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File: 280 KB, 1908x1146, thinbrad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15731361 No.15731361 [Reply] [Original]

what have they done with my boy

>> No.15731446

>Brad Pitt/Born
>December 18, 1963 (age 56 years), Shawnee, OK
>age 56 years

>> No.15731456

>Photo from 2017
Cmon man, at least post up to date shit.

>> No.15731514

He's not human.

>> No.15731843

hit the wall

>> No.15731862
File: 1.07 MB, 2176x1881, hbz-brad-pitt-coleman-rayner-november-2020-1605796428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is him now

>> No.15731913

Literally reached his best form at 56. Based

>> No.15732645

imagine having that hairline at 60 years old, imagine having that hairline at all :/

>> No.15732648

also that is one ugly ass woman

>> No.15732680

The dude smokes?

>> No.15732684

he always has

>> No.15732702

absolutely fucking god tier genetics

>> No.15733505

He looks like 35. Fuck this dude, he's older than my dad and looks like that

>> No.15733565

lol how r ur white inbred-lookin hoes treatin u, ya nazi

>> No.15733576
File: 206 KB, 1080x1350, 1433052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy smokes and looks like that at 56. Fuck me.

>> No.15733582

Every time I think about getting my hair cut I see a picture like this and think about how good it looks and then a few days later I remember that I am not Brad Pitt and I just look homeless.

>> No.15733649

Christ. Literally a fucking GOD

>> No.15733684
File: 200 KB, 1280x1197, 1586409806280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15734286

Once upon a time in Hollywood was a year ago and he looks great in it

>> No.15734294

there are qt brown women, just not her. fuck off.

>> No.15734359

what products to get my hair like that assuming i got the hairline

>> No.15734362


>> No.15734363

smoking fucks you up but doesn't exactly change the way you look, no?

>> No.15734365

Yeah it does, moron
It fucks up your skin

>> No.15734441

he can afford to get fetuses injected in his face weekly

>> No.15734545

>negative canthal tilt

just lol

>> No.15734548

He looks every bit he age you dumb fucks. Look how white his bear is. Wow, he didn't lost any hair. Big deal...

>> No.15734550

He's a fucking Lion
A genetic masterpiece

>> No.15734567

Coping mutt

>> No.15734617

>implying having that hairline at that age is not impressive
my dad is 65 and has been bald for 40+ years

>> No.15734621

still a chad.

>> No.15734707

I don't think it's fair that some people get to experience a better life than others simply because they are more attractive

>> No.15734727

Is this what they mean when they compare men to wine?

>> No.15734965

Lol he does not look 35 wtf are you smoking

>> No.15734971

Cope if I've ever see it. Brad Pitt is perfect.

>> No.15734996

cope ugly nigger
also there's nothing wrong with that in men, it's a problem if it's positive because it makes you look like a woman

>> No.15736087

the eternal chad, indian qts 'mirin

>> No.15736673

i am not gay but i would be for this man

>> No.15736929

ID on that shirt?

>> No.15736960

other way around, positive/neutral canthal tilt is desired in men because it gives you hunter eyes. Negative is retard-tier

>> No.15736976

You're so fucking stupid and delusional that you're saying a trait that fucking Brad Pitt has makes you look like a retard. It's mind boggling. Only on 4chan lmao

>> No.15736982

hes probably on fin since he started acting

>> No.15737036

His shirt 3sixteen, his pants Iron Heart

>> No.15737049
File: 36 KB, 300x360, crying noose wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he keep the gray facial hair just to mock the rest of us?

>> No.15737673
File: 66 KB, 640x639, brad-pitt-portrait-london-october-1988-news-photo-121163696-1565374000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest, if he'd had thick beard growth in his 20s (like a lot of actors) he would probably be balding by now. That follicle T sensitivity is a real bargain. Be baby-faced for like a decade, but your reward is a Norwood 1 at age 55

>> No.15737694

i was never able to properly grow a beard, im 23 and ive been balding since 16

>> No.15737927

without his hair transplant he's nothing, never forget that

>> No.15738245

Some such cases. But most of the time, if your beard is good your hairline is shit.

>> No.15738271

A. beard growth and mpb have no correlation with eachother besides both using DHT hormone. What determines beard growth and hair loss is your individual and specific genetic hair follicle sensitivity to DHT. Your beard genes could have no sensitivity(not grow) and your hair genes do(hair loss). The genes for both have zero connection. Also the amount of DHT your body produces has little effect on both, its all about the sensitivity of the hair to DHT. I think this misconception comes from some races like east asian and native american having good hair genes but bad beard growth, that and the idea of DHT creates this myth
B. Brad pitt is 100% on hair loss drugs and has probably gotten transplant maintenance throughout the years

>> No.15738488

Looks like RRL.

>> No.15738494

wait he's on har loss drugs because there's no correlation between beard and hair? what the fuck kind of reasoning is that

>> No.15738620

I know it's not every case but it's not a bad predictor for hair loss. Think of actors like Johnny Depp who still can't grow anything beyond a thin goatee but still has a good head of hair. Then again I have uncles on one side who got good beards and no balding, and on the other side who got bad beards and balding. You never know

>> No.15738627

Brad Pitt has not had a hair transplant. Try and find a single picture with even a hint of hair loss.

>> No.15738831

You retards fighting about his hair and thinking that’s all ”baaaw if only I had a hair like Brad Pitt I would be Brad Pitt”. He’s all around genetic masterpiece, countles time voted the most sexiest man and etc. He allways looked great and he looked so great that it made him a famous actor. He’s like one in a billion and simple as.

>> No.15738838

stupid fag should stop with this "wall" bullshit. You are insecure just because you hope someday to fuck a lot of Stacys. Spoiler alert: it will never happen.

>> No.15740233

Yeah it's not like most of the celeb pics are doctored and those "paparazzi" shots are agreed on earlier.

>> No.15740256

>DDG "canthal tilt"
>incel wiki is 3rd result
Bruh. If literally only plastic surgeons and actual incels are talking about it, it probably doesn't matter as much as you think it does, unless you look like an Altmer or something.

>> No.15740302

Smoking fucks with your skin, eyes, nails, teeth and more. However Brad Pitt has alien DNA so this does not affect him

>> No.15740318
File: 38 KB, 500x600, casual-pretty-hairstyles-for-men-with-wavy-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are DHT blockers worth it at all? I used to take them cus Walmart sold them for cheap but I guess they stopped selling them. Is it worth it or should I just pull the plug and hop on Finn or Minoxidil? I'm still Norwood 1 but I've noticed my temples have thinned slightly the last couple years and I'd like to stop this before it gets worse

>> No.15740328

There would be one around somewhere, people get candid baldlets regularly.