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File: 1.42 MB, 1125x1793, 626AB65F-229C-48D0-AC5D-139236BC60F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15770114 No.15770114 [Reply] [Original]

will it be effay?

>> No.15770117

>made in america by union workers
At least she's checked 1 box that people kind of support

>> No.15770131
File: 35 KB, 512x512, 1604015944712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a conservative, that's the least annoying thing she's ever done.

>> No.15770135

conservatards triggered ecksdee

>> No.15770145
File: 214 KB, 640x800, 77B33CE9-183C-4813-949E-A09F8E8B5B9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this.

>> No.15770160

I like how she's young, but I dislike everything else she's about. That being said, it's a shame that we don't see younger people in the Republican party. Or the Democratic party at large. It's all old, wrinkled, pasty reptilians. McConnell is a turtle. Pelosi is a lizard. They're all nearing octogenarian status and it's a damned shame to see these people call the shots and effect the nation.

>> No.15770163

You guys ever stop and think about Hitler. He wanted the jews exterminated. What is the most racist and xenophobic country on earth? Israel. They are one of the most right wing countries. They want all Arabs shot in the head. The refuse to assimilate and they think they are God's chosen people. They sound like fucking white supremacists to me.

>> No.15770170
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>> No.15770203

Thanks to Hitler modern Israel is based

>> No.15770237
File: 283 KB, 1309x747, aoc tax the rich shirt 60 usd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a very expensive sweatshirt.
Oh the ironing.

>> No.15770246

>designed by jordan rosenberg


>> No.15770255

candace owens should run

>> No.15770260
File: 40 KB, 573x738, mr cum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God that would be absolutely delicious.

>> No.15770467

>$58 dollars
Should say "Tax me"

>> No.15770474

off a cliff

>> No.15770476

Kek, the shirt is $58 and says "tax the rich"

>> No.15770488
File: 1.28 MB, 245x250, 1602547750247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comic Sans-tier font
>designed by Jordan (((Rosenberg)))

>> No.15770529

Oh say can you see

>> No.15770530
File: 389 KB, 2560x1839, TNY-AOC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15770570

>Gender neutral fit
It's a parody in itself

>> No.15770583


>> No.15770588

>Made in the US
Well, there you go.

>> No.15770601

>rich person makes edgy shirt
>poor people buy it
>rich person gets richer
>poor people get poorer
Tax the rich, yes, but it's more like buying this thing is retard tax.

And yes, a lot of politicians sell apparel but most of them don't have any qualms about getting richer.

But I'll say one thing I don't believe $58 is that outrageous. Yes it's expensive and it should be more like $48 instead but all American clothing costs about that much.

>> No.15770646

>Very expensive
Enjoy your H&M sweatshop clothes made in Bangladesh

>> No.15770657

I'm getting one to do my part in the culture war. If Faux News seethes thats good enough for me

>> No.15770666
File: 64 KB, 256x256, FA61ED01-7CEF-4C2E-A3F0-4DD895D1C952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn’t it have this emoji on it? The zoomers always post this face after this statement for some reason

>> No.15770670
File: 137 KB, 774x960, media hypocrisy mostly peaceful protest mob like scene election fraud counting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faux News
Imagine singling out Fox.

>> No.15770690

fox news is the only objectively true and unbiased channel left on american tv

>> No.15770703

>The tru fax consooomer
You imagine the copy-past variant of this meme, I can't be fucked to make it

>> No.15770711

what the fuck

>> No.15770718

Isn't she rich to 99% of the population? Isn't her shirt a tax on stupid poor people?

>> No.15770723
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, blm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be a BLM tag on it. I support BLM.

>> No.15770724

>Isn't her shirt a tax on stupid poor people?
Do you actually know what a tax is?

>> No.15770730

Yes. Thanks Mr Literal. Ok, I'll put it precisley so your autistic ass will not get bothered.
"Isn't her shirt an unnecessary expense to people who are poor, essentially taking their money from them by exploiting their need to virtue signal?"
Happy now?

>> No.15770735

It's union made in america you fucking dipshit. Clothes are expensive when they're not made by slave labor.

>> No.15770738

Take your meds

>> No.15770771

>gender neutral fit
"unisex" is not hip enough?

>> No.15770775

Poors aren't going to union made environmantally friendly clothes

>> No.15770776


>> No.15770788

no fox news is pozzed as well
watch OAN or something

>> No.15770789

Lots of poor people thrift, save up for higher quality purchases and recognize that you don't need to own a shit ton of clothes. Fast fashion garbage is for bored middle class people.

>> No.15770794

they do get taxed though.. soo??

>> No.15770798

Commies don't like it when companies invest most of their profits to grow their company, thus lowering their taxable income.

>> No.15770809

Here's a union-made sweatshirt for half the price: https://allusaclothing.com/view-all-brands/union-line/union-line-10191-heavyweight-crewneck-sweatshirt-usa-made.html

>> No.15770811

maybe they should get better jobs?

>> No.15770816

>cotton/poly blend
>no size chart
Wow, wonderful quality our country is outputting

>> No.15770822

Slightly, I still think you're wrong though. You're presuming the sale of this sweatshirt is the same as a company selling Che Guevara shirts or MAGA hats made in Bangladeshi sweatshops merely for profit to virtue signal about caring about workers.

We can't know what AOC is doing with the money brought in by these clothes, presumably paying US workers a fair wage to manufacture them and possibly for funding her political campaigns because god knows not even the most "progressive" and "liberal" billionaires are going to contribute to her campaigns, at least not in equal measures to other more financially conservative politicians.
If that's the case, I'd argue it's not a "tax" on virtue signalling by poor people (probably a gross projection by anons ITT) but a rational way of supporting a politician who supports and represents you.

>> No.15770865

>a politician who supports and represents you

>> No.15770877

No need to be disillusioned because Trump turned out to be full of shit

>> No.15770880

>that little AOC

What a narcissist.

>> No.15770887

lol at people thinking $58 is a lot for the sweatshirt, its made in usa and labor is 10x more expensive than the sweatshop chink shit y'all buying.

>> No.15770892

if you've ever been involved in any kind of clothing production you'll know that the profit margins on this is shit. in china you would be pumping these out at $1 a pop.

>> No.15770911

is OAN legit ?

>> No.15770959

A lot more than Fox, CNN, or any mainstream media outlet when it comes to Trump or the general SJW situation.
Newsmax is also good.

>> No.15770971

why do politicians have merch?

>> No.15771011

unisex is an archaic term which only recognizes 2 genders

>> No.15771020

Yeah, it means biological male/female. What else is there? A handful of hermaphrodites maybe but that's it. I'm not sure what you mean.

>> No.15771042

thats uh, not a lot of money the fuck?

>> No.15771044

>implying sweaters even need to be gendered anyway
Anything that comes in a baggy cut is basically unisex.

>> No.15771047

yeah if you have brainworms

>> No.15771086

Get a job. $58 is not expensive.

>> No.15771092

That's almost 6 hours work for a low paid worker...

Sorry we are not all privileged rich little brats

>> No.15771109
File: 222 KB, 1125x1516, 1594796140268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15771203

>Union made
>not slave labor

>> No.15771253

>mr pibb


>> No.15771271

Who in the right mind would spend 58 bucks on a sweatshirt when you could probably get one for way less at your local shop.

>> No.15771278
File: 61 KB, 802x1024, 1594289279401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As complained about on Fox News
Rent free.
>Made in USA
I thought they thought MiUSA was nationalistic, and therefore bad. We know AOC is a socialist, but is she nationalist too now?

>> No.15771287

Really makes you think

>> No.15771296


>> No.15771312
File: 58 KB, 666x500, d6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It refers to sex, not gender. There's nothing in the word "unisex" that implies only 2 genders, they just wanted to be trendy.
That $58 goes to the American economy, buying MIUSA new is unironically the more patriotic option, just don't buy one with woke moron slogans on it.
>Not Confederacy made

>> No.15771383

but they're union made, literally the opposite

>> No.15771387

if Fox News betrayed your echo chamber

>> No.15771436

>>$58 dollars is expensive
Poorfag. Also anything quality will last 5-10 times longer than Chinese garbage.

>> No.15771766

chill out with the anti-black remarks, John

>> No.15771770

this bitch is butt ugly ngl
that wide ass fucking garbage truck nose is just... its so big

>> No.15771773

58 bucks is a full days work on minimum wage.

>> No.15771815

that's pretty cheap honestly, I'm gonna cop, idk how poor you guys can be and be republican at the same time kek, pick a struggle losers

>> No.15771819

being this delusional, and not knowing that the money is going to charity, kek

>> No.15771820

A woman with a 100k wardrobe, personal driver, and penthouse in Brooklyn selling a shirt that says tax the rich is honestly rich in humor

>> No.15771825

imagine not knowing that fox news got sued for being false news and said that their news is so fake that no one could or should be taking it seriously

>> No.15771829

imagine just making yourself look stupid and acting proud about it, you're pretty much fox news

>> No.15771841

OAN is just a worse fox news, and only conspiracy theorists go watch them

>> No.15771850

Uni means one

>> No.15771864

I love how Republicans totally lost their shit over this shirt.

>> No.15771896

gotta out the gender neutral tag on it or how will the righties know what to be mad at

>> No.15771910
File: 29 KB, 600x733, 14c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15772079
File: 108 KB, 560x560, protester.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they though? The shirt is just boring merch and AOC's whole gimmick is supposedly living rent free in the right's heads, it feels like people are following a script.

>> No.15772581

Even more ironic since she's going to use those donations for tax deductions

>> No.15772586

At first I was going to say she is out-pricing her base, but then I remembered how many Jordans I've seen in the ghetto.

>> No.15772594

Asket claims their total cost including transport is $29 to point of sale for a 100% sweatshirt made in Portugal. Either these unions are tearing ass, or she is looking at 100%+ profit margins.

>> No.15772757

Oy vey! Cool it with the antisemitism!
On a side note, that sweatshirt cost $58? Merchants in the temple...

>> No.15772767

Bernie and AOC are two of my favorite politicians. I disagree with them on nearly every topic, but for the most part they are good at diagnosing what ills face society, and they aren't afraid to talk about what really matters. It's a shame they are both so shit at coming up with good and feasible solutions, but I like that they are among the very very few politicians that are not absurdly corrupt. They have strong morals that they stand by, and I respect that. That being said, I am a far right fascist, and would never vote for either of them.

>> No.15772784
File: 17 KB, 438x400, 1586047759289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tax the rich
What kind of mental illness is it that causes liberals to simultaneously be so sure of themselves and yet so unware of basic facts?
Rich people already pay the majority of taxes. Hell, most people in America are not net tax payers. For the most part only rich people are.

>> No.15772846

Union-made sweatshirts without the political slogan costs about half that, see >>15770809

>> No.15773973

>The refuse to assimilate

You mean... Israelis need to assimilate into... Israeli culture? Are you fucking retard?

>They want all Arabs shot

Sounds p based to me.

>> No.15773978

>for the most part they are good at diagnosing what ills face society

>> No.15773985
File: 1.24 MB, 1707x2560, Debunking Utopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They both make surface-level observations and offer surface-level solutions. Bernie is far more deluded in his thinking and falls in line with his Neoliberal overlords just to keep getting a govt. paycheck.

His appraisal of Nordic economies is extremely misplaced.

>> No.15773997

>union made in US
>everything is made out of cotton, is loose fit and looks like absolute cuck clothing
I wonder why people don't buy american.

>> No.15774186

yeah but its also for political fund raising you fucking retard of course its going to be more expensive than a normal sweater. Half of it is a donation. Do you think the trump hats cost 35 dollars to make?

>> No.15774536

or alternatively "end the ever expanding slave system that capital demands and which is finally turning inward to the American people since the nations we are accustomed to outsourcing to have effectively leveraged the means of production to increase the living standards in their home countries and now have much better national bargaining power than American citizens do in their 'service economy'."

> I am a far right fascist
Are you actually though? Fascism existed during an industrial era where organizing happened in the workplace and in the streets. Are you sure you're not just another neoliberal engaging in personal branding as identity politics in order to stand out amongst the hegemony?

Your reading comprehension is good enough to infer that anon means that Israelis aren't assimilating to a Palestinian culture. Ignoring and misunderstanding an opposing view doesn't make you smarter, so I don't know why you'd try and posture intellectual superiority when it means just not getting a point you obviously disagree with.

>trump hats
Not to mention those were manufactured in China

>> No.15774561


>> No.15774562

Didn't Bernie get cucked by his own party twice and still sucked up to them when it's obvious that Democrats want nothing to do with him?

>> No.15774598

We're all trapped in the system of profit. It's hard to blame her for trying to use the system against itself.

Yep. The Democrats coordinated lots of media blackouts regarding Bernie and instead promoted a senile old man who supported NAFTA and is on video threatening union workers and practically proclaiming they have no rights to arm themselves. Bernie's stance on gun ownership is much more tolerant than Biden's.
Biden also just nominated Neera Tanden for head of the OMB as a giant fuck you to Bernie. So considering how you count your cuckings that might be a third.

>> No.15774622

>It's hard to blame her for trying to use the system against itself.
Except she's not. How is selling those shirts fighting anything or doing anything apart from being a scheme to get money outta some delusional idealists money?

>> No.15774623

Damn I didn't know doctors, lawyers and dentists are billionaires. Crazy.

>> No.15774646

Whether or not she's sincere in her proclaimed ideas is one thing. Whether she's executing her ideals effectively, if at all, is another. I think she is sincere in her aims to subvert capital. I don't know if AOC will actually have a net positive effect on the political and economic landscape, however, but I doubt it.

Nonetheless, if the politlcal game is about fundraising, and she is able to draw attention to and redirect funds towards actual American industries and Unions, that is *something* better than what most any other political candidate is doing.

It's still caught in the neoliberal paradigm of virtue-signaling, identify-your-policital-tribe consumerist American politic, but it's something.

>> No.15774678

> I think she is sincere in her aims to subvert capital
Why not give the margin of the sewaters to some good good cause, or better, print them and give them to people with low income?

Also, what is the income of a trade union boss compared to a general union worker?
How much tax do they pay in comparison?
just curios because i dont know and im not trusting any politician ever, worst kind of people.

>> No.15774693
File: 93 KB, 827x1251, red scare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer real leftist apparel.

>> No.15774709

Also with her ideas of open borders it makes sense shes trying to virtue signal because thousands of unskilled but cheap workforce (non-union) is a serious threat to the income of a american born worker, if those were my policies i would also try to be "down" with the proletarians.

>> No.15774783

>Why not give the margin of the sweaters
Having the sweaters made is not the point. Generating income from a markup is the point. It's a lot easier to raise funds for a cause if the people with disposable income actually get something tangible in return. You can criticize people for not being direct enough in their action, but that consumerist critique is just that: a critique. Offering a solution to Americans' consumer inclinations as a whole would be a hefty academic pursuit.

Clothing is one of the things that we actually have a surplus of worldwide, so poor people are not generally in need of sweaters like this. There are other problems that plague the poor that AOC is arguably trying to use the funds received from sweater sales in order to resolve. Politically it'd be a bad move to give these particular sweaters to poor people. It would, in effect, reduce the poor to political billboards for political gain.

>Also, what is the income of a trade union boss compared to a general union worker?
How much tax do they pay in comparison?
This varies union to union, I'd imagine, and state to state. You'd have to look into individual unions and their leaders to get these answers. Generally union members have higher pay and better protections / healthcare than non-union workers. But that's just generally.

>> No.15774792

Is AOC an advocate for "open borders"? Forgive me for being dense, but isn't advocacy for open borders a different political stance than requesting a streamlined path for immigrants to reach citizen status? In order to fund things like universal healthcare, it would make financial sense to want to bring as many people as you can as taxpayers. Opening borders would only obscure who is legally or illegally a citizen.

>> No.15774796

>Far right

>> No.15774797

A significantly better sweater, for sure.

>> No.15774800

Aren't All Sweatshirts gender neutral

Like I feel like that's such a click baity addition

>> No.15774802


Just to add to my points from >>15774783 here's a link to check out with union salaries. Keep in mind this is from a Union backed site itself, and doesn't take into consideration the backroom deals which could very well be a continued part of union leaders income, given union and trade organizers histories as being deeply embedded with the mob.


>> No.15774845

Can we please stop calling this sweatshirt a sweater? Thanks.

>> No.15774861

She wants to abolish ICE, a more technically correct term than open borders would be "closed, but unenforceable". "Free healthcare to "undocumented" immigrants" is also a thing. Never overestimate American progressives.
>Opening borders would only obscure who is legally or illegally a citizen.
Now, who would want to do such a thing?

>> No.15774942

More like tax the dumb niggers who buy this shit

>> No.15774957

$60 for something you could make yourself for half the price or even less

>> No.15775037

I don't know about that anon, I grew up working class and saw family and friend's families and even just random people I did odd jobs for had a ton of unnecessary cheap crap crowding their homes. Poor people buy a ton of shit they don't need and even don't use, I feel like "buy less, buy better" might be largely an old money thing.

>> No.15775287

>MAGA hats made in Bangladeshi sweatshops
But every news outlet verified that MAGA hats were made in America

>> No.15775834

>but other sweaters that are union made in America cost half

Cool story bro.

>> No.15775838

>end the ever expanding slave system that capital demands
In other words "working for your survival is slavery".
ok there buddy

>> No.15775845

>Is AOC an advocate for "open borders"?
Pretty much the entire Dem field is.

>isn't advocacy for open borders a different political stance than requesting a streamlined path for immigrants to reach citizen status?
Legalizing illegals with zero to no effort is part of or at least a step towards open borders.

>In order to fund things like universal healthcare, it would make financial sense to want to bring as many people as you can as taxpayers.
That's a literal pyramid scheme.
You can't just destroy the identity of a country/state/district/county/town/neighborhood/... because it's better for the economy.
Not to mention the fact that it depletes the countries of origin of their most precious resource: their people.

>> No.15775850
File: 127 KB, 522x473, patented.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15776113

Won't stop flyoverfags who shop at walmart and underage children who have no idea what shit costs from whining.

>> No.15776116

It's twice the price of other US and union-made sweatshirts.

>> No.15776187


>> No.15776286

Do you think her goal is to start a clothing line? There is a mark up because you are supposed to be buying it to support the politician. Why else would you fucking buy this.
Why is it that you go to a concert and nobody harrases the shitty metal band for having $30 gildan shirts? Because they aren't to fucking stupid to understand that the shirt is primarily to support the band who made it.

>> No.15776291

>but other sweaters that are union made in America cost half

Also, it's still delicious irony. Basically the sweatshirt is making fun of the people buying it.

>> No.15776437

I don't know about you but I'm not wild about the part of our country that can prosecute people without trial.

Look, we probably don’t need to have this discussion surrounded by layers of parentheses to both agree that usury and policies which reward and reinforce rent-seeking behavior is a problem. And I bet we’d both be disgusted by the fact that protections against usury were undone in the 80s or whenever it was. But if you’re going to hint at this fascist-sympathizing anti-semitism, I’m going to tell you now that I don’t care who is in charge of the corporations and whether or not they’re Jewish, I think their usury should be punished and their monopolies disbanded. The issue with reducing this kind of thing to ethnic differences is that you end up setting a precedent for collectivizing punishment and punishing people regardless of their guilt. And I hate to break it to this board but there’s plenty of working class Jewish families who have no say or participation in global finance. And if you want to insinuate that Jews are the problem and you’d be okay with collectively purging them without trial in a manner similar to ICEs raids of illegal immigrants, and you don’t see how the boot could eventually come down on you, I don’t know what to say.
But if you are insinuating instead that corporate entities can benefit from illegal immigration by hiring people for whom they don’t need to, in turn, provide the basic necessities (insurance and proper pay for decent housing etc) that might otherwise be granted to them in a better socialized system, then we’d agree. Who would want to do such a thing? CEOs looking to take a larger and larger chunk of the companies they own at their worker's expense, despite workers' increased efficiency and productivity.

>> No.15776447

WoW it’s Polyesther for 60 bucks plus shipping....bargain and it’s for sOCAlism

>> No.15776452

>I'm not wild about the part of our country that can prosecute people without trial.
What are you talking about?

>> No.15776457

>without trial in a manner similar to ICEs raids of illegal immigrants

What is this doublespeak? They're ILLEGAL. If I go and steal from a store or even shoot someone, I get arrested because those things are ILLEGAL and yet a trial hasn't taken place.

Lmao what the fuck are people like you even talking about. It's gibberish. The second they enter a country ILLEGALLY they are suspected of a crime because that is ILLEGAL and arrested for that. If they prove not to be ILLEGAL then they are not.

>> No.15776461
File: 301 KB, 750x1036, 79F007B5-A218-4B9C-8A44-3C4CAAE4EB4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.being sewn in the US doesn’t mean all it’s part were
2. There are better quality made in mexico and mede in us sweatshirts for half the price
3. At this price you can get a thermo fleeced Zipped hoodie from Carhartt on sale or a non-teddy-fleece on regular price

>> No.15776465

Plus shipping

>> No.15776471


>> No.15776481

There are only 2 genders, and i say this as a leftist. You are mentally ill.

>> No.15776485

>Legalizing illegals with zero to no effort is part of or at least a step towards open borders.
You’d have to provide a more substantive argument as to why that’s the case or even a negative thing.

>You can't just destroy the identity of a country/state/district/county/town/neighborhood/... because it's better for the economy.
Except that the United States government does so frequently, and that immigration into the United States is largely an effect of Mexicans and Latin and South Americans fleeing the failed states or fascist coups instituted by US and US backed organizations. If our country wants the resources and the political control, how can we logically bar the citizens of those countries from entering the country which actually dictates the policy and economy in their homeland?


>> No.15776493


>That's a literal pyramid scheme.
That's an inaccurate and bad faith interpretation of how universal healthcare functions. You’re mistaking improved efficiency for a pyramid scheme. The way insurance companies work is that they rely on the fact that only a portion of their customer base will fall sick or get injured. Those that do will be covered in some instances by their insurance company, which uses money it generates from other customers in order to care for them. Everyone pays in hoping not to get sick or injured but knowing that if they do, they’ll be covered. The more people who pay in, the less proportionately each person will need to pay as the number of non-sick / non-injured people will hopefully increase in greater numbers than the number of people who fall sick or get hurt.
Except in the American insurance structure, insurance often goes through every imaginable stretch to avoid covering costs for the sick and injured. And they conspire with other insurance companies to keep costs of procedures and medications higher in order to protect the class positions of their executives and of their salaried staff.
If you were to eliminate private insurance companies and instead opt for a single-payer system as has been suggested, you would eliminate a significant degree of administrative bloat which currently inflates the costs of American healthcare. Medications and procedures could be offered at a lesser expense overall, and it would cost the individual taxpayer less per person than it currently costs the average insured person to have their insurance. It also provides an incentive for the state to keep their populations healthy, rather than an incentive to make them sick, as is currently the case with insurance companies. You keep people sick and hooked on medication, you keep the profits flowing towards executives.


>> No.15776496

>You’d have to provide a more substantive argument as to why that’s the case
When you let illegals come into the country unchecked, and then provide them with a fast and easy path to citizenship, you effectively have no borders.

>Except that the United States government does so frequently

> immigration into the United States is largely an effect of Mexicans and Latin and South Americans fleeing the failed states or fascist coups instituted by US and US backed organizations
The US staged a "coup" throughout Western Europe and in Japan back in the 40s, turned out ok over there.

>how can we logically bar the citizens of those countries from entering the country which actually dictates the policy and economy in their homeland?
Just because people want to flee doesn't mean you have to open your borders, obviously.

>> No.15776499

>That's an inaccurate and bad faith interpretation of how universal healthcare functions.
Buddy, you said we need "as many people as you can" to come into the country to fund universal healthcare.

Clear as day.

>> No.15776502

>fleeing the failed states or fascist coups instituted by US and US backed organizations

Here is an idea, why don't you weirdo leftie types focus all your energy on those at the top doing this if they are? Why do you allow them to do it and let poor average people suffer the consequences. For the most port, you even blame those poor people.

>0.1% of elite doing bad things
>the 99.9% of the people must pay for it

You're just complicit with this evil.

>> No.15776509

I'm talking about ICE detaining and deporting (as separate instances, not necessarily as steps in the same process) immigrants before determining their reasons for crossing the border.

They're considered *illegal* immigrants by institutions like ICE before guilt of their crossing the border is proven to have been done so illegally. So you're right, I shouldn't adopt the language of politicians by calling them *illegal* immigrants before their actions have been determined by a trial to have been illegal.
The double speak occurs when we label any immigrant that crosses the southern border on foot or in a car without having done the proper paperwork beforehand. We don't generally have ICE raids on Swedish dudes who have overstayed their visas.

However, international law dictates that crossing a border if seeking refugee status is NOT illegal immigration, but ICE and border patrol frequently detain immigrants in camps inside the boundaries of the United States without allowing for due process to determine wether or not the person crossing the border was doing so in order to apply for asylum status.

oh wait this is Cecil I'm arguing with. HA. Take your meds, dude.

>> No.15776512

>I'm talking about ICE detaining and deporting (as separate instances, not necessarily as steps in the same process) immigrants
lmao, you realize it's illegal to illegally cross the border, right?

>before determining their reasons for crossing the border.
Their reason changes nothing about the fact that it's illegal to illegally cross the border.

>> No.15776518

>They're considered *illegal* immigrants by institutions like ICE
No, they're considered illegal by US law.

>> No.15776525

>why don't you weirdo leftie types focus all your energy on those at the top doing this if they are?
Dude, you and I are on the same page here. I think most of the "leftie" shit is actually just neo-liberal grift and personal branding so individuals can posture their moral superiority and maybe earn a few bucks along the way by saying the right things until their class position is elevated because they parrot the correct talking points in their circles.

You're failing to distinguish between me as an individual and the people you are choosing to associate me with. But there are people actively working to dismantle these structures. Most of them get called anti-semites and/or wind up dead. Not infrequently because of the Clintons.

>You're just complicit with this evil
Yes. That's why it bothers me, because I identify with this country and the people in it insofar as most of us are playing the same economic game, and the rules of the game are rigged. You want to see Democrats stop shitting on poor republicans in the middle of the country? Me too, dude. I don't want to live in the dystopian technocratic future that's being built either. Even if it would mean I get out on top.

Cecil, I love and care for you dude. I hope Niki's doing alright too.

>> No.15776527

cool off-topic /pol/ thread

Trump won btw

>> No.15776534

>They're considered *illegal* immigrants by institutions like ICE before guilt of their crossing the border is proven to have been done so illegally.

But that's how laws work? You're always "suspected" of a crime first rather than being proved to have done it right away.

I think a better question would be, have they arrested 50% on suspicion of illegals and being wrong or are they generally right in most cases? if 99% turn out be illegal and only 1% not, then I would say they're doing a good job, no?

>I shouldn't adopt the language of politicians by calling them *illegal* immigrants before their actions have been determined by a trial

But they are talking about the actual illegal ones. If I stab someone to death now, I haven't actually being convicted by a trial so would you say I am not murderer and let me walk free?

>The double speak occurs when we label any immigrant that crosses the southern border on foot or in a car without having done the proper paperwork beforehand.

Which makes them illegal?

>We don't generally have ICE raids on Swedish dudes who have overstayed their visas.

Because their numbers are very few and Swedish guys are not known for being cartel executioners, mass drug pushers or Islamic radicals?

Why would you focus limited resources in areas that have little evidence of such bad occurrences and not focus on the actual ones that do? Isn't that just basic good resource management?

>However, international law dictates that crossing a border if seeking refugee status is NOT illegal immigration

If you go to an asylum center then no, but these people just try to walk into a city and into the beyond.

>oh wait this is Cecil I'm arguing with. HA. Take your meds, dude.

Who is arguing here? I legit do not understand most of your points. It sounds like you're trolling because you think people can't be detained until they have had a trial?

>> No.15776542

I don't think you're actually arguing against due process although you're making it hard to believe otherwise.

>it's illegal to illegally cross the border
You're operating on a circular definition here. You can't determine someone has illegally crossed the border until they have been determined unwilling to go through a process of asylum declaration unobstructed. Only then is it actually deemed illegal immigration.

The judicial system in the United States is supposed to operate on a "innocent until proven guilty" standard, wherein the process of being "proven guilty" must occur in court. Only then can it be determined that a crime has been committed. Effectively, institutions like ICE are currently being left to judge the guilt or innocence of a person, which flies in the face of our judicial system.

>> No.15776543

>Cecil, I love and care for you dude. I hope Niki's doing alright too.

Lol thanks <3

I just never understand when people are all like U HAD COLONIES IN 1820 SO YOU MUST LET 100 MILLION PEOPLE ENTER YOUR COUNTRY!!

The poor of country were exploited then and will exploited again because of it. The elite made their money then and make their money now.

I just think all sides should be targeting those people. Not poor ass John Doe.

>> No.15776570

When you cross the border and don't have any papers on you, you're illegally crossing the border.
Whether you're crossing the border is in the middle of the desert at night, or riding in the passenger seat of a car full of people who are US citizens.

You are seriously deluded.

>> No.15776580
File: 1.15 MB, 2880x2880, 20201117_120837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They want all Arabs shot in the head
you're talking about China and the big guy right
>They sound like fucking white supremacists to me.
but they aren't white and they have been kicked out of 109 country's because of their supremacy. Maybe it's not white people's fault like how your (((teachers))) taught you to think.

>> No.15776618

>But that's how laws work?
Functionally, no, that's not how laws work. Effectively as we administer them in the United States? Yes.

>they're doing a good job, no?
I think it was Camus who said something along the lines of "if you're only metric for success is efficiency

>But they are talking about the actual illegal ones.
Frequently, they're not. They're poisining the well by characterizing them as illegal before the justice system has determined that a crime has taken place.
>If I stab someone to death now, I haven't actually being convicted by a trial so would you say I am not murderer and let me walk free?
This happens more frequently than you might believe. It's just murderers with money who pay bail get to walk free. I would defend your right and say you haven't yet been found guilty.
There are two ways I can see the way we currently handle this situation changing. Either we stop jailing criminals until they're proven guilty in which case we emprison them. Or we jail everyone every time they're suspected of a crime and we remove the option to pay bail.
Your jailing when suspected of a crime might be more appropriately left to local municipalities than to federal authorities on this one, no? I'd say let the community handle it and leave the feds out of it. That's the other distinction that needs to be made clear between how ICE / the border detention camps function and how your jailing would work.

>Which makes them illegal?
No, it does not. Entering a country without preemptively filling paperwork is permitted as long as those entering the country are seeking asylum. There is a grace period under which they are supposed to legally be permitted free travel in order to reach a courthouse where they could properly file for such documentation. This can take a while, especially if you are unfamiliar with the landscape and have no help and no vehicle to travel in.


>> No.15776654


>but these people just try to walk into a city and into the beyond.
I'd be willing to bet that you're statistically wrong about this and that the majority makeup of ICE detention centers is composed of immigrants who had not yet been in the states past the asylum grace period, and/or have not traveled deep enough into the country in order to have approached a courthouse.

>I just never understand when people are all like U HAD COLONIES IN 1820
The issue is that the colonization process never stopped, it just entered a new economic and industrial / post-industrial paradigm. The Cold War had the US competing with the Soviets for territory, and all of the military tactics employed by the US since the collapse of the USSR has been to deal with the fallout. The rise of Islamic extremism correlates with US plundering and military occupations of once liberalized Islamic parts of the world. And the rise of right-wing and Christian religious extremism in the United States correlates to the plundering mechanisms that the US has since turned inwards, since we're running out of options overseas to effectively dominate.

>The poor of country were exploited then and will exploited again because of it. The elite made their money then and make their money now.
>I just think all sides should be targeting those people. Not poor ass John Doe.

Again, I couldn't agree with you more here. And to elaborate on a point earlier about >why don't you weirdo leftie types focus all your energy on those at the top doing this if they are?
I'd say the lefties don't focus their energy on solving the problems because it's easier to get rewarded for complaining about it. It's the same reason that the right wing and conservatives and fascists place blame on immigrants. It's just easier to place blame on the weak than it is to understand the true scope of the problem, let alone DO anything about it.

>> No.15776661

>You are seriously deluded.
That's what people say when they don't have good grounds or ability to articulate why or how someone is deluded.

You can define a crime and be correct. Entering the country illegally is illegal. No shit. But proving that a crime has been committed and to what extent punishment should be administered is the job of the judicial system.
Defining whether or not a law is drafted appropriately and justly is one thing. Saying it should be modified to be more fair, just and effective is another thing.

Turning away someone at the border who doesn't have papers is less bad than pulling them into the country and detaining them indefinitely in institutions closed to journalists or visitors. But it is still not in conjunction with international law, if these people at the border are looking for asylum.

>> No.15776688

>or alternatively "end the ever expanding slave system that capital demands and which is finally turning inward to the American people since the nations we are accustomed to outsourcing to have effectively leveraged the means of production to increase the living standards in their home countries and now have much better national bargaining power than American citizens do in their 'service economy'."
Sounds bretty nationalist.

>> No.15776696


>> No.15776768

>That's what people say when they don't have good grounds or ability to articulate why or how someone is deluded.

Crossing the border with no papers = not legal.
That's the grounds here.

>proving that a crime has been committed and to what extent punishment should be administered is the job of the judicial system.
The proof is the fact that the person crossing the border with no papers.
The "punishment" is ejection from the country.
No courts needed.
There's no "fair trial" involved here.

>> No.15776809

Oh, you've got to be trolling. Do you seriously think courts only exist for the rights of a privileged minority? Do you think a man should be executed if he's found with a gun and he's within the vicinity of a murder? Because the cop has a solid hunch?

Evidence and proof are not always interchangeable terms, m'dude.

>There's no "fair trial" involved here.
Yeah, I can see that you outlined precisely the problem in the system as it occurs. That there's no fair trial. That's the issue.
>no courts needed
Well, no, not if you don't care about precedents and protections for people within the borders of this country or the world at large. You and I disagree fundamentally on the definition of justice, and unfortunately I think your brand of resentment-politics has greater representation in government.

>> No.15776815

Crossing the border with no papers is illegal.
The proof is you being in the US with no papers.

Zero courts are needed to eject you from the country.

>> No.15776826

Wow I am so outraged. A sweatshirt? How dare she.
I am seeing red.

>> No.15776835

Nobody's outraged at her shirts. The left likes to project.

>> No.15776841

I agree that they flat-out lie considerably less than CNN/MSNBC but if you don't think there's a strong lean to the right you're deluded.

>> No.15776851

Fox is centre-right at best, and they're the only major news outlet that isn't far-left.
It's hilarious how the global population is brainwashed into thinking Fox is the enemy when 99% of the entire mainstream media is a far-left propaganda mill.

>> No.15776862

Idk, did you see that it's gender neutral? May actually kms out of pure rage.

>> No.15776868

Nobody was "outraged" at that. This is the left projecting their own outrage culture.

At most people laughed at the semantics of turning "unisex" into "gender neutral".

>> No.15776877

>I like that they are among the very very few politicians that are not absurdly corrupt
Bernie Sanders is rich and did some shady shit with his wife's organization, and AOC transfered $1 million in campaign donations to a slush fund taken care of by her boyfriend. They are both absurdly corrupt.

>> No.15776999

They perpetuate messages that are codified as "left" in the culture-war scheme that now dominates the what most people consider the "political landscape" but they all function on neoliberal economic principles.

probably true
>flat-out lie considerably less than CNN/MSNBC
Really doubt that. All the listed organizations exist for profit and to keep eyes on television as to capture more attention for advertisers. So every organization has to construct its "news" according to it's base. If they offend their base too radically, they'll lose viewership.

This take is the most likely

Would love some sources on that.

>> No.15777064


>> No.15777088

>Would love some sources on that.

Take it as you will, I gave you both sides of the argument. Just remember that because they were never punished for it didn't mean their shit doesn't stink.

>> No.15777121

I'll check them out. Thanks.
>Just remember that because they were never punished for it didn't mean their shit doesn't stink.
I hear you on that.

>> No.15777783

a hot person wouldn't write this

>> No.15777791

Would cop if it didn't have her initials at the bottom. I'm on board with tax the rich, MiUSA products, and unions, but I really can't stand that smug bitch.

>> No.15777805

her nose ruins her face

>> No.15777808

>ur ugly teehee
hello female hows your vagina