusades are a response to this and to reclaim the lands stolen by Islam.

So... are the little "the crusades" idiots going to admit they're wrong and Islam was the aggressor? Nah of course they will not because they're brainwashed.

Islam wiped out all the religious and ethnic groups in the Middle east ffs.

>islam invades an area
>slaughters the people and enslaves the rest
>you go to retake the area and push islam back out


>> No.15788531 [DELETED] 

Uhh that's what I said.. they reformed but Islam has not. Maybe in future but right now it is seen as perfect so to say Muslims somehow don't believe "the old stuff" is totally incorrect. They believe it 100% as it is perfect.

>> No.15788534 [DELETED] 

They will respect you if you act like a real person, all the ass kissing the left does doesn't work in their favor, they are seen as weak for it. It's getting rarer to meet real Western men and not ass kissers so they likely do assume you're a Muslim.

>> No.15788536

just for refference people will talk about boards using the letters in the url, people here will say b to mean random, or pol to mean politically incorrect. learn more before calling people women. newfag

>> No.15788542 [DELETED] 

>Muslims somehow don't believe "the old stuff" is totally incorrect. They believe it 100% as it is perfect.
Cecil is speaking on behalf of the Muslim community, everyone. Comedy gold.

Please stop talking about politics or religion on this board and go post the same pic of you in your shitty shit stained jacket again.

If anyone is wondering what this man's IQ might be then maybe this video might give some insight https://www.bitchute.com/video/DCJd8wptjJ1A/
It's unbelievable what you say here. I'm not sure if you're mentally retarded or if the American school system has really failed you that badly. Oh wait, that's what I would say if you actually went to public school. I guess your mom really fucked up when doing the homeschooling. PE would probably also have helped with your development, Anthony.

>> No.15788546 [DELETED] 

The Muslim community does not get to decide. They take from their Hadiths.

It's like saying "A mechanic does not get to decide wheels on a car are needed for it to move"

The manual says it does so all mechanics follow this.

You just got schooled so you're lashing out. You've never read any Islamic texts at all or even know a single thing about the religion.

>> No.15788548

meh you went overboard

>> No.15788549 [DELETED] 

>Place is probably run by fat Communists or some shit.

Lmao I am based

>> No.15788553 [DELETED] 

You have no idea how dumb you are and cant seem to realize that I dont want to entertain you any longer since you are so misinformed. Really, I am dissapointed in myself for somehow expecting more from someone who spends all his time on /pol/ yet is too scared to tripfag there.

>> No.15788557 [DELETED] 

Lmao such a coward that you can't even admit you were wrong and learning something today, that would be something. Weak.

>> No.15788610

I’m surprised walmart brand isn’t on here

>> No.15788614 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 320x126, 1592171531078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl you've been obsessed with since 2012 supports BLM. Niki is sucking BBC while you're still jacking off to her instagram pictures.

>> No.15788617 [DELETED] 

Yes she has been mislead and has strayed from the right path. I hope she will grow up and find her way back to me and be educated. I have made videos about this. I know she can change though, she can be saved.

>> No.15788628 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 1252x319, 1606054282127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean you can drug and manipulate Niki/Huey again like you did before?

>> No.15788659

Do not buy anything made in China. Fuck Chinks

>> No.15788661 [DELETED] 

Caleb lies. The only drugs I have used are what I call "relaxers" and that's for scared 1st time teens that are going to be earning some cold hard cash from me

>> No.15788676

CIA man please fuck off

>> No.15788677
File: 452 KB, 1653x613, cimpcil and ghoulie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and once again the ugly manlet has ruined another thread and made it about himself

>> No.15788681 [DELETED] 

he constantly starts shit by turning his trips on and off and starting race baiting threads

>> No.15788698 [DELETED] 
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I've been informed that I am moderately handsome.

>> No.15788709 [DELETED] 
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Google disagrees.

>> No.15788716 [DELETED] 


>> No.15788723 [DELETED] 

try it and show results. faggot

>> No.15788740

pretty much

>> No.15788752

good arguments lmao

>> No.15788759 [DELETED] 

thanks, Anthony

>> No.15788766

if i could push a button that atomized all the narcissists on this board that make posts like
>everyone thinks you're an idiot
rather than make a single point or argument i would push that button even if offered the choice of one that does that and another that removes all jews.

>> No.15788768
File: 278 KB, 1691x818, Zrzut ekranu 2020-12-14 o 06.51.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based schizo making me defend a tripfag

>> No.15789919

only adiddas, nike, puma and the north face make good shit form this list

>> No.15790074

>Inb4 just thrift, gross
Do you wear underwear only once a pair or just go for diapers?

>> No.15790106

I've come to the conclusion that worries about people not your immediate culture or ethnic group are a waste of time

In fact it's better they're poor and miserably because they could become a threat otherwise

People have never lost a war against starving peasants

>> No.15790408

Good, fuck em.

>> No.15790414

>shitting on cotton and not synthetic factories in China/Indonesia where they also use slave labor

Fuck off

>> No.15791962

Which companies aren't slaves to Israel??

>> No.15791967

RL too
>As part of our long-term, global supplier strategy, we continue to diversify our production locations and move towards responsibly sourced materials to create a more agile and sustainable supply chain. Ralph Lauren does not source goods produced or manufactured in Xinjiang. Until we can find clear and convincing evidence that forced labor is not involved, we will cease to use any yarn or fabrics from Xinjiang within the next 12 months. We are also working with suppliers and our industry to identify an effective solution for tracing the origins of cotton at the fiber level in order to remove cotton grown in Xinjiang from our supply chain.

>> No.15792338


>> No.15792341

Not actual Turkish people you melon

>> No.15792371

No, if you think that you are a degenerate

>> No.15793690

All work is slavery and "boycotting" companies like this with such massive reach is effectively meaningless. Either accept capital or destroy it.

>> No.15793799

Instead they will move to the next slave labor friendly country until that becomes known too
Companies aren't your friends. You owe them no loyalty. Stop buying chinkshit

>> No.15794065

Soi? Who cares. But it's nearly impossible to avoid products made with slave labor.

>All work is slavery
That's a bad take but you're not far off.