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15756833 No.15756833 [Reply] [Original]

>fell for the buzzcut meme

>> No.15756844

i don't get why people would impulsively get a haircut. if your hairline is shit/have a big forehead, a buzzcut is only going to look bad on you.
have some common sense anons.

>> No.15756924
File: 120 KB, 900x506, SMP_Hair-loss4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a tattoo

>> No.15756930

I fell for it too, once. With my widow's peak it looked super lame.
That's dumb, now you(?) can't clean shave your head or grow it in, you're stuck with stubble forever.

>> No.15756933

Most people regret it just because they're not used to seeing themselves with super short hair. You probably look fine.

>> No.15757082

As long as you don't have a hairline that looks like it's running away from your eyebrow you'll be find. It's when you have shitty jaw structure then it starts to look funky

>> No.15757646

>dad buzzes my hair every few months when i was a kid
>finally get my wishes respected when i tell him not to as a teenager
>grow my hair out and look pretty good for a while
>it gets too long and actually needs cutting
>decide to just buzz it all off like when i was a kid and save myself the embarrassment of saying anything retarded to the barber
anyway that's how I discovered I was going bald super fast.

>> No.15757656

i buzzed
i dont have a great hairline and im not that attractive
but idk i kind of like it

>> No.15757657

post hairline

>> No.15757674


are you that dude with the weird fucking face ? not cecil, the big dude with a flat face.

>> No.15757697

I’ve been doing a #0 buzz for the past 8 months and I love it. I’m not a pretty guy, but I am athletic. It really suits me better, it just looks sharp and utilitarian. That being said, I found out I have the head shape to pull this off. I’d be worried if I had a cone head or weird bumps

>> No.15757831

only did it to grow out bear and dont look weird proportions

>> No.15757879

yep. corona made me fall for it pretty hard. did it twice and tried to convince myself it looked good. looking back it does not look good at all especially as someone with a round, large head, chubby cheeks, and weak chin

>> No.15757899

Sometimes it looks weird because the scalp is pale and doesn't have any tan. That's what wets people off.