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15729053 No.15729053 [Reply] [Original]

Begone thots Edition

Last >>15714980

>post thinspo
>stay hydrated
>We do NOT advocate for anorexia or other eating disorders


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

BMR and TDEE Calculator
>allows you to pick multiple ways of calculating your BMR (the most commonly used one is outdated and inaccurate)
>has options for fasting
>body fat percentage

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Be rude to people and call them a fat ass.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also post thinspo pics, your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc.

>> No.15729076

Mmmm delicious twinks

>> No.15729192
File: 254 KB, 1080x1349, 60a90eff7ff772619c6b3783985f58ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I be a thinspo twink and get a thick black queen?

>> No.15729559

lose weight and go on tinder

>> No.15729564

I brown baddie has yet to swipe right on me
only music alt queer women I do not like

>> No.15730152

Get a black mommy :)

>> No.15730166

lol same here, never the asians or blacks always just the white alt art hos

>> No.15730169
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>> No.15730429
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What the fuck is wrong with black coffee? You do know that only water-fasting lululemon-wearing karens believe coffee breaks your fast, right?

>> No.15730542
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Black coffee enjoyer

>> No.15730641
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170cm/50kg, manlet and fully aware of it

you look like you have a nice cock uwu

>> No.15730737
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how do i stop the hair loss

>> No.15730765


>> No.15730766
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>mom comes to visit
>brings a shit ton of homemade food
>don't know much about cooking but surely it must've taken her like 2 hours to make, let alone the money for the ingredients
i can't throw it away bros... i just can't

>> No.15730775

just fucking eat it you cunt. Weight loss is a marathon not a race.

Say I want to lose 1lb of fat, which is the equivalent to 3500kcal.
So I go on a 500 deficit in a week, 500x7 = 3500kcal right?
(deficit, meaning 500kcal below my maintenance which you can use the calculator in the OP to find)
Say my maintenance is 2000, I would eat 1500 every day and I'd lose 1lb of fat a week.
if you end up eating a lot more, just lower your calories from the other days so it totals -3500 at the end of the week, even if you have to fast.

say I end up eating 3k kcals in a day, big deal
1500 - 3000 - 1000 -1000 -1500 -1500 -1500
If my week looks like this I'm still at a 3000 total deficit and still lose 1lb.

>> No.15730805

Put it in portion-sized containers in your freezer, you dingus.

>> No.15730830

>Begone thots Edition
Blessed thread.

>> No.15730876
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I hope you don't forget that a good posture makes you look thinner, anon.

>> No.15730888
File: 44 KB, 658x523, vuets1hyta001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I'm so tired of being a fatty. I used to be so skinny 3 years ago thanks to /thinspo/ and now I've gained all my weight again. Sick of having chin and face fat especially.

I want to go back to drinking nothing but black coffee and shitting out my guts every day and going for runs to the gym and working out solidly and doing wall sits in the shower and jumping jacks every single morning in the loungeroom and yoga and shit. I can barely get my ass out of bed now, I have nothing to look forward to but eating. I'm so fucking sick of it.
I can't even have coffee anymore because it was destroying my bladder.

How do people get so skinny so effortlessly?? I'll still go a solid day only eating like breakfast and then a few pickles for dinner and still I get like this. I don't even eat excessively, even though I say I have nothing to look forward to than eating. I eat regular 3 meals, some days only two meals, I drink plenty of water, get plenty of fruit and veg, and yet I'm still a fatty.

I wanna see my ribs again. Guys please help me... I don't wanna be an ex /thinspo/ anymore. I didn't even get to my goal weight last time. I just plateaued for 3 years and then it all came crashing back onto me.

>> No.15730895

Unless you're really fat like me

>> No.15730910

clenbuterol and cocaine.

>> No.15730925

U a bottom?

>> No.15730927

Feminizing HRT unironically does. You could also try Rogain. It won’t actually help you regrow hair, but iirc it does do a fairly good job at prevent hair loss.

>> No.15730929

I agree, eat it. Break it into smaller portions and freeze it if you need too. Otherwise you could just do a bunch of cardio to compensate. Your mother worked hard on that because she loves you.

>> No.15730934

thyroid function and general hormonal well being are at the basis of your metabolism, so start there

for every fat fuck who eats cheeseburgers by the carload there's an overweight person who eats normally but is fucked by an underlying condition and angrily told to eat less and exercise, which they then do painstakingly with minimal results, which is a major imposition on their quality of life because a fundamentally healthy person should not get fat on a regular diet

I have always been lean and put on muscle incredibly easy and can eat whatever I want, so I sympathize with people who struggle with their weight despite doing as much and more than what should reasonably be expected of someone just living their life, because I've seen it first hand in friends and family

so yes it requires time & effort, but not the kind you hear from ignorant uninformed idiots who think the summit of health is "eat less and train bro"

>> No.15730944
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i mean the kind of hair loss that comes with a lack of protein and fats, not the kind that comes with excess dht

>> No.15730948

what do I do to go about taking care of that side of my health??? I had a blood test done recently but I didn't get called up on it so I'm guessing everything is normal.
I've been like this since I was a kid. Fatty child but ate apples for recess and a wholegrain sandwich with tomato, grated carrots, lettuce and ham... while other kids shoved tiny teddies in their mouths and ate chip sandwiches and le snacks. I got so overweight my doctor said I was going to become diabetic if I didn't act on it. I got put on a diet with less dairy and shit, and it stopped the diabetes, but I was still chubby. I'm now full vegan and it still doesn't seem to do much. Covid depression has been seeing me eat out a bit more than usual but otherwise I eat stir fries and oatmeal and such, I try to make myself food, and if I'm too depressed to or too lazy to go and order something, I'll just not eat at all.

>> No.15731000

>Weight loss is a marathon not a race.

>say I end up eating 3k kcals in a day, big deal
>1500 - 3000 - 1000 -1000 -1500 -1500 -1500
>If my week looks like this I'm still at a 3000 total deficit and still lose 1lb.
That's actually a great way to look at it. Even if the fat loss is relatively little compared to other more drastic diets, I think that way even someone like me can sustain it without completely refusing sweets or fast food.

>> No.15731004

Sir, this is a McDonald's.

>> No.15731066

just eat fats and protein bro

>> No.15731097
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Ahhhh... young Robert De Niro is so fucking cute and sexy...

>> No.15731100

>How do people get so skinny so effortlessly??
Thinking people achieve things with little effort is a big misconception that people fall prey to all too often.

>> No.15731155
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Starting another fast bros, went 66 hours last time and lost like 3kg, going for 100 hours this time which'll probably loose me another 5kg so long as i stay active, gonna have lost all the lockdown weight soon enough. Dont forget to take your salt when you fast. The amount of weight you loose when fasting really surprised me

>> No.15731233


>> No.15731267
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Yooo good luck, I just started mine too. 100 is pretty crazy tho dude. Longest i've gone is 48 hours. Doing a 36 hour now. I'm not familiar with the salt thing tho, have I been fucking myself by taking supplements while fasting?

>> No.15731268

***not taking supplements

>> No.15731279

from my experience the only supplement you need is salt, the lack of salt is what causes lightheadedness when fasting. you definitely dont need any fat soluble vitamins so long as you gained your weight on nutrient dense foods, but if you gained weight eating mcdonalds some cod liver oil or something like that wont do any harm. also from what ive read you can go a long time without vitimin C so long as you are in ketosis.
but personally i still take vitamin C and some mineral supplements so my mom doesnt freak out

snake diet man says you need all this but from what ive experienced (and bear in mind ive only done like 3 fasts in my life) salt is all you really need

>> No.15731291

unless you can accurately measure (literally measure, like w/ a food scale) how many calories you consume every day you gotta stfu about "i dont even eat that much". bread being wholegrain literally means shit

>> No.15731293

Thanks bro. Thats interesting about the light headedness but it makes sense. Gonna use my pink himalayan salt to feel like the ultimate ascetic monk

>> No.15731312
File: 175 KB, 1300x813, IMG_5011 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a BANG energy on all my fasts, I know its not exactly zero calories or whatever but like it gets me going and lets me actually do the fast, I wish I could do one without it but Its sooo hard. Is bang /fa/ approved?

>> No.15731318

yeah or just fast the next day and then it'll be an even 1500 /1500

>> No.15731481

Do any of you guys also feel like this: When it is the weekend and I'm chilling at home I can easily not eat anything until like 12 and even then I'm fine with relatively little food. But when I'm at work I'm way hungrier, last time I even genuinely started to become dizzy after 11. I don't have a physical job, I sit in my office. I heard strong brain activity also "burns calories" and can make tired, but I'm not a doctor writing my theorem or something, it's boring ass excel spreadsheet work. Really weird.

>> No.15731511
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this but its inverted desu, when Im at school I can not eat till 4 pm and im never hungry at school because I know I can't eat then, I'll feel like a fatty, I havnent eaten at school at all for like a year, at home though, unless I drink a B A N G, I eat my first meal right after I wake up lol. I think your mind just gets used to eating in certain environments and at certain times.

>> No.15731512

healthy desserts with biologic honey and natural ingredients :^)

>> No.15731552

I jerk off to fatties but feel disgusting afterwards.

>> No.15731556

hi fren, BANG have diet flavor also please post cute kpops

>> No.15731572
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I thought they were all zero cal. Im pretty normie when it comes to kpop tho ngl

>> No.15731591

yea diet energy drink is fine for thinspo

>> No.15731593
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my macros are skewed heavily towards those but at the end of the day restricting heavily means youre not getting enough of any macro

>> No.15731613

black coffee is more effay

>> No.15731634
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black coffee tastes yucky and has less caffeine doe

>> No.15731722
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Do I count? Am I drinking too much coffee?

>> No.15731761
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Stupid question but im afraid of looking like this if I burn all my extra calories,since i do resistence training.
how do i AVOID looking like this?

>> No.15731769

incorporate some light daily workouts.. eg calisthetics (100pushup 100situp 50pullup / day) and you will b looking good in no time

>> No.15731823

...stop training
Or have more than 3% bodyfat

>> No.15731829

Hey guys, if I want to submit a picture to get a (rough) bodyfat estimate should I flex as hard as I can or fully relax?

>> No.15731830

from what percent to what percent,does the percent of body fay imply being thin?

>> No.15731833

I'd say up to 15% for men.

>> No.15731870

ok,I think i can manage that

>> No.15731884

why are thinspo communities dying out everywhere bros, it's so much slower here than it was 3 years ago and I can't find half as many thinspo blogs on tumblr as I used to

>> No.15731885

I know I will be "called out" as delusional for this but; help me create a 10K xday weight loss plan;meaning losing 10 000 calories per day.
So far the stats are:
home made food NEVER more than 2500 calories per day. I can calm my parents down if i eat just a banana for break-fast. I sleep around 4 hours naturally,it doesnt cause my any strain and I phsyically cant sleep more.
the most of the day will be devoted to various types of furious cardio and bodyweight excercises,leading up to a 10K a day lose

im 80 kilos and 1,73 cm tall;What should my goal weight be;55 kilos? 60? Im aiming for a body that will interest most girls on tinder
>inb4 cringe tinder
come on I want to KISS

>> No.15731899

there is no way you would ever have to worry about looking like that. people do not accidentally stumble into being incredibly ripped 5% bf bodybuilders

>> No.15731904

upper looks good but u gotta work on ur legs to balance it out

>> No.15731908
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can someone take the thinspo pill AND the neckpill at the same time?

>> No.15731916

im 179cm and 55kgs should i loose more weight??

>> No.15731922

because fat roasties pushed the haes bullshit and being a fat disgusting pig into the main stream as something to be proud of

>> No.15731924
File: 221 KB, 1080x1080, BC3C1A96-C7E0-432C-B977-066367B1BE15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got Joaquin Phoenix ribcage when i lose weight. can i ever really be thinspo

>> No.15731929

all the new content is on youtube/twt/tiktok
dont consume these however zoomer brainworms are stronger than ever

>> No.15732013

take off shirt and pants so we can see better

>> No.15732018

underage detected.

>> No.15732028

Im 18 homie. CX

>> No.15732061

im 24 and in grad school but i call it school on this site

should i be saying uni to sound like a proper adult male?

>> No.15732069

>should I be saying uni?

riiight so you're a senior in highschool.... tooootally dude.

>> No.15732070

How do you know that? Are you swiping right on them?

>> No.15732140

post pic

>> No.15732219
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I'd be thin if I wasn't an alcoholic

>> No.15732241

Skelly ribcages are aesthetic

>> No.15732258

this is goals though.

>> No.15732456

ah that makes sense, I checked out edtwt and they all seemed to be tryhard larping as meangirls and it turned me off of the site.

>> No.15732754
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>tfw went sober AND got back to my pre-binge drinking every night for last five years weight this mo
(^: theres hope bro

>> No.15732758

I am getting back into counting calories. Should I cut the cream and sugar from my morning coffee outright? It's one of the few things I enjoy in life.

>> No.15732760 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15732762

no, in my experience, you should allow yourself a little indulgence, as itll help keep you from a full on binge. if anything, just cut back on amount

>> No.15732993
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>> No.15732995
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>> No.15733097
File: 154 KB, 1079x2110, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image-73949956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I thin or a pig?

>> No.15733100
File: 401 KB, 688x1500, 20201122_054609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thats exactly what it is for the most part
youtube is cute food diaries and mukbang calorie counts, /r/eda and its sisters are wholesome recovery positive ed shitposting forums, and tiktok is a mix of all, with a healthy dose of crippling night ruining thinspo

>> No.15733122

>brown nips
you already know the answer

>> No.15733164


>> No.15733198



>> No.15733432

Oh lord

>> No.15734039

Would unzip pants

>> No.15734092

I dont.

>> No.15734424

I guess not a pig because those are pink kek.

>> No.15734439

Im losing weight at a steady pace by eating less but I'm finding it more difficult to poop. It's like my poop wants to come out but I can't push it out, it's shy.
When I ate more I didn't have this problem. I think there are certain nutrients I am lacking.

>> No.15734529

Are you blind?
He a ni**er

>> No.15734539

This. I always get a chuckle out of people who think they'll suddenly turn into some ripped monster from lifting a dumbell

>> No.15734551

did u mistype: nigger

>> No.15734560
File: 332 KB, 871x490, body-recomposition-thumbnail-e1568943072977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will body recomp make me lose my double chin/face fat?
Please answer,it could save my life

>> No.15734895

What BMI do i need to be to impres you people?

>> No.15734918

I ended up getting a double quarter pounder from McDonald’s

Please help I need to stop eating but I always get hungry and lightheaded and order ubereats

>> No.15734922

Sub 18 bmi, if male sub 9% bodyfat

>> No.15734933

delete ubereats from your phone. Go to the supermarket and buy some light/low calorie snacks to have when you get desperate. Actually do a meal prep so that you don't fall for ordering food whenever you're hungry.

>> No.15734938

learn how to prepare your own food

>> No.15734988

Deleted it, I’m pretty good at cooking I just need to buy ingredients, I might try having cereal in the morning, nothing all day, then cooking a meal at night. I wish I could fast all day without eating anything but I know it will be too difficult

>> No.15734999
File: 1.23 MB, 800x1200, msnbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 shot at life
>big ribcage and broad shoulders
>if i reach goal weight i will be big chest + skinny arms
how do i cope/fix this?
pic not related

>> No.15735012
File: 18 KB, 500x375, thinspo of the male variaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down there kyle you might cut yourself on all that edge lol. also the joke was that pigs are pink you moron, that superior caucisoid iq clearly isn't evenly distrusted I see.

>> No.15735075

IT fasting is fine for now, in fact some say it has better results. Something easy I used to cook a lot was just steamed carrots and broccoli and peas. Baby food shit. I seasoned the fuck out of it to taste good but it was my go to /thin/ meal. Don't ask me for meal ideas now, I eat like a god damn gourmet chef (I'm not thinspo anymore).

>> No.15735080

Big ribcage and broad shoulders is better on men at least, try being a woman cursed with the big ribcage/broad shoulders meme. I look like a fucking dorito chip. I want to kms.

>> No.15735147

>Not going to a bar/club

>> No.15735209

why didn't he just pull the gun out of a holster or his pocket?

>> No.15735434

theres plenty of fish in the... India

>> No.15735442

terminal autism

>> No.15735478

Nah but you will look good if you lift weights

>> No.15735480

Lift weights and look good, simple as

>> No.15735611
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I went more than 200 cals over my limit today, pls be mean to me.

>> No.15735612

>cal limit
I haven't eaten anything for 2 weeks.

>> No.15735620

idk about the first server
but the second one is most definitely not thinspo

>> No.15735642
File: 132 KB, 913x1460, tumblr_p88w20lU721w9g116o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<100 lbs 5'7 anon here, how do i get over my fear of eating over 1000 cals a day? i don't wanna go down the ed route any further but im so fuckin autistic over what i eat

>> No.15735645

do 1000 cals worth of exercise a day and eat 2000 cals a day

>> No.15735796

ya need fibre m8
and take multinutriens just in case

>> No.15735797

Don't make this into an excuse to give up, fatty. I believe in you, and especially your cute cat.

>> No.15735815
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is it normal to have very light chest pains every once in a while when heavy restricting? Is it possible that I'm being too sedentary and need to move more? They are barely noticeable but I'm a hypochondriac

>> No.15735822

what vitamins/supps are you taking?

>> No.15735828
File: 83 KB, 640x640, blancapadilla_10963952_342678375927767_1533422169_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i need a tall thin girl

>> No.15735856

Just a daily multivitamin and biotin, I am restricting to about 500-800 cals a day

>> No.15735959

electrolyte imbalances are really common when heavily restricting. try to up your sodium intake.

>> No.15735968

taste new foods maybe ?

>> No.15735971

yea same i barely shit

>> No.15735973

post bmi

>> No.15736242

Skin the cereal and eat only at night

>> No.15736273

>hit a new low weight today
>can feel a huge poo coming
oh my god it's like christmas eve

>> No.15736284

His nips are brown and also himself is brown just look at his skin colour lol he's a nigger

>> No.15736494
File: 45 KB, 500x746, 879deee06963cda76428e69db63a493d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did it all go so wrong

>> No.15736510

anyone want to start a minimum 7 day fast with me, reply to this message and we can work sum out

>> No.15736547

Should I stop yougurt or is it neccesary for microbiome health?

>> No.15736575

i switched to chia seeds and lost 6lbs in a week

>> No.15736599

the mashed potatoes
literally according to his radio interview

>> No.15736956
File: 501 KB, 1280x720, 1555688443947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is bulimia cringe? I check these threads occasionally and everyone seems to shit on bulimia. Is it because you don't get rid of all the calories?

>> No.15736996

bulimia is cringe for many reasons, it doesnt really help with weight loss cuz youll still feel hungry and loosing weight is about overcoming hunger not overcoming individual meals, it also fucks with your teeth and throat.
but even with all that aside its just viscerally disgusting and if you cant see that you probably have an eating disorder and should seek help

>> No.15737021
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Yeah I do have an eating disorder, been bulimic for several years now. I guess I'm numb to how disgusting it is, it doesn't really bother me and I don't have to put my fingers in my throat anyway, I just sort of do an inward burp and puke away

>> No.15737025
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>> No.15737032
File: 297 KB, 544x770, 90F8A37C-008A-45ED-95A0-1E931263FE29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am aware of this

>> No.15737048

you're going to fuck up your esophagus and teeth
if you're going to throw up your food at least gargle antiacid or calcium carbonate afterwards to restore ph balance

>> No.15737067

Good idea anon, thank you

>> No.15737111

Can any of you guys recommend me a good ab workout routine? Do you have a visible sixpack and train abs, if yes, how? I was planning on making crunches and leg raises in bed right after waking up every second day, will that work?

>> No.15737113

If there's one thing I learned doing sporty is that pain is never a good sign.

>> No.15737120



but also, pushups will help more than you think if you aren't already doing them. It shouldn't take a lot of working out, they'll be there if you're skinny enough.

>> No.15737127

Can someone blackpill me on the body fat vs body weight problem;what is really important and which,or both?., are needed to be thinspo?
I wont be showing my bare body to anyone any time soon,but I want a thinspo face. face is everything.

>> No.15737140

I don't wanna be a big, buff guy, I just want want to tone up, so I am very skinny but instead of skin&bones I am muscle&bones if that makes any sense. Yeah, I'm already doing pushups every 3rd day, with some other exercises like curls and overhead press.

>> No.15737162

Is drinking 10 liters of water a day overkill or actually advisable if doing intense cardio all day ?

>> No.15737165

Generally speaking crunches and leg raises are pretty bad because what you need to be focusing on for gaining muscle is progressive overload or step loading, and because these are just bodyweight exercises its pretty much impossible to achieve either of these. And so instead people end up doing stupid stuff like 200 crunches in one set or something like that.
You can get around this by incorporating weights into these exercises somehow, but especially for crunches this just becomes really awkward really quickly.
The problem if youre someone who wants to just gain ab muscles without putting too much effort in, and to not gain muscle in other parts of your body is that all the best exercises for achieving progressive overload in your abs are compound lifts like squat and overheadpress.
If youre just looking for stuff to do at home this guy has lots of good stuff
You dont need to put a lot of time or effort into any one body part to make gains, just make sure youre planning out what youre doing and keeping logs and using the right equipment or else youre just wasting your time and you probably wont stick to it

>> No.15737172

DHT blockers, Biotin and MK 2866 with lots of water and protein. It helped me.

>> No.15737175

this podcast is really good for learning about the theories behding gaining muscle, he mainly focuses on kettlebells, which if youre trying to be a full on bodybuilder isnt enough, but if youre just trying to gain some muscle theyre great

>> No.15737181


>> No.15737183
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and if youre trying to be muscle&bones the most important muscle group to focus on are your lats because lats make you look wide left from right but not wide forwards to backwards if ya know what im saying

>> No.15737187

Bro. Literally eat less if younhave a double chin. Exercise will do little. Just do 1500 cals for 3-6 months then raise to 2000 and you'll be set for life.

Fatties are usually bulky underneath.

>> No.15737195

i love inspector gadget

>> No.15737196

Abs are made in the kitchen. Literally if you have low fat literally any ab workout will give you abs. Abs are easy to build but hard to show.

>> No.15737200

sorry I meant low calorie not fat

>> No.15737201
File: 272 KB, 432x286, andro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I weigh 82 kilos,considering I eat 2000 calories of home made food a day;how many calories do I need to use trough excercise per day,if i want my inner face(lack of facial fat)visible within 6 months to an year?
Im planning to lose 7K a day for 2 months,then gradually increases until I am burning 10K a day,and will keep that up.

>> No.15737210

how about thin for a pig?

>> No.15737214


If you're not a lying sack of shit and are only eating 3 normal portion sizes meals a day you could have some health related issue like your thyroid. Ironically too much 'diet food' i.e overly processed shit full of fake sugar, as well as too many antibiotics, can really wreck your gut bacteria, and then you need bacteria pills. But maybe start with tracking your calories to get an idea of what you're actually consuming. Don't forget to count your liquids too.

>> No.15737312
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"There are 7,700kcals (kcal=calorie) worth of energy in 1kg of fat. That means in order to burn 1kg of fat, you must have a calorie deficit of 7,700"
Does this mean that if I (i eat 2K calories a day more or less,maybe 2300)workout all day and burn 10 000 calories, I will be burning one kilo of fat per day?

>> No.15737314

No, because exercise typically involves burning monosaccharide then liver glycogen, obviously lots of respiration/gas exchange/perspiration, before ketocis happens, which is a very short-term thing because ketones are acidotic. Basically you won't be able to physically endure long enough exercise to just 'burn 10,000 calories' during ketosis.

>> No.15737317

see above. you lose weight by eating less, exercise is just for keeping the hunger away + aesthetics

>> No.15737336

>you lose weight by eating less
this is 50% correct. Are you saying if a man run a marathon every day for a month he wouldnt lose weight as a DIRECT RESULT of the running?
i SPIT upon you
>Basically you won't be able to physically endure
im a celibate(male of course).Dont understimate us,we're Elite
>quotation marks
thanks for quoting me.

>> No.15737362
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can i do both?
Here is a rough sketch
>wake up
>do the routine in a fasted state(will take several hours)
>cold shower,breakfast(low calorie rice crackers)
Then il eat normally,i live with my parents,but ill avoid sugar,fat, drink only water,drink 5 plus liters of water a day

>> No.15737413
File: 115 KB, 1080x1164, meadowwalker_110618431_1932048890259190_2503702571098022007_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paul walkers daughter is hot

>> No.15737422

Why would you waste good. Just don't eat you fat cunt.

>> No.15737554
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>> No.15737719
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30 lbs down from sw. 5'5 @ 105, thinking about shooting for ~95 cuz why not. ppl w similar stats, whats ur ugw?

>> No.15737735


Isn't he some asian pop star? they start super young, and practice dancing like crazy all day. not a good example imho.

>> No.15738162

I'm 5'1 shooting for 95. Never been below 110 so I'm just feeling it out right now and will adjust according to how I look.

>> No.15738173

6'3 190 seeking 175 while upping my calisthenics

>> No.15738337
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what's the BMI?

>> No.15738339

around 16 and a small ribcage, i got a 16 bmi and my ribcage is fuckhuge so ill never be /thinspo/

>> No.15738346

15 more kilograms ;_;

>> No.15738349
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this is 16

>> No.15738350

no it isnt, im 16 bmi and im fat as fuck

>> No.15738373
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since he keeps getting posted here, maybe people will be interested in this

>> No.15738385

what a beast

>> No.15738408

You're mentally ill

>> No.15738438

water fast you fat fucks
there, that's all you need to do and know.

>> No.15738443


>> No.15738464

niggas is horngry

>> No.15738470
File: 97 KB, 1000x799, pepe question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I lose fat in the face by squatting with the legs?
i read somewhere that due to gravity the body always burns fat starting from the top,and intense squatting makes me drenched in sweat so i guess im burning calories.

>> No.15738499
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WTF you guys never told me I was gonna have to buy new pants aaaaaaahhhhh

>> No.15738501

Spot reduction is a myth (as much as I wish it weren't)

>> No.15738502

i REVEL in spot reduction but that isnt what im asking for.
read my post carefully.

>> No.15738506

Yeah I guess if you're sweating you're burning some calories. Not a health expert but I know even stuff like heavy lifting burns them. The best regimen is still not eating though

>> No.15738508


>> No.15738511

15 or 16

>> No.15738513

Boy or girl?

>> No.15738514

I readily revel!

>> No.15738573

I'm reveling right now by eating only a hot dog and some adderall for the entire day

>> No.15738583

Bro, if you eat <1000 calories a day you will lose weight guaranteed. Unless you're like 5'1 or something. One meal a day isn't a bad approach bc there's only so much you can fit in your stomach in one sitting. Still, I hear about some people binging like a box of cheezits and a whole pack of oreos in an hour so I guess it doesn't work for everyone. Personally if I tried that I would probably throw up whether I wanted to or not

>> No.15738589

I just pass out and forget to eat when I binge drink

>> No.15738664
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>> No.15738725

also 5'5 and 105 rn. got down to 94 over the summer, but my body was more /bonespo/ at that weight. ugw is probably like 90, but i'd like to maintain at ~95.

>> No.15738773

Would rape

>> No.15738964

going to attempt my first 24 hour fast wish me luck

dont really know what to expect

>> No.15738988

Good luck. Have you been calorie restricting in preparation?
>dont really know what to expect
Boredom. Find something to do.

>> No.15738990

tfw went from 36w to 30w
>feels good man but im poor now

>> No.15739004

>Good luck. Have you been calorie restricting in preparation?
not particularly, i ate kind of normally.

>> No.15739075

nice. jw where did you notice the weight loss the most? im a "broad shouldered pear" or whatever so it's taken me forever to lose weight off my thighs. my lw is 95 and even there it tends to hold on, so i'm considering going for ~90 also. i just want spaghetti legs already lol

>> No.15739393

Do I have any chances,realistically,of becoming a (male)model?
I know a modelling school,they help you make a good photo book and even you have an event once the course is over,if it can be true i will readily apply myself to losing weight
humans need external motivation!

>> No.15739407

would a thinspo booru be nice? thinbooru

>> No.15739550

Somehow it's the fucking opposite for me. Only minority women or drugged up white women like me!

>> No.15739561

Adderall works too well as an appetite suppressant.

>> No.15739682

it's hard to fast when you're bored and glued to your pc 24/7
might as well binge, life is short

>> No.15740000

Not going to make it first of all, not without feeling like shit
Also, don’t think about it

>> No.15740011
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>> No.15740061

bronkaid lol. ive lost 4 lbs this week and have done a three day fast w/o even really thinking about it. kills your appetite like that

>> No.15740396
File: 1.45 MB, 1242x1241, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

broke up with my partner of 2 years, gained about 20 lbs during that time. fucked up pretty badly and remembering all the things i did to get to my gw feels like shit.

>> No.15740622

>thinking a day of binging would throw your weight off dramatically
eat it bish. you'll be happy to see your mom smiling while you enjoy her delicious home-cooked meals

>> No.15740678

Using drugs to lose weight is retarded because you gain it all back when you stop.

>> No.15740810

Serious question sirs:Im going to move live by myself so i will be able to fast:are two 14-days fasts(2 months between each one)plus a daily OMAD regimen a good program?
I need to lose 15 kilos

>> No.15740830

My gf of 4 years broke up with me a bit over a month ago, and recently my eating disorder has returned in a strange way.
I had an eating disorder when I was in my teens, that definitely came from a place of grief and self-hate. It consisted of short periods of spontaneous fasting, so it never got to the point where it impacted my health (or even my weight) severely.

Now I'm a more grown up person with a lot more self-love, and I can feel that my eating disorder now reflects that. I don't really care about my weight, I am naturally skinny, it just feels like a pure coping mechanism. I'm only eating a 1/4th of what I would normally eat a day, so it definitely can't be healthy, but it's managed to steer me away from getting a breakup depression so far.
I love the dizziness and lightness that comes with fasting or semi-fasting, it makes me feel my body in a whole new way.

I guess my question is if any of you have had an eating disorder that felt like it came from a place of self-love, and how much is too much? Cause I really don't want this coping mechanism to spiral into a mental problem of its own again.

Hope you are all doing well

>> No.15740950 [DELETED] 
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How do I get rid of my protrusive ribcage?

>> No.15740969

I drank the coffee with the cream

>> No.15741038
File: 169 KB, 798x960, 1558173431364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of me wants to become a bloatlord powerlifter bear like pic related,however deep inside i want to be an apollinean thinspo
any mental advice?

>> No.15741183
File: 14 KB, 223x320, twiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't browse /fit/

>> No.15741224

>Wide hips (as a guy)
Never had a chance.

>> No.15741266

7 days after that binge u should have lost more weight than u gained.
dont cheat tho and dont look at the scale the next few days after the binge

>> No.15741286

>~110 lbs
I was never trying to lose weight or anything, but I noticed that I'm a bit skinnyfat. I'm barely considered a healthy weight. Should I start a light exercise routine? What exercises should I do?

>> No.15742087

I really, really hope you’re gay

>> No.15742120

plot twist: he's a sugar mama's bottom

>> No.15742201

>I really, really hope you’re gay

>> No.15742266

who’s stuffing their face for thanksgiving

>> No.15742270

ive been doing omad for years, bronkaid just helps with a full fast. i guess maybe if your default is to eat like a pig that may be true tho

>> No.15742309

Not a single chance with women

>> No.15742322

the shortest man alive has a gf

>> No.15742329

ate way less than most thanksgivings since i cooked & it was only for two people. couldnt even finish a single plate, it just felt like a way too big dinner

>> No.15742336

could be a fakeboi

>> No.15742352

but i have a girlfriend

>> No.15742363

nah im cis i just lost the genetic lottery height-wise

>> No.15742455

If he’s the shortest mam alive p sure being short is the least of his problems

>> No.15742467

This post made 30 incels kill themselves...

>> No.15742481

jealous of your ottermode

>> No.15742495

fucking same. Plus when I get drunk enough I end up binge eating in the middle of the night. I'm finally accepting that I need to go completely alcohol free to finally lose weight again.

>> No.15742772

I allowed myself to eat without restraint for the first time in a few months, still ended up only eating one plate of food today and struggling to finish it when I used to be able to do 2 or 3 easily. feels nice

>> No.15743001

Anyone else here struggle with weight swings?
>Go low calorie/run 3 miles a day 5 times a week
>Get down to 135-140
>Be happy and think it's okay to eat shitty here and there
>Ends up snowballing, make excuses to not run
>Get back to like 160-165, feel fat
>Do it all over again
It's basically an annual/semi-annual thing for me.

Do y'all just dedicate to have 1 strict cheat day a week, 1nce a month?
>Just never
It's hard to do with peer pressure

>> No.15743096

Covid got me looking mighty thick
I won't eat anything today my friends, a glass of milk and some green tea perhaps

>> No.15743103

Milk is one of the most fattening things you can eat or drink

>> No.15743108

Just one glass, it stops your belly from making sounds

>> No.15743165

>It's hard to do with peer pressure
i mean how often are you being peer pressured into eating food? maybe get some friends with hobbies besides eating

>> No.15743191
File: 66 KB, 960x960, E4149C91-0D564D49-F3A-413A882021DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to being thinspo I guess.

>> No.15743363

back in 2014 i got from 185 down to 130, and since then its just been a cycle of
>restricting until im sub 105
>"this isnt sustainable or good for me, i should recover"
>stop weighing myself, eat without counting calories, gain back up to 125
>"im fat & my jeans are tight, time to ED again"
i want off this wild ride, but not more than i want to look good

>> No.15743401

apologies for liking these shitty reddit videos
Skinny people problems
>people being buttholes
>get cold
>being bony isn't comfy to sit or hug
>not much clothing options
idk about you guys, but I'd trade in all my fat problems for this any day of the week

>> No.15743415

>not much clothing options
lol what?

>> No.15743416

>>being bony isn't comfy to sit
real shit... sitting on bony ass is no good

american clothes are all made for 200 pound tanks

>> No.15743417

whenever i sit on my boyfriends lap he has to shove me off after like 5 minutes because of my bones digging into his legs and hurting him and that hurts intimacy a lot.

>> No.15743424

I think the posts like that were mostly tall guys, or girls complaining that the bust/waist ratio isn't available for most shirts they have

>> No.15743572

god I would love to go a long as fast and use the money I would save to buy some Solovairs

sadly I'm addicted to coffee

>> No.15743579

god same, it's like I just can't restrict hard anymore, I used to be able to fast so easily (at a much lower bodyfat%) but now I just feel so anxious and panicky after 36 hours, I can't even stick to meme ana diets

>> No.15743588
File: 817 KB, 1600x900, RQ6FiycaYFE7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's hot desu

>> No.15743595

It's not just eating, but drinking

>> No.15743596
File: 1.80 MB, 332x332, 1 sip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15743597

>lack of fats

there's no evidence for this. You don't need fat int he diet beyond the bare minium of EFA in balanced ratios which can be obtained by eating virtually fat free foods (like broccoli)

>> No.15743598

I have a confession to make:

I started off the coffee meme. I didn't realise some retarded autist would latch onto it like a fly with shit.

>> No.15743635
File: 144 KB, 613x753, Eh0ui0lXgAErQZe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2mad day one wish me luck bros

>> No.15743663

anyone else feel like diet coke and other artificial sweeteners just make them more hungry? I've dropped them from my diet and after the second day it's incredible how less hungry I've been

>> No.15743704

You go small king!!

>> No.15743807

idk im usually able to delay eating by several hours more if i have a coke zero at the point i would normally cave & have a meal. gotta drink it sparingly like that tho or yea i think it will make you hungrier

>> No.15744546

wrong and retarded

>> No.15744550

go zyzz mode

>> No.15744739

hot, would bang 10/10

>> No.15745017

tell me your secret! i want it for clout acquiring purposes

>> No.15745024


>> No.15745500

can people reply w/ their calorie deficit meal plans/ usual meals for the day? Like what you guys have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, or whatever meals you fast for?

Need to get some inspiration/reference/motivation for how to get back on the wagon.
I used to start my days with coffee and porridge but I've had to swear off coffee recently for health issues.
Also can never figure out light lunches or dinners to ease my way into IF.

>> No.15745508
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please i got dubs dubs ; - ;
also here's a /thinspo/

>> No.15745518

>black coffee, cigarette
>salt water
>400g airfried seasoned skinless chicken breast, 200g broccoli
>500g 0% fat greek yogurt with some erythritol+stevia stired in
>supplements: vitamin D 10000iu, magnesium 400g, omega-3 3g, vitamin K2, b-complex

macros: 5g fat 150g protein 20g carbs ~700kcal

that's what I ate when I'm hardcore crash dieting but not fasting anyway. I usually only stick to a diet like this for a few weeks before I take a few days off to eat closer to maintenance with a lot more carbs (usually just lots of fruit and s.potatoes/potatoes)

>> No.15745528

I'm trying to avoid meat and dairy (maybe autistic but it makes me feel lighter avoiding it).

Do you try doing meat free/dairy free days?

>> No.15745549

no, I think it's nonsensical to do that because protein is the most important macronutrient to eat on a diet (especially a crash diet as it perserves hair, skin, nails and muscle while also being the most satiating macronutrient) and vegan protein sources are usually heavily dilluted with carbs and fats, not only that but they're strictly worse at perserving LBM and have a lower TEF.

if I were vegan and I wanted to lose weight fast I'd just water fast.

>> No.15745698

that's a crafty excuse

>> No.15745756

Personally I don't feel bad eating meat if I'm dieting because the amount I'm eating is gonna be so tiny that I'm a barely existent blip on the meat industry radar compared with the average American.

>> No.15745770

who cares anyway, at the very least we need to eat wild caught fish (for DHA and EPA) and there are probably nutrients we don't even know about which are found in animal products, it's very clear that humans evolved eating meat (no cave painints of plant foods, but lots of cave paintings of animals) and meat (and it's associated nutrients) are the most satiating and nutritious in a calorie restricted environment (carotene vs retinol, ALA vs DHA etc), dieting down to and maintaining very low bodyfat% levels is hard enough as it is, if you care about animal welfare then don't buy from farms who's animals are tortured and fed garbage to fatten them up (which invariably ends up in our own body)

long term vegans usually look like shit too: https://youtu.be/EFF30jfTubU the ones at my university are all skinnyfat and have thin hair

>> No.15745775

This is completely wrong.
Rogain is minoxidil which promotes regrowth
Finasteride is the preventative
They should be used in conjunction

>> No.15745781
File: 9 KB, 300x222, Delete_This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This semester has been stressful, I'm back to my old weight thanks to staying up late and eating junk.

>> No.15746322

Follow the diet guidelines. Buy bananas to attract monkey

>> No.15746415

Zero sugar drinks make your body produce more insulin, so you feel thirstier and hungrier

>> No.15746628

also does someone has an invite for the server

>> No.15748052

I am an eating disorder fetishist and bulimia is unpleasant. The desperation that comes with it is hot, the act itself and all side effects are just gross.

>> No.15748243

Is it even possible to burn 10 000 calories DAILY(for some months)without risk of muscle tear,rhabdo, etc?

>> No.15748255

How do I stop feeling sick? I'm on 4200 calories a week and I keep throwing up every time I eat now

>> No.15748263


some strongmen typically maintain their weight eating that much, but they're usually 6foot+, have the highest weight (and muscle mass) of any athlete, train extremely hard several times a week and are on a shitton of roids

the cloest you probably get to burning that many calories is taking DNP/Clen/ECA and hiking all day and only eating protein, and that's still no sustainable, safe or any close to a 10k deficit

>> No.15748337

can i still be thinspo even after bullimia? i wear masks everywhere but idk if its too weird

>> No.15748373

>i wear masks everywhere but idk if its too weird
what do you mean? like you got swollen bulimia cheeks?

short answer, no you cant be thinspo b/c that requires self control which ppl with bulimia dont have

>> No.15748382

no i have fucked teeth, im not bullimic anymore i just restrict but my teeth are obviously bullimia teeth

>> No.15748410
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What mode am I?

>> No.15748426


>> No.15748438

post body

>> No.15748462
File: 80 KB, 640x960, 9d2ccd49ed37d714d14e72964c0f9cb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since spot reduction doesnt exist(?) does that mean I can get rid of belly fat by squatting,which is a leg movement? Assuming a proper caloric intake.

>> No.15748468


>burns ATP
>glucose and triglycerides (FAT) in bloodstream is pulled into muscles and burned off to replenish ATP
>body releases stored glucose and triglycerides (FAT) from glycogen stores and body fat respectively in order to replenish triglycerides in blood
>you lose weight

squating burns a pretty low amount of calories if you're doing them in such a way where they'd build muscle though.

>> No.15748524

according to matt furey hindu squats,hindu pushups and neck bridges is all a man needs to be fit

>> No.15748536

all a man needs if they don't want any biceps maybe or back maybe

>> No.15748550

well ok,and chin ups
happy now?

>> No.15748551


>> No.15748584

>have to choose between hair loss or fat loss :(

>> No.15748613

wait what

>> No.15748645
File: 182 KB, 602x904, main-qimg-bb8be1f8e3f107b358f8d7d7e8cc6f94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question;how do i lose weight(fat)but maintain enough muscle in the neck to be neck-pilled.
more protein?

>> No.15748653

>workout neck muscles
>high protein (1g/lb of BW, maybe more if you're very lean and on very low calories)
>slow weightloss

>> No.15748663


>> No.15748776
File: 217 KB, 1771x377, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm retarded

does this mean I have to eat for about 1100 Kcal daily ?

>> No.15748827

tdee - deficit = caloric intake target
you need to eat 1144 kcal

>> No.15748882

Losing a lot of weight often causes hair loss 2 - 3 months after starting. Hair returns back to normal within 6 months after finishing your diet.
My hair has thinned a bit, my parting has widened slightly and I can see the back more. I still want to lose weight though so I am going to start fasting every other day and having a 6 hour window to eat 1200-1500 calories even though I prefer eating half that everyday, but that is less healthy and it shows in my skin. Also I'm starting to take biotin. My goal is to lose the 6kg I need to as soon as I can so I get back to maintenance and don't end up getting a bald patch.

>> No.15748893

ah thanks, that's pretty harsh but I guess it reflects the fact that I barely do any exercise

>> No.15748960
File: 47 KB, 295x640, 28D0D24D-9C80-4C73-B54F-8C62984D2916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well gee whiz, guess I'm not bulimic anymore

>> No.15749530

now the story of buddha losing all his hair during a super long fast makes sense

>> No.15749549

that's where it came from? lol

>> No.15749552

if you people got enough protein, your hair wouldn't be falling out

>> No.15749585
File: 70 KB, 1000x1209, ef99a03e4f663174fdd739e06cac4300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont want to be a drama king(im male) but i feel suicidal because I feel i dont stack up to other male's beauty/body.
What can I do? some motivation to work out and eat less junk.
is there any goal for me to reach?I just want to date a pretty thin girl.
im not even interested in actual sex,just bragging rights and the occasional kissing session

>> No.15749709

Idk if that's your goal you don't actually need to be skinny dude, frankly a lot of thin girls will date fat guys if you're charismatic and not a total slob. Thinspo is more about image, does nothing for your personality except maybe establish self-control if you aren't stupid about it, but any woman you try to get for the reasons you list there is probably gonna leave you once she realizes that's who you are lol

Best motivation for you would be to find a photo of someone thin you wanna look like and then just stop eating as much knowing you'll look like them eventually. Pick decent foods. Distract yourself forever. You will inevitably feel like shit as your body fights your brain but just remember what really matters to you, that low bf% and the visible thinness. I'm not saying this sarcastically this is what it's all about

>> No.15749722

just eat properly, cook your own food.

>> No.15749869
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well,good advice,i have to brace for shit to hit the fan
I have to drop the idea of wanting to be a bloatlord powerlifter
Should i stop coffee and dairy?
i eat/drink like 3 yogurts a day

Im a neet so i indeed have quite a lot of time to devote to fitness and also good hours of sleep

>> No.15749997
File: 33 KB, 426x534, E44F3E84-CFFD-4F14-BE58-8B95CD156666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an otaku friend in his 20s who has been skeleton mode his whole life but he eats and drinks small amounts of junk primarily, enjoys whiskey stays in his room and plays games and watches anime. No exercise, he just doesn't eat much, so it's not that he's got any definition just very low bf%. It's very achievable if you only leave the house once or twice a week as needed and just wanna wither away

>> No.15750170
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i miss 2018 thinspo

>> No.15750797


