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File: 48 KB, 599x599, fdoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15744834 No.15744834 [Reply] [Original]

quitting society and getting into the doomer lifestyle. mainly for the memes though, seems comfy af. (don't really give a shit about the environment/planet) what are some effay fits for brooding nightwalks?

>> No.15744838

>wants to LARP as a doomer

>> No.15744841

Doomer isn't something you dress like. It's a lifestyle. You buy cheap utilitarian clothes from the army surplus/thrift store.

>> No.15744844

Doomer fits are just lazy sweatpant-core, while being cold

>> No.15744847

>mainly for the memes though
i give up on this board. stop trying to larp. if you become a doomer then you will dress like a doomer eventually. threads like these are not even ironic bait anymore, just retarded zoomers making these threads.

>> No.15744872

-oomer posts are just tarot cards/horoscopes for guys that try to base their entire personality around ryan gosling characters

>> No.15744967

>quitting society
cmon man you failed one math test it's not the end of the world

>> No.15744990

brooding nightwalks won't sober up your drunken abusive stepdad bro

>> No.15744992

have less sex with dad

>> No.15745026

Been seeing this trend going around for a while, are you REALLY a doomer or do you just identify with the memes, same goes for incels, hate seeing kids who are in high school or 21 years old just giving up because they identify with some memes.

>> No.15745032

Doomers either dress really aesthetic for no reason or dress in athleisure

>> No.15745035

its literally just a hoodie and beanie how are you not even good at larping

>> No.15745375

>muh authenticity
everything's a meme, to live is to larp. embrace it.
jeez man i'm trying, but when it's goofy time it's goofy time

>> No.15745383

why give up the best kind of sex

>> No.15746535
File: 73 KB, 636x668, doomer dork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a doomer pooper

>> No.15746542

What school is a 23 year old in exactly?

>> No.15746551

There is zero future for our generation to be honest

>> No.15746566

You'd be surprised.

>> No.15746570

goddamn you are such a zoomer

>> No.15746577

>-oomer posts are just tarot cards/horoscopes for guys that try to base their entire personality around ryan gosling characters
KEK fkn based gosling

>> No.15746580

college you moron?

>> No.15746630

Fr, doomers need to grow the fuck up and realise that things are going to be shit for as long as they pity themselves.

Literally playing the victim giving off the same "I'm a victim and I want things without any effort" energy as tumblr/twitter feminists.

>> No.15746843

At 23? The fuck?

>> No.15746848

There's nothing we can do. Literally what other option is there

>> No.15746859

This. Life is pretty shit and I think bloomer is a cope. But I’d rather just live my shitty life than just be moping around all the time

>> No.15746878

depends on what their going for.

>> No.15746882

Honestly? Nah. I refuse to go along with your dumb thoughts. You can take your ackshully and shove it up your ass.

>> No.15746888
File: 2.97 MB, 306x205, 1602474760613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quitting society and getting into the doomer lifestyle

>> No.15746920

i’m a doomer and i quit society but i earned that right by achieving financial freedom. I realized i am too intelligent and existential to take a conventional path of success because that means nothing to me. I live my days mastering my crafts and exploring the cosmic.

>> No.15747124
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>> No.15747145
File: 63 KB, 680x680, 1578930384345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you wear a choker and start sucking cock

>> No.15747233

Doomer memes are fucking cringe

Retard millennial loser zoomer loser cope

>> No.15747917

Man, you must be absolutely retarded.

>> No.15747938

I don't want to be one

>> No.15747939

you people need to get over yourself, holy shit

>> No.15747948

>stays up all night
Truly a mystery why he feels bad about himself

>> No.15747978

Fucking kek so spot on

>> No.15748005

>I live my days mastering my crafts and exploring the cosmic.
is that a euphemism for jerking off?

>> No.15748648

No it’s just escapism for peace of mind. Life isn’t so shitty when you know what it takes to build something that lasts a lifetime but in the process you learn things that being a useless consumerist sack of shit could never teach you about life. The latter ties into existence and perception, life is much bigger and connected than you think but i can’t teach you how to be a formless abstract entity of raw consciousness separated and free from the limitations of the physical form.

>> No.15749093
File: 73 KB, 204x168, 1605732538249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15749131

I can relate to this.
Frick society and conventional norms up their ass they never made me happy.
If you can afford it to suggest you do the same.

>> No.15750806


>> No.15751125

stop being neurotic

>> No.15751144

get neutered you ill faggot

>> No.15751147

you seriously make me cringe

>> No.15751151

stfu namefaggot

get off my board

and go back to plebbit

>> No.15751792

in the US you can kind of do college whenever hell you can do college forever if you want

>> No.15751796

wow that was nothing but buzzwords

>> No.15753217

that's a pretty cringe fucking meme and post OP
you're such a faggot bro

>> No.15754357

Pretty great I must admit

>> No.15755419

What does being a doomer have to do with the environment/planet?

>> No.15755456

Alyx bits Helmut
nigga what?
is this dooper pooper moomer boomer zoomer meme i dont get?

>> No.15755483

>and go back to plebbit
no u

>> No.15755489

Alyx is 95% old helmut lang collections with some tacky buckle put on them
i would expect people to know that on i dont know, a fashion board?

>> No.15755545
File: 1.77 MB, 2732x4098, AlyxFW20_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree with that statement but will continue to call the use of the word "bite" retarded

>> No.15755558

shut the fuck up

>> No.15756230

you don't want to be a doomer. I'm so doomed that even nightwalks don't work anymore. i still do it though, mostly out of habit.

>> No.15756304

>To exist is to suffer

>> No.15756400
File: 496 KB, 1008x1200, 1603276106821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15758196

where is
>develops a strange taste for female fashion then realizes she's trans?

>> No.15758244

Either law/med/engineering or your parents are rich and funding a glorified vacation in a useless pseud degree

>> No.15758255

This is why we need bullying

>> No.15758291

this may surprise you kiddy but some people don't start college until they are in their 20s! some people don't even start until their late 20s! crazy right? no not really it's quite normal

>> No.15758745


>> No.15758789

Put a shotgun in your mouth and blow your brains out, zoomer trash.

>> No.15759791

fuck this is cringe holy shit lmfao

>> No.15759795

Haven't you heard? Post-irony is dead. It's time to move on and grow up.

>> No.15759807

nah, it’s the age when lazy unintellectuals start giving a shit about education

>> No.15759865

>It's time to move on and grow up.
itt: zoomers handing out stern daddy advice

>> No.15759869

No nigga! I am from the millennial generation. Hipster Starbucks iPhone Mumford & Sons skinny jeans

>> No.15760295

lololololololol this thread

>> No.15760630

My nigga

>> No.15762045

No for my case I got out of prison and went, not every one has a conventional progression

>> No.15763731

Mike Amiri sucks, he is a gay faggot that copies Hedi and SLP