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/fa/ - Fashion

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15727888 No.15727888 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15727890
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>> No.15727893
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>> No.15727896
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>> No.15727897
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>> No.15727899
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>> No.15727900

what would you use to get your hair like this?

>> No.15727902
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>4 replies
>1 poster

>> No.15727908
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Have straight hair then use a iron to style the strands plus some hair spray

>> No.15727911
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>> No.15727913

Kpop twinks are cute

>> No.15727914
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Airpords are a fashion statement

>> No.15727917
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Denim turtleneck

>> No.15727921
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>> No.15727923
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>> No.15727926
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Keep it sleazy

>> No.15727927

Where do you find twinks that look like this in America or Canada?

>> No.15728283

You can't beat looking cheerful and energetic.

>> No.15728383

>rook at me, I'm soulless gook and wear status symbol in ear

Actually really based, all other are cringe

>> No.15728398
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The only Korea with SOVL is in the North

>> No.15728515

poggers moment

>> No.15728701 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15729305

Who are all these cute girls???

>> No.15729315

It's literally a guy in a fucking bland ass tee with a backpack. How is this fashion.

Nothing of fashionable value.

Nothing of fashionable value

Shit thread.

>> No.15729431

Post your fit better not be some r/mfa shit.

>> No.15729478


Why do they all look like they take dick in the ass?

>> No.15729566
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>hurr durr post better fit
90% of this shit aren't fits, just you faggots simping over kpop pretty boys faces.

pic related is an fashion outfit/whether you like it or not. If you're gonna make a fashion thread post fucking outfits.

>> No.15729624
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>> No.15729630


>> No.15729642
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point being said. post fits not prettyboy wank

>> No.15729733


>> No.15729739

Yeah I don't like the last one desu but the others are nice. A lot of solo arts or non kpop have good fits.

>> No.15729880

>how's a unique recognizable look fashion
gee i wonder how
i don't even like the style that much but as Rick Owens said
>No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead
Of course these guys aren't especially fit but the point is, their fashion is more about their face and hair than about their clothes. Fashion is about aesthetic, behavior, accessories. It's not just clothes. Also some of their fits are pretty damn good.

>> No.15730835

No it's not, atleast post fits. We legit had solid kpop/k-fashion threads here years back, just hate seeing them be watered down to prettyboy wank instead of nice fits/effay photos like our old threads.

I understand your meaning but desu and it's possible and reasonable but a lot of those photos don't say anything imo.

>> No.15730844

I like kpop and kpop fashion but man it's REALLY hypebeasty, a lot of it has no real thought to it beyond putting together what is popular and more importantly, expensive, at the time. And when brands lose this kind of status they got dropped like a rock in an instant across the entire industry. You'll see brands all the fucking time on everyone then months or a year later you will NEVER see it again even if the brand is still going and is still decently popular elsewhere. Like I'm not saying hypebeast type shit doesn't happen outside of kpop, but they take it up to 11. Just because it isn't all logos, logos, logos all the time doesn't mean it's not hypebeasty btw.

You'll see styles and themes that just don't fit at all. Outside of kpop you'd never see stuff like rick owens geobaskets with a saint laurent officer jacket and trousers or 350v2 yeezys with gucci suit trousers and a saint laurent polka dot button up. But in kpop, you do.

>> No.15730850

Wow this guy makes me want to be gay

>> No.15730855
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Not really. A lot of it is pretty posh

>> No.15730856

and yes I'm an idiot for talking about kpop fashion specifically so strongly in a k-fashion thread, but I still wanted to say it. It's relevant and a lot of the general populace do get their trends from kpop.

>> No.15730881

tbf kpop/music fashion/k-fashion is pretty much the same in some cases since the idols really affect the trends or start trends. Can name a few examples.

Very hypebeast in general but then again another general aesthetic is comfy/warm and also >>15730855 like anon recommended though I wouldn't say a lot.

You're right about this >>15730856

>> No.15730912

Haha fuckin' Shinji Ikari.
This is homosexual fashion

>> No.15730961
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>> No.15730965

Are you literally 14?

>> No.15731180

No :3

>> No.15731521

this thread is pathetic