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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 434 KB, 965x1034, BonkMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15747514 No.15747514 [Reply] [Original]

Trying a bunch of clothes I ordered online and they're kinda crappy material but this top looked a little cute. Suggestions would be p cool too as I am dumb.
(Am wearing safety shorts underneath as the skirts kinda short and I don't want to flash my gigantic cock)

>> No.15747519

holy fuck trannies are clueless try to wear something that hides your man knees and man shoulders

>> No.15747529

Yeah I usually do but it's too hot for leggings and I wanted to try a shoulderless top.

>> No.15747542

I think you look cute and pretty :)

>> No.15747546

Nice football shoulders man

>> No.15747548

Thanks bro I got them with deadlifting
Thanks anon

>> No.15747549

Hahaha what a freak! A guy would have to be super drunk to believe this tank is anything resembling female. Little kids probably laugh at this weirdo guy dressed up like a chick. And you can't leave your liberal city core because you will get beaten up.

Glad I'm not you, freak

>> No.15747555

Do a barrel roll tranny

>> No.15747556

Thanks man <3

>> No.15747557

who hurt u

>> No.15747562


>> No.15747574

Make sure to donate your clothes to a thrift store..
before killing yourself

>> No.15747614

Does anyone else find it sad how society encourages these people to transition instead of giving them the mental health support they need? Its like showing someone with an eating disorder a more effective way to purge. It boggles my mind.

>> No.15747617

Trannies like to be emotionally abused or they wouldn’t keep posting

>> No.15747623

Thanks anon I think donating to charity is super important which is why I've given a bunch of minecraft tshirts to aspiring /fa/ posters.
Nah I got plenty of support and don't think I'm a woman. I just like looking feminine :^). Therapy worked pretty great so far.
Bingo, this is my masochism session and all this seething just makes me harder.

>> No.15747645

Ok nut lol

>> No.15747653
File: 36 KB, 474x326, 1606621670523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15747664

Yes that is me

>> No.15747671

It's a deep-eugenics program. All these people that are trannies are autistic and/or genetically fucked. Turning them into trannies can sterilize them and they will go and abuse the children whose parents are too dumb to protect their kids. ie. More genetic refuse.

>> No.15747673

4chan is full of assholes

>> No.15747679

dont listen to any of them, i think you're beautiful

>> No.15747690

Thanks anon
Yup, solution is to just troll them back until they run out of pre-scripted npc arguments

>> No.15747719

You're ugly as fuck, sorry. I also like to dress up in women's clothing but I am completely straight I just do it as part of scams, people are less afraid of women.

>> No.15747722

>straight guy
>dresses as a woman to get attention and money from men
So you're a self hating gay man

>> No.15747727

damn didnt know /fa/ was this based and redpilled

>> No.15747773

Lol no, I do it so that I can learn where women with onlyfans accounts live so that I can blackmail them lmaoooooooooo

>> No.15747781

Cope. You're a faggot either way anon.

>> No.15747786

you look qt!

>> No.15747787

Thanks anon <3

>> No.15747803

this is supreme bait

>> No.15747818

>haha joke's on you, I'm just *acting* degenerate to get responses, in the end I win!!

What a ruse, I was so unsuspecting. This changes everything oh wow.

>> No.15747825

Thou shalt ne'er a true maiden be. Thou hast neither womb nor ovary. Thou art a catamite, twist'd by foul perversion of chirurgeon's art to crude fleer'ry of Divine perfection.
All validation as thou receivest like unto Janus' own be, and tepid to boot. 'Pon thy hind, good folk fleer. Thy good father and kind mother art in troth disgust'd and in shame of thee. Thy friends doth make sport of thine hideous countenance 'twixt themselves.
By thee art all of Adam's sons utterly repuls'd. Our Lord didst fortuitously permit all menfolk to divine thy fraud with wondrous accuracy. If by trickery, thou didst 'pon occasion "pass", all gentle folk verily wouldst 'pon closer examination revile thee. By the Lord's arrangement, thy very bones betray thee. And if 'pon chance thou pliest with drink an unfortunate companion unto thy fetid bed, 'twould soonest fly as drink in the aromas from thine diseas'd, fest'ring wound, the which thou cherish in mockery of Eve's daughters. Tis certaine that never shalt the devil's spawn pass from thine false womb, thus fruitless art thy efforts to ensnare gentlefolk.
Joy shall likewise escape thee. 'Pon waking, thou paint upon thy face a Deceiver's frippery, but inside thine heart, parlous despair circles like Leviathan, eft t' crush thee 'neath th'unbearable weight.
In the end 'twill be too much to bear - thou shalt find thyself procuring firm rope, mocking the hangman's noble art, and plunging into the bitter abyss of the Divill's embrace, to spend thy days better cavorting with thine masters. Thine father or mother shall occasion upon thine empty shell and weep, caught 'twixt heartbreak and relief that the shame thou broughtest them hast, anon, abated. Thine headstone shall reflect thine Christian name, and hist'ry shall record thee a man. As worms and creatures of the earth feast on thine unholy corpse, thine bones shalt betray thee again - unmistak'bly like unto Adam's.
'Tis thy fate, self-appointed. Ne'er shall thee revoke it.

>> No.15747837

Eh if noone in here is acting on good faith and just regurgitating the same lame ass pol insults I've seen a million times why should I give you the respect? Try harder.
Damn that slaps. Though it doesn't show up in google so this must be some very obsessed pasta that I hope you didn't waste time writing.

>> No.15747851

Nice cock

>> No.15747857

Thanks - though if you're getting excited that unfortunate looking bulge in the pic is actually the chunky knot on my shorts underneath. If only mine was actually that big.

>> No.15747859

Oh and drop those sneakers, they look very worn off, did you try heels?

>> No.15747863

Yeah shoes is on my next to buy list. I've just been wearing this pair everyday for the last year and a half so they're super worn out.
Not sure what heels really work for me yet.

>> No.15747875

>bulge in the pic is actually the chunky knot on my shorts underneath
Now THAT'S unfortunate.

>> No.15747893

i think you look pretty on the left

>> No.15747897

Because you're asking us the favor in your OP, not the other way around.

>> No.15747926
File: 126 KB, 634x949, 1605990689918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is it possible for /fa/ to be more based than most of the boards on this shit site? It doesn't even make sense.

>> No.15747932
File: 1005 KB, 960x983, q5gjzj0062x41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll never pass

>> No.15747933

Thanks dude
Eh, as soon as it isn't just posting a pic of a 50 year old hon or telling me how I'm not a woman.
Tranny hate may be based, but you're retarded and a newfag if you think most boards are different. Even /lgbt/ hates trannies.

>> No.15747934

Case in point kek. Get a new meme this shit is old.

>> No.15747941

us LGB hates trannies because your kind is making us look batshit insane, as if theres no middle ground between decency or straight up clown world with hairy cavemen in skirts. We dont want to take pills or chop off our genitals or look like a walking FREAK.

>> No.15747943

sure, but it's never not funny when a tranny does anything and you can't help but chimp out and seethe like a batshit insane person :^)

>> No.15747951

Stop using trash loot and either start working towards your legendary gear or the life skills to craft your own

>> No.15747954

Profound anon - what you're saying is I should learn sewing? Honestly I did really enjoy textiles in high school so that might be a good idea.

>> No.15748463

troll as much as you want there will always be someone to call you a faggot

this site is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object

>> No.15748523

I think you look really cute, anon, I honestly thought you were a girl. Maybe try wearing biker shorts underneath (perhaps shaping, with lace?) to prevent the bulging and get some chunky sneakers.

>> No.15748535

You have cute legs I want to pull your skirt up and fuck you in that changing room

>> No.15748537

Hides linebacker shoulders better than a spaghetti strap?

>> No.15748607
File: 29 KB, 720x432, 1606266566727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15748916



Ignore the haters and try to enjoy life as much as possible.

>> No.15748957

reject femininity and embrace your inner Y chromosome

>> No.15748991


>> No.15748996

I rarely see women dress like trannies, the have a very stereotypical view on how women dress in the modern day.

>> No.15749003

%40 cute

>> No.15749024

trannies, in rejecting normative gender roles, unknowingly uphold the patriarchy which perpetuates strict gender roles by dressing in the sterotyoivsl image of a subservient wife to a man.

>> No.15749060

Why are your shoes so fucking dirty

>> No.15749067

>hahahaha... I feel a hole inside that I cannot fill with my current identity so I must take it out on other people, because the prospect of changing as a person resembles death and the impossible to me - especially social death - you know what those people would think if I changed - pricking their devil dolls with their deathening glare - I see the hellish flare! - devil embrace me in my splendours foul! - no thought in my head but the demons talking, chatting scheming their evil schemes!

>> No.15749068

You'll never be a woman.

>> No.15749069

lmao the “person” looks so stubby like a lego

>> No.15749070

i'm so obsessed with trannies they make me so mad ever since i came here in 2016 i can't stop thinking about them reeeeeeeee

>> No.15749079

Can't form my opinion without seeing panties first

>> No.15749107

You will never be a woman

t. TERF gang

>> No.15749235
File: 646 KB, 574x561, 1584278002216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15749259

You will never be a woman

>> No.15749464

Exactly, but doesn't mean I need to let it bother me at all
Thanks anons
Good thing my parents are dead
Not down under with our 100F weather
Eh my sister helped with this one, and I was looking on pinterest for retro stuff
Yeah sorry they're the only pair I've had for a year and really need to get new ones
Sorry anon I'm afraid I'm going commando

>> No.15749471

Preach it anon

>> No.15749496


>> No.15749630

why are trannies and cross dressers the loudest to preach that shitty “ignore the haters” ideology? being selective and receptive only to praise to feed your confirmation bias in an echo cum chamber is the defining trait of your kind

>> No.15749680
File: 49 KB, 403x394, 1606642930717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the 'haters' here don't bring any valid points. It'd be different if there was actual criticism but it's just "hurr you'll never be a woman". Kill yourself isn't feedback.

It's boring and I've seen these a million times over. If you're gonna insult me at least make it interesting and worth the read like >>15747825
or give me some honest criticism on how to improve my outfit. This is /fa/ after all.
Otherwise you're all just kinda sad and seething.

>> No.15749690


>> No.15749697

you must use flip flops or sandals a lot, for the half - tanned feet

>> No.15749719
File: 15 KB, 240x240, 1597857103459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna smash?

>> No.15749725

0/10 learn to use the board

>> No.15749728
File: 10 KB, 224x224, 1598213475205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually no - I think it's just a weird thing with the photo, they usually look even skin tone

>> No.15749752
File: 307 KB, 715x436, 1597183103168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye, i wanna smash too.. smash your fucking head in, fucking faggot
you will never be a woman

>> No.15749761


>> No.15749763
File: 7 KB, 463x445, 1594070781582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15749768

I wanna suck your cock

>> No.15749770
File: 17 KB, 320x320, 1565941811488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reassuring him

>> No.15749782

Yeah how will you do it anon? Are you gonna beat me with your yeezy's?
Same, I wanna be able to do a marilyn manson at least once

>> No.15749785

Never heard of a feminine benis, anon?
I want to bend OP over and rail her all night

>> No.15749805
File: 54 KB, 750x600, supreme-clay-brick-red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with your yeezy's?

>> No.15749813
File: 2.01 MB, 325x218, itwasabigrock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15749835
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 1565941815289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop it you, he may fall for it

>> No.15749927

well, you should, you have cute feet ;

>> No.15749936

Thanks anon, I'll try some. I'm pretty happy with my feet considering they're average size for a woman and pretty easy to get shoes that fit me.

>> No.15749940

I wanna cum on your toes

>> No.15749949

would bang, nice fit

>> No.15749950
File: 44 KB, 600x441, 1598840028471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is your name saMANtha by chance

>> No.15749952

Thanks anon, I'll take that as a footfag compliment of the highest tier
No it is Chad

>> No.15749956
File: 53 KB, 655x502, 1599594250740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who stole your chin, chad?

>> No.15749974
File: 772 KB, 480x360, 1604456987343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna split Chad's legs wide open and split her in half with my cock

>> No.15749975
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>> No.15749987
File: 1.39 MB, 1080x1080, 1598715727428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, are there any more pics of her?

>> No.15749995
File: 1.73 MB, 2160x3840, 1605218566402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the money, all the time spent and still OP will never look like this

>> No.15750012
File: 1.01 MB, 2754x1109, mirrortimeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure have a ugly timeline

>> No.15750028


>> No.15750034

yes kick these twitter faggots out

>> No.15750040

>I don't want to flash my gigantic cock
i mean its a blue board so post it in >>>/soc/ and then link it back here
youz pretty cute op ;)

>> No.15750041


>> No.15750042

Why would I use the shithole that is twitter
Thanks but cock pics are off limits unless there's bitcoin involved

>> No.15750052


>> No.15750059

I’m so confused wtf is going on? Is her boyfriend or brother Trying on her shit?

>> No.15750076
File: 58 KB, 500x636, like this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have not considered FFS you should, I think you'd undoubtedly pass afterwards since you already have a good base to start

for now you need to try something new with your brows so that the prominence of your orbital bones aren't too evident - I say maybe widen the glabella
also, contour your jawline to soften it but don't apply your makeup in an angular manner, but do apply blush to the apples of your cheeks

finally, please consider a cute haircut - I suggest one with a long fringe and layers so if you ever want to wear extensions they can blend easy (you'd rock long hair and it covers your shoulders nicely)

>> No.15750093
File: 376 KB, 1500x1000, Z0KSCkJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to le reddit, dog.

>> No.15750097

You don't even remotely pass, please stop, you literally just make people uncomfortable in public.

>> No.15750114

>how to hide what you are
kek, no need to be mean to him
you're pretty much just telling him that his costume doesnt work out
must be devastatin

>> No.15750122

Cool, that means a lot thanks
Nah FFS is an expected thing every tranny knows about, already saved up for it and getting it nexy year. Actually pretty confidence boosting that they said I have a good base when they know what they're talking about
Thanks for the tips, I should be able to afford the works, and have been just letting my hair grow out before I decide what to do with it

>> No.15750125

I try to help any and everybody feel comfortable with themselves because I like to follow the golden rule. Also I am actively ignoring my homework so I'd rather waste my time being useful

>> No.15750135

Tfw I'll never live in a society

>> No.15750136

>good boy helping mentally unstable person into life altering actions which ultimately lead to depression and suicide
feel good mentality wont help him
neither will it help his parents decide which gravestone to choose
but i'll tell you one thing, they wont have long to think about what name to put on it

>> No.15750137


no, i think it was aMANda

>> No.15750142

Again, my parents are dead anon
Plus the cuter I look the happier I am :^)

>> No.15750147

look into it, and seek actual help, not people with financial incentive in aiding you
just to pay them to fuck you up
if not pls dont make such a big mess when you kys yourself, think of the poor wagie cleaning up afterwards

>> No.15750153

Nah I'm quite happy, so far it's been a net positive to life, work, sex and my mental state. Plus I'm not getting my dick cut off

>> No.15750155

>Plus I'm not getting my dick cut off
good on you
stay aware of the fact, that there is always a way back at this point
anyway, stop shitting up my shat up board and go fuckin back to plebbit or >>>/lgbt/

>> No.15750156
File: 643 KB, 1717x2289, examples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for fashion I think you could look into cottage-core (it's a mix of many vintage looks, just imagine what modern prairie fashion would be like), a Google search will yield lots of cute, feminine, retro looks that you might like
a plus with this sort of fashion is that many of the fits give you a flattering shape because of the high waists and cut and volume in the skirts and dresses
Hope you like the style as you'll find the garments are comfy and baggy in the right places. Just try not to go for hem lengths that are too short but if you must, remember to wear tighter undergarments so that nothing bunches up underneath as >>15748523 suggested

>> No.15750161

some of these are more grandma-y so it isn't the best example of what I'm talking about but I'm too lazy to make my own collage so I hope you get the gist

>> No.15750164

Thanks anon I'll look into cottage core stuff, my sister suggested a bunch of that and floral patterns too. And yeah rip my safety shorts knot is the bulge in that pic, my dick is a healthy inch so usually stays hidden

>> No.15750166
File: 192 KB, 436x436, 1458502536358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never pass, dude

>> No.15750172

You're right bro im worried about failing some of my uni courses

>> No.15750173
File: 60 KB, 220x220, 1600814010153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y-you're right bro im worried about failing some of my uni courses

>> No.15750195
File: 799 KB, 818x1158, 1594803885921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you aware that you are a literal caricature of what you want to be?
i'd find it sad, if it werent so amusing
post more for us to laugh about

>> No.15750200
File: 121 KB, 800x800, ruffled empire waist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750203

>Anime girl poster
Anon...your 2d women aren't women either

>> No.15750204

this is your brain on daily internet since age 8

>> No.15750205
File: 634 KB, 1600x1600, puff sleeves loose shirred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750211
File: 232 KB, 800x800, cinched chest pastel floral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750212
File: 292 KB, 689x601, Ee5UW5CX0AI33k-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i told you to post more, come on keep the freak show going

>> No.15750214
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>> No.15750216
File: 100 KB, 733x744, short smocked puffsleeve eyelet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750223
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>> No.15750224

Wear some thinner black tights (opaque is optimal) they'll shape your legs and hide masculine features.

The entire fit just doesn't work to your advantage body wise

>> No.15750228
File: 117 KB, 768x1024, plaid square neckline buttondown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750230
File: 211 KB, 498x479, 1466910828035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masculine features
hee heheheeheheeehehehehe

>> No.15750237
File: 3 KB, 125x120, humorouspepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine caring about someone else's genitals so much you cry like a lil bitch about it in a message board about fashion. What sad little lives some of you retards must have LMAO

>> No.15750244
File: 61 KB, 602x338, main-qimg-5ee0ede023587e368a2c853fb7951268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noo i am not mad, you are
haha, post more pictures you clown in a drag

>> No.15750253

That wasn't me, also learn to reply to posts schizo

>> No.15750266
File: 36 KB, 564x790, sweater &amp; pinafore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree with black tights, it's what I wear in winter and you can probably pull off a short hemline if you do something like the image (cute and preppy)

you can go with some heeled black boots to lengthen your legs if you don't like the flat Oxfords

>> No.15750267
File: 92 KB, 736x983, 1515712258509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That wasn't me

>> No.15750270

better look at pics of men wearing those, so you'd get a better impression on how they will fit you

>> No.15750271

Yeah I used to wear black tights in winter, but the summer weather down under will actually kill me with covered legs

>> No.15750276
File: 195 KB, 1232x1412, floral babydoll ankle boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750277

Good point anon I'll make sure my Adonis frame can fit

>> No.15750279

Thanks for all the dress ideas

>> No.15750280

always glad to help a brother out, bro

>> No.15750287


>> No.15750294

I mean I like being called bro/dude/man too, so it's not exactly an insult

>> No.15750303

why should it be an insult, bro?

>> No.15750304
File: 125 KB, 550x825, flowy sundress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof, then please don't follow our advice and go for the more comfortable options

where I'm currently living our hottest days are well over 38°C so I understand... when I'm too lazy to shave my legs I'll just wear a cotton maxi dress
100% recommended because it's breathable, sorta' protects you from the sun, and still makes you look like you tried

>> No.15750313

Ah cool I'll look into getting more maxi dresses

>> No.15750319

Well you and every other unoriginal anon seem to think I'm a fragile reddit tranny who'll be upset an anon called me a he.

>> No.15750323


>> No.15750325

nah, bro. how do you come to think that? are you insecure, bro? it seems like it, dude

>> No.15750331


>> No.15750332

I'm >>15750224 you could try a just below knee lighter dress, this is just my opinion as a cis dude (I've crossdressed before but I'm not trans) but light dresses always look good. Also some of them have excess fabric around the shoulders which can help hide boulder shoulders if that's an issue.

>> No.15750335

do you feel original falling for the spook that every mainstream outlet and corporation is promoting, bro?
just curios, man

>> No.15750338


>> No.15750342

Thanks I'll try that too
Yeah dude I'm hella original, I've been shoving dick up my ass since the womb
I know it's a meme but you angrily typed that so fast you made mistakes which is kind of funny

>> No.15750348
File: 25 KB, 106x111, 1604833694911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750349

so you are saying that you got molested as child
gotcha, bro

>> No.15750360
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 1553534457413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ye, im a gurl now

>> No.15750364

Yes I am a mug brain

>> No.15750372

>got molested
heh everytime

>> No.15750383

So my advice would be in the future go for skirts that are two or three inches longer, like just above the knee, it’ll be a lot more flattering a silhouette.
As well I’d consider what to put over your ares, or something with a little sleeve. The blouse your wearing isn’t bad, but maybe a cute little cardigan could add to it. Maybe something mustard as well so you give off les of an “American” colour scheme vibe? Outside that you’ve got a good start and good base.

>> No.15750387
File: 200 KB, 879x1505, 1601508495451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750398

Okay thanks anon I'll try those. And yeah I'll definitely pull out the cardigans once it gets colder in like 6 months. Thanks for the colour advice too, I'm pretty new and people I asked all liked it as an American vibe but I had no idea what that meant kek.
I should learn how to play guitar

>> No.15750402

difference is, he is a crossdresser and looks somewhat pleasant
you are a hormonal mess with mutant nipple domes

>> No.15750406

I mean my boobs look pretty okay, and my hormones are more consistent and managed for their levels than any non-tranny.

>> No.15750413

>consistent and managed for their levels than any non-tranny
>he believes this

>> No.15750415
File: 810 KB, 598x509, 1594759814038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean my boobs look pretty okay
go post them freak
i wanna have a laugh

>> No.15750419

Have you ever gotten your own low-testosterone levels measured anon? You can hate me for being a tranny all you want, but I have testosterone at near 0, and estrogen at a consistent level via implants.
Nah I'm good, post your own manboobs instead

>> No.15750429

>he is hiding them
>he knows he is a freak
now dont chicken ou,t bro
you came here to me afterall, dude

>> No.15750433

I came here to post advice on an outfit, and now I have a bunch of orbiters begging me to post more pictures and screeching about medicine they have no idea about. You came to me anon, clean up your underwear yourself :^)

>> No.15750434

based Japanese cross dressing bassist

>> No.15750436
File: 317 KB, 1280x1920, flared butterfly sleeve maxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah,
buy off season so you can get them cheaper

>> No.15750442
File: 40 KB, 400x560, tiered braided strap maxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750444

>I don't want to flash my gigantic cock
you can flash me any day mommy :)

>> No.15750447

carrot nose wont hide your seething, bro
you came to my board
go back to your faggot containmentboard

>> No.15750455

t. seether who can't stop thinking and posting about my penis

>> No.15750456

brooooooo, those are girl clothes
haha you gay brooo, like literally a faggot, dude

>> No.15750459

post penis for science
(btw am a girl)

>> No.15750460

not him, but he never mentioned your penis, you sex obsessed coomer abomination, lmao

>> No.15750466
File: 93 KB, 655x983, mustard oversized cardigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good call on the colors, anon

>> No.15750470
File: 848 B, 128x40, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15750473

do you dare to go outside at night, or are you afraid that some one might jump you
(or do you dream about someone jumping you)
cuz i dont condone it, but i do wish some paki would stab you and your mutuals lol

>> No.15750474

Good point I'll make sure to do that
Yeah I am a faggot
Nah I'm good
Eh it's hard to tell who he is, but so far there's been plenty of penis posting, and he wants to see me naked, and is obsessed with the fact I am a tranny. So this boy obviously got some insecurity surrounding dicks.
Oh that looks really nice, I'll look for something like that thanks

>> No.15750478

>I am a tranny
bro, how should i know that?
trannies usually try to look like girls, bro

>> No.15750481

Well yeah, I'm not sure what this is really supposed to show. I'm trying my best to respond to people, and plenty of people giving advice post multiple things/seething against me in like 10 posts in a row. >>15750478 Number of posters still the same so I guess it's still the same guy who doesn't know how to reply to posts, and still seething kek.
Yeah I go outside at night but have been chased by a meth addict down the street before. Not really interested in getting jumped.

>> No.15750482
File: 103 KB, 960x960, 1435866305357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks im a boy
faggot i am a proud terf, lmfao get dunked on golem

>> No.15750485

Post anus hole

>> No.15750487

>thinks i'd hand out precious (You)s for a bait thread and stolen pictures
shoo shoo back to discord with you

>> No.15750488
File: 853 KB, 1078x1073, 1600908805293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing about anyone who's a self-proclaimed terf is they are just mad they get mistaken for trannies in the bathroom.
it's not what you quite wanted but picrel
These are my pictures anon

>> No.15750494

well atleast no one is going to mistake you as a woman

>> No.15750499

How tall are you? I think your jawline gives it away, but you don't have that typical hon look, at the first glance I thought you were a girl.

>> No.15750502

Good, I want my masculine energy to waft into the room and suffocate everyone with my ball sweat

>> No.15750504


>> No.15750507

>I want my masculine energy to waft into the room
then why try to hide your broad shoulders, bro?

>> No.15750510

5'9, and I started at 18 years old last year. Didn't start early like before puberty, but at least hormones effected me more than starting later.
well I mean >>15750499 >>15748523

>> No.15750513

Are you phone posting or that new? Just click the post number to reply to people anon.

>> No.15750514

>trolls encouraging me
>that means im doing it right
jeezus chrisman, grasping at straws here, arent we?

>> No.15750519

>y-you are new
>p-pls give me my (You)s
heh, nothing personal, bro
but ill keep those to myself
not so my opinion, you will hear that one till the bitter end of your miserable thread

>> No.15750530

you can tell he is a bottom

>> No.15750531
File: 69 KB, 1500x1500, PleaseAnonPlugYourVag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to dilate more than I do
Nah dom leaning switch actually

>> No.15750536

>self deprecation
wow you are not like the other trannies, bro
haha so unique
i bet you are depressed, too!

>> No.15750537

kek, this thread is a shit show
but even more so OPs pics

>> No.15750539

So do you use discord?

>> No.15750543
File: 504 KB, 1280x1299, UwU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, this
TERFs are the ugliest; that's just a fact
and at this point (with how obsessed they have been) I have to conclude that they are projecting some deep-seated issues onto OP or just plain jealous that a trans woman is better off than them

>> No.15750545
File: 6 KB, 249x118, discord_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add me

>> No.15750548

>that a trans woman is better off than them
what ever you have to tell yourself, my man
41% but you guys surely can do better, i believe in any of you dudes to kys rather sooner than later

>> No.15750553
File: 282 KB, 1100x1500, die mad about it TERF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750555

pretty sure you guys are first to die, but whatever, man

>> No.15750559


>> No.15750561

Not really much at all, I'm in a self-improvement binge right now so cut out most social media to focus on working out, healthy eating and practicing clothes/makeup.
Yeah this is just how it is - people tell me I look cute/give advice, the rest tell me I should kill myself or look like a man. I could post pictures of random girls I know in this thread and they would still say they're obviously masculine and trannies. Tale as old as trannydom.
Oh cute

>> No.15750565

Ah, you are still too young and so early into transition, good luck to you. I hope everything works out for you.

>> No.15750566

will add more focus on your hairy legs, bro
but does look cute on actual women

>> No.15750570
File: 59 KB, 483x528, BTW I&#039;m a girl, I&#039;m just not pathetically bitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750569

daily reminder
hormones wont change developed bone structure

>> No.15750574

sure you are, bro

>> No.15750575

I can't even tell if you think you're samefagging well or supposed to be responding to specific things. You're posting these in a really obvious samefag pattern, and we're still at 64 posters.

>> No.15750580

but only in your head, dude :^D

>> No.15750586
File: 164 KB, 800x800, for OPS consideration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15750587
File: 58 KB, 720x960, 1435866305358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play "i know who you are, but what am i" with him
>throw him a bone
>he swallows it blind
i mean i know your brain activity is impaired by hormon abuse, but you genuinely seem mentally retarded, bro

>> No.15750597

long pants is the way to go and not to tight or one may see your strong man legs
>imagine thinking this is helpful advice
>imagine thinkin you are female if you have to hide your body to even remotely resemble something feminine

>> No.15750601

Ah thanks for the suggest. I was looking up inverted triangle clothing styles and that came up. I actually ordered some pants similar to that I think

>> No.15750604
File: 88 KB, 672x889, 1597250997122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just add a lil lipstick and grow your hair
>aint i a pretty girl?

>> No.15750609

...dude you are really obsessed, take your meds

>> No.15750611

>inverted triangle
we call it MANshape *sunglasses*

>> No.15750614

nah, ill leave the heavy medication to OP
that dude pays good money to dr. shekelstein for it afterall

>> No.15750616

Sorry, I know I said I'd help any and everyone but you gotta' post your own thread TERF

>> No.15750617

fucking LOL mang

>> No.15750618
File: 38 KB, 594x118, Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 3.21.40 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP I actually pay about $6 for it every few months because my country's healthcare is based.
Yeah yeah tranny hurr and all that, but picrel

>> No.15750620

post on your own board, bro >>>/lgbt/

>> No.15750622

nice cope
about time to go dilate
Or hop on schizo meds and end the delusions

>> No.15750623

>he thinks i care
wew lad
bro, if i saw you bleeding out in the streets i would just shrug and walk on
you guys are silly

>> No.15750624

>he thinks i care
You've posted literally 20+ times in this thread, maybe more.
This is some dangerous levels of rent-free.

>> No.15750628

>pls consider reading this
>oh god, why wont you read it
bro, shut up or kill yourself, im fine with either of those 2 options for you

>> No.15750631
File: 58 KB, 720x960, 1589503854240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, im a girl now

>> No.15750642

marvelous! i am so proud of you!
you go girl!

>> No.15750648

lookin good, honey
wanna let me suck u off?

>> No.15750651


>> No.15750657

oh, you are trans? hah i thought you were cis before reading the replies

>> No.15750662

10/10 post feet

>> No.15750665
File: 205 KB, 798x574, 1605290602399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baba boey

>> No.15750668

Wow, very brave. 5head rights.

>> No.15750672
File: 255 KB, 800x800, partially tuck in the top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picture a true inverted triangle someone like Wendy Williams... I think you are more banana shaped. Your proportions are similar to mine (I'm basically a rectangle except I'm too short), and the suggestions I'm sending are all part of my wardrobe so I think you'll look great in those slacks.
To be honest, I think skinny jeans are the devil.
I avoid them like the plague.

>> No.15750676


>> No.15750679

>banana shaped

>> No.15750680

>skinny jeans are the devil
called it

>> No.15750683

damn, boys, watchout there is a lady in this thread afterall

>> No.15750684

Oh banana means rectangle I thought you meant I was quasimodo or something kek.
At least that's a step above inverted triangle, so thanks.

Yeah I've tried and failed to make skinny jeans work, and have gotten tips from friends to go with flared and high waisted ones.
? These are normal fashion tips for rectangle/inverted triangle bodies you see online. Skinny jeans don't work on quite a lot of women.

>> No.15750685

>rectangle/inverted triangle

>> No.15750687

>I'm basically a rectangle except I'm too short
>im basically thin, im just too short for my body weight
the delusions

>> No.15750690

oh mama

>> No.15750693

I think you look cute and pretty :)

>> No.15750696

dont listen to any of them, i think you're beautiful

>> No.15750698

Can't form my opinion without seeing panties first

>> No.15750703

lol, i believe you

>> No.15750706

so much positivity, thank you guys :)

>> No.15750718


I would take you out on a simple date OP.

One thing I would say is that the length of hair is more fitting for thinner people. Obv not saying your fat, because you’re not. It’s just that your proportions lend themselves for a shorter cut.

>> No.15750724
File: 81 KB, 731x546, kibbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 161cm and 47kg but hardly have any chest or booty, at least if I was tall I could pretend I have a model body :(

>> No.15750725

see >>15750703

>> No.15750728

>your proportions lend themselves for a shorter cut
ye, some military cut

>> No.15750731


>> No.15750732



>> No.15750733
File: 121 KB, 800x857, xD_cleaned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15750734
File: 1.19 MB, 892x1155, Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 4.01.17 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I had my hair picrel short last year early on hormones but am pretty much just growing it out to see what I can do with it.
Yeah tried that too and looked good, but I like it longer and gay
Rip anon, you're beautiful anyway

>> No.15750738
File: 108 KB, 1024x606, 1606710673051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15750739

damn bro
that is unfortunate

>> No.15750740
File: 785 B, 119x43, LOL2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15750744

now *that* is funny
not as funny as OPs pics tho

>> No.15750746

The true crime here is liking harry potter

>> No.15750751

sexual predator vibes, just like OP
you know you can just google it if you wanna see girls pee and dont have to mutilate yourself, right?

>> No.15750757

are you drugged up to cope with yourself or why the thousand yard stare?

>> No.15750759

Nah I use the disabled bathroom like I should, and like my penis thanks

>> No.15750762

>those empty eyes
>those broad shoulders
kek even with a slightly turned torso they still protrude your entire silhouette

>> No.15750767

see >>15750536

>> No.15750769

tiresome, you still samefag, and still just say the same thing over and over. At least come up with something original.

>> No.15750773

stop responding to yourself you castrated social reject. just go on fucking grindr nobody cares.

>> No.15750775

take your meds, bro
maybe those eyes will go away some day
(probably not) lmao

>> No.15750780

This person posting 40 times may just be the most obsessed person I've ever met on 4chan.
I was sympathetic, but now it's just funny.
Rent freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.15750786

yeah RIP, thanks OP
BTW cute picture, I think you're doing great growing out your hair, the length suits you (it balances your height well) and if you have sleek thin hair it's easier to style and make voluminous when it's shoulder-length and longer
I've tried bobbed hair when I go crazy and chop it but I always go back to long

>> No.15750787

>he takes the beating like a good girl
>he is still begging for my attention afterall of this
subby boy, wants to be bullied
do you have a hard on right now? being called a man by a real woman, seems to excite you beyond belief

>> No.15750789

BTW cute picture, I think you're doing great growing out your hair, the length suits you (it balances your height well) and if you have sleek thin hair it's easier to style and make voluminous when it's shoulder-length and longer
I've tried bobbed hair when I go crazy and chop it but I always go back to long

>> No.15750791

>if you have sleek thin hair
>if you have man hair
ofcourse he has, cuz he obviously is one lmao

>> No.15750795

you have an insta?

>> No.15750798


>> No.15750810
File: 212 KB, 1080x833, 1605998549466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15750825

Thanks anon, I'll figure out how to style it once it goes a bit longer

>> No.15750828

nice fizeek
lookin shredded, bro
youve been pumpin dem weights? sick
see you on /fit/ bro

>> No.15750830

just wear a wig, bro
no shame in that
its a costume afterall!

>> No.15750835

>did take him this long to wipe the tears away

>> No.15750836

Yeah bro I was actually pumping weights back then kek, stopped since and estrogen made my muscles atrophy though. Lost a fair bit of size in my shoulders.
Wigs are a pain though - you ever used one? Much easier to just have long hair.

>> No.15750837

no one actually likes you
they do it for social gain by virtue signaling
for their depraved fetish to sexually exploid you
or just to make fun of you

>> No.15750839

Damn, sorry that your life sucks dude. That sounds awful.

>> No.15750841

>easier to just have long hair
i could make an actual point here but im not interested in doing so
look at them videos of trannies not the edited photos
look at their hair, dude
i say Yikes bro
get a wig so you can crossdress

>> No.15750847

haha he has to resort to "no you"
must be harsh getting your arse kicked by a literal women
pathetic demoralized soi boi

>> No.15750848

>autistic people on 4chan don't take care of their hair
wow shocker. I take pretty alright care of mine with products and go to the salon, so I should be good.

>> No.15750852

never did i mention 4chan this entire thread
stop projecting dude
you aint no woman

>> No.15750854

I shed like a cat and so does my mom (to the point it's almost unholy) so we considered shaving off our hair and sticking to nice expensive wigs because we figured it would be fun and worth it in the long run
bought one to try out when I had a bob and noped right out of the idea

>> No.15750857

>others dont take care
you can pump all your money into mr shekelsteins tranny salon for all i care
still wont change your genetics and your male hair, bro

>> No.15750861

>I shed like a cat
point proven

>> No.15750864

yeah I've cosplayed in them before and they suck ass. Never want to touch one again.
Hair shedding sounds unfortunate but I know a girl that has it pretty bad and I'm still finding her hairs at random around my house kek.
>male hair
thanks for the laugh finally anon

>> No.15750866

good thread, bro
im gonna take a nap
stream your suicide on /r9k/ like the other trannyboy did
see you there

>> No.15750868

glad i could give you a laugh in return
your pictures are priceless in that term, bro

>> No.15750871

The fact you stayed here the entire time to schizo post is beyond retarded, but I can appreciate it I guess.

>> No.15750873

>The fact you stayed here the entire time to schizo post is beyond retarded
maybe you should think about that sentence of yours for a while, bro

>> No.15750909
File: 27 KB, 500x375, good vibes to OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these greasies want you so bad OP, you don't have to do anything to keep them mad, they are so triggered

You just continue thriving
I'm gonna' go back to my much neglected essay because my outline is due soon
peace xx

>> No.15750989


Never seen /fa/ this assblasted. I wonder what’s happening. Kek

>> No.15751033

My sheer existence is enough to make people seethe this hard, and that's pretty based to me
Thanks kind anon

>> No.15751139

Op, me sucky sucky
Me love you long time

>> No.15751239

I know you said you're cutting out social media, but I still want to ask, is there's a place to follow you?

>> No.15751467

Nope, you'll see me shitposting anonymously on /lgbt/ occasionally but that's about it.

>> No.15751473


>> No.15751822
File: 107 KB, 720x1090, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off sam

>> No.15751837
File: 178 KB, 720x960, 1595643819355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck off sam