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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 208 KB, 1080x1347, D9F42F09-71CB-4653-9E5A-904F52C604A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15741913 No.15741913 [Reply] [Original]

If you’re in your 30s, why not look like it?

>> No.15741919

What does looking 30 even mean? Your pic is a larp to be honest on par with dressing like Mad Men or like a renaissance italian or a samurai.

>> No.15741937

It means retiring hoodies and wearing blazers.

>> No.15741948
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Looking 30 means dressing like pic related.

>> No.15741949
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>> No.15741954

i would feel too self conscious wearing all that

>> No.15741975

reviewbrah fedoralord shit

>> No.15741985

Thinking there's no difference in the weird Piti Neopolitan outfit the guy in OP's pic has on and Reviewbrah wearing literally vintage oversized suits from Goodwill makes me think you probably have more than 10 hoodies in your wardrobe

>> No.15741995

At no point in any of my posts did I give the impression I thought those outfits looked the same
But they do both look equally shit
Actually reviewbrah might look better

>> No.15742009

Lol bless your fuckin heart anon
Good luck out there

>> No.15742016

You need it more than I since you seem so stupid.

>> No.15742019

Stop wearing fucking hoodies after 30

>> No.15742021

sure but you cant wear blazers either

>> No.15742023

Absolutely you can. Blazers cane worn with jeans or nice pants

>> No.15742024

nah man maybe you think that because your head is fucked up by the fashion industry and your only reference for an adult male is what you see in your fashion catalog magazines but in real life if you wear that you're going to look like ass and a larper
its not the 70s anymore. shit like >>15741949 is not acceptable.

>> No.15742027

I take care of my skin and body and take fin so I still look 20.

>> No.15742034

no ones interested in your weird drug addiction or desire to look like a weird aging twink
'look 20'
right dude

>> No.15742039

How about if you don't look 30? I am Asian and 25 right now but still look 16/17, as most people tell me. Based on my dad, I will probably look under 30 until I'm 50.

>> No.15742062

why not both?

>> No.15742091

I feel genuinely sorry for you that you think that

>> No.15742140

it only looks good if you look like a model

>> No.15742162

>t. plans on wearing hoodies after 30
reddit /r/streetwear tier

>> No.15742164

That can be said of everything. Nothing looks good on ugly, fat or of of shape people

>> No.15742166

you wear ripped skinny jeans don't you lmao

>> No.15742168

By wearing a suit, I give power to anglo culture.

>> No.15742175

I wear spf everyday and I'm on vit c and tret. I can tell how old you really are.

>> No.15742179

There's no point in wearing business casual outside of business or maybe a date.

Why in gods name would I leave the house to go to walmart in a fucking blazer and loafers?

>> No.15742185


Because I have an identity that is separate from the social signals that I choose to display (via clothing) as needed.

>> No.15742186

Not sure why you would even go to Walmart in the first place. Literally only subhuman trash goes there, and all of them wear their pajamas and flip flops the entire time

>> No.15742189

Based fellow /sprezz/ poster

>> No.15742191

because I can afford a house in the suburbs near one?

>> No.15742213

Bragging about living a soulless existence in the suburbs because you get to commute 40 minutes to work and get to come home and shop at Walmart is retarded.

>> No.15742216

pretending you're above that life and will never ever live it is childish

>> No.15742222

I live it right now. I lived it for the first 25 years of my life. I can't wait to leave it and get the fuck out of here. Waiting on my wife's grad school application results to come back and see what city we'll be moving to for her school. Every school is in a city so that fucking God we're getting out of the shitty suburbs

>> No.15742225

lol. you'll grow out of it

>> No.15742233

>lived in suburbs for 25+ years
>you'll grow out it and come back
Fuck no I won't. Been there, done that, hated it

>> No.15742236

>fuck you mom and dad im going to move to the big city

>> No.15742239

I guarantee you don’t. Take care of yourself by all means but don’t be delusional. That’s how people end up with disgusting cosmetic surgeries.

>> No.15742243

There is nothing wrong with this.
Parents holding back their children from growing personally and experience financial success and independence by leaving for more opportunity in a city just because they want them close so they can wipe their asses when they're old is selfish as fuck.
My parents live thousands of miles away in another state on the east coast.

>> No.15742252

grow up

>> No.15742253

You're a child

>> No.15742265

Keep seething and keep putting miles on your car and buying gas as you sit in traffic for 50 minutes just to get to work

>> No.15742275

dude people are fleeing cities after this covid shit, being quarantined in a shitty city apartment is hell and businesses are shutting down everywhere. Having a house to beat on the drums as loud as you want all day with a yard for your doggo is better than whatever you think city life must be

>> No.15742276

>I wear spf everyday and I'm on vit c and tret. I can tell how old you really are.
I don't need to wear SPF because I never go outside. Check mate.

>> No.15742316

Because it's impractical and makes you look like a massive faggot. That's literally the uniform of early-mid 20s trust fund larpers.

>> No.15742330

People should not be allowed to watch Mad Men

>> No.15742339

because I work 55 to 90 hours a week at my decidedly blue collar job

>> No.15742340
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I aim for better than this...

>> No.15742350

do you genuinely look like youve had multiple lovers and are capable of basic masculine tasks?

>> No.15742416

Now we know why he doesn't ever show his teeth in any pictures

>> No.15742507

Because you look like a complete faggot and people laugh at you.

>> No.15742509

Spotted the flyover

>> No.15742519

Honestly why live in a place where adult men wear hoodies? Why not move to Paris

>> No.15742525

Because it's not so simple. You can't "just move" to Paris unless you're a muslim "refugee", in which case you get in for free and get a place to live

>> No.15742553

> why
Effortlessness. To have an effortless style - this rule goes before all that nonsense “no hoodies after 30.” I’m in a city with 20 million people yet even in the downtown I will look like a tryhard.
Why do you care how I dress anyway?

>> No.15742567

possibly the latter, probably no on the former

>> No.15742585

>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!
Rage against the machine, little one

>> No.15742589

Posts like this reek of "COPE".
There are more jobs in cities with higher salaries. Chase the money, friends

>> No.15742647

What about like when exercising outside? Still go for the blazer?

>> No.15742655

The suburbs aren’t for me

I like wearing suits

>> No.15742706

These kinds of questions are so fucking stupid. People like you asking this stupid shit like "should I still wear a suit to the gym?"
Fuck off. I know this is bait. No, you don't exercise in a suit, you don't work in the yard in a suit, you don't do repairs in the house in a suit.
Fucking retard

>> No.15742716

that outfit clashes so much good god

>> No.15742725

I wish I could but it's just too hot to wear this stuff in the summer.

>> No.15742737

When it's summer just replace anything wool with linen. I basically only wear linen and cotton in summer and wool any other time of year

>> No.15742738

you should wear whatever 1) looks good on you, and 2) is congruent with your environment, socioeconomic status and type of person you are

the larp pic in OP would make most of you look beyond cringy for any of the above mentioned reasons

>> No.15742741

OP pic isn't a larp though. That dude is the creative director and head of marketing for a Spanish menswear brand.

>> No.15742746

OPs pic is a cocksucker

>> No.15742760
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Sure bro

>> No.15742765

>That dude is the creative director and head of marketing for a Spanish menswear brand.

it's a larp for the dweebs on here who try to emulate the creative director and head of marketing for a Spanish menswear brand

>> No.15742774

probably is waiting for mnml to release black friday deals

>> No.15742782

Ah got it, I see what you meant.
I work in a bank, so I dress like that for my job, just not as peacocky and more subdued. Depends on your job and city.

>> No.15742784

The city sucks. I really, really hope you have a cheap/worthless car and nothing expensive in your home because you absolutely will have your car broken into and probably your home at some point. Hate on the suburbs all you want but when you witness people shooting up on the same block that you live on everyday and constantly being asked for money from homeless people, you'll learn to hate the city

>> No.15742788

You do realize that not every city is the same and that within a city there are different neighborhoods. You can live in a nice area of a city and never see that trash at your home

>> No.15742790

Assuming most of the people that browse /fa/ live in the US and are 15-25 years old makes this nearly impossible. From my understanding, you can't just "move" there, you have to already have a job and a place to stay before you're able to move. Also, getting your passport is a pain in the ass

>> No.15742792

drama queen baka
wear a blazer/sweater for normal occasions that call for it. If you're doing something active then dress for the occasion

>> No.15742796

yeah that's fair enough, like I said it there's nothing wrong with the OP's style but it depends entirely on how it looks on you and whether or not it's congruent with your environment & social status

whereas OP just wants to cosplay as a classy gentleman

>> No.15742797

Living in a residential area of a city doesn't mean you're living "in the city" because you're detached from the city itself. If he wants the city lifestyle, thats the stuff that comes with it

>> No.15742801

are you a nitwit bro? it's entirely class dependent, if you live in a shithole part of Paris infested with immigrants, people wearing hoodies will be the least of your concern

what you're really saying is -- if you live in a working class neighborhood why not move to a high income neighborhood

>> No.15742804

People say they live in a city and everyone immediately assumes they live in center of the central business district right next to a skyscraper with offices.
Cities are more than just downtown cores.

>> No.15742880

>le wrong generation
Maybe thirty years ago.

>> No.15742895

Sounds like you lived in a shitty city or a shitty part of one. I live in the center of a major city and while, sure, there are some social and economic problems that have only increased during covid it's by no means bleak. My street is nice, it's quiet, I'm two blocks from two parks, mugging is not a big issue, no one I know has had a break-in. There are so many positives too. I can walk to anywhere I need to go and take the subway to anywhere I want to go, there's always interesting events happening, I can get good food and drink at any hour. Some people choose the city because the suburbs represents the monotony of a white bread lifestyle. Not everyone wants a life of taking the kids to soccer practice and chatting with the neighbor about lawn mowers.

>occasions that call for it
You hit the nail on the head right there. Wear a blazer when the occasion calls for it, not because you have some misplaced notion that it's the only acceptable option for someone who has reached a particular age. It's almost like people live their own lives. What a concept.

>> No.15742905


t.hasn't been to Paris

>> No.15742915

Dress like Donald trump jr if he was a fag?

>> No.15742919

Quake 3, bitches!

>> No.15742923

I dont get this shit. When are you actually wearing something like this? Seems like youd be overdressed for everyday shit like groceries, going to the pub ect but too casual for anything serious

>> No.15743002

yeah, it's fancy dress

>> No.15743008

So just for when you go out to the city to lean against some masonary?

>> No.15743012

Bro its like 45 degrees here. Which in America i think is 115.

>> No.15743020

imagine calling yourself a grown man and then wearing that big ass funny tie hahahah

>> No.15743023 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15743026
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>> No.15743314

I lived in Italy and even in Milan people don't dress like that. These outfits are fantasy

>> No.15743317

Since there's a lot of absolutism and dumb opinions ITT I'll just say that crew-neck sweatshirts are a much better option for older men, but obviously only worn when exercising or doing chores, maybe for napping.

>> No.15743326

>2) is congruent with your environment, socioeconomic status

>> No.15743334

high enough salary to compensate for the cost of living and not owning the room you sleep in?

>> No.15743337

I know the demo of this board skews young, but there will be a day where you’re working daily and getting out of the suburbs

>> No.15743348

Yes you should

Post pics

>> No.15743358

Fin is finasteride, its not drug retard its to prevent hairloss

>> No.15743367

>bro I'll move to the city, get rich and live there forever!
You are not as old as you think. Cities swallow souls, there will be a day when you leave and never look back.
Owning land feels better than any shoebox in the city, ie nogtown

>> No.15743487

I agree - but rural living is much more appealing than the suburbs. Would you rather see trees or neon chick fil a signs?

>> No.15743500
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Lmao gotta love how menswear brings out the peter pan seethe but its time to grow up. I get it, you invested thousands in plastic shoes and polyester meme clothes with logos. Sell that shit on grailed and rebuild your wardrobe. Especially if you're anywhere near 25

>> No.15743516

this, I'm closer to 25 than 24 now, I have realised it's time to stop dressing like a child. It was fine during college but it's time to grow up.
Have some fine handmade in england shoes coming in soon

Imagine pushing 30 and dressing in hoodies and sneakers LMAO

>> No.15743525

I’ll dress better than that at 25

>> No.15743563

I was probably 27 or 28 when I had a realization that I dressed like shit. Hoodies and skateboard shoes, t-shirts with logos. I look back on it and absolutely cringe. I also wore the rectangular incel glasses.
I got contacts, threw out my hoodies and t-shirts and completely rebuilt my wardrobe. Now it's all high waisted trousers and chinos, cotton and linen shirts, and a sport coat if it's cooler weather. For shoes I typically wear loafers or boots.
It was only weird at first when people who knew me before saw me dressing nice, but now it's so normal, no one thinks twice. I still wear t-shirts and shorts, but only for lounging at home and sleeping, or if I'm exercising.
Take the menswear pill, especially if you're 25+. Do NOT be that person that dresses like a teenager as an adult. Everyone notices and thinks you look like shit.

>> No.15743581

Because I'm not a man.

>> No.15743587

Guess it really depends. I know this couple that really stuck with the skinny jeans, band t-shirt, leather jacked and converse shoes look they had in the early 80s. Somehow it fits them and I respect them for just dressing in what they think looks good.

I guess if you're hopelessly following teenage trends as an adult, it's pathetic.

>> No.15743593

you can do this without living in a suburb you dumbass. suburbs literally need to just be nuked

>> No.15743600

>getting your passport is a pain in the ass
>go to post office
>present birth certificate and drivers license
>have your picture taken
>pay $130
wow that sure is hard

>> No.15743624

you have to supply your own picture these days

>> No.15743634

>have picture taken
>at passport place
Nah, they always make you do it yourself and bring in a pic. Just another annoying step

>> No.15743702

If you’re going full sprezz during the pandemic/WFH then fair play to you, you mentalist
I’m pretty firmly in the menswear camp generally but the last 10 months have been sweats and sweaters. I’m not going to the office anymore and all the bars and restaurants are closed, I’m not wearing oxfords and a blazer to go to the park

>> No.15743705

Menswear isn't an option if you live in a hot climate
>Got contacts
Nah man

>> No.15743708

Damn Amuro is hot af

>> No.15743710

Linen lad

>> No.15743728

What's that mean

>> No.15743733

There's nothing that warrants wearing menswear. You'll stick out like a total fuckin freak everywhere you go if you dress menswear.

>> No.15743761

Only if you live third world or suburban flyover American

>> No.15743762

Menswear is absolutely an option.
Lots of linen, as well as unstructured jackets without canvassing and padding, unlined loafers, etc.
If anything, hot weather is best because you can get real cozy with the fabrics

>> No.15743774

Linen is a natural fiber made from the flax plant. It's super breathable and light, dries extremely fast and is great for summer and hotter weather.
The downside is it creases and wrinkles extremely easily, and some people don't like that. But to many, it's part of the appeal of linen

>> No.15743776

Okay, Cletus. Back to your trailer

>> No.15743803

Considering where I live I would only wear a blazer going to church or a lecture/debate.

>> No.15743816

Ok shlomo

>> No.15743840

idk literally no one I know (over 30) dresses in #menswear and they'd all look out of place dressed that way every day

>> No.15743843

covering up from the sun is the best way to survive in heat
wear light colors if there's no breeze and dark colors if there's wine and you'll stay nice and cool

>> No.15743846

i live in a major city, a fashion city even
never seen any attempt at menswear aside from very rare much older fish out of water men in the rich district who just dressed like total shit

You guys are trying to pawn off your desires as reality
stop trying to make menswear a thing, its not a thing

>> No.15743849


im gonna need inspo. i have no idea what you're suggesting.
you cant casually wear suit jackets here, you just cant

>> No.15743876

Why would I want to dress like an 80's Wall Street homosexual?

>> No.15743921

Put on the hecking loafers or else

>> No.15743924

I wear something similar to work except for the loafers. No thanks, I'd rather wear something else on my day off

>> No.15743935

I'm 29 in sneakers and graphic It's.
Don't see the problem. I don't wear hoodies though since highschool.

>> No.15743937

What city? No one would ever think twice about someone wearing a shirt and pants with some leather shoes. 90% of people with jobs wear it.
Saying menswear isn't a thing is legitimately retarded

>> No.15743944

Can't because it would look out of place or can't because you think it'd be too hot?

>> No.15743948

Out of place

>> No.15743950

Now you're making a different argument. A collared shirt, pants, and leather shoes is a far cry from the photo in OP and doesn't even necessarily fall under the category of #menswear. When you add a tie and jacket or some stupid 'sartorial' details like cropped pants that it becomes ridiculous as daily wear. Suit and tie is a uniform. It is worn in particular circumstances.

>> No.15743954

huge difference between that and wearing a suit jacket tie vest pocket square

>> No.15743956

Oh, well that's different. When you said 'menswear isn't an option if you live in a hot climate' you absolutely made it sound as though the heat was the limiting factor. If you're worried about looking out of place then yeah, you should probably just avoid menswear.

>> No.15743969

Menswear is a blanket term. Think of it like a spectrum I guess.
Button ups tucked into trousers with leather shoes is still menswear just as a three piece suit with a tie is also menswear.
People immediately assume that you're wearing a suit if you mention menswear

>> No.15743976

I mean if you want to get semantic, menswear just means clothing for men. When you use it in the context of fashion blogs/forum/designer clothing it very much implies a style based around dressy clothing as exemplified by the suit.

>> No.15744058

I moved to italy and live near rome. When i go to rome i always dress like a guy from ops pic
In italy every man is a fashion model of some sort
Ive always fucking hated how amerifats dress
They dress like skateboard teens even in their 30s

>> No.15744065

because men in america are terrified of being labeled as a fag for dressing well and they're horribly insecure about self-expression. Thankfully that mindset is passing with millenials becoming irrelevant

>> No.15744077

100% this. He looks like a meth addict that was dressed up for this photo.
I look better in a hoodie and jacket than you look in any blazer.
t. 32 year old
>t. single virgin

>> No.15744081

>ha ha my clothes are my personality

>> No.15744088
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>men in america are terrified of being labeled as a fag for dressing well and they're horribly insecure about self-expression
Literally the opposite. People wear comfortable clothes and don't give a fuck about self-expression or what some fag on 4chan thinks.

>> No.15744102

>I mean if you want to get semantic
You're literally discussing the meaning of a term. The conversation was always about semantics lol. #menswear is one thing, which maybe in 2012-2016 meant more affected suits, Pitti uomo, etc. but without the hashtag it's always been a term that meant clothing for men. By drawing a stark boundary between the outfit in OP and a more casual look, you're acting like wearing a blazer or sports coat is somehow out of the question for men these days, and would look totally out of place in a modern day office or bar. You're incorrect and I don't really know what your goal is here. To discourage men from wearing tailored clothing, which is designed to make them look better? If you have some suggestion for a wardrobe that would make men look better or a system for dressing as a contemporary man then feel free to suggest it. But just stop pretending like your arbitrary distinctions are based in an objective ruleset or reality of the world (unless you can back it up with some real examples?)

>> No.15744108

>The conversation was always about semantics
Not the guy you responded to but
No it wasn't. You're moving your goalposts. The conversation is about how you look like a clown and stick out like a sorethumb if you start dressing shit like OP

>> No.15744112

this is a post of someone who lost am argument
>We were always discussions definitions man..
>what do wooords mean like really bro
>bro why are you trying to harsh propels vibe for no raisin?

>> No.15744114

Comfortable clothes

All my clothes are comfortable. Stop using this shitty argument to dress like a child

>> No.15744115

>There's nothing that warrants wearing menswear. You'll stick out like a total fuckin freak everywhere you go if you dress menswear.

Tell me how this wasn't a conversation about the meaning of menswear when that was the original comment that started the conversation?

>> No.15744118

I'd you wear a sports cost or blazer and you aren't immediately at work or going to or from work then you appear unnatural.
Especially when most jobs don't even require sports coats anymore.

>> No.15744121

You can't be serious. I refuse to believe someone can be this pig headed. I don't even see how that can vaguely imply that we are discussing the meaning of menswear.

>> No.15744125

>If I devolve the argument into a postmodern sucking of my own dick maybe I'll appear smart

>> No.15744126

This is the post of a moron
>dude you responded to a post so that means you lost an argument
I just got here dumbfuck. I'm not either of the people involved in the convo
>words only have meaning if they apply to my subjective definition of them, which I won't share with other people
>if you disagree with my specific definition of a word, which isn't the standard definition, you lost the argument
>asking someone for clarification or a legitimate suggestion for a better way of dressing is saying a vibe is being harshed
>asking for concrete examples is whining

>> No.15744130

>there's nothing that warrants wearing menswear
>but what about this
>that's not menswear
>yes it is
The meaning of menswear was being discussed, no?

>> No.15744134

>I just learned the word postmodern

>> No.15744147

Fair enough -- what's a better way to dress then?

>> No.15744148

Go back to college. Cry to someone who cares. Your school shit doesn't fly.

>> No.15744151

probably t shirts and sweaters or hoodless jackets with sneakers

>> No.15744155

No because the meaning was already intrinsically agreed when you clicked on the OP pick any deviations have to be acknowledged as such
You can't start changing the definition and acting smarmy for people not following you when as established by the OP menswear is that picture within the confines of this thread. Any notion otherwise leads to >>15744112

>> No.15744307

what, look like that faggot in the op pic ? lmao. what a terrible fit

>> No.15744394

The idea is to live a life where you can have nice things. If you’re wearing hoodies and going to Walmart and watching Marvel movies and listening to Kanye, that’s cool, but not the kind of life I want to live

>> No.15744397

>t. omaha

>> No.15744399

>I look better in a hoodie and jacket
Prove it. Post pic

>> No.15744512

Why would you be on /fa/?

Being effe is more than just clothes shopping

Can someone explain this? Plastic shoes and hoodies are not effay

>> No.15744537

gay patterned pants

>> No.15744637

Turning 30 in January, still dressing in street wear when I go to parties full of 18 year olds.

It's time for me to grow up.

>> No.15744704

I was not literally discussing the meaning of a term. I was operating on the same understanding as everyone else in this thread besides you apparently, which is that the term menswear outside of a department within a store has come to mean suits to most people. Now that everyone is railing against you you're trying to reframe the argument as a semantics debate.

I don't think anyone in this thread has argued that tailored clothing looks bad, just that usually looks out of place outside of specific circumstances and that the OP pic is particularly costumey. I'm the last person you'll see wearing a suit or loafers on a day to day basis but I still wear blazers and clothing with a tailored fit. I would certainly not call my style menswear.

>> No.15744781

I literally had my picture taken at the post office that did passport applications. That was in 2019

>> No.15744785

No one cares

>> No.15744818

at what point can I wear a blazer outside
Do they make linen blazers

>> No.15744824

Yeah I'm sure you're life is Soo divergent

>> No.15744826

Of course. I love linen blazers especially if they're unlined as it's extra breathable

>> No.15744830

How do I mature from Street wear and wear blazers without embarrassing myself

>> No.15744839

Just do it. It's all about committing. Stop wearing hoodies and start wearing a blazer. Stop wearing t-shirts and start buying collar shirts. Start tucking them in. Get some loafers instead of sneakers.
Little stuff like that and then next thing you know, you're posting fits in the /sprezzatura/ threads

>> No.15744868

I dunno where to get a cheap unstructured black linen blazer

>> No.15744876

The hardest step imo is to start wearing blazers regularly. They're definitely too mature. In my office people would give me VERY weird looks if I showed up wearing a blazer

>> No.15744893

Because I still work at Kohls

>> No.15744916

Is it really that cold that you need to wear one inside your office?

>> No.15744937

blazers aren't designed for warmth...

>> No.15744985

where can i get a grey hooded sweatshirt then

>> No.15744989

Just get one made to measure from a menswear shop in your city

>> No.15745029

Uhhhh excuse me? Gesundheit?

>> No.15745040

You good bro? I don't talk to Germans out of principle

>> No.15745066


>> No.15745077

>if he was a fag
Anon I...

>> No.15745081

American. I just hate German fucking shits

>> No.15745092

I guess I'm confused. Was someone actually looking for a warm blazer? You can get winter weight wool blazers that will be warmer. There's nothing weird about wearing a blazer inside btw.

If you want a good quality grey hoodie check out American Giant, Sunspel, Reigning Champ, or The Strike Gold.
AG is made in USA, durable, has a lifetime warranty, and is probably the best value of the ones I posted.
Reigning Champ is made in Canada, uses a super soft fleece, and is real comfy due to the flat seams.
Sunspel is an og luxe basics label that's made in the UK. The prices are higher but the quality is high and everything is super comfy.
The Strike Gold is made in Japan. Their hoodies are made on loopwheel knitting machines, which are very slow, but do not place tension on the thread during the knitting process so the fibers aren't stretched and the resulting weave is much denser. The resulting garment fits and holds its shape better than something woven on a modern circular machine. Most of the loopwheel machines that are still around were purchased by Japanese companies that treat products like art and take pride in craft. Loopwheeled stuff is more expensive but generally made with higher quality materials and the finished product is much nicer. If you wanna keep going down this rabbit hole you can also check out Barns, Pure Blue Japan, and Studio d'Artisan for other loopwheeled options.

>> No.15745097

Me too. I don't understand the concept of having it made for me. I don't have that kind of dough I need like a uniqlo tier thing

>> No.15745158

Just google that shit. If you're on that much of a budget you're not gonna notice that much of a difference in quality between the cheaper options. This is the wrong time of year to be looking though if you're in the northern hemisphere. You start seeing linen shit in maybe march.

>> No.15745184

i dont understand how to blazer at all. whats the difference between blazer and sports coat
how do i get a casual jacket so im not a fedoralord? what features are more casual

>> No.15745242

Google will tell you all of that too. Don't ask for advice until you've don't at least a little bit of cursory research. I guess I can start you on your way though. I googled "blazer and sport coat guide" and this is the second result. While I wouldn't normally take advice from a website called Real Men Real Style, this is a solid article about the features and differences between classic jacket types: https://www.realmenrealstyle.com/suit-blazer-sports-jacket-details/

Here are a few simple rules to follow:
Stick to charcoal and navy jackets at first.
Don't get a double breasted jacket or something marketed as 'slim fit'.
Don't get a casual jacket with three or more buttons.
Don't get anything with gaudy contrasting stitching.
If it looks fancy it probably is and you won't be able to make it look good in a casual environment.
Don't get something with super wide lapels. You're not a mobster.
Don't get something with super skinny lapels. You're not a Dior model circa 2004.
If you can't afford something nice, get something cheaper and have it tailored. A competent tailor should be able to work with both structured and unstructured jackets.
The one part of the jacket that must fit well straight off the rack is the shoulders because they are very difficult to tailor.

>> No.15745244

is a peacoat still acceptable

>> No.15745252

Always has been. And honestly, they're so warm, who cares?

>> No.15745260
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is this acceptable

>> No.15745273

I think peacoats have come full circle and are now acceptable again. For a while they were de rigueur among normie bearded Reddit dads who thought that owning a peacoat made them cool. They've always been great jackets but the connotations were bleak for a while.

Looks like it's made of jersey cotton and that heathered grey color is the same as basic sweatshirts so no, I wouldn't consider that acceptable. That reminds me of a rule that I should have added in the last post which is do not buy hybrid jackets, that is to say hooded blazers or blazers with knit sleeves or blazers made of sweatshirt/t-shirt material.

>> No.15745291

>why Uniqlo isn't effay in one pic

>> No.15745302

Man I dont get blazers

>> No.15745308

For a man the 30’s is the new 20’s
I’m in my early 30’s and ppl mistaken me for a college student

>> No.15745309

Me on the left

>> No.15745317

The thing that ties them together is that they're in between the formality of suit jackets and the casualness of track jackets and hoodies. That includes material.
Materials have formality, so you're not going to see a blazer in normal suit materials because then it's just an orphaned suit jacket. Instead you see semiformal materials like canvas, linen, chino, seersucker.
However, it's also more formal than casualwear, and a terry blazer looks sophomoric as hell. It's exactly the kind of shit Uniqlo would pull, which is why I knew it was them even before I verified it.
Most of their other blazers are better, except the printed ones are unconvincing, and the less synthetic material the better.

>> No.15745323

As a "blue collar worker I'd feel silly as fuck rolling up to the factory in some shit like this.
What are my options apart from changing careers?

>> No.15745324

>Blazers cane worn with jeans
Noose for you

>> No.15745335
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>can't match dark blue with a casual blazer

>> No.15745344

Well you can start with wearing better fitting versions of the same shit your coworkers wear. If you want to go a step farther you can buy a nicer coat or better footwear since that is what most people notice first.

That's ridiculous.

>> No.15745354

Idk man I don't think anyone over 25 should wear hoodies unless they're exercising, or at some bullshit blue collar job where it's cold, that being said, these 2 outfits are absolutely clown-core

Instead of going full business man at the circus, or some other larp, just ditch the hoodies and get some knit sweaters.
Jeans are fine in regular, straight, or slim fit; depending on your body type, but never skinny or baggy fits.
Chinos and trousers are great, but don't force yourself into them.
Shoes are whatever as long as you avoid excessive branding.
Bam done.

>> No.15745358

I'm not Italian.

>> No.15745370

This is a good breakdown of the area between athleisure/streetwear and full on #menswear.

>> No.15745669

european student with no fashionsense core. very generic not a good look

>> No.15745687

When I walk down to the city center to have an espresso and read a book. But the four elements (walking somewhere, a nice city center, cafes with personality and a good coffee, and taking up a book) are inconceivable to Americans.

>> No.15745691
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We’re the small business capital of the world, there’s a variety of coffee ‘shopes’ with personality in the US you ignorant fuck

>> No.15745706

That's both men and women of the past two generations thanks to staying indoors more often and less smoking.

>> No.15745721

i too remember transitioning from adultlet to grown up and trying to cope with this sudden change by telling others it pertinent to dress my occupation’s cosplay

>> No.15745738

I’d wear it to cheese cake factory if my tux was in the laundry

>> No.15745746

This isn't for factory workers to wear at work. You could wear workwear stuff (denim, moleskin, moc toe boots) but if you're working at a factory maybe you should save being effay for when you're off the clock.

>> No.15745747

>posts garage, no outdoor seating, no oleander or other green stuff

>> No.15745773

How to look like a goddamn tool. Business casual is how you know the person does nothing of importance.

>> No.15745776

You look like a stuck up idiot in a costume.

>> No.15745826
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How about tweed?

Is this an effay life?

>> No.15745882

Hoodies mostly speak criminal or poor.
Why does anybody who isn't a teenage female wear them?

>> No.15745939
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Unfathomably based

>> No.15746217

What pants would you like to see worn with a casual blazer then?

>> No.15746220

tweed is dope and rustic enough that you'll never look overdressed but you might look old-fashioned

>> No.15746253


>> No.15746263

Pick one. That material looks like shit. Avoid polyester and cotton jersey for blazers.

>> No.15746326

Spot on

>> No.15746351

This, coffee shops are kino and he somehow managed to post some soulless LA yuppie hangout

>> No.15746421

blueprint coffee is a St. Louis chain

>> No.15746437

Then what brand do I go to

>> No.15746444

This is hilarious.

>Using your own distinction to judge a good use of your time and energy
High brow.
>Relying on a chart to tell you what you should like and do
Low brow.

>> No.15746448

For blazers and suits, start here:

Only look at full and half canvassed, nothing else. You can thrift suits, sport coats, and blazers on Ebay for hundreds of dollars less than retail if you stick to these brands and if you know your measurements.

>> No.15746453

Gentle reminder that no one on this board is older than 19

>> No.15746465
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>Tfw 26 and still on 4channel

>> No.15746473

close to my 30s but nowhere near smart dressing for various reasons but primarily because I'm blue-collar and don't wish to invest time/money

>> No.15746489

I would rather smash my balls with a rock than dress like this.

>> No.15746491

Shut the fuck up and put on the penny loafers before I choke you with the tie.

>> No.15746519

This is the most pathetic thread on this website right, and thats saying something.

>> No.15746529

I don't know.my measurements and I don't want a suit. Just a nice light casual jacket

>> No.15746739

those are tassel loafers you pleb

>> No.15746743

Well that's something you should remedy. Knowing your measurements is incredibly useful for buying all types of clothing. That's especially true if you're going for a blazer or sport coat, regardless of whether it's structured or unstructured. Any decent jacket will be sized according to the chest measurement.

>> No.15746841

Muh Jordan’s and Air Force 1s

>> No.15746844

Every time I come to /fa/ I see that it's got more replies and all of them are cope posts by dudes who wear hoodies. It's just sad

>> No.15746852
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>30 years old
>Live in NYC
dressing like this would seem odd. Most people dress like picture related. When you get closer to the financial district you may see some suit Jackets on older execs.

If I am going out to dinner in a semi casual restaurant, what should I wear? I dress business formal for work already.

>> No.15746854

I don't know how to remedy it

>> No.15746872


>> No.15746887

Can you just give me a clear product to buy that's less than $50?

>> No.15747110

whats wrong with it? whats your suggestion

>> No.15747180

Thanks, I'm glad someone read it.

>> No.15747199

my ankles and legs tend to get cold. probably due to injuries from sports and physical labour in my teens and 20s. my upper body is muscular and runs hot. i would put on some wool socks and shoes with proper ankle support and drop the faggot jacket and tie.

>> No.15747200

Pretty sure the sock-less loafer thing is because expensive buttery-smooth leather feels good on the feet

>> No.15747208

seems like a good way to fuck up your feet. unless you sit all day and only walk to the car...

>> No.15747269

Takes fin
Cope more!

>> No.15747275


>> No.15747528

>you're posting fits in the /sprezzatura/ threads
Post one there right now with a link to this post

>> No.15747533


>> No.15747547

>criticism of criticism
does 4chan count?

>> No.15747550

lube and a dildo

>> No.15747592

Are you being intentionally ignorant? You remedy it by having your measurements taken or taking your own.

>> No.15747596

>double monks with no socks
where do people get these photos?

>> No.15747598

Leather is great. It molds to your feet until you are basically wearing custom fit shoes.

>> No.15747642

The only people that complain that leather shoes are uncomfortable are people who wore Cole Haans from JC Penney one time to grandma's funeral and never again. Then they come to threads like this talking about it "fucking up your feet", not realizing that a nice broken in pair of leather shoes is the most comfortable thing you can wear

>> No.15748074
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That's fashion for high class men in their 30's. Doesn't make sense men in their 30's dressing like that when they're middle class and working as a blue collar worker and living in a low class suburbia. That's the advice a-holes like Alpha m and other so called men fashion cucks won't tell you. Don't be a slave of men's high class fashion.

p.s.i'm in my 40's and still dress like a 20something. Wine ages but vodka doesn't.

>> No.15748075


>> No.15748251

>Wine ages but vodka doesn't
Wine aging is a good thing...

>> No.15748276

imo it's less about the trend itself and being confident in wearing it. Like the couple you mentioned, their clothes genuinely reflect their personality and they aren't wearing those clothes just to follow trends. If you choose to dress in menswear, do it because it reflects who you are/want to be and not because other people wear it.

>> No.15748290
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Look at that Time chart or watch a period show like Mad Men. Even low class people in the past showed up for society. Just doing something small like not wearing sweat pants or basketball shoes is a step forward.

>> No.15748469

America is a lost cause because of its culture
Centered around hip hop

>> No.15748481

This guy gets it. The simple fact of the matter is unless you live in a large metropolitan area and commute in the city on a daily basis you'll look completely out of place dressing like that guy op posted. And even then, you still look like a gaudy, tryhard faggot. But that's understandable considering the people who frequent this board. I'll keep wearing jeans, tshirts, combat boots and milsurp while you weenies circle jerk over runway cringe and Madmen wannabes.

>> No.15748490

post fit
you never will

>> No.15748514

I don't need validation from tryhard 20 year olds lol

>> No.15748635

>you never will
thank you for admitting I was correct

>> No.15748647

Lmao, you explained /tip/ faggots.

>> No.15748675

Look like what? Have wrinkles and greying hair?

>> No.15748740

>usa is supposed to be a developed country

>> No.15748794

nowhere with a significant amount of niggers is

>> No.15748804
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>or a samurai.
lol this got me

>> No.15748811

>Why does anybody who isn't a teenage female wear them?
they are good casual wear if you are masculine
you're a faggot honestly you wouldn't understand

>> No.15748819

bro this is also polyster meme shit, this all looks soo bad lol

>> No.15748910

People laugh at you and your ugly bare ankles

>> No.15749424

Have you ever been to America? It’s a fucking shithole

>> No.15749679

Good one

>> No.15749808

All the rich and middle class are in drywall palace suburbs and can’t wear sports coats or blazers without looking affected and the poor have taken over city centres and piss all over historic buildings. What a place!

>> No.15749926
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>> No.15750243
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Completely correct. America is a hellzone. Most people live in a segregated (for good reason) tract of land and venture 45 minutes by car in different directions for different reasons. It's like a post apocalyptic wasteland (intentional? probably, look up eisenhower's interstate projects) where people have to rig up with a specific goal and timeline to get shit done. Going to CORPORATE HOME REPAIR CENTER TODAY? Better wake up early to beat the dumbass traffic, don't have time to eat so go through a drive through. When you park your giant fucking car, make sure you keep everything valuable out of view and make sure you have your pistol before you leave.


>> No.15750296
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Maybe if he got rid of that old yee yee ass haircut he'd get some bitches on his dick

>> No.15750318
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>> No.15750354

What a completely retarded post

>> No.15750438

This looks like a schoolboy who took his socks off

>> No.15750458
File: 123 KB, 792x1000, AB5AC30A-D56E-4F84-845F-0D65FBE43F61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I alright with old looking men in their hoodies. Nothing wrong with being comfy and lazy

>> No.15750551

He's correct

>> No.15751090

To the larpers here, start posting your fits. Proof to us that it can look good like a fashion magazine. Idc if you're fat, retarded, have downsyndrome or are a women. Send proof that it looks good irl

>> No.15751112

>When I walk down to the city center to have an espresso and read a book
go suck a dick you poser faggot

>> No.15751223

That's the point of his greentext...
Newfags can't even?

>> No.15751257

They won't. Every sprezz thread has the same two posters, who do look quite good, and occasionally a random anon who looks terrible to okay. Tip is even worse with no regular posters.
Truth is /fa/ is an awful place for menswear. Styleforum is a thousand times better although it leans quite faggy.

>> No.15751279

>putrid shit-tier material
>tie in pants
i seriously hope you guys dont do this

>> No.15751281

blazer should not be worn at all

>> No.15751328
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>I still wear t-shirts and shorts, but only for lounging at home and sleeping
take the nudepill

>> No.15751337

Move out of the trailer park

>> No.15751342 [DELETED] 

Is denim on denim banned?

>> No.15751348
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>> No.15751512

>Don't get a casual jacket with three or more buttons.
Don't listen to this, it needs exactly three buttons with one hidden behind the lapel. A "three roll two" and preferably get it from Brooks Brothers. Everything else is correct.

>> No.15752061

So to answer OP

Americans would rather wear hoodies to Walmart than wear a blazer

>> No.15752068

Just poor trash. You'll notice all the people raging about hoodies admit they're trailer trash from the South. Basically their lives don't matter and their opinions are meaningless

>> No.15752082

This is the dumbest shit I've heard in a long time.

>Americans would rather wear hoodies to Walmart than wear a blazer
As a European who has lived in 2 European countries and visited way more I can safely say nobody wears blazers to supermarkets in Europe. This is not an America sucks thing. Hoodies are the norm in every western country where it's cold enough to wear one.

>Just poor trash. You'll notice all the people raging about hoodies admit they're trailer trash from the South.
What does wearing hoodies have to do with the South of the US? Absolutely nothing. You're pulling this out of your ass

>> No.15752097

Are you a flyover Euro? Kek.
Plenty of decently formal fits in supermarkets. (Sometimes depends on the chain)

>> No.15752110

>Are you a flyover Euro?
kek no I just went to University in a different country and would go on holidays around Europe.

The only time I would ever see a formal fit in a supermarket would be early in the morning and just as work finishes. Which would just be people wearing there work attire/ business casual.

People just wear regular jeans and hoodie or whatever usually

>> No.15752112

This post reeks of poorfag Slavshit

>> No.15752116

kek I am English and lived in The Netherlands for school. I've never even been to a Slavic country

>> No.15752220

Of all this dude's legendary fits, this is the picture you use for this thread. Absolute fail my dude

>> No.15752223

Chav scum

>> No.15752405

Three roll two is easier to mess up (i.e. be shittier quality) than 2 button.

>> No.15752484

Not to mention most dry cleaners don't know what to do with one and fuck it up and crease the lapel