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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 174 KB, 819x1024, Blue-Blooded-Instagrammer-Denimhunters-selvedgewings-Hudson-Valley-819x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15766519 No.15766519 [Reply] [Original]

why do west coast urbanite lefty big tech soys cosplay as blue collar and working class when they hate the working class, and live in areas where the people who dress like this don't exist? midwest soys, for example, don't cosplay as blue collar workers.

>> No.15766527

Why do poltards make shitty threads asking fallacious loaded questions?

>> No.15766533

OP pic doesn’t look blue collar. OP doesn’t seem to know what a blue collar worker looks like.

>> No.15766541

American corporate co-opting of everything and making it as non-offensive, culturally non-specific, and marketable as possible.

Same for them typing "y'all" "folk" and other stupid redneck/blackisms

>> No.15766542

Look, I’m not into the politics bit but this is something I have observed. My friend recently made a comment to me about how all the progressive people in his very progressive town have this sudden affinity for re-appropriating 1950s aesthetics. He said that there’s a lot of women, for example, cutting their hair short and dying in rainbow while also dressing in the manner of a 1950s housewife, buying 1950s style homes, gardens, etc. After he said that, I started to notice it in my own city. I have no idea what it is but I can only imagine it’s either a subconscious grasping at something that is missing or it’s a conscious (and deliberate) attempt at reappropriating historical aesthetics for modern narratives (or desired narratives).

>> No.15766547

the former is likely true

>> No.15766602

>historical aesthetics for modern narratives
They’re just trying to appropriate something that’s “trad” in a progressive context. When ironically they are just appropriating an earlier stage of capitalism with their newer identity based consumerist capitalism. It’s basically the same type of nostalgic consumption as 90s nostalgia except with a pretentious political tinge to it.
>tl:dr they’re just consooming identity

>> No.15766664

Go back to /pol/

>> No.15766829

I mean there are a lot of working class people on the west coast too. It probably has more to do with the big tech people wanting to fit in with everyone else around them.

>> No.15766869

West coast faggot detected

>> No.15766872

The real redpill is you can be working class in tech.
>t. Works for a FAANG company and is being priced out of the west coast

>> No.15766884

i don’t think any of the people wearing that stuff even know they’re co-opting blue collar workwear. to be fair i’m from a midwest blue collar family and moved west and midwest blue collar workers don’t dress anything like the west coast office soys. except carhartt, but that shit’s made in detroit so a lot of midwest/rust belt people have an affinity for it because of regional pride, regardless of income level

>> No.15766887

not “made” in detroit anymore but you get my point

>> No.15766889

he's literally right though

>> No.15766898

right about what? he hasn't made a statement.

>> No.15766901

that westcoast techbros like to larp as blue collar workers.

>> No.15766904

they're liberal, not left. The reason is that they see something cool or down to earth or whatever in the workinh class aestethic. It's definitely cooler than the fucking tech dork. But I agree, it's fucking cringe. Ofc they despise actual working class amd are ready to ditch the aestethic as soon as new fad comes around

>> No.15766909

Fuck this fucking corporate hell world

>> No.15766915

Yeah, probably only because there are so many SWEs, even at FAANGs, with more SWEs gushing in every year. G hires a thousand new grads a year but it's not like there's a lot of housing built in MTV to accommodate them.

If you do well and go beyond senior I'd think you won't be priced out. The numbers won't make sense at that point.

>> No.15766924

To add to this, this is not a new thing. Petty-bourgeoisie and even actual bourgeoisie have for the longest time had sometimes interest in purely aesthetic side of the proletariat: they are rough, masculine, not afraid to get dirty and so on, so they appropriate some elements from it, but still keeping their original class character. For example high fashion "workwear" trends that pop up from time to time. For this, it's important to display that they are those desirable things from working class, but also definitely not them but rich. Appropriation of working class music (origins of jazz, tango, rock akd so on) is another example.

>> No.15766971

Why does OP like to suck penises after they’ve been in his ass?

>> No.15766981

>it's important to display that they are those desirable things from working class, but also definitely not them but rich
this. it’s also why rich suburban parents feel like they can wear athleisure, since they have lululemon as a name to signify its perceived higher worth

>> No.15767135 [DELETED] 


>> No.15767150

it's hard to explain

they aren't even thinking at that level. it's just an automatic reaction of "i guess this is what people wear in this general social sphere"

and as far as "hatred of the working class"...that's not true. it's more like they don't even think about that. also tech workers (like salespeople) come from a broad range of backgrounds and are just adopting a general image that's acceptable and popular.

also, "working class" is a nice term for "poor" Blue collar workers who make it past the apprenticeship stage make serious money.

>> No.15767175

Also, the goal is to balance out one's personality. Being a typical corporate tech worker in an urban area can get very mind exhausting if your whole life revolves around it and you are only thinking and wearing things related to the direct culture you are exposed to. So as a result, many of them try to balance their "artificial" work and surroundings with more natural subjects which can include wearing these type of more natural, historical, rugged clothing rather than just typical urban norm core or tech wear. Along with this, that is why a lot of them have hobbies like having a small farm in their apartment.

>> No.15767214

>The numbers won't make sense at that point.

>> No.15767223
File: 203 KB, 1920x1080, rivian-kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture bacially sums up the west coast yuppie lifestyle.

>> No.15767239

why in 2020 are people's perception of what constitutes 'working class' only consist of 1950s propaganda or hollywood teir manual labor coal miner or lumberjack and shit like that. The majority of working class live in cities and probably vote against what you vote for judging by your pol meme to facebook bottom feeder vocabulary

>> No.15767241

lmao people on the west coast do not dress like this anymore. Found the boomer still stuck in 2010

>> No.15767247

kill yourself. i meet so many of you fuckbois here in the bay area making 250k a year and complaining they have no money. What the fuck are you spending it on? Honestly? I lived on 55k a year in san mateo for 4 years and I was fine. These dudes want 3 teslas and a mansion next to stanford and think that is "middle class"

>> No.15767259

>also, "working class" is a nice term for "poor" Blue collar workers who make it past the apprenticeship stage make serious money.
yea my dad is a carpenter/contractor in california. Makes bank, more than 95% of people working in faang companies. Of course I had to be a little faggot and try to obtain a 'prestigious' career through university and now make shit money. I'm embaressed to tell him I fucked up and want to work under him

>> No.15767540

>t. starbucks barista

>> No.15767542

less "working class blue collar" and more "soft frontiersman"
they're gearing up to tame the wild west (chinese investors)

>> No.15767544

I do it because shit's comfy and it's more flattering for my fat body.
t. Seattle

>> No.15767606

techbros are libertarian incels saving up for an asian gf. many such cases

>> No.15767630


pls go back to /pol/

>> No.15767713

>starbucks barista
are working class

>> No.15767721

Makes it easier for them to subvert working men and women and get offended on their behalf, also deludes them into thinking their ideology is relevant to anyone other than debt-ridden uni students and journalists

>> No.15767734

Midwest soys are afraid of getting their ass kicked by actual working men

>> No.15767761

Because class has never been just income level, it's also been somewhat cultural. So yes the people working in rural Georgia are both culturally and monetarily working class. The Starbucks barista likely has some sort of middle class tendencies, if the ones I've met are anything to go by. Now in theory the tech CEOs mentioned by op could be working class culturally but that's very unlikely, they just want to appropriate the aesthetic

>> No.15767790

liberal detected

>> No.15767859

why are you a faggot

>> No.15767880
File: 51 KB, 828x460, alex and maskcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true that

>> No.15767927

Alex Jones is a fucking millionaire, he hasn't worked a blue collar job his whole life.

>> No.15767929

>the tech CEOs mentioned by op could be working class culturally but that's very unlikely, they just want to appropriate the aesthetic
The guy who created twitter is from a midwest state, Nebraska I think.

>> No.15768184

Dilate, bro.

>> No.15768213

White collar working class isn't blue collar working class.

Yes there is a difference

>> No.15768216

then say blue collar instead of working class

>> No.15768219

White Collar working class people don't have to work as hard as their blue collar counterparts, but pretend that they've been "laid low" by the bourgeois when the WORST they have to deal with on a daily basis is a a bitchy Karenand maybe dropping a machiatto on their beige pants..

>> No.15768224

Blue collar is easier. I'm saying that as a blue collar guy that became management.

>> No.15768225

mental work can be as taxing as physical work

>> No.15768251

You probably didn't work a hard job, then.

Lies White Collar People Tell Themselves to Pretend to be Laid Low #1

If 8 hours of sleep and/or a visit to the therapist your daddy pays for can get rid of it, you're not being "taxed".

Meanwhile the blue collar working class is physically taxed in ways that cannot be fixed as easily, and White Collar types don't give a single fuck about them.

So much for "class solidarity" amirite, comrades?

>> No.15768272

I'll go even further and point out that even though a not insignificant percentage of blue collar workers are leftists (Myself included.) and they're nigh abandoned by their "fellow comrades" as "Probably a buncha MAGAcucks", when the last few successful socialist uprisings in America were the brokeass, blue collar working class (WV miner's riots, being notable.), not College students whinging about having to make coffees giving them a wittle headache and having to take an ibuprofen.

>> No.15768276

>developing back problems is the same as getting a bit stressed
let me guess, toilet paper college degree?

>> No.15768279

I don't think you know what it's like for most poor people then. They cannot afford therapists and do not have sugar daddies

>developing back problems from 12 hour days say in office chair

>> No.15768290

>>developing back problems from 12 hour days say in office chair
>is the exact same as debilitating manual labour on a building site
haha just shut up bro

>> No.15768295

The REAL working class can't afford therapists or don't have sugar daddies.

The White Collar "working class" LARPers can, and do, because they're not actually "working class", they're upper class brats "slumming it"
to look cool to their leftist friends.

Not equivalent to throwing your back out lifting heavy shit

Or respiratory problems working in the remediation (Think ServPro) or mining industries

Deskies pretending they get hurt at work is class traitor behavior.

>> No.15768305

If you had ever worked a working class, white collar job, you’d know how wrong you are. Obviously, you have some sort of massive chip on your shoulder, but you’d know that: 1) 8hrs of sleep is rarely normal, if anything it’s more like 5-6hrs. 2) people don’t have daddies that pay for anything for them. There’s a reason they’re working class in the first place. 3) the end result for both is the same (lack of upward mobility, disposable income, etc). There’s no heroism in splitting hairs and trying to die on some made up hill to think you’re winning the oppression olympics, life sucks for both groups of people significantly

>> No.15768306

never said it was the exact same retard
at least you don't need to go tens of thousands in debt to get a minimum wage job

>> No.15768332
File: 179 KB, 520x613, c10bfafd-3abc-4fc6-b40f-0e025979b7e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad because you larp in workwear huh?

>> No.15768333

It's called "White Collar" working class because you're not actually working class, you're upper class liars who barely do any work.

Making coffee is not hard work
Typing up TPS reports is not hard work

You do not do hard work You're just appropriating (Like always) the cultures of the lower classes.

You're LARPers
You're the Greek bitch from "Common People"
Get fucked, you class traitor.

May the proletariat shoot you traitors on sight when the revolution comes.

>> No.15768342

>earns minimum wage and can barely afford rent and food
>upper class liars
You should rethink this

>> No.15768347

You didn’t address any of my points. Why would working class people be on two different sides? Spouting nonsense drivel around how life is somehow harder, when the challenges are the same, doesn’t make you right.

>> No.15768356

You don’t do any labor, some of us do.

>> No.15768364

labor - "productive activity, especially for the sake of economic gain."

>> No.15768367

>Earns minimum wage but their rich daddies can bail them out at any second
>Not upper class liars LARPing as a lower class

>> No.15768372

why do you think everyone has a rich daddy? are you projecting?

>> No.15768373

Real labor takes effort

It takes no effort for you bourgeois class traitors to listen to Cumtown on company time in your cubicle and cry about how "laid low" you are by the bourgeois that you yourself are a part of.

>> No.15768375

it takes no effort to do physical tasks. they can be done by literal retards

>> No.15768381

Nope. My dad's been dead for over a decade.

I DO see a lot of "internet socialists" who are just Rich Pricks LARPing as socialists when they can go back to their rich family at any second.

And spoiler alert: 100% of those people work "white collar" "working class" jobs.

>> No.15768384

And yet those "retards" do more hard work than you class traitors who pretend that serving coffeee at Starcucks is "laborious" have ever done in your pathetic, should've been aborting rich cunt lives.

>> No.15768385

>I see some people work low paying jobs whilst having rich parents.
>everyone with a low paying job has rich parents
do you see the disconnect here?

>> No.15768391

you keep talking about hard work. Physical work isn't the only kind of hard work

>> No.15768394

5-6 is still more than what real blue collar workers get

2) The class traitors that work in "white collar" jobs but pretend that they're laid low do.

3) There's upward mobility for class traitors, there isn't for the real working class.

>> No.15768398

you act like upward mobility is a bad thing

>> No.15768399

Yes, it is.

You're not doing "hard mental work" listening to cumtown on company time.

You're not doing "hard mental work" pressing "go" on the Starcucks coffee maker

So not only are you NOT doing any physical labor, you're not doing any mental labor either,.

>> No.15768402

seems like you've never had a white collar job before

>> No.15768403

It is for people that are already class traitors.

>> No.15768407

there is no such thing as class traitors.
Johnny quitting his job in the mine to work at McDonalds isn't a traitor.

>> No.15768408

Office work is literally the most mindless job you can have.

>> No.15768415

Sally getting her dad to get her a job at silver Spoons Inc because she's tired of pretending to be a socialist at the co-op IS.

Spoiler:80% of the people who work "white collar" "working class" jobs are like Sally

>> No.15768416

there is literally nothing more mindless then doing physical labor. Horses can do physical labor. Horses can't work in an office.

>> No.15768421

I can’t tell if you’re deeply delusional, or just stuck in a mental gymnastics loop, but you’re parroting the same points without any sort of argument. Working class people will get roughly the same average amount of sleep, don’t have people paying for their things, and don’t have upward mobility, regardless of whether it’s white or blue collar. That’s why they’re called working class, the collar is just more specific. Both of their jobs are at risk of automation, both have been left behind by globalization, and both have dissolved from the middle class (if we’re talking about the USA)

>> No.15768423

>Having an enjoyable time outdoors
I don't see the problem?

>> No.15768424

if you think 80% of people working white collar (which is the majority of people in the global north) jobs have rich parents then you need mental help.

>> No.15768465

t. commie

>> No.15768485

>don’t have people paying for their things, and don’t have upward mobility
Yes we do.

>> No.15768507

Come down and apply, my shift is down 4 guys. Its a grind, most new hires don't stay a month.

>> No.15768665
File: 1.22 MB, 2815x2773, 1590568727424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more bunkercuck

>> No.15768690

i hate rich people but i dress like them...

>> No.15768699
File: 898 KB, 1920x1080, 1574642909074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faggot not a man of his convictions
Not surprising.

>> No.15768702

>What the fuck are you spending it on
seriously dude, i was making $45k a year working retail in SF and still could afford to live comfortably in a berkeley 2 bedroom with 1 roommate. these people have no idea how to live within their means

>> No.15768774

Isn't that just Rockabilly fashion? Those same people are probably dancing at honky-tonk and rockabilly bars.

>> No.15768789

say just that, i fucked up and i want to work with you

>> No.15769382

I came to say this. What the fuck is OP talking about? I've never seen a worker dress like that...

Maybe they did in the fucking 50, not anymore.

>> No.15769404

>desinated camping area next to your car where everything is readily avaliable to you. Surrounded by other people and without real nature anywhere in sight.
Like camping in your backyard

>> No.15769412

Buzzword soup virtue signaling

>> No.15769470

Because a lot of them new wealth tech guys grew up in a working class area and have zero fashion sense because they spend all day coding?

>> No.15769486

it's a trad-core larp it's the last cool/acceptable aesthetic white people have going for them so they latch on to it hard hoping to bring back the good ol days in america (but only aesthetically since they're libs)

>> No.15769504

>why do west coast urbanite lefty big tech soys cosplay as blue collar and working class
They don't. Unless merely wearing jeans constitutes blue collar cosplay to you, but that sounds like a personal problem. The only people who still dress like this are service industry types—bartenders, barbers, etc.—except they don't wear $400 or more boots, but vans. Incidentally, these guys have basically dressed this way for forty years or longer.

>> No.15769507

>west coast urbanite lefty big tech soys cosplay
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15769550

wow your ass is hurting to spew all those rightist buzzwords.

>> No.15769582

Masculine identity has been destroyed in modernity and now the men who dont understand why they feel immasculated will jump on anything that makes them feel as such
>raw denim
>beards or moustaches
>stupid raw leather belts
>work boots
All such are marketed as masculinity you can buy, when none could be further from the truth. As numales feel masculine just wearing the clothes they make no effort to maintain any other true masculinity which is why they are irritating soiboys, skinnyfat, and pitiful.

>> No.15769600
File: 512 KB, 1080x1020, you 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do poltards make shitty threads asking fallacious loaded questions?

>> No.15769648

Clearly you've never been a barista. I worked in an oil field for a while and it was far easier than coffee

>> No.15769677

half of fa dresses like this.
kinda sad to see the boots general die because the reddit wingers took it over and no one else wants to post their boots in the soi general

>> No.15769704

>t. seething faggot

>> No.15769709

>half of fa dresses like this
Little of /fa/ dresses like this. /fa/ is mostly twelve or thirteen-year-old kids who flit between meme clothes every few months, if they engage in fashion at all beyond posting here. Part of the discourse of this board has developed around talking down to all fashion in an attempt to grab at some amorphous superiority without having to put skin into the game.

>> No.15769768

if you struggle at being a barista then youre lucky to employed at all and even being paid min wage is overpaid for your abilities.

>> No.15769771

I worked as a barista and I worked in construction. Would never go back to working in a fucking coffee shop. Physical exhaustion is feels good. My favorite part of the day was getting off work and just chilling in a comfy bar by my house for an hour or two unwinding. Would come home feeling nice. After work as a barista I was just eternally stressed

>> No.15769778

you are mentally ill and/or retarded

>> No.15769789

haha you read my mind.

I'm a gay little state school finance major, and I look at salaries for city electricians here in LA and start salivating.

>> No.15769795

God kids are so fucking cringe

>> No.15769803

absolutely. Subaru, patagonia, and REI do a great job at catering to these people. that being said, they tend to be friendly.

i know a lot of people like this. they actually do rough it a little bit. surfing in testicle freezing water, hiking for extended periods, fishing, etc. but yeah...it's very watered down. no hunting. no hardcore survivalist shit. everything is very controlled. and we haven't even gone into "consumption as a lifestyle."


this article does a great job at explaining how this whole demographic are actually very self aware of their shortcomings and has made me less cynical towards them.

>> No.15769820

Seriously. I can do barista shit at home and I'm a "dirty filthy blue collar worker"

>> No.15769822

Redneck blue collar workers do this way more, car camping lots are full of them.

>> No.15769859
File: 2.67 MB, 1854x1500, Ceco-Team-on-San-Diego-International-Airport-Rental-Car-Center-CONRAC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont own a single long sleeve orange or lime shirt, you're not a real blue collar worker, you're a poser.

>> No.15769864


>> No.15769894

based contractor vs virgin west-coast coders/bloggers/freelancers